At The Half Moon, London – On Stage – Photos

B/W photo of Mona playing at the Half Moon in Putney, London


We created a whole behind-the-scenes blog post (+ video) about our showcase concert in London but there are countless photos that we have never gotten the opportunity to share. A big thanks to the many photographers who took pictures that day (credited in the info description for each image).

If you want to read more about the event itself or even watch the mini-video-doku we put together, don’t forget to check out the blog post.

To see all “off stage” photos of that night please click here.

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”56″ gal_title=”2015 – Live, Half Moon London Showcase, On Stage”]


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  1. Awesome stage shots. I can just imagine the great sounds ringing out there. Some of those close ups really look intriguing. Thanks for sharing these.