Meeting Musical Friends in 2015 – Photos

MonaLisa Twins with Donovan

Over the year 2015 we had the pleasure and fun to meet and even perform with lots of interesting people and musical friends. Each of these photos holds a unique story for us that reminds us of the many adventures from 2015.

Let us know how many of our photo buddies you recognised 🙂

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  1. Very cool photos! You girls are SO lucky! The only famous musician I’ve kind of met was Todd Rundgren. Back in the 80’s my cousin and I went to a fireworks show at a famous mansion nearby. After the show we were walking along the road and my cousin whispers in my ear “Hey man Todd is walking next to us!” My first thought was “no way”. I look over and sure enough there’s Todd! We said hi, asked him how he liked the show and said he liked it. Todd used to work in Woodstock (which is north west of where I am) and frequented our area from time to time. The only other celeb I’ve met was Adam West of Batman fame. He was a really nice guy and funny as hell. He was making the college lyceum series rounds telling Batman stories. He was signing autographs after his talk.

  2. I hope you are getting autographs from these musical friends of yours. Get a good old-fashioned autograph book to collect them in and then you can do some doodling around the autographs and make them all special signed pieces of art.

  3. Fab… Friends and Meetups… Sean Lennon meetup must of been…. I’m in awe of all whom you’ve had the opportunity to both perform with& meet and just the ones you’ve only met for now… Perhaps you ‘ll be able to perform with at a future time… Cherish these pix but more importantly… Cherish the kindred friendships ✌️???????❤️????️???????

  4. You both fit right in there with the great legends Donovan, Rod Stewart, Albert Lee, Graham Gouldman…wow! Not to mention John Sebastian. To be in such company must have been very special. You know, greatness attracts greatness, and you are both legends in our books.