Forum Replies Created

  • Kenny Daniels

    14/08/2021 at 23:02 in reply to: Lisa’s Ukulele

    Hi Lynn,

    Thanks so much for you reply! I have heard of Kala so I will check them out. I actually have a Cordoba nylon string guitar and I love it, so that’s definitely an option I will look into, as well. Thanks again for your input.

  • Kenny Daniels

    14/08/2021 at 22:57 in reply to: Lisa’s Ukulele

    Thanks so much, Lisa! I always like to get recommendations from people on instruments when I can, especially when I don’t have any personal knowledge. I will check out the Lanikai ukuleles.

  • Kenny Daniels

    26/02/2021 at 19:06 in reply to: Instrument Names

    I sure am glad to hear you say that trying to memorize anything more than chords and song lyrics is asking for trouble! I’m glad to know that it’s not just me. LOL! I have to write chords on little “cheat sheets” or I forget them a lot of times.