Forum Replies Created

  • That is so cool (and great accomplishment). I’m so proud and happy to be part of those milestones. But to be honest it’s really so easy for all of us fans to do our part by listening to two really incredible talented ladies.

  • Ron McTaggart

    24/02/2021 at 01:27 in reply to: Beatles CD singles

    Jeff….I don’t have it… if you want my address let me know(ha!ha!)

  • Ron McTaggart

    10/02/2021 at 17:03 in reply to: Calendars

    Great news Jung. Now you can out all your social outings on there (all 2). Can’t wait til things get back to normal!!!

  • Ron McTaggart

    07/02/2021 at 03:23 in reply to: Calendars

    Hey Brother Jung…… I did in fact receive mine a few weeks ago. Hope all is well above the border

  • Guess since I live in “sin city” I’d take them to strip to see a show and then probably up to the lodge on top of Mt Charleston.

  • Ron McTaggart

    23/01/2021 at 00:44 in reply to: Look what I got today!

    Still have not received mine yet. Guess I’m going to be getting the 11 month edition

  • Ron McTaggart

    16/01/2021 at 20:27 in reply to: Calendar

    Thanks Lynn. Jung, Jackie & Micheal for your response. I live in Las Vegas so hopefully I’ll get mine  soon

    Everyone have a nice day.

  • Ron McTaggart

    27/07/2020 at 23:31 in reply to: Hair & Makeup (But mostly hair)

    Wow…..glad to see all this conversation about the “hair”. So cool. I had ask a question a few months back & was told(in a polite way) that the girls don’t really like to discuss their personal hair styles & looks. I guess I must have worded it wrong. Hope all is well in MLT land

  • Ron McTaggart

    23/12/2019 at 22:48 in reply to: Merry Christmas to the Wagners

    Merry Christmas to Mona, Lisa, Michaela & Rudolph………..hope Santa wraps a lot of new songs & ideas for the coming new year. Also Merry Christmas to all of the MLT clubbers around the world. Hoping 2020 will be the breakout year for MLT for more fame, fortune & good health!!!

  • Ron McTaggart

    18/10/2019 at 17:52 in reply to: Osmonds Final Performance

    Good post David. Since I live in Vegas, I need to get down to the “strip” & catch the Donnie & Marie show before they wrap up their residency.

  • Ron McTaggart

    14/06/2019 at 18:39 in reply to: Lanzarote

    Jung, I think you nailed it!!!. Girls, all we need is your imaginations & talent to make this into a #1 hit(IMHO). Let us know if you need us to meet you on the island for more guidance(ha!ha!)

  • Ron McTaggart

    19/05/2019 at 20:59 in reply to: MLT Club Membership Q&A


    I think I may have mentioned this last year(but was to late to possibly get it done). I think an MLT calendar with all the years events would be “Groovy”!!! I’m sure fellow clubbers would like to have it hanging on their walls.

  • Ron McTaggart

    22/01/2019 at 21:37 in reply to: The Beatles – Lyrics Quiz

    Got all 10(questions were to easy)

  • Ron McTaggart

    07/11/2018 at 23:15 in reply to: Calendar

    Ok………I’ll try & get by with the standard old stuffy calendars I usually have hanging on my walls

    Thanks for getting back to me & hopefully you & your family have a nice holiday season. Looking forward to some new Christmas songs from you & Mona

  • Ron McTaggart

    13/09/2019 at 22:18 in reply to: Oh "Sweet Lorraine", sounds so sweet

    Hey buddy Jung……you hit the nail square on the head!!! You always have a great way to express all of our MLT feelings. Have a great day