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  • Christopher

    13/02/2023 at 03:03 in reply to: MLT JOY 3 (2023 edition)

    Exactly! I have picked up the guitar again since joining the MLT Club. It is definitely due the Mona Lisa influence…especially when Lisa plays her Fender Telecaster.

  • Christopher

    13/02/2023 at 03:00 in reply to: MLT JOY 3 (2023 edition)

    Oh my Lord, you have gone through a terrible two-week period, Jeannette. Please accept my deepest sympathies.

    The power of music definitely can help us through some difficult times. Keep on listening.

  • Christopher

    13/02/2023 at 00:20 in reply to: MLT JOY 3 (2023 edition)

    Jung, your art with the fountain pen is awesome, as always. Just like the “Studio Scribbles”, it personalizes the lyrics!

    My MLT joy so for in 2023 is the “Duo Session” for “Look What They’ve Done to My Song, Ma”. “Duo Sessions” are my favorite whether it is an original or a tribute to another artist. It is the best way to enjoy and to appreciate MLTs musicianship. Also, the use of the Journey travel guitars was a very unique touch. They sounded great in conjunction with the Vox amps!

  • The work that your daughter did is very impressive. Her writing, map-making, and artistic skills were evident at a young age. An outstanding school and an outstanding student!

  • Christopher

    01/02/2023 at 00:34 in reply to: Brand new axe just home

    I have a Minstrel 12-string, which was purchased in 1990. I believe that Minstrel is part of the Segull family, at least at the time. Hand-made in Quebec as well, it has a really nice sound. Have to get it out!

  • Christopher

    01/02/2023 at 00:22 in reply to: Creatively Inspirated at Tim Hortons …

    Two plain donuts with a coffee with triple cream (I like a little coffee with my cream, lol).

    You never know…maybe I can meet Justin Trudeau and Rosemary Barton as well!

  • Christopher

    31/01/2023 at 02:14 in reply to: Creatively Inspirated at Tim Hortons …

    Tim Hortons! We have five of them in Lockport, NY. Told ya that I live close to the border!

    The only issue is, too many students report late to school with their Timbits, lol.

  • Sign said long haired freaky people need not apply.

  • Like anything worthwhile, it is the process that counts…it doesn’t matter if it is hitting a baseball to the opposite field, learning to bunt, or writing a dissertation. The overall end-result is super, but it is how one gets there that makes it an accomplishment.

    It is a big reason why the Studio Scribbles are so cool, they are a snapshot of the process. Same with the Behind the Scenes, they show the evolution of the final product. And don’t get me started about the Duo Sessions…all the preparation that goes into Mona’s and Lisa’s instrumental prowess always is evident.

    Students are losing their critical thinking skills due to the advancement of technology. It gets frustrating, but we are doing our best in trying to make them think; and hopefully to research properly. Sometimes, I do not mind the ease in which they can find stuff…but know why, question why. Do not do things by rote.

    Just as a side note…Lady Jane Beagle’s surgery went well. The doctor was able to utilize a local, and was able to remove the entire growth. Will have to wait for pathology, of course. Lady is a little sore, but she is being pampered, which she loves!

  • Christopher

    30/01/2023 at 04:51 in reply to: Greatest melody genius of all time

    David, thank you very much. We are hoping for the best. She is such a great dog.

  • Christopher

    29/01/2023 at 23:26 in reply to: Greatest melody genius of all time

    Much thanks, Jung. Lady is in good shape considering her elder dog status and we are hoping for the best. The well wishes that I have received here mean so much.

  • Christopher

    29/01/2023 at 19:14 in reply to: Greatest melody genius of all time

    That’s why I have never scolded her, lol!

  • Christopher

    29/01/2023 at 19:02 in reply to: Greatest melody genius of all time

    Jeannette, thank you so much. The meeting went okay and we are all hoping for the best regarding Lady’s surgery tomorrow.

  • Christopher

    27/01/2023 at 14:22 in reply to: Greatest melody genius of all time

    I’m not crying, you’re crying…

    Thank you Jung and Jeannette for (posting and reacting) the video of the young lady singing to her two pets. Lady Jane Beagle has to go for surgery on Monday. There is a suspicious lump growing on her left shoulder. She is fifteen, so I am worried. Best dog ever.

    Last day of exam week at school and a there’s curriculum meeting in a few minutes. I know that I am going to be thinking about that young lady playing and singing to her dog. But that’s okay.

  • Christopher

    24/01/2023 at 02:48 in reply to: MLT Handwritten lyrics and uniqueness of handwriting

    Purple ink! Reminds me of those dittos that we received in school as kids. They had to crank them out. My Mom, who was a Home Economics teacher, once made for me hundreds of baseball score sheets since I enjoyed keeping score when I watched ballgames. Thank you Mom!

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