Forum Replies Created

  • Rick Twomey

    11/11/2023 at 00:01 in reply to: Your Fave All Time TV Show Theme Songs

    WOW so many shows and theme songs and some of which I don’t even remember….but I’d like to suggest a few like the Andy Griffith Show with Opie skipping a rock in the lake ..Jackie Gleason’s The Honeymooners …how about some westerns..Gunsmoke…Rawhide…The Restless Gun…Cheyenne…The Big Valley…Bonanza..Wyatt Earp…Wagon Train…Roy Rogers Show ….Gene Autry…Laramie…Lawman…okay okay I love the westerns……Great topic Jackie as it stirred the memories of so many of us…oh one more please Three Blind Mice for THE 3 STOOGES😂😂😂😂

  • Rick Twomey

    19/03/2023 at 23:43 in reply to: Caught rehearsing

    I absolutely love their take on AFRICA and this great Beatle song IF I NEEDED SOMEONE ….they did 4 songs with Mike Masse that night….I wonder what the other 2 were and were they filmed ?

  • Rick Twomey

    29/05/2021 at 01:03 in reply to: When you do live shows again

    With all this math equation business going on there is one song that has been left out…Drive My Car…has well over 5 million views…in fact is the only one with over 5 million… does it not make the Top 10 list…….and Jacki I’m with you …lost in the numbers…. the way I figure it is the more times you watch the video the more views it’s gonna have ……..I do have a legitimate question…what constitutes a “complete” view….simply the end of the song or after the “commercial” promo that MLT has after each song…..if its after the commercial then I suspect the girls are being robbed of a ton of views because not everybody is going to wait for that promo stuff to finish before clicking on another song .

  • Rick Twomey

    03/04/2021 at 14:53 in reply to: Untouched Beatles Songs

    My two German speaking ladies…Mona and Lisa…on the album titled” Something New”…Capitol Records United States…The Beatles recorded the German version of “I Want To Hold Your Hand”….Komm Gib Mir Deine Hand……now here’s something that’s going to send people scurrying to the Live Cavern Club CD….right toward the end of I Want To Hold Your Hand…my ears are hearing …which ever one of you is singing the lead slips into unconsciously saying Komm Gib Mir Deine Hand…are my ears playing tricks on me ?

  • Rick Twomey

    03/04/2021 at 14:26 in reply to: Untouched Beatles Songs

    I really like a lot of the early Beatle songs such as the instrumental CRY FOR A SHADOW , written by George and John….it would make a great video with Lisa on lead guitar…Papa Rudi on bass…Mona on drums and rhythm guitar and it would be a “kick ass” live show opener……I am definitely an EARLY Beatles fan…so other early songs would be …It Won’t Be Long…Ask Me Why…Do You Want To Know A Secret…As I Write This Letter….the early albums had several songs NOT written by The Beatles that would be great for MLT to record such as these two rockers Roll Over Beethoven…Long Tall Sally…and how about A Taste Of Honey…Act Naturally….There’s A Place with harmonica would segue right into Please Please Me…..and of course I think we are all waiting for that magical and mystical moment when Lisa opens the bird cage door for And That Bird Can Sing????

  • Rick Twomey

    10/08/2021 at 05:00 in reply to: Logging into MLT Club

    JP….thanks for response…this time it worked like it’s supposed to….I sure do enjoy the things the girls come up with to keep us entertained !

  • Rick Twomey

    29/05/2021 at 01:23 in reply to: Jimi Hendrix

    Mona and Lisa …I really LOVE your Club 27…it should have been a hit record…however….I Forbid you girls to go into that club with a birthday coming up in 3 weeks…stay the hell away from it !!!????????and Happy 27th to you both????

  • Rick Twomey

    29/05/2021 at 01:13 in reply to: masse

    The video to If I Needed Someone is a real nice video but I’ve seen it only on Instagram….there is a “still” picture on the screen if you view it on YouTube…..why the Instagram video is not on YouTube I don’t know…it should be.