Forum Replies Created

  • Chris Flegg

    23/10/2020 at 15:05 in reply to: Forthcoming album and requests

    Hi Ladies, thanks for the reply. Still waiting for the next original album but I have got my order in for the new album and all the related stuff, figured I’d get it all in one go this time!




  • Chris Flegg

    09/10/2020 at 02:22 in reply to: Gigs

    Hi Ladies, thanks for the reply and giving us something positive to look forwards to in these current gloomy days.



  • Chris Flegg

    20/04/2020 at 21:16 in reply to: Hmm… how about a mash-up of Beatles songs?

    Well, another forum newbie here too, and while there is a “chuckle” value to mashups like that, as a musician myself, I’m not all that sure that they hold much value. Admittedly, I have never performed a mashup like that, 3 or 4 songs yes, a verse and a chorus of each song often goes down ok; but I think playing the title line of each song devalues the quality image the girls project. They have done a couple of mashup style sets I think in gigs, though not of their own material. I’m sure they have said that they want to move away from doing so many covers and concentrate on their own material in future. I also don’t know if I want to hear their own songs mashed up, they’re all carefully crafted pieces which stand on their own. Maybe I’m just a kill-joy! After-all I am not the only MLT fan. There are many songs I would love to hear them cover, but I’m more excited at the thought of hearing their next original album.

    Maybe we could start a crowd funding page to help cover the cost of it and get it released sooner. Better still, we should try and get them enough downloads to get an MLT song to number one in the charts and the success and recognition they deserve! And if we could make that happen in the UK first that would be even better, another band that had its break from Liverpool, and I know they are not English but who cares about that,- they live there now. But that is me going really off topic for this thread, sorry.
