Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel Tour – On Stage – Photos

MonaLisa Twins with Steve Harley and Jim Cregan live on stage

In November of 2015 we teamed up with Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel and joined them on tour across the country. Steve’s career spans nearly half a decade and he has a big and dedicated following in the UK and Europe. When he planned the tour to celebrate the 40
th anniversary of his album “The Best Years Of Our Lives” he invited us to come along. Instead of just being the “support act” we could join his band and perform a few of our songs during the regular show, so we had everyone’s full attention. It was a win-win for all and we had a wonderful, educational and unforgettable time on tour.

Here are some pictures from the 16 shows around England and Wales! To see all on-the-road and behind-the-scenes pictures taken in between gigs, click here.

Steve Harley, Jim Cregan, Duncan Mackay, Stuart Elliott, Barry Wickens and Marty Prior.

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  1. If I had been to any of the concerts on this tour, I would not have watched anyone with silver/white hair like mine, or anyone with no hair. I would have focused on everyone with platinum blonde or pink/orange/red hair. Sorry, but that is how I roll; it is what it is!!!

  2. Very fab pix there…may I add an interesting side note re: Jim Cregan….He co-wrote a few songs with my fave Canadian ???????? band Glass Tiger. The opportunity for you to have the privelege and fun of going on tour with Steve and his band…Indeed a lifetime gem forever to cherish ????✌️????☮️????????????????????❤️????????????????