2018 Calendar Girls

What a great surprise to find ourselves on the cover of this year’s Guitar Girl Magazine calendar! 

A few months ago they published a review of our recent album “ORANGE” as well as a detailed interview we gave about the whole recording progress (and more).
Review: http://www.mlt1.uk/GGMreview
interview: http://www.mlt1.uk/GGMinterview

We could tell how passionate they were about their blog with a genuine interest in supporting (female) artists and showcasing their work.
Now this year they put us on the cover of their 2018 calendar! Thank you! You can order one through their online shop or Amazon.

Stay groovy,
Mona & Lisa




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  1. Any chance you cover girls will be issuing some new posters to go along with the new ORANGE album? I would enjoy purchasing some new poster sized photos of you ladies. Let us know if this is in the works.

  2. Well it’s plain to see that you ladies are cover girls. Not only that you have the talent to back it up that you are a musical force to be noticed not only for your music but your skillfully crafted and meaningful lyrics. In an age where music is cranked out like a commodity it’s a pleasure to listen to what you girls produce, with your Dad. This is great music and a comfort to listen to. Keep it up and enjoy the adventure. I know I am.