“Bus Stop” – New Cover Video!

Remember that we’ve been looking for a rental car to get around Ireland? You know, we were too young to get one, and so we have to take buses now instead. But we learned that bus riding in Ireland is lots of fun, and so we thought it’s the perfect time to put out a cover of the great Hollies‘ song “Bus Stop“. Incidentally, the lyrics were written by Graham Gouldman (10CC). In our opinion the song truly catches the essence of the melodic early 60s beatmusic songwriting style.

Also quite a number of our fans kept asking when we would eventually upload that song to YouTube. They have heard it at our life shows or when we played it as a duo on London radio shows last summer.

Well, no more waiting, here it is – again with live tracks from Michael Mozeth on bass and Philipp Wolf on drums.


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  1. Hilarious! A whole new life given to a great old song. How you kept straight faces in some of those neo-slapstick bits is beyond me.

  2. And the Oscar nominations for best performance by a bus in a film or video are:

    The bus in the film Speed;

    Mona Wagner as the bus in this video; or

    The bus in the film It Happened One Night.

    And the winner is…….Mona Wagner, BRU (buses are us). Congratulations to Mona!!

    Or maybe I dreamt this….

    Great video again, ladies!

  3. I’ve just seen Graham Nash sing Bus Stop in concert. It really felt like I was in the presence of a legend 🙂 He is 81 years old but still plays and sounds great 🙂