Cutting and Editing Our First Music Videos!

MonaLisa Twins in the studio 2007 working on first music videos

Good Saturday morning everybody! We have some great news!

Do you remember the CD we released a couple of weeks ago? Well guess what – we are now making the first music videos for those 24 tracks. At the two concerts in October we had four cameras filming the show. We now collected all the tapes and our Dad digitalized them and started to cut some videos. The clips should be finished in about a month and we can’t wait to share them with you. We hope you’ll like them.

We’ll keep you updated. Much love,
Mona & Lisa



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  1. This is truly MonaLisa Twins history! So cool and groovy that your family has well documented so many Red Letter Dates in your young lives and careers. To be quite honest, I don’t know that I could tell you what I was doing on April 26, 2008. I do know that it would be almost 8 years before you came into my life.

    1. Wow Mike! You’ve dug up an MLT time capsule post. They are talking about new videos for their first album 2007 Concert!
      Welcome back 🙂

      1. This is what I did with their last website, Jung. Began at 2007 and got only as far as 2014. BTW, I have NEVER, or would EVER leave lovely Lisa and sweet Mona. They are my true friends. ❤❤