Janitor Joe – Early Access (Audio)

May we introduce you to someone?

His name is “Janitor Joe” and we want to share his story today 🙂

YES, this is a new song off our upcoming album and you can hear it in full today!

We might make a few more minor tweaks to the song until the final album release but wanted to share this version with you at the Club today. We’ve kept you starved of new original material for long enough and thought this is a fun one to kick things off with!

LISTEN: Janitor Joe

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Working on this album on and off for quite a while now has been interesting to say the least. Over the last few years, we’ve experienced such major changes in our own lives, and of course the world as a whole, that the essence of what we wanted to encapsulate and express with our next original album has shifted multiple times since we started working on it.

Some tunes we wrote prior to 2020 didn’t feel like they belonged there anymore, new ideas were born and some topics and emotions became so much more important and dearer to us. This album has gone through multiple metamorphoses, and that was before any of its songs were even finished. ????

But things are making more and more sense to us. The tunes are shaping up and the album is coming together. We know we’ve kept you waiting. But we kept us waiting too, and it’s been bugging us. 

There are a handful of other songs which are close to being done and a few more which we are continuously adding puzzle pieces to. You Club members will always be the first to hear them ♥

So today we leave with you “Janitor Joe”. 

Lots of love,

Mona & Lisa

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  1. In my ongoing, i.e., slow, quest to assimilate the astonishing depth of the Club, and when trying to write a Why? question for the next Q&A, I searched on “Janitor” and found this. This is brilliant!

    There’s not much different here than in the released version, to my ears. Maybe the voice over is longer(?).

    What I find with this song, one of my favorites, that no one else seems to have commented on, is that when this comes on, I’m dancing.

    My grand nephew Joe, who’s in 3rd grade, loves music and astronomy. I haven’t played this for him yet, but that’s coming.

  2. This song beautifully captures the big dreams of people doing every day jobs. I am glad you have taken the time to work on this album, being sensitive to the times we live in. Can’t wait to hear more.

  3. Here on New Years Day 2022 I’m listening to all of these early access songs and it’s this song Janitor Joe that really gets me going …I LOVE IT ????

  4. This photo can…will..should be the title of your 3rd original CD…..”We’ve Launched” and the pic of Captain Janitor Joe’s Rocket with the MonaLisa Twins on-board for the ride !

  5. I have to comment on this again after listening to it twice! Very well written, it tells a story that we all have and it’s a passion. Some of us Doctors, Musicians, Prime Ministers, Teachers and MLT you have the dream of dreams. To conquer the world through MUSIC!!!!!!!! Janitor Joe wanted to Universally change his outlook and so do we all. I really like it! GO forth and continue the ride as it can only get BETTER! Congrats. The best groove is one you can’t get off of. Thanks Walt Music

  6. Love this! Janitor Joe….a real UFO. Thanks ladies for mentions to flying saucers and the like in this great song. My favourite for sure! Love Nige.

  7. I love it!

    So fresh and uplifting. I love the perfectly layered harmonies along with the catchy tune and feel. You have hit another homerun! I cant wait to hear more…..

    Thank you for the sunshine 🙂

  8. Hi Girls, Wow…They did it Again…..Brilliant!! If this is a taster for the new Album, I can’t wait till its released. Very Beatles inspired… the storyline is reminiscent of She’s Leaving Home, with perhaps a bit of Day In The Life in there as well. Good Luck with rest of the CD, and Stay Safe!! Andy Xx YNWA

  9. What a treat to get new music! Such a great song too! ????????????????????????????
    It reminds me of those bedtime stories.
    Thank you!
    This world could use a cosmic sized plunger…

  10. Beautiful song!I closed my eyes and concentrated on the melody alone.I saw beautiful pictures in my mind.A warm, sunny place.Maybe a resort town.Room , white walls, window, curtains.The feeling of lightness from the fact that the problem is solved.Evening and sunset over the sea.At the end of the song I’m in the car and I’m happy, but it’s like something’s missing.

  11. I loved this from the very first chords! What a song! Complex, deep, fun, all the things the MonaLisa Twins are known for taken to an entirely new level! If”Orange” showed huge growth from “When We’re Together,” this cut suggests that the new album will be an even bigger step. The musical influences I am hearing, here, are rich and diverse, revealing a lot of listening, digesting and innovating on your parts. While The Beatles are there, so is Donovan, Bowie, and lots of others. Can’t wait to hear the rest of it!

    1. Thank you, Richard ♥ We’re having so much fun with this new album and every song is turning out so differently. Can’t wait to share the next ones in the Club!

  12. This is again a wonderful song from you two. Congrats – hope the new upcoming album will have the same quality. Btw The song is in typical Beatles manner.

  13. Well girls, as you have said in the intro, we have all been waiting for some time, including yourselves, for a release of original music and you have not disappointed at all! As others have stated this is reminiscent of some sixties bands, Im going to say that this is a pure sound of your very own. I love the beginning of the song with a down scale slide and into a very catchy lead which makes this song a winner all by itself. The flute lines in the song are amazing as it is hard to make that instrument work in any rock/pop songs usually (exceptions to Jethro Tull and Marshal Tucker) but this is spot on and adds so much depth to the song. Im guessing that Papa Rudi is credited for the backing track of what sounds like a radio broadcast. I read some comments that it was a bit much for them but I personally feel like it adds way more to the song and its total meaning. As always both of your vocals are amazing and only keeps getting better. Janitor Joe is a shining example of just how far you have improved as singer/songwriters. Mona… Lisa, well done and as for me, I wouldn’t do very much tweaking on this one. Its very special just in the fact that it’s not about falling in love or being heart broke like so many great songs are. Sometimes we need something else to move us like Janitor Joe does. Thanks for such hard work….

    1. Love your comment, thank you so much Kevin! We’re always happy if people make out certain influences (especially if it’s bands we really like) but usually we don’t think about it much while we’re working on a song. We’re just as curious as to what direction a song is going to take when we start working on it. 🙂 Yes, Dad did a lot of the outro work here. He loves playing around with sound and spoken word clips (like on ”Future” – the opening track on Orange) and we too think it adds a lot to the story.
      Again thanks for the kind words!

      1. You’re most welcome Lisa! You and Mona deserve huge kudos for your work on Janitor Joe. Im just really excited to get the new album when you two get it finished!!! Thank you so much for all you do.

  14. Great job on a fun song! It brought me back to when the kids were small and we would make up stories about alien beings (who just happened to be named after our cats). Perhaps Janitor Joe will meet them somewhere out there in the stars; stars that some of us would love to visit if only we could.

    We are high enough here to be able sit outside on a clear night and watch for satellites and shooting stars (perhaps one of them was Janitor Joe). We have a small, but optically great telescope, and with a lot of effort, we were able to see the snowcap on mars and the green hue of Orion’s Nebula. It made me want to go there, but I don’t have Janitor Joe’s knowledge or guts.

    1. If you ever spot Joe and your friends with your telescope please make sure to give them a wave from us!

      It must be incredible to be able to see the sky that clearly from where you live! I’ve only ever seen a shooting star once. I should be looking up there way more often, who knows what I might be missing! 😉

    1. Thanks! As soon as we are able to set a release date we’ll announce it! The MLT Club members will always be the first to know such things, but for us it’s still too early to commit to a specific date.

  15. Make the music you love and it will work out. I’d like to hear that story with a little more edge to it. You could really let the guitars soar as he’s leaving.

  16. OK, I’m convinced. I’ll be ordering the new CD as soon as it is released. By the way, the new “Stuck In the Middle With You” cover is excellent. Another MLT cover made with TLC.

  17. Congratulations with continuing to pursue original work. While it’s great that you let us fans in on the process imagine what the Internet would have said if it had been around in 1968 and people heard “Revolution #9” (in process)? People would have been losing their minds hearing what John was up to…(*is he insane?) So, what I mean is artists should work from their inner voice and not worry too much what the public will think. Or second guess themselves. Work “by committee” never produces art. Anyway, for what it’s worth my two cents is I liked the tune. Sounds a bit like “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer” (3rd person characters like McCartney).

  18. I really appreciate this insight into the future release of a new album of originals. Your comments remind me of thoughts I had when Orange came out. I thought Orange showed a wide range of styles. Rather than being a single color, the album was a sampler of what you are capable of doing. I thought of it as “Plaid”. It has bright orange stripes of joy but also some more somber colors (without any Clockwork). It sounds like the new album might also be a tartan. The waiting is the hardest part. Love to you all. Wowcool!

  19. Very 60-ish sounding. Good up-tempo. I can relate to the retirement thing because I retired fully last year……but I haven’t done any space travel yet. Things are just beginning to loosen up here in the US. Today is the first day of ‘freedom’ in Massachusetts where we can go without masks if we have both vaccinations. So, traveling in the US is a real possibility. But, England and Germany is on the bucket list. Anyway, good work on the song and looking forward to hearing more!! Mike.

    1. It’s funny this song came when I’ll be retiring soon. I’ve always wanted to go into space. Of course, way to expensive. Instead, I’m going to do one of those zero gravity experiences with one of wild plane rides

    2. Until space travel becomes a possibility, I might get an orange Mustang Shelby GT 500 with over 700 hp and rocket along the autobahn in Germany.

  20. I feel like I will need several listens to get all the different layers of the song (and I’m sure there will be many more ;-)), but what struck me most during my first listen is the story it tells. I like how the song is witty and light and deep and thoughtful at the same time.

    …and I love the flute 🙂

  21. Hi Mona Hi Lisa .. I loved it .. a song so lively and vibrant, it transports us to the dreams of the Janitor Joe .. I don’t speak English very well, I can read well but my listening is not good .. so when I listen to a song the melody, vocals and musical instruments part is the most important to me.. and it’s all just fantastic in this song.. both of you are very creative beyond your already known talent in playing instruments and singing., the waiting for the new album will be rewards., but don’t be in a hurry .. do everything in your time .. the great works need enough time to be finished .. we’ll be here waiting with affection .. I also really liked the graphic art for this song. it looks like the opening of a tv series .. The Mona’s flute is wonderful. I loved everything .. thanks
    You’re fantastic.

  22. Really catchy song with a great 60s and 70s feel. Lot’s of sound influences in the style of Donovan, Bowie, Beatles and of course the MLTs. My only suggestion would be to tone down the radio/TV audio at the end of the song. The dude can’t do harmony and is a distraction from the music and vocals which makes him a bit annoying. Otherwise this song is really quite brilliant.

    1. Richard, the “dude” is not singing. Sorry you find him annoying, but I think he enhances the brilliance of the musical story.

      1. Hey they asked for input and I gave some. I understand the radio reporter dialogue being used in the song. I just think it goes on too long and is too much in front of the mix. Some people think speaking in a song is the same as singing. Rex Harrison, when he did My Fair Lady, insisted in his contract, that he wouldn’t be singing but instead reciting the lyrics if they wanted him in the movie. Doesn’t mean anything, Steve. Just my opinion.

  23. Very nice tribute to the music of the psychedelic sixties, I hear elements from the Beatles, David Bowie, Jethro Tull and others blended together. The arrangement and the sound is very balanced and pleasant to hear, and the vocal harmonies are great (as always in your performances). Very good drumming (Ringo style). The story is interesting, a mix of horror and fantasy…(Maxwell meeting Major Tom). I wonder if there is a real person that gave you the inspiration… Your voices are very clear, maybe a little too sweet for this song. I wonder if you could be more “rockers” for this one, and add some hoarsness and more force to the lead vocals (I am not sure about it though…)

    1. Lior, you are certainly entitled to your opinion, but in my opinion, your suggestions regarding the vocals would ruin an absolutely awesome recording.

  24. “Janitor Joe”, is a fun song from start to finish. It tells a great story of how anyone can have dreams that is never pursued in public but is still such a vital part of who they are. Some will take the chance and reach for the stars (pun intended) before it’s too late. Very well written, performed and engineered. It sure enhances our desire to hear the remainder of the new album. Please don’t wait too much longer. We’re beginning to perspire.

  25. I loved “Janitor Joe!” ???????????????????????? So many different visuals Past janitors from various schools. The struggle to make it to retirement. Dreams we all have. Imaginary space flight, ???? UFOs… to supper powers! I was watching the video in my head while I was listening to the song. What a treat to get to hear an original ???? ‼️

  26. So now that I’ve heard “Janitor Joe”, it feels like I have my nose pushed against the store window at 4 AM on Black Friday, because I want it but I have to wait…and wait…(Hey! No cuttin’ in line!)… and wait…

  27. Me being an astronomy fan and a janitor at an elementary school, I have a new theme song. love the bass groove! the whole vibe of the song is amazing. Janitor Joe meets Major Tom. If its okay can I share this with some teachers at school? After what we’ve been through this last year with distant learning, Hybrid classes and plexiglass, I’m sure the teachers and other staff that feel the same as Janitor Joe. love this song ! excited to hear the rest of the album. Thank you!

    1. That is amazing, Vince! Since this is a MLT Club “locked” page, you can’t share the song with a link but you could play it to your teacher colleagues in person (on your phone or tablet).
      More songs coming soon 🙂

      1. Thank you , I would never share a link from the MLT club before being released to the public. I wasn’t sure if I could show it at all. the Teachers are off for the summer, just us janitors till fall. Maybe it will be a Christmas present to them instead. can’t wait to hear the new songs.

  28. I’ve only just woken up down here in Oz, and after reading through the comments I think it’s all been said.
    A wonderful and authentic 60s vibe.
    Have you thought how you will pull this song off when you start playing live again one day?. There’s a lot going on 🙂

    1. Haha, we’ve not put much thought into how we’ll be able to reproduce some of this album’s songs live on stage. We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it 😉

  29. It’s got a nice “Island” feel to it and I think there’s a bit of Joe in all of us, dreaming of getting out some day. I was able to retire 8 years ago but alas, no space trip. And with the price they want for a ride today I’ll never get that chance anyway. It’s great to hear a new original!

  30. Breathtakingly beautiful ! And the technical quality and diversity of the recording is just stunning.. Can’t wait to hear more of the album.

  31. This is just so COOL! I absolutely LOVE it!!! Clever, Engaging, Catchy, Amusing, Intriguing, and just so well produced!!! I love the strong syncopated beat, compelling chord progression, dynamic range, sophisticated background harmonies, layered melodic threads, and more! Mona you have been practicing your flute! This is unexpected, fresh and so enjoyable. It shows just how much you have grown in your musical adventure! I simply can not wait to hear the rest of this new album when you complete it! Wow! 🙂

  32. Definitely a change of pace… however it does remind me of that Future piece at the beginning of the Orange CD and No More Worries Company which is a song about the future….I like the concept and Janitor Joe was living his dream…..can’t wait to see the video that goes with this and you girls playing all the instruments…Papa Rudi probably gonna take part in this one…..looking forward to the finished product and the Future Fab videos to go with it all❤️????????????????????????

  33. Love the retro feel of the song. It feels like all the best elements of those great 60s classics with a nice psychedelic flair all with a modern feel. Nice guitar throughout blending with your harmonies is magic. The space flight and flying saucer aspect is so fitting with the rise in UFO attention these days. The vocals are awesome with a wonderful catchy melody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

    I can somehow relate perfectly with the retiring and dreams of flying through the universe! There is a mysterious feel to the song too, lifts the spirit away into the universe with it.  

    Song is just so imaginative and love the story telling and vocal melodies are absolutely lovely, I keep humming it in my mind after the song is over. Great job, the song is magical on so many levels, superb vocals, melodic guitar sounds, and dreamy flutes!  

    The melody and vocals are wonderfully infectious, absolutely love it, what brilliant song writing. This should be a chart topper! 

    I am so looking forward to the new album. If this is a sampling of what to expect, we have a masterpiece on its way! 

  34. Bass line is catchy, lyrics are very clever, Mona’s flute, or is that Ian Anderson,
    sounds super kool. Drums sound pretty kool too. These chicks rock.

    What happens when these artists are locked in the studio? MLT Magic ????

    I love the background effects. There was this other band that used a lot of background effects on their albums, but I can’t remember what the floyd their name was. Joe’s are very well timed and compliment the story line perfectly.

    I pressed play once, and it continues on auto replay, kool. This song is very catchy. I love this bass line. The flute really adds a unique sound to this song.

    Thanks for the early access.



  35. Nice – very Donovan-ish sound. I love it! If the rest of the tunes are as good as this it’s going to be a FABulous new album!

  36. Incredible! Exceeds any expectations. And I’m so happy to hear your new original again! Can’t wait to watch the music video for this song. Some sort of semi-cartoon would work here well, I guess. Listening for the fifth time 😉

  37. Your vocals are always excellent. I’ve been Janitor Joe on the earth and constantly dreamed of being the the stratosphere. Now I’m there for a few minutes. Thx

  38. Fantastic! I love all of your originals, even more than the great covers you do. How the MLT aren’t the biggest group on the earth is beyond me! Fab, gear and groovy to the nth degree!

  39. Wow! How creative can you two get?!? I was just transported to the 60s and I loved every note! Like others have said, your original songs are sooo above what I’m hearing on the radio. Well, excuse me while I go dig out my bell bottoms. Staying Groovy for sure!!

  40. Absolutely fabulous! MLT with a unique twist on their genuine sixties flavour. So easy to listen to! If this is a taste of what we can expect from your next album, we are in for a real treat. Thank you for sharing this early release with the Club. ????❤️

  41. Definitely a great 60’s sound in this original song! I believe a couple of others have said this; as great as your renditions of others’ songs are, your own material is just that much more engaging. I’ve been trying to explain to a couple of friends how differently we felt about life while I was growing up and I can’t wait for the release of the new album so I can play “Janitor Joe” for them as an example of what I mean. A very enjoyable and peppy number to listen to! Congratulations!

  42. Holy cow! Sounds like Elenor Rigby meets Starman. This is really cool Ladies. You’ve got something special in this one Ladies. Do I detect Mona on her Flute? Sounds really great and makes the song.
    Where is the voice over from? Sounds like Mona at the start singing lead. I think a trip to Lanzarote to do a video for this one. Much like Starman.
    Love this Ladies, and thanks so very much for sharing!
    Best with your new album and always
    Rick Ross ???? ????‍???? ????❤????‍????

  43. Sounds like Mona has been practicing the flute!

    It would be a big step but this is the sort of track that could be released as a single. I doubt that MLT want to follow that course but it would be interesting to see what happened.

    What a privilege to be able to gain early access. No wonder you feel excited!

  44. Fantastic! Thank you for the early access. It’s fun, has the ’60’s feel but is still definitely uniquely MLT. In the club wire you mention that songs on the new album will “be very diverse and different to one another.” That’s what I truly enjoy about your original albums. I am really looking forward to your new album. Now back to listen to Janitor Joe again to hear all the parts and Lyrics I missed on 1st listen.

  45. Loved it! Nice rhythm and beat. Nice lyrics and background vocals, with special effects sounds. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️????????????❤️❤️❤️

  46. As much as I have enjoyed all the duo sessions over the past year or so, it’s really fun to hear a full blown production track again. This feels both contemporary and retro and the same time. I’m really looking forward to the album release. Thanks for this. Mona shredding the flute!!

    1. We also love working on bigger productions again where we can pull out all the stops and truly experiment with arrangements. We’re having an awful lot of fun with that right now 🙂 Thanks for the nice words ♥

  47. A wonderful song that evokes the feel of 1967, and a little feel of The Dukes of Stratosphear(XTC). But the most important thing is that it IS a MonaLisa Twins song 🙂

  48. Enjoying this track, fun song, neat beat!!! Thanks for sharing it ahead of time. As I really enjoy your “Orange Album” I am really looking forward to your new album.
    Stay Groovy and true to your roots.
    Thanks again

  49. Wow! Thank you very much for sharing this with us, ladies. :O
    At long last ^_^ And it sounds great, as is to be expected for a song written by you!
    “We’ve kept you starved of new original material for long enough” is well said 😛 LOL Indeed, you probably know my opinion, that this is what you should concentrate on – the original music, which you create with your songwriting talent, and it comes from your heart… rather than singing and playing other people’s songs all the time… no matter how great they are and how well you do it (and yes, I know you enjoy doing that too…) I just think THESE songs are the real legacy that you leave to the world of music, and it is what you are remembered for, even 100 years later – the new original music that you have created and added to that music world (and I think that about every great artist, band, or songwriter, not only about you) <3
    Excuse my rant, but you are such incredible and talented songwriters, that I just wish we could hear new music from you more often than once every 4 or 5 years 😉 LOL
    Thanks again for sharing. And I can’t wait for more of these… and for the album, one day 😀

  50. wow what a whacky tune – a brilliant touch of everything from the psychedelic 60’s – love it “hope you girls haven’t been experimenting in the potting shed” ?? P:)

  51. Great song ! Bring mid season Beatles and the Hollies to my mind but it still has your own personal sound, Harmonies are great and so is playing, I love that flute sound (keyboards?, Papa Rudi?) This gets me waiting new album with great interest.

  52. A great preview of what is to come on his new album, I love it and this means that we are closer to the release.
    Thanks for sharing.

  53. Oh my I Love this new song ladies!! Fun and so cool. A touch of Space Oddity from Bowie and a touch of Jefro Tull, and put it togther and you ladies hit this one out of the park. Such a catchy tune and I already have this one in my mind. The song is a hit and this is just a preview of the rest of the album? OMG I can’t wait to hear the rest of the album. But as always no matter how long it takes? It is worth the wait, You ladies are progressing so well with your song writing and arrangments. And it just keeps getting better and all I can say is I am so happy I Found the Mona Lisa Twins. This is truely a TGIF Day for all of us in this wonderful club.

  54. So much FUN! And so unlike any of your original work thus far! I believe there is literally nothing team MLT can’t do! But, please, PLEASE! DON’T think of building yourselves a ????. We need you all here desperately! Seems Mona’s been practicing the flute a bunch! Seems so polished and intricate! Jethro Tull would be proud!

  55. Whoa, definitely has the #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified stamp of approval of creative going on here… Loving everything about it, the instrumentation elements, the audio clips of guy talking, the lyrics, vocals, the whole shebang… Cosmic delightful with essences of humour, mystery, etc… The new album preview, with this song intro… We’re in for one humdinger an awesome original followup album, chock full of a plethora of sorts… Already have this on replay goin on in my head… Thankyou forvtrwating us all with a glimpse sneak peek of what’s to come for , with the new original album… Creativity Music Juices Onwards Flowing…????????

  56. I LOVE IT !!!!!! It goes to show that true artists don’t repeat themselves. Humorous and sublimely
    melodic!! Also, love the flute!!

  57. Wow, what a masterpiece! It feels like a drone flying low over the musical landscape of the 60’s, giving you brief glimpses of the scenery but never quite landing anywhere. The new album is going to be incredible!

    On a whim I looked up “Janitor Joe” on the internet. It turns out there was a Minneapolis-based “noise rock” group in the early 90’s by that name. Their bassist went on to join Courtney Love’s group and eventually died of a heroin overdose at the age of (you guessed it) twenty-seven.

  58. You ladies really make TGIF meaningful! Love the melody and as always the harmonies. Always amazed by your lyrics even though a English is your second language. Personally I hope you don’t feel bugged the new album isn’t done – everything you do is worth waiting for, and I honestly can hardly wait for the Duo Sessions Part Duo with the duet songs you’ve been producing will be almost as great as the new originals album. I’m also hopeful we hear the songs you’ve now held back from the originals album someday as I’m sure they’re MLT great. Thanks for thinking so much of your fans!

  59. LUV IT!
    This is fantastic. As a preview of what’s to come, I’m having trouble finding the words to express how much more I’m looking forward to the new album of originals!
    It’s more MLT magic! No one else can come close to what you have achieved and are achieving.
    You put hope and smiles in all you do and that is passed on to whoever listens to your fabulous art.
    One question- Who is doing the speaking parts of the countdown and announcer?
    Thank you so much for this.
    -Dana 🙂

  60. Very catchy tune! Love to hear your new music, and can’t wait to buy the new album!!! Thank you Mona & Lisa for the sneak peak!