Jump Ship – Early Access (Audio)

Down where I can see …

Here is a new original song that we finished a few weeks ago. 

So hold your breath and count to ten …

We hope you enjoy “Jump Ship”!

LISTEN: Jump Ship

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We’ll probably want to save some of the new songs for the album release but if it was up to you, would you prefer hearing all of the songs early (exclusively in the MLT Club) or would you rather keep some as a “surprise” for when the album comes out? Please let us know below!

Mona & Lisa


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  1. The’ WHY’ album is just fantastic. You are getting better with each new release. The WHY is track is brilliant, lyrics, and harmony is unbelievable. Love it. X

  2. Love this song!! The uptempo in the chorus caught me off guard! I love Mona’s drumming in this tune also! (I am assuming she is playing the drums here)

  3. Another lovely song!
    I was impressed by the way you sang, as if you were at the bottom of a quiet, calm sea at first, and then the melody changed to a different tune at the “Jump ship” part.
    I like songs that are mysterious and meaningful.
    This song will continue to play in my head for a while.

    Can’t wait for the new album!
    I’m always impressed by your great songs and performances. Thank you, Mona Lisa ! ????

  4. Hi Mona & Lisa Yet another future MLT classic!! Love it. As for your question, one of the joys of buying a new Album is hearing new music for the 1st time – otherwise you’re just buying a ‘Greatest Hts’ album… ‘Got that…..Got that….’ so yeah it would be nice if you held some tracks back That’s what I think, anyway. Still, I’m definately looking forward to the release of your new ‘baby’! Look after yourselves, Andy.

  5. I really have to checkout the website more often. I miss so much. My first reaction is its a bit tripy. In a good way. Nice slide too. Love the melody. Great job. Can’t wait till the album comes out. Stay Groovy ❤️

  6. A bit different from the norm but I think I like it. I have to say I like the idea of previews but maybe not for all the new songs. Love your voices particularly when you are singing together.

  7. Oh, yes! Something of a new development for you- very interesting. I particularly liked the jump up in tempo in the middle – quite unexpected. Looking forward to hearing more! One of the benefits to the MLT club is getting early access to new tracks like this. Maybe 50:50 over previews/saving for the full album?

  8. Hi! This is a song with a lot of tonal resonance to it, and cool lyrics we were trying to catch the second time. Dana likes the way the cymbals simulate waves on the fade-out.

  9. This is such a different enchanting melody. I really enjoy the way you mix things up in your music. Totally original! As for keeping some songs secret, yeah, I vote yes. I love nice surprises!

  10. Just finished listening to “Jump Ship” for the first time and reading all 122 comments. Like the majority, I like getting the album/cd and hearing it for the first time. So I vote to keep most of it for the release. On the other hand, I’m always ready to hear or see new posts from MLT. One of the things I liked about the Beatles was they explored with their music. You knew that their next release would not be more of the same. There was going to be something new. “Jump Ship” did not grab me right away like “Still A Friend of Mine” did (it’s my favorite of yours) but I will listen to it many times to pick out all the things I can that others have mentioned. I hope you continue to entertain us for a long long time.

  11. “Jump Ship” is an incredible musical piece! Very original work. I’m ready to purchase the album as soon as you release.

  12. I like it, first listen and it sounds Gothic in one sense but mysterious in another. Great work ladies. Are you going to do a version in your native language? If so, I would love to hear it!

  13. I kind of like surprises. The teasers are great, but the surprise is always more of a reward. Don’t you think? Ladies?

  14. I could not write a comment after just one day because the song is soo different from what I, we, expect from you. After listining for a few days the conclusion is that I like the song, althought it will not be easy to sing along in the car.
    Like you stated by the “Sound of Silence” I think I almost understand its true meaning, at least my version; not by everything it is “what you see is what you get”, look for the hidden parts and do not be afraid to change your opinion/direction even if it is not in your comfort zone. This can relate to a lot off things politics, a company or …
    As non native English speaking person I might miss a few words so hope when I read the lyrics I “see”more. 

  15. Much as I would love to hear the new songs right this minute – I would ask you to wait and surprise us. I think that looking forward to the rest of the songs on the record would give us, or maybe just me, really something to enjoy all in one sitting.

  16. Hiya Ladies,
    Hmmm, Jump Ship? I think I would rather stay on board and continue to enjoy your wonderful music! Again you have hit the high spots with this fantastic song. The harmanising is fantastic, the frazing inspired, the druming right on beat, and the vocals uplifting!!! Thank you.
    Stay safe, Steve…

  17. So nice to be able to listen to a song and not be paying attention to a video simultaneously. Of all of your original songs, this is by far my favorite with the combination of music and lyrics and the drumming adds so much as do the lyrics by Mona as the song culminates. Hoping that you both achieve the success you deserve. Kudos to your father for his guidance and for the musical education with which you’ve been bestowed.

  18. The song is certainly relaxing. Have to listen to it a few more times to get the whole effect (just being honest). It’s hard to hit a home run every time at bat. Especially when you knocked one out of the park with “Questionable” . Still can’t believe you have not achieved stardom like some of the lesser acts we see today. You guys blow the doors off of most the talent (or lack of talent) out there today. Can’t wait for the new album. I think you should leave some of the songs as a surprise until you release the 3rd original album. It will be like “Merry Christmas” to all us clubbers early!!!

  19. One thing is clear now ! The upcoming album is going to be a killer. All the songs so far are among the best ones you ever written. “Jump Ship” has a fine psychedelic flavor and it´s new kind of music from you. I love it.The slide guitar is excellent and drums are also great. Vocal part is of course wonderful. It´s great to hear some of the songs in advantage but not the whole album. There is good to have something new to listen to when I finally can put the CD/vinyl to the player, sit on my sofa and let the music fill my living room.

  20. I love this song. The verses grabbed me immediately, but I have to say it took a few listens to really “warm up” to the chorus. Once I did, I really like it. Well done.

    I’d rather have a few surprises in the new album. I do like being on the inside, but it’s great to hear some of the song in the context of the full album.

  21. Neill here… I can’t believe how many people are electing surprises. I am unashamedly impatient and feel like the Club is the inside track. I want immediate gratification and I’m not afraid to admit it. “Jump Ship” is wowcool.

  22. I’ve listened to this song over a dozen times, and I think it is a damn good song. Lisa’s lead vocals (to me has a jazz vibe) contrasts with Mona’s drumming to create a tension that accentuates the theme. Which to me is that the safe space isn’t always safe; it could be a prison. And the dark, deep unknown isn’t always the danger zone, sometimes it leads to the light. Mona’s last line “It wont’ save you neck!!!” (cracks me up by the way) is like saying “wake up y’all before it’s to late. ” The opinion of an old south side Okie. Stay groovy. Peace be.

  23. WOW.. I’ve been on a “mind trip” since I#st heard this song.. now after listening to it dozens of times I have to say l’m completely in love with this song., I love this one chorus it’s magical, I am hypnotized by the harmony of your voices in this chorus… repeating what has been said here by other members, the song has a progressive touch, refers to Pink Floyd, (it would easily fit in the legendary The Dark Side of the Moon )..and at the end there is a strong influence of the Beatles.. I loved this song.. in this album you already took us to a space adventure, to the reality of the political/financial world, we flew in a small red balloon heard songbird, we sat in a window just watching a sweet summer rain…and now you take us to a reflection on an odyssey at the bottom of the sea .( by the way I love the sea).. I’m also going to say WOW.. I’d like you to save some surprises for the album release. Thank you dear girls..You both are FANTASTIC ..Stay Groovy..????❤️⛵⛵⛵⛵⛵????????????????

  24. Like some of your new originals, this song took me a couple of listens to really get a good grasp on it – then I loved it! There is quite a lot going on in and between the lines on the song – is there a video in the future?

    I have gotten used to the great guitar work on all of your songs, but recently my ears have been noticing a bit more the great job that Mona does on the drums and Papa Rudi does on the piano. These new originals have all been top notch productions.

    I am torn on whether or not to hear them early, but I think I’d like to have a few surprises when the album is released.

  25. After more than 24 hours, and having listened to the song in a continuous loop so many times, I adore this song! It is addictive! So many wonderful musical effects, a real creative masterpiece on so many levels.

    Love all the metaphors in the lyrics. It takes courage to dive into the deep unknown for necessary change, “…jump ship, the big nice cold dip, though it might hurt a bit, it’s nice and warm on deck, but staying here won’t save your neck!!!!” It’s a song to inspire you to action.

    The unsettling dissonance the song evokes towards the end is so clever. The singing is incredibly colourful and dynamic, the chorus is so powerful and captivating, the vocal effects just grabs me with the metaphorical message, “jump ship…” The song writing throughout is brilliant. With every new song, the MLT creative musical powerhouse never ceases to impress. Kudos Mona and Lisa, this song proves again you are both amazing artists!

  26. Concept album? Yes, for sure. Theme? This may seem rather general, but I am thinking “Recognition and Reboot”.

    Recognition: Things aren’t right, but in addition, why things aren’t right. Why things are problematic instead of just stating that the status quo isn’t working.

    Reboot: Time to make a change. A change that may be unknown. A change that may hurt. A change that may not be right either, but it is something that seems right at the present time.

    Travel is definitely part of this reboot…or it may be a metaphysical travel, or something like that.

    Okay, now I’m rambling, so it is time to stop. Need more songs for more clues. Mona and Lisa, hopefully I am somewhat in the ballpark.

    1. Oh my lord! It may be a stretch, or maybe not. Recognition and Reboot…Why things aren’t right and why things are problematic instead of just stating the status quo isn’t working?

      WHY? Maybe I was on the album’s path five months ago…can’t be that smart…just a tad lucky.

  27. I got my first listen on the way to work in a rain storm. I was so mesmerized that I took a wrong turn. I didn’t mind because that meant more time on the road listening to this intriguing song. It’s progressive with hints of Pink Floyd, Beatles, and Paul McCartney’s “Uncle Albert”. However, they add their original magic and the lyrics are their best. This song takes you on an odyssey. I was blown away by the unexpected chorus. All I can say is WOW!!. I would like you to save the rest of the songs for the album release.

  28. I commented yesterday that I loved the song after only one listen. After listening to it at least 12 times in the past 24 hours, I must admit that it may now be my favorite MLT song. Very few songs give me goosebumps but when they do I know it’s special. When she screams the last line “But staying here won’t save your neck!” I got shivers down my spine. I believe the genius of the lyrics is it lends itself to the listener. I know what I want to believe it to be about but it may mean something totally different to someone else. That is what makes it so great. Great song. Musically and lyrically. Thank you!

  29. I think Jump Ship is really top draw I love the song.
    I would prefer some surprises on the new album. Although having tasters is good it gets you ready for what’s coming.
    Love you both
    Ken xx

  30. With regard to the artwork, I just noticed that with a little imagination the boat and the pattern of light around it transforms into the open mouth of a shark headed directly toward you!

  31. Good song, alltough i am not in to psychedelic. The harmonies are sublime, as allways.drums are spot on, I also like the changes in tempo…..

  32. Ladies, after several listens this is becoming my favorite.
    I wonder if you have ever listened to Dark Water by Al Stewart or 1983… Merman by Hendrix.
    You have made a fresh contribution to a deep subject. Please forgive me.

    We are all tapping our feet over here trying to be patient. Cheers

  33. Bravo to you as your creative juices were certainly flowing on this song! Well done indeed!

    I truly like receiving some of your beautiful and masterful songs before the release as a MLT Club Member. However, I would also be equally thrilled to have a few songs held back for the release of the album.

    As always, “Thanks for the Memories”

  34. Initially, it reminded me of Donovan’s “Atlantis:, but there’s more to it. There seems to be a search involved, though perhaps a tentative one.

  35. Loved the vibe of this song. Great drumming.

    Regarding the question: Overall, I guess I would like a surprise or two, but mainly early release.

  36. After the first listen, the song and artwork strike me as mysterious, intriguing, a little scary… I’m looking forward to diving deeper into the meaning-making process…

    As to your question above, I would like to keep some of the songs as a sursprise 🙂

  37. I was listening to this on my iPad. When the song ended “Nothing Is In Vain” started playing from my library. That was weird, but pretty kool. I think my iPad is reading my mind. Remember Lisa’s hesitation at dropping into the pool?

    I love this jump into the psychedelic wave pool. The sound effects are timed perfectly. Earbuds bring out some really rally nice effects. The drums and bass sound awesome. These lyrics are timeless. They can apply to anyone at anytime. MLT has always been able to deliver a deep theme with clever catchy lyrics and rhythms. The slide guitar reminds me of island music.

    ‘I can’t make out that last scream in the end, but it immediately reminded me of some background effects Roger Waters used on a couple of tracks. He went through a period of screaming fits. Nice. It also has a very Beatles sound.

    (something won’t pay you back?)

    We love it when you post the songs as soon as you finish them. That is definitely a win-win for all. I have a feeling you have a bit of anxiety as you post a new song and await the first reactions. I think everyone feels honored that we are one of your initial audiences.

    But it is nice to have some surprises for the first sit down. We are really looking forward to hear the sequence of the new songs.(but don’t tell me. I can wait, no I can’t…)

    Marlo & JP

    1. JP, I think she’s screaming nearly the same thing that they sang just a little earlier: “But staying here will save your neck.”

      1. I believe she is saying “It’s nice and warm on deck but staying here won’t save your neck!” It’s the first time (I believe) that she says “your neck” instead of “my neck”. Amazing lyrics.

      2. Yeah, all I have is the Coke-can-sized speakers that came with the computer, so I’m lucky I got as close as I did!

    2. Hi JP. What a wonderful coincidence Nothing Is In Vain comes on your playlist after this one. Jump Ship is like a nice counterpoint to Nothing Is In Vain evoking emotions of awe and wonder, from space to the deep blue ocean. Both send my sprits soaring into the lofty clouds to ponder the universe.

  38. Unusual. Not one of my favorites, but I like it better than “Janitor Joe.” Very cool drums, Mona! And, I like the chorus. As always, the vocals are awesome!! You have to take chances in life. Sometimes those chances mean you have to “Jump Ship.” I Love that you two are not afraid to push the envelope. This new album may or may not be my favorite, but it is going to be interesting!!!
    Love y’all ????❤

  39. Very atmospheric song with lovely instrumentation. Love the drumming, very Ringo-ish. Great chorus in the style of a nursery rhyme which changes the tempo totally. The theme is exploring the need to leap into new experiences and not always stay in a comfort zone no matter how nice and warm it is. Ending is typically Beatle-y and even slightly reminds me of Kate Bush calling from the ship in the background. Looking forward to the album as all the tracks will all be very different which is great. I’d prefer you keep some songs back for the album release so we get some nice surprises. Love it and would hug my album if I had it!!

  40. I’d like to be … under the sea…. well, you know the rest. I liked this song even if it isn’t as rosy as the one Ringo and George postulated…then again we aren’t living in the ’60s either.

  41. Another great song, slightly different to the usual. Very nice as a member of the club to hear songs early but when I was buying Beatles LPs in the 60s they were all or at least most of them new to us and the excitement was fabulous. You should leave some of the songs on the album to be a surprise. Please.

  42. I really enjoyed listening to the new song. Please don’t release any more of the new tracks here before the new album is released. I love listening to a new album on cd and knowing most if not all of the songs already will take all of that anticipation and enjoyment away for me. Make us wait for the joy that is coming. You guys don’t make new records all the time, unfortunately so please keep something for me to look forward to. Keep up the great work. I love reading about everything you girls get up to. The walks, the running etc

  43. I love this song! Very atmospheric with those bubbles too.
    It would be great to hold some songs back for release of the album. Nice to get a surprise or two on release, not knowing everything adds to the excitement. If the rest of the album is anything like the quality of the songs released so far, then we are in for a real treat. Great stuff.

  44. A very beautiful and interesting song. I really like the melody and the slightly dark atmosphere. The chorus alone takes a little getting used to, but in the end the song gets a little more flavor from it. I think it’s good that you don’t just write happy rock. I also wish some surprise when your new album is published. So please release two or three songs and the rest is anticipation for the complete album.

  45. Had this on a loop for two hours now. Beautiful harmony, superb drumming and the lyrics fit neatly with the times. Once again a different but thought provoking song which struck a chord. Hope there is a video to follow as well (I’m sure it will be as amazing as the rest )

    I’d like to hear your songs via early access but I’ll go with whatever you decide.

    Stuck on picking just one song as a way to introduce your work to people. Adding this one to the long list I give them. Keep making the list longer.

  46. Hold back on releasing all the songs from the album. I’m into delayed gratification as a rule. I like that you are exploring other musical style. I know you’ve been trying to stick to early Rock and Roll and beat music as a general rule, but I think a broader approach to your original songs is appropriate. Some fans I’m sure won’t enjoy this tune because of it’s departure from the familiar but I say you can’t keep being the cute young ladies who play only vintage style tunes. You have to make yourselves relevant to the current times and while this music is hardly like the crap that is usually available these days it’s another side of the meaningful tunes that we enjoyed when music actually had music and lyrics that mattered. It’s time to quit being the virgins of Rock and Roll and grow.

  47. I love to hear your new songs a.s.a.p. but I’m going to say on this occasion leave some for the album purchase as it gives a feeling of excitement and anticipation.

  48. Not for me tbh although I’m certainly no expert when it comes to music. I just like what I like and even though I’ve listened to this song 3 times it’s just not happening for me. I do however greatly admire the girls and what they are creatively doing.

  49. Another song that very definitely is different from any original you’ve done before…”Jump Ship” to me is another attempt at having a contemporary sound like all that we’ve heard for this upcoming album…”I Bought Myself a Politician”…”Songbird”…”Questionable “….”Janitor Joe”…somehow your fan base has to grow….those people that love the 60’s sound already know about you and love you ….hopefully this upcoming collection of contemporary songs will gain you new fans…….I think you’ve released audio on 3 new and video on 3 more…so that’s an advance of 6 songs of what 10..11..12 for the new CD…..Surprise us with the rest when releasing the new titled CD …Captain Janitor Joe and MLT have LAUNCHED into a New Direction…….and I’ll mention it again….take YOUR original from your family CD Live album in 2007…track 23….ALONE and do a remake with your grown voices…..I think it has possibilities….I love what you do and Thank You for doing it❤️????

  50. Another truly original theme both musically and lyrically, I really like the mysterious, fluid movement with dramatic dynamics and great chordal progression. The lyrics are obviously an important component of this and I was finding myself wishing I had them to read so I wouldn’t miss any. I’m sure, after listening more, most of the words that are uncertain to me now will become clear.
    To be honest, I enjoy the complexity and drama of the arrangement so much that I found myself wanting a greater degree of orchestration with the chorus to enhance its full dramatic potential. This really showcases the tremendous depth and scope of your musical creativity.
    To answer you question about the new album release, I think I would like you to hold several of the new songs as a surprise. It’s hard to wait, but it’s so exciting!!!

  51. Once again Mona and Lisa are leading us into new musical and metaphorical territory. And this ain’t no Yellow Submarine. Is it a coincidence, or not, they release it on Earth Day? In any case, I’m sure the mixing is intentional, but I, for one, need a lyric sheet to help me “fathom” this one. Maybe a video, too Otherwise I think I’m agnostic regarding the content of the eventual album release. Except I’m now starting to look for clues of a “concept album”.

  52. I bow down to this performance and to your creative powers.Your humour once again 🙂 and a thoughtful response to our shared experience which makes me happy to dive into the cold. Thank you for your loyalty to the sixties in full spirit and power. A powerful message and a beautiful song for me. I am awaiting the full album and I think you should keep something back – in the way this song uses allegory – so that we can go deeper at that point when it is released and later when we continue to find the meaning you put into your work.

  53. Hi Ladies!
    Holy Cow! What a Great Song!
    Almost like a Mermaid ????‍♀️ ???? ????‍♀️ ❤ singing her siren song, coaxing the unsuspecting individual to the depths of the ocean. Getting to far down before they realize it’s to late.
    Also saying that even when we don’t want to jump into the unknown, we have to in order to grow.
    Jump Ship is exploring parts unknown musically for you all. Love the direction
    I would rather wait and hear surprises on the new album. That’s part of the mystery. I can’t wait!!

    Thanks LADIES for such an exciting prelude to the new Album!
    Best always!

  54. Have to add, happy National Beagle Day to Mona and Lisa! The fact that you released this song to us on such a fine day will add good karma both to the song and to the album.

    Thank you ladies!

  55. Listening to this over and over, I have to add the singing is amazing! It fills me with so much emotions of wonder, awe, and mystery. The lyrics are so poetic and inspiring.

    Truth is hidden, clouded in obscurity and misinformation, and we need to wake up. Such a brilliant message for these times.

    I love the artistry here. Ladies you are heroic artists shining light on the darkness through music. You take what we all feel about society, and express it so masterfully through the conduit of a song. Truly masterful songwriting.

    John Lennon would be proud to know there are still artists like you, not afraid to shine light on the truth through music. ????????❤

  56. One word comes to mind upon listening to “Jump Ship”…growth! You are expanding your horizons with each and every release from this new album. As I had mentioned when you released “Questionable”, this is a song that would not be on “When We’re Together” or “Orange”. The slide guitar and the percussion were great, and your move towards a Prog influence totally was unexpected. This is a great “jump” to the unknown for you. Kudos for making the leap!

    Have to admit, I hope that a Mona-centered “belting rock” number comes up in shortly in this album endeavor. All of the songs that you have recently released have been great, but it would be outstanding to hear the Ricky and the Gretsch jamming again soon!

    As for one-at-a-time or all at once, I follow the philosophy of “let’s hear them when they are done”. Hearing the songs shortly after they are created demonstrates the flow of the creative process. So I go for one-at-a-time. It is like we are experiencing the creative process with you!

    Looking forward to seeing a video for this song. Certainly it will be quite a presentation!

    1. They have said the first song on the new album is a true rock song in every sense of the word. What it’s about or any clues will have to wait till it’s release.

      1. Thank you for the info. That is great to know. I am enjoying the MonaLisa Twins growth into different genres of music. Looking forward to that first song on the new album, the yet to be known Track 1.

  57. Pink Floyd vibe I like it, I know I really want to hear the new album as a whole, but being a MLT member/Fan its cool being able to have early access. keep on writing Ladies. You’re Amazing!

  58. hey I just listened to Jump Ship three times so far. Most songs, with a few exceptions, I need to hear a few times before I might like them. Although I did like a few of your original songs the first time I heard them (such as, Close to You, Still a Friend of Mine & Questionable to name a few).
    Well Jump Ship is not too shabby. It’s growing on me. I like the drums and is it cymbals I hear – well done. I sense a bit of a Beatles influence, especially toward the ending.
    I am anxious to hear any of your original (& covers) as soon as I can. So I guess I would say that it would be nice to hear them early, before the cd is released.
    Well, thanks for sharing and have a great weekend. Enjoy springtime.
    Bobby S.

  59. Personally I would like you to withhold some tracks until the album is released. We are already getting a flavour of its theme.

    Also I would prefer if the best were saved until album released. So far everything is great but the “OMG wow that’s above and beyond what I have heard so far” is what I would like.

    Too many artists in the past have released so many singles first to sell an album. And usually the best tracks. So when you finally get the album you find that the rest of the album is not so great.

    Trust me I am old enough to have fallen for this trick which my collection of 7″ vinyls will prove. And subsequent album purchases.

    Of course today with streaming at least you can pick and choose from an album. But I am an old fashioned hands on physical album buyer.

  60. Very neat song, Mona and Lisa! At first I thought I was listening to a theme song for a James Bond movie. It has a really neat ominous/haunting side to it. It has a lighter chorus which is unexpected but welcomed. I love it! As always, I’m listening to it over and over. When I have to take a long road trip by myself, I just take my Mona Lisa Twins cds and listening to them over and over, as I sing along. Can’t wait to add your new cd to my collection.

  61. Hi Mona and Lisa, I want to hear all of your music as soon as I can, whether it’s your original music or some of your covers. For me, it’s always going to be so exciting to hear something new from you. I’m always eagerly watching for you to post something new, whether it’s your music or just a post about what’s been going on with you. I listen to your cds over and over already so hearing something before your album release won’t diminish my enjoyment of listening to your albums at all. I love you guys!

  62. E=mc²

    For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

    The MonaLisa Twins do not disappoint.
    Please do not release all the songs as singles, I really look forward to hearing a tune for the first time in context with the entire album! But by all means, video’em all up!

  63. I will start by saying I like surprises and prefer not to hear all the songs on an album before it’s released. One reason for that is your albums of originals are among the few new music albums that I want to listen to from beginning to end. When it’s released, I would like some additional wonderful surprises. Jump Ship is another great song. Many of the comments such as Tomas Calvo’s are for more detailed than I can express. So I will just add that I love the variety of your music. While always unmistakably MLT each song starts with a fresh canvas and a new idea.

  64. I love the drumming n vocals on it . The chorus sounds really cool . Sounds really spacy n under watery . Your new songs from the upcoming cd sound awesome thus far . Wonderful job ladies

  65. I love this change of style from team MLT straight away – but then I have a varied taste in music. Landscape’s “From The Tearooms of Mars …” is a favourite from years ago. I wasn’t sure about Orange when I first listened to the CD but it quickly became my repeat-play favourite, until I heard Duo Sessions and When We’re Together! Really looking forward to the new album and any accompanying videos. Hope they do one for “Jump Ship” to see how they visualise this new song … and if it matches our own interpretations. I’d prefer to be surprised by some songs on the album.

  66. At first, I thought where is this going? Wake up world!!!! We are all in it and sometimes we all have to jump in order to make something happen! I know you’re going to get mixed reviews; however, I love everything you do, it’s just going to take some people awhile to grasp. So, it takes me back to the era of the Beatles or it could be in a movie. Great mix, Mona great drums! These new instruments really make the song whip!!! Surprise me! Stay Groovy and let’s all pray for the best!!!

  67. WOW ???? ????
    Usually, I like to listen to something, get my initial reaction, and then come back later to see if I feel differently and what new things I find. Rarely do I change my mind on what I like. I couldn’t stop myself here going into a deeper listen.

    What jumped at me right away was the slide guitar and the drums. The slide is so perfectly placed that it feels like it’s been there for years. The mind blowing part for me is the production of it. The amazing sounds of the piano, drums, classic Hofner, the different treatments of the voices throughout are astounding. All perfectly differentiated. I also love the little details like the guitar fills, the glockenspiel, percussion and the water sound effects -the chorus definitively caught me by surprise.

    The cherry on top are always the spotless vocal harmonies.

    As for the lyrics, they are so refined and masterful, kicking off with “Take me underwater, down where I can see” that it’s impossible to fully appreciate with just a few listens.

    This is a lovely take of classic late 60’s style taken out of time with echoes of Pink Floyd, Orange, Sgt. Pepper. I agree with Jung that this would make a great 007 song!

    While I’m not a fan of surprises, every song posted here comes as a surprise gift. It’s nice to digest them before the next one comes. You know I’m getting the CD and Vinyl one way or another.

    In a word WOW!

  68. What a trippy song! I know you girls don’t imbibe in the funny smoke but this sure sounds like it was done under the influence! Love it! As for do I want a surprise or want to hear all the new songs first I was leaning towards hearing them all first but I don’t want to wait any longer for the new album so let it rip!

  69. Wow! Luv it! Deep lyrics (pun intended…) and outstanding music. Through my AT-15 Cerwin-Vegas and 12″ Paradigm sub with B channel Pioneer J825 speakers -WOW!!!! All songs sound wonderful through these but this mix just seems extraordinary. It’s like it was mixed just for this setup. It is truly amazing!
    Can hardly wait for the new album! I agree you should save some for the release. Thank you so much for sharing. 🙂

  70. This is a great new song! I remember you saying you had a song with slide guitar parts coming up. Well done. I like the change from the minor key verses to the chorus in major key. The whole song, especially the end, has a distinct Beatle influence (maybe the Sgt Pepper, Magical Mystery Tour era). I am on the side of waiting for some surprise songs when the entire album is released. I love having things to look forward to. Either way, can’t wait to hear what else you have cooked up. Have a great weekend ladies.

  71. Another great song. As part of an album it will fit in nicely and provide a change of groove from the previous songs we’ve heard.
    I vote for keeping songs back. I’m surprised that you’ve released this many actually.

  72. That didn’t take long—I found this disappointing on the first couple of listens on headphones. I was trying to make out all the words, which seemed silly. Then, I played it with a subwoofer and didn’t worry much about the lyrics. That carried me back to the psychedelic 60s, and it was a very nice trip while I ponded the secret information down there in the deep. Thanks, ladies! (And I vote for saving some surprises for the album.)

  73. I also love how the song is a musical representation of the lyrics…it does in fact jump from their safe, nice ship into some darker, colder musical waters and out of their comfort zone. Definitely woke me from my sleep! And for some people, apparently, it even hurt a bit. 😀

  74. Wow! I really like this song.

    I’m back in the late 60’s at a friend’s house party on a weekend night, black lights and songs like this on the stereo all night.

    Love all the songs on the new album so far. Can’t wait for the album to come out.

    Big thumbs up


  75. Beautiful harmonies! The song has the feel of ocean waves. I love it.

    I vote for you to hold back some songs until the album comes out. Save some anticipation and excitement for the album release. There’s nothing like that first listen to a new album from artists you love.

  76. OMG! Instantly one of my favorites, if not my very favorite. So rich, layered, and complex. I love the shift from minor to major into the chorus. Interesting to read all the other artists this invoked for people because from the first few measures I was instantly reminded of King Crimson! And then incorporates so many other influences, including, of course, the Beatles. And I must echo the comments on the slide work and drums. I definitely heard some Bill Bruford in those drums, Mona, and that’s no small feat. Agree with Jung about the 007! LOL. Perfect. Every bar of this song just keeps me on the edge of my auditory seat in anticipation of the next one. And the lyrics! Your genius in every regard never fails to blow me away!

  77. This is an area of music that is new for you. Doesn’t hit me right away. Definitely could be on The Beatles white Album! Mona love your drum fills????

  78. Oh my God, I love what I am hearing hear! ???? ???? Another magnificent masterpiece. This should be the next 007 movie soundtrack.

    Love the mysterious out of this world feel it evokes. It just immediately grabs me and doesn’t let me go. This is fantastic. The singing and harmonies are absolutely stirring and beautiful, and the melody is so, so catchy, it catapults my spirits out of this world. I can’t get enough of it, it’s so incredible! I love the singing, and vocal flourishes, so niiiice! This is better than Major Tom and Starman combined.

    From the space traveling Janitor Joe to the lurking under the deep blue ocean of Jump Ship, love the mysterious out of this world theme. You are creating one magnificent masterpiece album, made up of numerous masterpiece tracks!

    Your song writing is so artistic and innovative, these days, I am completely swept away by your songwriting talents!

    While it is awesome getting exclusive first listen of the songs, I think it would also be great to have some kept under wraps to experience when you release the album. I love surprises too! ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ❤

  79. I loved the darker sound on this track. Mysterious and brooding. The fact that you already write in so many styles is a testimony to your creativity and artistry! I vote for some surprises on your new album – one I can hardly wait to own!!!

  80. Love it, as usual. <3 Like I have always said – you two are really talented composers and songwriters. Please, continue to utilize that talent, just like you did here 🙂

  81. Took a bit to put my finger on why it sounded familiar even though brand new. Wasnt the song that was familiar but the presentation – – Moody Blues without full orchestra. A story song with pauses and emphasized elements. Best listened to on headphones I think, such subtleness. Haunting harmonies.

  82. Interesting direction, musicwise, I enjoyed it…. Yes, I’m on the Team Keep Surprising Us …I love how you’re openminded to exploring new sounds, etc to expanding your Musical Direction Horizons Odyssey Journey…. I agree, a definite departure from past stuff but tthat’s the whole idea.. let creative juices flow…if it feels right…follow the current … but it slightly reminded me of an Avril Lavigne song I had heard from a few yrs ago on the radio but I hear more tribal , meditative effects on this song … Kudos, this new original upcoming album , is a Creative Gem already with the songs , which you’ve shared already ….????????

  83. Definitely hold some back as surprises.
    That said,love the song(especially Mona’s drumming!! The vocals as always are incredible.You ladies never disappoint.
    As always , Love & Hugs to all at Team MLT

  84. At the risk of being repetitive, different! It took a couple of listens, but I’m starting to like it more. For me it really didn’t have an immediate hook, just a very interesting sound that made me come back to listen again, it’s very intricate in places. It’s not going to end up on my top ten list, but it will be in the rotation on my music playlists when I can get a downloadable copy.

  85. I love this! Yes, it’s a bit of a different sound for you, but it’s a more mature sound and a great song with some lovely darker overtones – some Beatles or Pink Floyd influence going on there? As to your question, please keep some of the songs back for the album!

  86. Very different from your usual. This one will have to grow on me for awhile. And I say, keep some surprises! Kudos to Mona on the great drum work! Thank you for sharing.

  87. Keep a few surprises seems good to me. This song is quite a contrast to your usual compositions in many ways. It could even fit as an introductory song to a film – horror or perhaps sci-fi. Expertly put together as usual and beautifully played and sung. I have no idea what it means but it sounds intriguing……….perhaps one day all will be explained?

  88. A very different sound for you 2 with a neat Beatle-ly ending. Mona’s drumming stuck out for me on this one. Very nice Mona! And yes, keep some new songs as a surprise.

  89. Different? Yes, definitely a sound right out of flower power late 1960’s groove. It could be the flip side to Yellow Submarine. From we all line in…..to Jump Ship. This song captures mood and sound of an era in music. The message, story telling is descriptive of our current time. Jump Ship, unrest uncertain times and pending unknown changes coming. jump Ship. It’s not toe tapping, it’s is artistically done like a painting in the mind.

  90. Definitely a different sound for you, good to mix things up
    I like it.
    Yes keep some songs a surprise. Who doesn’t like a good surprise !

  91. This is definitely something different….very haunting. But the bottom line is I like it. Not all of an artists song need to be the same. The vocals are outstanding.

    But to answer your question, save some surprises for the album. There’s nothing like finding an unexpected hidden gem in the album.

    The only thing left to say is…..stay groovy!

  92. Oh, this is intriguing. I find it idiosyncratic enough to be really interesting while not being so “different” that a listener might reject it without hearing the song all the way through. I went to university during the late 1970’s and I can easily imagine this song being played at parties in the dorms during that time. Because I have hearing limitations, I can’t get all the lyrics, so I look forward to either Closed Captioning on a YouTube video or lyrics in the album. I’m good at delayed gratification, so my preference would be to have some songs on a new album to be a surprise. I like Brian’s suggestion below, a release party online. And I will definitely buy at least one copy when the album is released, possibly more to share with friends. I like how you can play old standards and also come up with really interesting music on your own!

  93. I think this one is a song where we could have some long discussions about the meaning, lol. Love the different styles, the drumming, slide and bass is brilliant. Personally i don`t mind keeping a few of the songs as surprises. Will the new one be on vinyl too?

  94. A very wonderful song ladies.
    Maybe two lovely mermaids could just swim over here across the pond some day.

  95. What an interesting song; would love to hear the motivation behind this one. Of course, the quality of the mix is excellent. While the drum and guitar work are top notch, I couldn’t help being intrigued by the bass guitar work. A lot going on here…. nice!

  96. First thing that comes to mind upon listening to this is a Monty Python quote: …and now for something completely different… I didn’t think it possible to create another album with even more variety than “Orange” but you’re surely well on your way! The first adjective that leapt to mind was ‘haunting’ and I’ll stick with it. I’m a huge fan of your non-word backing vocals and harmonies (they’re one of the many things that make your music so special) and this offers a treasure trove of some of your best to date! Like we suspected and you revealed in the latest Q&A about “Orange” that ‘…Waiter…’ wasn’t really about lousy service at your local cafe, it’s obvious this song has little to do with jumping off a boat. Social commentary left largely to the interpretation of your audience! Since this seems such a departure from your usual fare, not everyone may be on board (see what I did there) from the first time they hear it, but the quality of writing, performance and production is impeccable! Given a chance, this should easily grow on anyone who doesn’t love it from the start! MLT artistry abounds and showcases your amazing diversity!

  97. Ah, this is one of those “deep” songs that I’ll have to listen to a few times before I finally get it, but get it I will. Sounds like a little tip of the cap to Donovan’s Atlantis at the end. And the high-treble spoken part reminds me of Yellow Submarine or Admiral Halsey. Appropriately, all nautical themes.

    I’ll certainly purchase the new album regardless, but I’d prefer that a few songs be saved for the release so that we can be blown away by them all at once!

  98. Mona and Lisa, to answer your question? I love surprises if that helps? LOL…You both are amazing to me with your song writing. So first let me give kudo’s to Mona, wonderful drumming on this song, kind of reminds me of Day in the Life by the Beatles with Ringo’s drumming, fabulous job Mona, my god you are so good on the drums. Lisa great work on the slide guitar, I am guessing your doing the slide? Man Ron Wood and Eric Clapton needs to hear your slide work, truly perfect. The harmony’s on this reminds me of Simon and Garfunkel song , can’t remember the song now but your voices are like angels singing to me, so perfectly blending and easy on the ears. The bridge of the song is right on spot, and goes smoothly back to the chorus, so again wow. You both and I am sure Pa Rudi collaborate so well together when writing songs it is a work of art how you all put it together and thank god your not with a major record deal because I don’t think we would get the wonderful quality of your musical journey that we are all a part of. Please keep it coming and love this song to bits.

    Bill and Maddie

  99. Sounds great! Lisa, are you playing slide guitar? I love the sound. Mona, the percussion on this steals the show. I love your work here.

  100. Thank you! What a lovely birthday present (a day early, but who am I to complain)
    Very cool vibe with this one. You two continue to surprise me. I do hope you’ll wait until it’s a bit warmer before you shoot the video for this. 😉 I imagine it’s still a bit chilly over there. I think you should keep a few songs as a surprise, or maybe have an online album release party. This is a really fun song!

    1. Brian, it would be cool if they did a livestream ‘first look(hear)’ of the new album corresponding with its release! Great idea! Of course, I’d jump at any excuse for a livestream!