Questionable – Early Access (Audio)

Question After Question …

Last Friday we hinted at a new song that we wanted to share with you in a few weeks’ time. Well, we finished it quicker than expected and didn’t want to hold it back any longer 🙂

So here it is, our new song “Questionable” which, just like our other recent original songs we posted to the MLT Club, will be part of our upcoming album.

We’ve now got 5 songs in the “Early Access” section plus a couple more that are already finished but that we want to keep a surprise until the album comes out (unless we change our mind). We feel good about that and hope to share more with you soon 🙂

LISTEN: Questionable

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We’re also planning on filming a music video for this song in the upcoming weeks. Of course, you MLT Club members will be the first to see it!

We’ll keep you updated on that and hope you enjoy the “audio only” for now ♥

Mona & Lisa

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  1. It sounds great ! The song is good and I have a feeling the new album is going to be a real killer. Extra point goes to the great drum sound !

  2. “My heart is one big questionnaire”
    ”My love is one big questionnaire”
    Those lines are so enlightening and so true.
    No question, this song is fantastic. I love how the chorus varies each time.
    The bass and keyboards are great! Sounds like you were able to use most of your percussion instruments. The mix on this is awesome. Each listen brings out another sound or effect. I love how “clean” your productions are. One can distinctly hear every little detail, and there is a lot to hear here. The a cappella part is perfect. I love how the organ rolls it back into the chorus. This really has that MLT sound. I like how some of the guitars are very subtle and different in each ear. Classy

    We are so lucky. MLT presents their work to the club one song at a time. We fall in love with each song and then the album is released and our minds are blown away. I am getting curious as to the sequence of the songs on the album. I wanted to say perhaps the best is yet to come, but the best is already here. I believe we are witnessing the creation of another masterpiece.


  3. Great song. Thought it was interesting that it was juxtaposed with featuring The Beach Boys album as it shares some of their swinging easy lyricism. Great job.

  4. This is an incredible song! I can’t stop listening to it. It has a 60’s vibe but has a sound that will make it classic! Great melody with an AWESOME chorus! Sounds like a hit to me, Very creative,I love it!

  5. Fantastic song. I just love it. Very well done. Beautifull harmonies. Hopefully a video will made. This could make the song even more fun.

    1. I’m picturing a series of snippets of interviews of various men in coffee shops and bars and elevators and maybe the produce department or a doctor’s office or the Beatles statues or on a farm or other unexpected and funny places. But the Twins probably have a better idea.

  6. I’ve been listening for days now and I honestly feel this is got to be the best work that you 2 have done yet!!!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  7. I’d like to think it was a giddy hoot dreaming up a boatload of serious and silly questions, choosing the most workable ones, and testing ways to fit them into the jigsaw puzzle of this song—which has emerged as a giddy, yet meaningful, hoot for us all.

  8. 素晴らしい曲です!これまでとはまた少し違ったテイストの曲ですね。何度も聞いてしまいます。

    Great song! This song has a slightly different flavor than the previous ones. I can’t stop listening to it over and over again.
    I love the classic modern songs that Mona and Lisa make that remind me of the 60’s!

  9. Towards the end of the song when the chorus isolates down to just Mona and Lisa’s vocals alone driving the melody, the emotions really pops! There are great effects like that going on throughout this song and all of the new songs for this album that just enhance the wonderful musical experience.

    There are so many deliberate wonderful effects going on in the new songs, It’s brilliant song writing happening here. Mona and Lisa have taken these new songs to another level of brilliant song writing mastery that you can feel, not that earlier originals weren’t awesome in their own right.

  10. When I hear a song I pay attention on the arrangement, how many instruments I can hear. For me, the climax of your song is when the keyboards entered, I went to another time. The beginning of the song reminds me Paul, then George. You can sound like them, without copy them, It’s not easy to do it. The whole bridge (especially the”do you care” part, if I understood it right) is great.

  11. First heard this Saturday morning. Been humming and singing it ever since. Can’t get it out of my head. (Not that I want to)

  12. If you don’t send this to the radio stations You obviously don’t want to be discovered that quick. Which is cool That way you’re all hours!!!!♥️♥️♥️

  13. Wow, it keeps getting better and better! How? There’s so much, classic MLT, nods to 60’s classics, that Hammond like sound, so many twists and turns and absolute GENIUS lyrics. It’s so hard to hold such a delicate balance of humor and seriousness, and MLT does it effortlessly. For anyone thinking that It’s all been done this is solid proof that the great music of the 60’s can still be new and improved. Clearly MLT can improve their score.
    Awesomely groovy!

  14. Wow Awesome. The other folks commenting already summed it up pretty good, so I’ll just say I Love It. Great song.
    I just discovered you last month and immediately joined the Club.
    Wish I would have found you years ago, but glad to be here now.
    Your loyal fan,
    Bobby S.

  15. I can’t listen just once. This has to go around at least two or three times before I can stop it.
    I hope it’s OK to say this to Austriabrits, but this song sounds to me like something out of The Great American Songbook of old standards—the humor and the extended verse lines that playfully, and breathlessly, tumble over each other, tossing together major criteria like babies and bank accounts with more mundane items like hair washing and allergies. Love it!

    I also love, after years of virtually no signs of romance in the Twins’ lives, that “Questionable” hints they’re at least thinking about it. 🙂

  16. I don’t know what to say about this amazing song.. so I’ll say it by another way.. ” When we hear a song dozens of times in a merans that we love it “.. yes I loved it., you´re always perfect

  17. I love the new song! Very nice! I know the video will be awesome as well! Very creative! Best Wishes to MLT and Family!

  18. If I am who I am ….. I will listen …..
    I am having some challenges to listen.
    Anyway, whatever, I will listen carefully, until my last breath.????
    Because, God is Faithful. ????

      1. So, you mean they were drawn by a German? But where did you find those pictures of MLT? Or where can we find the art of that German illustrator?

      2. Oh, OK… nice 🙂 (I guess I missed that…LOL I admit I don’t manage to see all of the posts here in the club)

        But then, who is from Germany? o_O

  19. What can I say but I love it I cant wait for the video which I know will be just as good going by the last two.songs the album a definite purchase from me

  20. Love it. Original and funny but serious at the same time. So looking forward to the video which I am sure will be equally amazing. Following on from Songbird, this guarantees that the new album is a definite buy from me.

  21. Nice! Catchy tune, timely (or timeless really) lyrics, I love it! I know it’s only in Early Access, but my mind keeps stripping it down – any chance of an acoustic Duo Session of it?

  22. Wow……really enjoyed the new song. Usually I might have to listen to a new one a few times to get on board but this ones a hit for sure

  23. I love the harmonies and witty clever lyrics and I can’t wait to check out the new video and album when released. Another successful original song loved by the MLT club members, who by the way have great taste in music. Stay groovy ???????? ❤️

  24. Very nice! Love the timing change and the key change right at the end. Not sure who’s singing the main parts, but your voice is superb, just not 100% sure about a couple of the lyrics, lol, “how often do you change your underwear?” Personally I can’t wait for the new album! x

  25. Thank you ???? for the sneak listen…love ❤️????the lyrics and the lilted harmonies. Awaiting the new releases! Until then, staying groovy. ✌️✌️

  26. The first few notes of “Questionable” reminded me of a 60’s song Line “It’s the Time of the Season… ” Love the Lyrics.. Rythm feels it sped up , but not jarring.. smooth transitions. . Good Health glad to be back with your club.

  27. This is going to be a bit hit! Great lyrics with lots of clever rhymes. The musical arrangement is rich and full – it’s almost like there is a small orchestra backing you! The rhythm is interesting, too. Not really syncopated but it sort of speeds up and then slows back down. I don’t know, there must be a word for it. 😉

  28. Love this song!!! I can’t wait to see what you do with the video… they are all so creative! This pokes fun at those “in-depth” dating sites with endless questionnaires. They are such a pain! 🙂

  29. This song is AMAZING!!!! I can’t wait to see the video. I hope all the ladies in the world hear’s this song. Great job once again Mona and Lisa thank you for all that you do!!!

  30. My favorite of the new songs, the lead vocals were perfect, the music fit the lyrics again to perfection. The arrangement was so elegant. Hats off to the “Lone Arranger” Papa Rudi.

    I would love to know who came up with the main idea for the lyrics and who formulated the questions in the song, so clever and witty.

    Love to all.

  31. Wonderful wordplay! Very clever lyrics (how often do I change my underwear? I’m’ dying!) And of course the harmonies and production are first rate! Props to Papa Rudi!

  32. I really like the opening bass line and the organ.
    Lovely melody and nice harmonies as usual.
    Gee the lyrics are kind of personal – but since you asked…

    Software Engineer, cruising the Baja in my jeep, i live alone,
    she’s passed, depends on who you ask, one of each,
    6 month living expenses, once a week, i don’t wear any,
    i’m older than anyone else, nothing important, hay fever.
    Well that’s more than anyone needs to know, but thanks for asking.

    Great job ladies. We’re all tapping our foot over here waiting
    for the completed project.

      1. I thought so too, but since they asked.
        It’s wonderful to hear from you Diana.
        Have a great weekend.

  33. Wow, the lyrics to this song are so extraordinary. I love the conversational tone and full spectrum of questions from serious to lovingly clever. Way to go, my favorite gals!!!!

  34. I looped this while eating breakfast this morning. This song just fits together so perfectly and yet so uniquely! Such fun and so original! I’m already singing it in my head as I do morning chores! This new original album is gonna be phenomenal!

  35. It’s friday a good friday for a great song.I love this little fine song and must say you’ve

    done it very well. Ladies, the MLT family is waiting for the new video – thank you.

  36. Yes Yes Yes another great original song ! Wow you ladies are wonderful and so talented it is amazing to me. Love this song and the drum beat Mona, great job from one drummer to another great job. Lisa wow you sing this song with no problem it is smoothing and flows very well which makes it easy on the ears. All the background harmony’s are spot on and this is what I have been saying all along, anything you ladies put out is worth the wait, this new album is going to be a great album and can’t wait. But listening to the words? I love it goes back to when I was dating my wife…LOL…A lot of the questions you pose came from my wife some 40 years ago. So such a great tune and a great message and love the rhythm and fun aspect of this song. Please keep it coming and I love this club.
    Me and Maddie send hugs to Mona, Lisa, Pa , Michela and the entire MLT Club.
    Bill and Maddie Isenberg Huge Fans from Pittsburgh pa USA

  37. Wow, this song is really a lot of fun! The Music flows with the lyrics and the structure is really good, I love the chorus!!! I will bet the video is going to be a funny video like Bus Stop!!! Anything you guy’s put out is going to be great!!!!! I believe the Club members needed this.

  38. System Administrator.
    New Zealand.
    6/6/99 2pm.
    Once a week.
    Never was.
    Don’t get me started on Roundabouts.
    1.      Smart.
    2.      Loyal.
    3.      Great taste in music.
    4.      Non-smoker.
    5.      Love cats.
    6.      Have all my hair.
    7.      Tall.
    8.      Better looking than a slow squirrel on the M5.
    9.      Can cook.
    10.  Old enough to be your father.
    No reputation. See number 2 above.
    Have 2 already.
    If by babies you mean cats, one or 2 more might be nice.
    I’d like to hit a lottery and retire.
    See above answer.
    5 days a week unless I’m going out on the weekends.
    See above answer.
    You’re still reading this, right?
    See number 10 above.
    I have over 700 board games.
    Bees. No to Peanut, cats and I didn’t know sourdough allergies were a thing.
    Did I win?!

    (I hope I’m not the only idiot (← term if affection) that does this. No cheating by posting the questions with your answers!)

  39. The song made me smile and actually felt batter after listening and makes me so grateful that I am married and do not need to try to negotiate modern dating.

  40. Absolutely LOVE this song!!! Definetly hear a McCartney/Lovin Spoonful kind of influence/vibe coming thru.As usual the vocals,harmonies,and production are spot on.Can’t wait for the video,so I can enjoy this MLT Masterpiece even more.
    .Love & Hugs to Mona,Lisa,Papa Rudi,Michaela,and the entire team .????????????????

    Thank You!!! for all you do for all of us in the Club.(The Best Fan Club in the Universe)


    1. Yes, I do agree that the MLT Club is a great place to hang out in and is really, as Mona recently said, a big happy family. Probably the reason why this is only fan club I have ever joined, despite loving many different artists over the years.

  41. A great song again! Congratulation! I´m sorry that I can´t hear you in German radio stations. How come? You deserve a greater resonance in Germany too. I still hope that will change in future.

  42. Questionable continues the style of great Lisa life stories from an enquiring mind. In the current world we live in where people are forced to live their lives in bunkers it’s only natural to have many questions about any future partner and how they may fit into their world. Amazing clarity of singing once again and love the ‘organ’ sound from the keyboards along with Mona’s lovely harmony backing.  Should inspire a fun video with many thought bubbles! Another winner!!

  43. It took me less than ten seconds of listening to Questionable, to fall in love all over again with this wonderful song. Really clever use of words, vocals have such feeling and one which will become a MLT classic…mark my words.

  44. Hiya Mona and Lisa, how very 60s’ in style and sound, it took me back to listening to radio 1 when it started, or Top of the Pops. Very well done ladies, a hit all the way! Thank you both, oh and dad too. Stay safe, Steve…

  45. Thanks for sharing this new song – it is really fun! When I first listened to it, I read it as very ironic. But reading through the other comments made me realize that it also raises questions that we people genuinely care about. I like how the song is ambiguous in this way and leaves you with questions beyond the ones listed in the lyrics.

  46. What a cheeky MonaLisa take on what finding that special other is like in this social media driven time we live in. I can’t imagine what dating is like these days. Not that it was easy in any time period from the past but it’s certainly a bit weirder when so many meet on the internet. I think you’ve got a great and clever song here that will keep people coming back to listen to the lyrics and use it as checklist of what is on potential couples wish list I guess. The music moves around in a playful way which keeps it interesting to the listener. Well done Mona and Lisa and good luck with your search for the special other in your life’s. Now what was that really important question on your list?

  47. There’s “original” and then there is “incredibly original”. Not only the music but the lyrics. I really enjoy this. The melody is both complex and straight forward at the same time. It flows effortlessly and carries you away. The lyrics are engaging and wonderfully witty. There is no question how uniquely gifted you both are as musicians, performers and creative writers. I love your intelligence and your spirit. What an album this is going to be!

  48. Not my cup of tea to be honest but no doubting the musical talent of the twins. For some reason I see this song being sung in a musical – just my take on it that’s all.

  49. I felt as though I had been whisked back to 1971. The keyboards are awesome, melody, very moving and tasteful, with lyrics reminiscent of Paul Simon. Instrumentation and recording mix excellent as always. I can’t wait to see the video. You’ve got a hit here!

  50. Mona and Lisa, there is nothing Questionable about your talent to produce another absolutely fabulous song for our continued enjoyment of your beautiful voices and harmonies, you have without a doubt brought back memories of so many different parts of my life over the years in this one song for which I am truly grateful, can’t wait to see the video and hear the new album, may you both continue to produce new music and videos for many many more years to come. Love you ladies ❤❤ stay groovy ????????????????

  51. Beautifully crafted song with great lyrics and melody. The harmonies as always, sublime. Love the opening too, really draws you in to the song. This song is a winner!

  52. . Love it! what a cool song , looking forward to seeing the video . and to the release of the new album.

  53. Hello Ladies,

    Questionable continues a string that has become a high standard for this New Original Album.
    This song has A flair that sounds like the KINKS, LOVIN SPOONFUL, THE BEATLES LATE WORK, A bit of a PSYCHEDELIC FLAIR, And THAT MONALISA TWINS MAGIC that has become the standard for your songs.
    A really good song that sticks in your Head.
    Thanks Ladies for a Special Birthday Gift with this song. ???? ????

  54. I just listened for about the 20th time to perhaps the greatest 3:15 of music and singing with brilliant lyrics…absolutely genius…in my opinion this is the best original song that MLT has ever written …so far this is the Ace of your new album …Questionable without a doubt a song that could be the “breakout” to stardom for MLT❤️????

  55. This is the first new song release since I joined the MLT Club and it is really groovy to see how all the regulars immediately gave their input to this fantastic song. You have a very devoted fan base who obviously love good music. As I stated earlier, this is an outstanding song which demonstrates the MonaLisa Twins sound in an entirely new setting. Well done, ladies!

  56. So many questions, and just ahead of Valentines Day, too. Maybe we could meet for coffee, or tea, or wine, or beer, and talk about the state of the world. So many of those questions appear to be extremely existential. How’s a guy to know what a woman wants these days.

  57. This is fantastic! It really has a movie feel to it. Your harmonies sound extra sweet. The lyrics are so clever. I have it on repeat as I am typing, and I keep hearing something new on each listen. A cappella over drums sounds kool.
    wait there it is again. Nice! .

    It feels like On-line dating at its best. Question after question and then you went under there. This is great. I can’t wait for the video.

    The Drums and guitars have that classic MLT sound I love.
    I can’t wait to see how these new songs are arranged on the album.
    It sounds like they will flow together very well, but they still stand on there own individually.


  58. I absolutely can’t wait to see the video you create for this amazing song. I had a huge smile from the end of the first verse that stayed through several listens. The time changes are as great as the lyrics. Bravo.

  59. Your voices can make any subject sound wonderful. Even a funny and clever song about love in the twenty first century. I like it but remember too many questions was the downfall of the Austen sisters. Thank you for sharing!

  60. I think this is my favorite song from the new album so far! It contains a lot of familiar musical elements that make me suspect every few seconds that I already know this one, but they connect together in a completely unique and seamless way. And the lyrical premise is so playful and creative that it just brings a big smile to my face.

  61. I adore this song, the melody is so bright and charming, the lyrics are funny and intriguing. The singing and harmonies are so sweet and wonderful. It lifts my spirit, what a charming love song! Love it.

    Song after song, your new work is incredible! This is turning into a true masterpiece album. You cease to impress. I am so looking forward to the video for this. ????????????

  62. Oh my gosh, I like everything about this song! The melody, the bass line and those lyrics…I would have loved to have been there when you were writing this! This new album is going to be awesome.

  63. I think some people don’t ask enough questions before jumping in a relationship…so this song is so relatable for me…lol. it is a great song girls, keep them coming ????

  64. Wow, different in a great way. I absolutely loved it. I love the music, always love your vocals and I love the lyrics. Do you have an application or does someone screen your potential suitors? ???? I think you have been watching the “Bachelorette” too much. ???????? Seriously, nothing questionable about the song… FANTASTIC‼️????????????????????????????????????????❤

  65. Where do I get a copy of questionnaire. Might as well try. Love the drums Mona, and Lisa, voice is a dream. Stay groovy. Peace be.

  66. Man, that guy has got a lot of loaded questions to answer…
    Absolutely delightful song!

  67. Love it. I need to listen to it several more times to catch everything. Really looking forward to the finished album.

    1. Every couple of days i have to hear this song about 12 times in a row and then I’m fine for a couple of days and must repeat the process once again

  68. Outstanding! Everything about this comes together perfectly – music, lyrics, performance. Wow. If this isn’t picked up and licensed by some rom-com or movie they are really missing out. Can’t wait to see the video.

  69. Wonderful, Cleverly done, very well complete with lyrics, rhythm, melody, arrangement with instruments. Mostly a great vocal singer. It hits all the bases for a classy classic. Story telling is fantastic questionable makes room for answers ????. ????????????????????⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

  70. I had to add another post.
    This sounds like Dusty Springfield singing Carly Simon.
    Please put me down as number 1 for pre order of this album.

  71. Holy Frikkin Whoa…Do I ever Luv this, the lyrics, the tune itself, etc, the whole shebang…you have indeed #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Abundantly Delivered, No Question of it, Truly Excellent, Awesome, Kudos !!!! ????????????

  72. night auditor, castles in Germany, yesterday, not often enough, no…..
    I’m probably closer to Rudi’s age than that of Mona and Lisa, but if that isn’t an obstacle, I am very drawn to women that play guitar (and other instruments). I my bank account this week has less money than the monthly subscription (bills are paid though)….
    This is a great song. It’s like the dating app questionnaire. lol.

  73. Mona and Lisa never cease to amaze me. Just when I think I couldn’t love them more…..The satirical lyrics are juxtaposed with a beautiful melody. It adds depth and complexity to a fun and humorous song. WOW!!! Please say I will get to see them live someday. Also, I just freakin love this song!!!!!!

  74. I love love love this song! It might be the best you ever wrote and performed. Lisa’s vocals are amazing and the harmonies are top shelf as always.
    If you need a mature 60 ish man as the romantic lead in your video I volunteer my services free of charge. I just need a couple of days notice to arrange my flight????

    1. Hi Tim..thanks for the reply..I’ve been listening to this song for well over an hour now…it’s really and truly something special…maybe with Joe The Janitor they can get this song launched and rocketing toward #1 in the world????

  75. Mona and Lisa:

    Very, very nice! “Questionable” has the MonaLisa Twins sound, of course, but it is also has an Adult Contemporary flair! Growth, while staying true to your roots.

    The young ladies from the first concert have grown so much. With your imaginations, I am certain that the video for “Questionable” will be outstanding! Thank you Mona and Lisa (and Rudi’s Bass, I think).

    Please keep those questions as a Database for your future suitors. Both of you deserve the best!

  76. Delightful, absolutely delightful. I love that you are getting into writing satirical material. This is both very astute and tremendous fun! So well done!!!

    1. BTW, I once had a friend who created an Excel spreadsheet tracking the “qualifications” of each woman he dated. A really jerky thing to do.

  77. What a fun song! I actually knew a guy who had a set list of questions he’d bring out to interview complete strangers he was interested in.

  78. Holy Jumpin Joseph you have written the Best Song you’ve ever written…OMG MLT has done it this time….This song (video) will have a million hits in its first week….I am so taken I’ve got tears running down my cheek….this is truly the best song lyrics you have ever written.❤️????