If I Fell – Behind The Scenes Video

Dear MLT Clubbers,

Today we want to take you behind the scenes of the video for one of our favourite Beatles love songs we have covered: If I Fell.

Above you can watch the “video about the video”.

Since the actual filming was relatively straight forward, we thought we’d show you a bit more about the less flashy and more fundamental things like choosing camera angles and the editing process. It actually took a while for this video to come together. It wasn’t until we had played around with different overlays, black and white effects, and a more atmospheric approach, that we thought we did the song proud.

We hope you enjoyed this little sneak peak into the editing room. We always enjoy revisiting these “older” videos and comparing them with how we would approach filming a video like this now. Some things, like the equipment we use and the way of setting up certain shots, have changed a lot. But the workflow and experimental aspects of creating a new music video are still the same.We hope you’re all looking after yourselves today and get to spend some quality time with the people you love ♥ And that should very much include yourself 🙂

We’ll leave you now with the original “If I Fell” video and send love, love love,
Mona & Lisa


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  1. It’s hard to believe the Beatles recorded this song 59 years ago and it’s still better than anything on the radio today. Gives me hope to see the kids today moving back to the innocence. And at the end of the video Lisa points that bow at me and I just crumble. Just Groov’in 🙂

  2. Thank you for covering this beautiful song and for doing it so well! And thank you for two enjoyable videos! You’re very groovy!

  3. It’s only a “simple” Beatles song with insane vocal harmonies and strange chord sequences. I’m amazed every time I hear it.

  4. The very first MonaLisa Twins song that I heard and watched was “If I Fell”. It always has been my favorite Beatles song to the point of purchasing a separate 45 RPM single of it in high school. I quickly learned the chord progression from the songbook and it was always the first thing I would play when a guitar was picked up at a store or at a friend’s house.

    It is nice seeing the making of the video: From use of the metronome, to the mysterious squeak, and to all the options and experimenting that was done to make the final product a masterpiece was enjoyable to experience.

    The “Behind the Scenes” videos show the labor of love of the Wagner family of each endeavor. Each video is a new challenge…Mona and Lisa always rise to the toppermost of the poppermost!

    Have to conclude that Lisa’s cello work was awesome…enjoyed watching the process, and her pointing the bow at us with a wonderful look at the end of the official video was such a perfect way to end this masterpiece.

    Thank you ladies!

  5. It is one of my favorite videos……and one of my all time favorite songs. I have probably looked at your video of this song around 20 or so times. Mike

  6. I, and I’m sure, the rest of your fans are so grateful you keep working so hard to produce these joyous vids for us to enjoy! It’s fortunate you love making them, because I (we) definitely love watching them!

  7. If I fell was the first song I ever heard you two girls sing. I came across it one day in November 2018 while cruising on Facebook and it’s not only a great song that the Beatles wrote but will always carry something special in my heart because it’s the first song I ever heard you girls sing that seems to make it extra special thank you for posting this little behind the scenes take of this song. Team MLT you are the greatest????????????????????

  8. I love how in addition to being fantastic musicians you are also visual artists as well. Your videos are amazing, and it is so interesting seeing your creative process. Great addition to the MLT Club.

  9. Thank you for sharing this Mona and Lisa. Your artistry and the amount of work you put into the videos is amazing!

  10. You know it seems that we all try to say the same thing over and over again using different words to say how wonderfully talented you girls are…fabulous…magnificent…beautiful songwriters…unparalleled…etc etc…you really are God gifted musicians and vocalists….keep doing what you are doing and eventually the rest of the world will wake up and the MonaLisa Twins will be going viral on YouTube ????

  11. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Never been to Liverpool but it is on my bucket list. After seeing this, it looks like a beautiful place to visit and re step some sights that the Beatles once walked.

  12. Thanks for sharing so much. I love how everything is here in one spot. I feel like there is something new around every corner.

    These behind the scenes videos are so cool. It’s no wonder that your productions come out so well. They truly are second to none.

  13. Congratulations on the end result – i work in still art – video is so demanding and requires patience which i do not have – love viewing your vids. P:)

  14. This video of “If I Fell” was one of the first that I saw from MLT. The other was “This Boy”. I fell in love!
    Two beautiful girls with magnificent voices and a superb production. Since then I’ve enjoyed watching all of the videos and listening to their songs over and over. Being part of the MLT club and getting to know the family better has been such an enjoyable experience for me. Although I’m many miles away I still feel a part of it all. I love what your doing. Thanks for it all!

  15. It is very beautiful to be able to watch these videos and that you share them with us. It is magical to be part of your dream and see how, over the years, you continue to fill our eyes with emotion with the music they do. This video is very beautiful, thanks for sharing.

  16. LOVE these behind the scenes videos. Very interesting seeing how you make them. Very well done as usual! I needed some new MLT as I am now recovering from having my gall bladder out this past Thursday. Still very sore but should be getting better as the days go by. That first 24 hours is really painful though. Thank you ladies and Rudi!

    1. Get well soon, Tommy! We hope the pain has gone down since your operation and that you’re in good spirits. 🙂
      We’re sending you well-wishes!

  17. It was fitting for shots around Liverpool. If I Fell was a relatively early Beatles song and Liverpool was still visible in the rear view mirror for them. One of my favorite songs since 1964. If you are interested in lists, it falls in at my 3rd favorite Beatles song.

  18. There are SO many wonderful things about following you and the way you treat your fans but to me one of the most intimate and fun parts are these behind the scene videos! I have always loved the way they bring us into your “world” and what goes on literally behind the scenes. It also helps one to appreciate the final product that much more. The detail and effort you put into each video (as well as everything else) shows with the amazingly high quality we experience. I hope you had a wonderful Valentines day and thank you once again for making our lives that much more special! 🙂

  19. I remember getting my first cassette recorder for Christmas in about 1971 and recording all the songs from A Hard Days Night from off of the TV speaker, as it was showing. Record, stop, record, stop….. If I Fell was always one of my favourites and I always end up singing the harmony line to it.

  20. I thoroughly enjoyed watching this behind the scenes video. It’s always so fascinating to see the ingenuity and how you make these wonderful videos. The cover video is just brilliant and your singing and harmonies here so sublime. You prove again and again you both have become some of the finest singers in the world.

  21. Another awesome ‘behind the scenes’ video from MLT. And what a pick for Valentine’s Day. My favourite cover of one of my favourite Beatles early songs (along with your live cover of ‘You’re Going To Lose That Girl’). I can only endorse what everyone else here has posted. Looking forward to your next ‘behind the scenes’ video. Keep them coming. Thank you for sharing the love!

  22. Thank you for this wonderful Valentines gift! I love these “behind the scenes”. They really showcase the many different creative talents you bring to all your incredible work. Hope you had a special love-filled day, where ever you happened to be.

  23. Awwwwwesome… LOVEly.. Indeed.. Always enjoy the extras you put forth… It’s educational to learn and try to grasp the concepts that you do in putting videos together…. But the end results… Always worth whatever processes and takes and all you did to come to finished result… Love all. Of it… Thankyou for sharing????????????❤️????✌️????☮️????????????????????️????️????????

  24. I really love the “behind the scenes” and “The making of” videos that you give us. Always top notch quality. I liked when you were sitting on the bench with joggers running by and Lisa laughed spontaneously then suppressed it. That was so endearing and beautiful.

  25. This was a very nice gift! If I Fell is a favorite of mine, both the Beatles song and MLT cover. I’d like to echo everything that has been said before me. Love the making-of, the candidness, the funny moments…
    Thank you!

  26. What a most sweet and timeless.gift to all of us today. I love seeing behind the scenes. Yet this one is extrs special. You show some of the ideas that made this Fantastic video what it is. I love how you incorporated the Beatles at the start. Ive only seen your story board and control panel a couple of times, but nothing like this.
    Thanks Ladies for an extra special Valentines today.
    May each of you Mona, Lisa, Michaela,and Rudi have a very special day. May each of you have the love and specialness that you have given each of us????❤

  27. I want to thank you for this. I asked about some things concerning the process and you have actually added a lot of content around the topic including this tidbit. Having done work similar to this, I think it’s great that even what didn’t make it to the final version is still good. You inspire on so many levels. Great work and Happy Valentine’s day to you too!

  28. I can watch these kinds of “Making of” snippets all day. Not only do they show the considerable effort and creativity you put into the work, they are almost as entertaining as the finished product IMO. I’m still recovering from the Barbie video.

  29. Loved it. I’m always facinated by the technical details that go into film making especially since you all go to all the effort to release professional quality videos. That doesn’t mean I don’t like your more “casual” styled videos like the Acoustic Duo Sessions style ones. Fans love those also as the Getting Better video proved when you released it on YouTube. So glad that the additional financial support from Club members is giving you the resources to crest more content. It’s a win-win arrangement for sure. Now bring on Baby Mine for the new Dumbo movie. (No pressure) lol