Duo Sessions MLT Club MLT Club Trial

“Leise Rieselt Der Schnee” 2.0 – Early Access

Merry Christmas!

Today we let the music speak and will keep this short.

However you are celebrating and even if you aren’t at all – we hope you’re having a magical day!

From the bottom of our hearts: Merry Christmas!

Mona, Lisa, Michaela & Rudi

38 replies on ““Leise Rieselt Der Schnee” 2.0 – Early Access”

It is about a month before Christmas and I just had to go back to this. Ahhh, the harmonics that Mona does on the Strat…just like in the original version. I remember learning this from my guitar teacher as a kid while learning Malaguena, thinking that i was the coolest person in the world, lol.

Still love the use of it!

Hi I am of a first generation American German and my family came here in 1947 and I remember songs being sung in my house in German, thank you
even though it’s not X-mas right now I will play it at Christmas.
Walt Music

Beautifully done, ladies. I sent CDs of your “Christmas” album to 3 friends as Christmas gifts this December. They all loved the album, as did I. We enjoyed it very much, and it set the perfect mood for the season. I feel it’s easily one of your best albums yet.

Ladies, I think creating the Duo Sessions section is a great idea to showcase your acoustic and duo performances in one place. These acoustic live performances are one of the best things with the MLT Club. Really love them.

Lisa and Mona, please do not ever lose your sweet innocence. Speaking for myself, and most likely hundreds, if not thousands of your fans, it is one of your qualities that most endears you to us. There are multitudes upon this earth that love you and your music, but there are myriads upon myriads in heaven who do. May God Almighty and His Son continue to shower you with joy and happiness.

Yes, you are getting better all the time. What a beautiful video for Christmas 2018. One thing hasn’t changed over the last 10 years and that is what beautiful, sincere, loving people you both are and it still shines through everything you do. Thank you so much for the Advent Calendar. It has made the season truly bright. Sincerely wishing you a fantastic New Year!

Frohe Weihnachten!
Like it’s been said before, you have so much heart! ❤️ This is a beautiful heartfelt rendition. Thank you!
Also, thank you for a great advent calendar! It was a lot of fun to follow along.

PS: Is that a new Country Gent!? Seems I’m not the only on to notice 🙂

Excellent, so very moving and sincere. Mona’s guitar work was very good. Glad to see her out front this time. Thanks so much and I’ve really enjoyed all your Christmas presentations this year. It has really meant a lot.

Great guitar solo Mona! It reached the bottom of my heart. Christmas songs take me to a place where everything is perfect, I leave this world for a moment. Today I went to Monalisa’s land. Thank you!

Thank you Mona, Lisa, Michaela & Rudi
As a musician, a fan, and a business-person I have the deepest appreciation for everything you are doing.
Happy Christmas to you all as well, and best wishes for a good year in 2019!

Lisa did you get a New Gretsch? The frets look different as does the Pick Guard.
You all are amazing! Mona playing all those different instruments! Thank you Ladies for all your Amazing Advent days and for your most gracious gift to us all, Yourselves and your Extraordinary Team.

Ladies, you do know how to make a special Christmas for us all. A Beautiful Song and a wish that came true.
I also noticed something in the video that touched my heart greatly. Thank You.
Fröhliche Weihnachten, Michaela and Rudi
You are a Very Special Family indeed ❤❤❤

Just beautiful once more Mona and Lisa. Nice to see you give this one a second outing. Still love your 2009 version too and great to see Mona tackling the lead guitar once more. Hope you are having a wonderful day. Thanks so much for sharing the Advent Calendar with us. I’ve just listened to the Rodriguez interview again. He really is an exceptional interviewer. I look forward to what’s coming from MLT in the new year and hope it’s even a better one for the MLT experience!

Dear Liza, dear Mona!
Me, one of your oldest admirer, cannot thank you enough for ten years of joy you brought us. Not only have you made absolutely wonderful music, you have also established friendships among the fans and made some of us forget his grief and pain while listen your covers and originals.

You are also very pretty, no doubt, but even more important is your goodness of heart. You’re bringing so much love to us and your mischievous touch always conjures a smile on our faces!
So I wish you all the best for the next ten years and your further life.
Merry Christmas Ladies!

Your loyal fan Meloman

Merry Christmas to the wonderful Wagner family! I love the updated version of this beautiful, peaceful song. Thank you for a terrific 2018 and looking very forward to 2019! 🙂

Ladies, I’m just speechless! Magnificent! This and the month of Advent Calendar content has been the best Christmas gift ever. Thanks from the bottom of my heart.
You both look as cute here as you did in the 2009 Leise Rieselt Der Schee and 2001 Christmas Performance. Love it when you sing in German too! Merry Christmas and wishing you all the very best with all your new projects in 2019.

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