The Perfect “Thank You” Gifts?

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Many of you have helped our music grow by telling your friends, family and co-workers about us and spreading the word through good old word-of-mouth or the internet equivalent of that 😊

We want to start giving back for these kind of things! We will be setting up “rewards” for newsletter sign-up referrals and would love to know which of these perks would interest you the most.

We will be choosing a whole array of rewards for different levels of help. You shouldn’t rank the rewards below against each other but rather think about each reward individually and let us know if it would be something you’d enjoy receiving in exchange for helping us grow. What’s the best way we can say “Thank You”?

If you can think if other ideas, please let us know in the field below and please feel free to expand in the comment section below! We’re very curious to hear your thoughts!

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  1. I agree with the others who have said no incentive or reward is needed for us to spread the word about the MonaLisaTwins. I tell everyone I can, urge them to take a listen and even if it’s not in their personal interest, to please pass the word along to their friends and associates. Tracking all the merch and dealing with the endless job involving addresses and mailing, unless this really makes the people involved feel useful and fulfilled (then by all means do it!) sounds to me like not worth the result–to you!–which results from the time invested.
    On a somewhat-related note: I don’t ever want to hear or even sense, that you all are creating Product because you feel that you have to because “we owe it to our fans”. Don’t just throw something out there because it’s been X period of time and “we gotta do another video, they expect it”. No. You do it when it seems right for you and you are happy with the results. Fans will wait for expected quality. I am actually speaking of those webcomics which never take a break to recharge because they promised output at certain time intervals, but it applies just as much to your work. Love you all. (Your music keeps me warm these days, especially at this,-8C at 3PM in the afternoon here <-20C two days ago!>)

  2. I agree with the other comments that I don’t need anything for sharing and the music you give me is enough just keep sharing the great talents you have been given. Tim

  3. I think we are all on the same page that everything MLT does for us already is more than thanks enough.

    I think it would be great if we all challenged ourselves this year to think of more creative and fun ways to bring in new MLT members to the Club, not that we aren’t all doing that already, but let’s all go above and beyond what we are already doing and move the needle even further. Let’s try collectively to help MLT surpass the 1000 membership mark. That’s how we can all collectively say thank you to team MLT for all they do for us!

  4. They are all great choices.My reward is getting to see those Beautiful,Smiling faces everyday on my calendars,and in videos,and hearing the amazing music you ladies produce.I love sharing you music with family and friends,and do so without any need for a reward.You all do so much for all of us already,so I join the rest of my MLT Family in saying No Reward Necessary.Just keep doing what you do best,which is make this crazy world a little more Brighter,and Beautiful.

    Love & Hugs 💛 ❤

  5. Sorry, my english is not good enough, so I write den Rest in Deutsch. o.k.? ……. o.k.!
    Ja, wo unterstütze ich Euch überall? Nun, ich erzähl jedem/jeder über Euch. Spiel im Auto Eure CDs, besonders, wenn ich Fahrgäste hab. Wenn wir Strassenmusik machen, wo ich selbstverständlich ein MLT-T-Shirt trage, spiel ich z.B. auch “Any Other Day”, natürlich nicht ohne dem Publikum zu sagen, von wem das Lied ist. Bei “Nowhere Man” und “Here Comes The Sun” verkünde ich natürlich, dass es davon bei youtube auch eine Version von Euch gibt. Aiuf allen meinen Gitarren ist ein MLT-Aufkleber. Auf meinem Auto auch. Vorn und hinten!!! Wenn oich jemandem eine E-Mail schicke, füge ich allermeistens ein youtube-Video von Euch dazu.
    Reicht das aus?? Ich hoffe doch.

  6. I don’t expect anything for supporting MLT. It has always seemed to me that supporting you guys was a part of being in the club. The thanks from you has been the wonderful music and videos you produce.

  7. Although I completed the questionaire and made a brief comment, I must agree with the majority of those that wrote many sentences of very nice feedback. Especially like and agree with Dana Hart: just continue making wonderful sounds to add smiles and bring back memories of our lives joyous moments. All the other “gift” items would just increase your cost of operation. Looking forward to listening to your newest release. Have shared your music with many friends here in New Jersey (USA)

  8. I don’t need a reward for promoting your music. You ask “What’s the best way we can say “Thank You”?” The answer is just continue doing what you are doing by creating smiles and joy That is a priceless gift! It is an honour and privilege to help promote and support your art. It is the least I can do for what you have done for us!
    I hit submit instead of post comment so my submission to the survey was blank and had to retype my comment… OOPS lol 🙂

  9. Rewards are nice, but wouldn’t all that extra detail work take you ladies away from your main goal of producing more Music? I don’t think that any of us want to have you in a frenzy of figuring out different presents for everyone when you really need to be practicing, writing songs, or RELAXING, etc.

    Gotta get ready to go to work/teaching. BYE! — Bud

  10. I gotta admit that when you ‘dangle a 🥕’ like a personalized anything from you in front of me, my first impulse is going to be “Yes, I definitely want that!”. However, I’ve been promoting your music to others since I first discovered you on YouTube without any incentive of personal gain or recognition and will definitely continue to do so. I fully appreciate your desire to reward us in some way for doing so, but I’m joining, somewhat abashedly, the others who have said no reward is necessary!
    Oh, and my member pins arrived yesterday. That was FAST!

  11. I agree with all the Clubbers in that I don’t expect or need any rewards for promoting your music. You give us plenty of gifts just for being in this club. I love sharing your music and telling people about the Mona Lisa Twins and I will continue doing that because I believe in you and your music.

  12. I’m in cahoots on agreement here with all what is said, from everyone and I will add this , besides , Team MLT, in my experience , the only other band I can absolutely parallel the extent of which a band goes towards their fans is the Canadian Band GLASS TIGER ….. Do you know of any other band except for MLT, that would actually CALL, you up in person, to Thankyou fir a fan letter you wrote to the keyboardist… (lol ) and for a bold statement of a dream wish, include one’s phone number thinking wouldn’t it be cool if … and by golly it did occur and that is how I got to meet GLASS TIGER back in 1988-89 and the said keyboardist did call again a few times again to thank me for letters I wrote to Fan Club …lol… and they came to know me over the years… even know their families too….lol…., keep in touch and always have a great time visiting before/after a show when they come to Ottawa and I’m able to go… (have also seen them a handful times eons ago outside Ottawa, and a couple of times staying at same motel/hotel in the wee town they were gigging at as it was the only one in town… They have done private gigs for a few fans, events, one such special gig, went viral and made national news.. They did a special private gig at a nursing home for a resident who was a huge fan of their music …. like Team MLT, for me, they truly are the only other band that shares this unique commraderie/rapport with their fans and like Team MLT fans, awesome friendships are created ….
    Thankyou Team MLT for being on the internet, and for coming into my life 16, going on 17 yrs now of having discovered you on YouTube for doing “California Dreaming ” cover, the wonderful Friendships I’ve made with others here, etc….
    And I spread word of mouth about you whenever I can, and people like your stuff I share, and I hope they one day become MLT Clubbers , but if not, they’ll been exposed to your stuff because I reccomended that that they should checkout your music … 💎💜😎🤘🏻

  13. You spent some time coming up with that list. I have lists too. One is a list of questions, like “How can I help?”. If you want help, just ask. I’ll try. I don’t expect to get paid, and I don’t expect rewards. If you give me something that costs you money, I’ll just donate the money back to you. I’ll give some thought to how to help grow your newsletter list.

    What you do now is worth so much already. And I am already trying to help. I may not be very good at it, but I’m trying.

    All of your list of goodies is awesome, but direct personal things, like the one on one call, are #1.

    1. Chris,

      I read your post that said you’re having trouble logging on. I’m having the SAME problem. Every time I try to read someone’s comment, I keep getting sent back to the “Restricted Area!” I’m surprised that I can even comment here. Something must be haywire with the site right now. I did enjoy MLT’s Friday post this morning!

      Hopefully tomorrow will be better!

      — Bud

      1. Bud,
        It’s a problem with the site, and they know about it, and are currently looking at it.

        Seems to be fixed now. Thanks for fixing it!

      2. Thanks Chris,

        I figured it was something like that. I’m sorry to see that they’re having problems again, but I’m glad that it’s cleared up now! — Bud

  14. As others have said, I’m very happy and proud to spread the word whenever the opportunity arises, as I have recently done with my band audiences, Parkrunners etc. I’m just happy to do this without any incentive or reward.
    Like Allan, I too got my pin badge this morning and love it, which reminds me…. As a suggestion to your shop goodies, I would love to see (and buy) an MLT bucket sun hat (the floppy type), as I wear these all the time during the summer in Wales, and the Baseball caps don’t suit me!!!

  15. I’ve submitted my feedback. I’d just like to say that my 5 year pin badge arrived this morning and it really is a quality item, totally love it! You do know that you’ll have to do one every 5 years now in different colours!!!

  16. No gifts/incentives required for referrals, but thank you for considering that option 👍

  17. Dear MLT, I really like your music, and love the live on stage videos you frequently
    send me. I already tell all my friends about MLT. I suggest that they listen and/or
    watch Mona Lisa Twins videos on You Tube. The content you surprise me with VIA email
    is reward enough for me spreading the word. I am really looking forward to Live Stream
    coming soon. Thank you
    Stay Groovy,
    A fellow twin,

  18. Howdy,
    Although it is very generous of you to offer rewards, I do not think it is necessary.
    Maybe if one of us gets another person to join the club, then maybe a small reward. I think all or most of my fellow Club Members are happy to introduce others to the fantastic Mona&Lisa Twins and their music and videos.
    Maybe offering a free month to the Club for prospective new members might be a way to introduce them and perhaps become a paying member.
    See you on Sunday!
    Bobby S.

    1. I forget the details, Bobby, but a couple of years ago MLT did offer some free one-month club memberships. I’d be curious to know what percentage of those folks stayed with it. I do recall several messages saying “it’s been a fun month, but I can’t afford the dues”, which made me wonder if there were a way for club members to sponsor other memberships, such as donations earmarked for that purpose.

      1. Hi Dave, sounds good, but it might get messy no? I don’t mean to sound like a “Debbie Downer”, but how do you pick & choose who to sponsor. What happens if you sponsor someone for a few months or a year or whatever and then the funds are not there after that. How do you tell the person goodbye?
        I dunno? Maybe there’s a way to work it out.
        Take care, Bobby S.

  19. As others have mentioned, you already do some of the things on that list and we are here because of how you treat your fans. I say no rewards are needed. I really enjoyed the advent calendar with Rudi and Michaela, that was so much fun.

  20. Just had a thought how about car window stickers promoting the MonaLisa Twins free advertise to you both whilst the car travelling around in any country.

    1. Yes Neil, that is a great idea. I would also say Bumper Stickers, but I do not know if people use them much anymore. I remember years ago when I first started driving, I had several on the back of my car. One sticker said “Eat My Dust”. But then one day when the Police pulled me over for some reason(?) I said to myself – if they see that sticker – it may not have been such a good choice lol.
      Bobby S.

      1. I’ve already got an MLT sticker on my car and my pickup. The little stickers they always send with an order, I have them all over, on my fridge, on my guitar, Lol. I bought a few of the iron on patches and put them on caps, camouflage and blaze orange are popular colors in my part of the world.

  21. You already do so many things right. You have not been greedy about sharing your talents online, unlike some performers. I hear your music online and buy the CDs. I listen to them in my car and when I’m away from home. Some artists think they can give you a small sample of a song and have the same results. All I can say is keep doing what you are doing, because you are certainly doing it right and have won a place in my heart and ears!

  22. I second many of the comments below the reward is what you do for the MLT club members that is reward enough for a true MLT fan, spreading the word about you and getting you known is what a member should be doing paying you back for the pleasure you give to us in all you do. The Live advent calendar was enjoyed by so many thank you.

    1. You’re right Neil, they gave us a whole month of exclusive live chats and incredible 2 hour music livestream on the 23rd. There isn’t a better reward than that.

  23. I listen to your music every day& have been following you for the past 2 years since I somehow came across your videos. They are brilliant. You are truly an inspiration! I tell everyone if I win the lottery after paying off my sons student loans I want to bring you to America and pay for a tour of the US

  24. Thank you for your outstanding work. Seems as though your consideration to your fans goes far beyond anything other entertainers attempt to do. Not only is your music excellent, but your videos are so much fun and entertaining…Thank You So Much!!!

  25. I feel you offer so much to us fans of Mona and Lisa now and at times I feel you both and Pa Rudi and Michaela go above and beyond for us fans. This is what seperates you from all the other groups. We love you very much and please keep it coming with your love and fun and music.
    Bill and Maddie Isenberg Huge Fans from Pittsburgh PA USA

  26. You deliver a great deal to your fans already, there is no need for further reward as far as I’m concerned. Your music and cheerful disposition is more than sufficient.

  27. 🩵 to Hear You Whisper : ” I Love You ” In My Ear ! >>>
    My Life Would Be Complete 🩵

  28. I think the cameo website that I mentioned in the suggestion box might also give you exposure to people who don’t yet know about you, as they peruse the site. I wish I could watch the live stream Sunday but I have to work.

  29. Anything personal without taking up too much of your time or costing you exorbitant shipping fees would top my list. A handwritten letter would be amazing but I fear too time-consuming. Same goes for a video chat. A personalized autograph would be fairly quick and easier to send and could include all four Team MLT signatures!

  30. I would find the personalized rewards such as videos, personal chat etc. to be the most desirable. I have never used a discount when making a purchase in your store because I want to support your music. I don’t really need a reward to recommend your fantastic music.

  31. I will buy most anything on your site, and I’ll be a member of the Club with or without free months.
    What makes this place special to me is the personal touch you put on things. You take time to answer our questions, you take us along in your trips and video shoots, etc. I feel like there is definitely name recognition on your part with most of us, so the opportunity to have something personal like an autograph or a video chat is the top of the heap. That’s how I feel, and I think most here feel similar. Now that can balloon into a major problem for you if this really takes off, so I don’t know what to say about that. That’s my two cents (or shillings depending on where you are at).

  32. Crap, I think I hit submit before I was done with my wish list. This is a great idea. Your generosity is very inspiring. Your marketing team comes up with the grooviest ideas. They deserve a raise, or at least an extra coffee break once in a while. Ok, how about on slow days the Marketing Team gets an extra coffee break after lunch? Ok, how about on the third Thursday of each month the Marketing Team gets an extra cup of coffee with their lunch? Do they get lunch? The personalized merch is very kool.

  33. Wow, some really wonderful rewards. I really love the personalized rewards the most like the one on one video chat, MLT letter, autograph. Those don’t incur giving away merch for free or expensive shipping costs, but I would think would be the most valuable of all to any MLT fan including this one. 😊 Would be really motivating to help drive the referrals. Brilliant ideas.

    1. Yes Jung a personal letter or Video chat doesn’t cost anything but personal time but the member would treasure either for life

    2. Hi Jung,

      I watched the video you sent of the young Canadian girl singing “Over the Rainbow” & “Wonderful World” with the reggae beat, similar to what IZ from Hawaii did in the ’90’s.
      She does have a delightful voice!

      I couldn’t find your exact comment to reply to, & I’m having trouble w/this site. I would hate to see Mona & Lisa going thru more site problems!

      Here’s something you should see. This “Playing for Change” series of videos has adults, & sometimes children from around the world performing popular songs. This is a very good one! Have a nice, but COLD weekend! — Bud

      Celebration (Kool and The Gang) | Playing For Change | Song Around The World – YouTube

      1. Nice video Bud. It really underscores the universal nature of music to bring people/kids together. Through music they speak the same language that can’t be misunderstood.

      2. Jung,

        Yeah, right on man! There’s so much Music out there and so little time to watch/listen to it all. I have to limit myself, or I will spend hours on the computer! (When I was younger, I spent hours listening to vinyl records that I loved. I still remember songs & solos that I haven’t even listened to in many years!)

        But all of that listening really helped my musicianship! And in passing that along to kids, I’m sometimes amazed at how well some of the kids/classes can sing! I feel like I’m hearing Angelic Voices! And it’s from my training of them, plus their teachers that came before me!

        Then there’s the Instrumental Training, & I feel so good when I hear my Bands play so well, even in their first year! And the students who are really into it acknowledge & appreciate my time with them. Most I will never see again, but I’ve gotten used to that.

        I often think of the Great Teachers, (including their dad,) that Mona & Lisa had when they were growing up. Those adults must be so very proud now of their little pupils who have grown so magnificently with their musicianship!

        It’s fun for me to hear about the training that Lisa & Mona had when they were growing up! I hope they have more older Videos that they can share with us!

        I’m not trying to pat myself on the back, but I’m just glad to be a part of that fraternity of Music teachers who pass on their knowledge & love for their favorite subject!

        Jung, don’t bother responding to this. You’ve already done that many times, and we all have other things to do too!

        I hope it’s not too cold for you up there right now. I really dislike this cold weather we’re having this week! At least I have 3 days off!

        CHEERS and Stay Warm! — Bud

      3. Hi Bud
        It must be really rewarding over the years instilling music into so many young minds. I know for some, your music teaching will be the only time they ever get to feel that passion for making music, like it was for me. The short time in music grade 5 music class with Mr Stevens will stay with me for the rest of my life, as I am sure for many of your pupils of years past.

        Yeah it’s been quite cold here the last few days. Was -13C today, but that didn’t stop me from walking around the lake a few times today. Had to touch my face a few times to make sure I could still feel as the weatherman warned to be careful of frostbite. It sure felt nice and refreshing under the beautiful sunny blue sky today with the mountain tops sprinkled in icing sugar.

  34. Could the rewards, including non-physical ones such as a free month in the club, be set up so as to be transferrable to another person (not necessarily a club member) of the recipient’s choice?

    1. That’s a good idea David – to give a free month to a non-club member, so maybe they will enjoy it and stay on.
      Bobby S.

  35. This is a cool idea. Any gifts from Mona and Lisa would be fun to get and personalized gifts like a video chat or a hand written letter would be a treasure.

    1. Yes great idea Tim both wouldn’t cost anything apart from personal time but the member would treasure for life