“WHY?” Signed Vinyl Test Pressing – Giveaway

“WHY?” is getting released on Vinyl …

And we’re giving away two rare signed test pressings!

The delivery of our brand new “WHY?” vinyl is scheduled for March, and we’re starting pre-orders for MLT Club members today. To celebrate the occasion, we want to give away 2 of just 5 existing vinyl test pressings.

Before any record goes into final production, we get sent some so-called “test pressings” in order to approve everything (the audio) one last time. These test pressings are done on black vinyl with an empty white label and a test-sleeve. They look very bare-bones which is typical for all of them.

Here is how you enter the giveaway:

Tell us your favourite lyrics line (or paragraph/verse) from any of the songs off “WHY?” in the comments below!

We will draw 2 lucky winners in a video on March 31st. It will be completely luck-based and it doesn’t matter if you leave one or multiple comments – your name will enter the pot once.

Good luck and stay groovy ♥
Mona & Lisa


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  1. Okay…though I Luv All lyrics to All of the songs off ” WHY” ,
    The ones in ” Raise Your Head ” where it goes …

    ” Raise Your Head To See Future”
    ” Raise Tour Head To See Past ”
    ” Raise Your Head You’re Not Afraud At Last ” …

  2. After MUCH consideration, if you’re holding me to a single line it comes down to: “You’ll Never Know Destiny’s Play” (AOD). If, however, I’m allowed a whole stanza, the cohesive unity and poetic flow of this example tops my list: “Any Other You, and None of These Things Would be True, When Love Came Right Out of the Blue, Just in Time to Make Everything Rhyme, and to Write Our Stories Anew” (AOD). Outstanding, memorable quotes abound thru all the tracks, but these are my personal faves!
    P.S. honorable, quirkiness factor mention for “and Out of All This Dunkelheit” (MS) because you made me look up the translation and learn something!

  3. I bought myself a politician
    Cause I have never said I’d play it fair
    They’re currently on sale
    Just picked them up from Yale
    They’re even cheaper if you take a pair

  4. Too close to actual conditions in today’s world

    Who would have thought
    That no one dared to stop me on my joyride
    Who would have thought
    That I could bring the whole world to its knees

  5. Ahh…. the questions one should always ask… but never have the nerve to ask.

    Now, tell me what’s a fantasy you’re seeking?
    And now that we are speaking
    Say, how much is in your bank account?
    How often do you tend to wash your hair?
    And could you share
    The frequency with which you change your underwear?

    Questionable, I Bought Myself a Politician, and Janitor Joe are my favorites (because I’m weird) but I love the entire album.

    Excited to be in your drawing!


  6. Hello Mona and Lisa and MLT club members .
    Well I love your lyrics .Very strong .This is my personal fave .It’s sums up how I feel too;
    It’s not black against white
    And not left against right
    It’s not east against west
    And not good against best

    Bravo!Keeo up the great work xxx

  7. Do I have to pick just one lyric from “Any Other Day”? There are too many to choose from – and it’s almost like you heard the story of my wife and I… Like, seriously.

    But I’ll just use the first verse:

    Any other day
    I would have walked home right away
    But some lucky fluke made me stay
    And instead turned my world on its head
    It is funny how life works that way”

  8. Why? has so many gem lyrics – some so funny, some so spiritual and philosophical…

    The one I’ve chosen is:

    “How often do you call your mother?
    Each day or every other?”

  9. Well, that’s not difficult for me, as I already put in my profile as well: “Though the chances are one in eight billion….. ” I really like how destiny works and sometimes in life you’re like ‘what are the odds’!

  10. Farewell, Songbird
    You’ve learned how to sing
    Now it’s time to get heard
    Go, break up the silence of the night with your song
    And you’ll find yourself where you belong

  11. There’s a secret desire He’s been hiding it for years
    Mr. Joe aiming higher
    He dreams of leaving mother Earth
    Flying through the universe. Why album Janitor Joe

  12. And when the last soldier
    Stops bending the knee
    To the almighty state
    And the powers that be
    The spell will be broken
    And we’ll come to see
    That it’s never been something
    Between you and me

    from WHY?

  13. If you raise your head, take a look around you
    If you raise your head, you don’t bend the knee
    If you raise your head, you’re not afraid to see

  14. ” Playing on the big stage Ready for the space age . . .
    . . . And in the end you’ll come to know The magnitude of our show “

  15. This a really hard one girls. I think the lyrics of Why are terrific. It is a truly great song with so many relevant ‘Whys’ in it. ‘We live in a sea of deception and war and have never found out how to get to shore.’ Another great verse is ‘The spell will be broken and we’ll come to see that it’s never been something between you and me’. Perhaps it is growing up in Belfast has made this particular song relevant to me. However on a lighter note:
    I still laugh every time I watch Questionable. The whole song is terrific.

    Destination Sunrise: And as the sun keeps rising Shadows disappear Every day a brand-new chance. If only we believed that today.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  16. Oh, there are so many….Ok…from Summer Rain:
    “And when you make us feel alive again
    You never mind who‘s right or wrong
    But soft and tеnder
    Make us surrendеr
    And show us how to get along”

  17. Songbird lifts my spirit every time: “follow your beak and do not get deterred… I’ll be watching you grow…” If this is not a song of inspiration, hope, optimism, *love* – all of it, I don’t know what is! I don’t know how so much poetry and lyrical perfection could be crammed into one song – but it has. The world needs more MLT :-))))) <3 <3 <3

  18. I find the lyrics of “Any Other Day” very clever in general, and I especially enjoy the concept of “Any other you.” It’s short and seemingly simple, but conveys all of the possibilities, chances, and opportunities both taken and missed, of human interaction.

  19. “You say you didn’t see that coming
    You say that you don’t understand
    You wonder why
    You couldn’t see
    With your head in the sand”.

    I rarely have just one fave, instead this is one of them. Cheers.

  20. i just love WHY and my favorite line is from the great song” If you raise your head.”

    If you Raise your head, you can see the future. such an upbeat song it gives us all hope for a great future.
    thank you ladies and papa, Rudi

  21. How do I pick a favorite? The album is full of them. But the one I am going to pick requires an explanation. Shortly after the Questionable video was publicly released, my son and his wife stopped over after my wife and I treated them for dinner out. We had many laughs at dinner over some silly things so we were all in a good mood. Knowing my daughter-in-law enjoys MLT music, I streamed Questionable on the TV. We were listening and chuckling at some of the lyrics (in a good way) when Lisa sings… “And could you share the frequency with which you change your underwear?” My daughter-in-law busted out laughing followed by the rest of us. That prompted a discussion of dating today and all of us thankful we are past that.

  22. If didn t have love on my side, I d still be alone on my way like any other day. It s not red against blue and not me against you.

  23. The words in this ode to John are both touching and beautiful – ‘Still a Friend of Mine’

    “You took your time To speak your mind Until the truth was plain to see,

    We’re run by maniacs by maniac means And only love will set us free,

    I wonder how the world would be If everyone could see what you could see,

    Never in line, Pearls before swine.

    After all this time, You’re still a friend of mine”

    1. Thanks Tim. Just remembered it’s off ‘Orange’ so guess I won’t be winning the vinyl! Ha ha When you reach a certain age……

    2. Bravo, Steve! If not for being on “Orange” the lyrics from that entire song and “Count on Me” as well deserve the utmost consideration in this contest!

  24. From Janitor Joe:
    Seems like something got fired
    Through the roof into the sky
    Maybe Joe has retired
    Looking down on Mother Earth
    Flying through the universe”

    The song is such fun and the play on getting “fired” just put it over the top for me. Janitor Joe is a hero for our times.

  25. Well this is very hard for me, I love all the songs but do love Songbird
    Fly Far Song Bird
    Follow your heart and stay true to your word
    Don’t hold on to any old story you’re told
    All that glitters ain’t gold

    That means to much to me and the line stay true to your word holds weight in my eyes. So many people get carried away and loose sight

    Here’s hoping me and Maddie win! If not I will be happy for who ever wins.
    Bill and Maddie Isenberg Huge Fans from Pittsburgh Pa USA

  26. “Are there any other things I need to know ?
    Then tell me so.
    Like allergies to peanuts, cats or sourdough. ”
    Questionable one of my favorites on the album.

  27. you wonder why you couldn’t see with your head in the sand. is a new favorite. it reminds me of strawberry fields. living is easy with eyes closed misunderstanding all you see. john had a way with words, it seems you girls do to. i see someone else likes this line also.

  28. Any othe you,
    And none of these things would be true
    When love came right out of the blue
    Just in time to make everything rhyme
    And to write our stories anew…

    I’m a sucker for a good romantic lyric, and that’s a great romantic lyric!

  29. There are so many… Sometimes I wonder how two young ladies manage to teach us so much about life, cause the album “Why” is full of “lessons” to live better. I’ll quote a few phrases.. “It’s nice and warm on deck but staying here WON’T SAVE YOUR NECK”.. or about summer rain, ” Gentle shower feeding flowers in our hearts ” or “You’ll never know destiny’s play “, so just “Heading out to make dreams come alive” and never forget that “If you raise your head you’re not afraid to see” and that “In the end it’s love will remain”. or do as Janitor Joe did., follow your adventures and leave behind only.. “A hole in the roof and soot on the ground”. Thanks dear girls for these lessons. you are fantastic.

  30. There are too many good lines to choose from!

    I guess these would be amongst my top picks, as I really do appreciate you guys for “jumping ship” and speaking up!!….

    “Puppet master, puppet master here to stage the next disaster.”


    “And when the last soldier Stops bending the knee To the almighty state And the powers that be”


    “Sometimes we have to take the ice-cold dip, Water, wind, the salt is burning
    I know, That it won’t be an easy trip”

  31. It was hard to make a choice, but after thinking about this and reading and listing to the songs again, I’m going with:

    “You wonder why
      You couldn’t see
      With your head in the sand”

    Those lines describe far too many people.

  32. Difficult to mention just one line from an overall great album, but if I have to make a choice it are the following lines

    We live in a sea
    Of deception and war
    And never found out
    How to get to the shore

  33. Love the whole album – bit if i have to highlight one line – it vill be.

    “Another dag goes by without asking why”

    Nice that you dare to go all the way to the line.

  34. Such a difficult choice with so many brilliant lyrics. A line from Jump Ship gives me chills. Lisa’s voice is so hauntingly beautiful and captures one of the many themes of this complex and multilayered album.

    Want to see the nature
    The nature of the beast
    The pact between the devil and the priest

  35. The entire album WHY? is a genius commentary and wake up call for the times we live in. I keep the CD insert next to my chair for quick reference. In my opinion, MLT are the Bob Dylan of today. You gonna make me pick one line from the entire masterpiece? Alright, then:
    “If you’re feeling sad, take a look around you.
    If you’re feeling sad, better turn off your TV.
    If you’re feeling sad, don’t get mad at me.”

  36. Every line from every song! But if pushed – “In the end it’s love that will remain” from Songbird. I hope Papa Rudi has had a groovy birthday!

  37. I love Questionable. It’s cute, quirky and oh so true! My favorite line is So let me see if we could make a questionable pair.

  38. I have always been impressed with your lyrics… the wit and nuances of the wordplay are all the more impressive given that English isn’t even your native language. That being said, it is almost random for me to single out any ONE song, let alone particular line… but I am particularly taken with the phrasing of ‘Any Other Day’, esp. THIS vers….

    Any other you,
    And none of these things would be true;
    When love came right out of the blue;
    Just in time
    To make everything rhyme;
    And to write our stories anew.

  39. This is from my favorite song..
    I would have walked home right away
    But some lucky fluke made me stay
    And instead turned my whole world on its head
    It is funny how life works that way

  40. “Just in time to make everything rhyme”. Using the word “rhyme” as a rhyming word in its own right. Nicely clever.

    I’m not a DJ, but with two working turntables, can I increase my score? Just asking.

  41. Summer rain, come down to reign again
    Gentle showers feeding flowers in our hearts
    Summer rain, make us feel warm again
    And together like we’ve never been apart

  42. I think I will be entering a few times, there are so many lines…
    Let’s start with this one…”you never know destiny’s play”.

  43. I love “Any other day”. The song speaks to me, and my favourite lyrics are the chorus: Though the chances are one in eight billion

    You’ll never know destiny’s play

    If I didn’t have love on my side

    I’d still be alone on my way

    Like any other day

  44. So many wonderful songs on the album but, the one that rides in my heart is Any Other Day. “You’ll never know destiny’s play”……….ain’t it the truth.
    So, is today March 4th Papa Rudi’s birthday? Happy Birthday Big Daddy!!!!

  45. Happy Birthday to MonaLisa Twins bass player Rudolf Wagner. I hope the girls let you quit work early today. Maybe even make you dinner.

  46. It’s nice and warm on deck
    But staying here won’t save your neck

    The screaming, pleading nature of the last line gets me every time.

  47. Lyrics that make me smile:- You’re stealing every heart and ripping mine apart, the trouble you can bring- you pretty little thing.
    Lyrics that make me emotional:- Til the curtain has fallen and the truth comes to light we will never quite know why we’re fighting this fight.
    Lyrics that make me think:– No protection, no guarantee, but some things are worth it for you and me, Resurrection, its time to break free so we can become what we want to be.

  48. There’s a secret desire
    He’s been hiding it for years
    Mr. Joe’s aiming higher
    He dreams of leaving Mother Earth
    Flying through the universe

  49. One that springs to my mind (and gives me earworms) is:

    Hold on to what carries your wings
    through sunshine, the clouds and the rain

    P.S. Happy birthday to Rudi!

  50. My favourite line from Songbird is “In the end it’s love that will remain”. I could name many others but that’s the one I love the most.
    And happy birthday to Papa Rudi, the official third twin!

  51. Love Janitor Joe, so I’ll be going with ‘He dreams of leaving Mother Earth Flying through the universe’
    BIG DREAMS, AIM HIGH! love it

  52. Wow, the test pressings… those are really special! Sign me up, please!
    So many lines to choose from, that it’s hard to pick one. 

    Possibly Rory beat me to it:
    As universal scientist and generous philanthropist
    my shopping list confirms my expertise

    This one also rocked me:
    Take me underwater Down where I can see
    What it is they’re hiding in the dark and deep blue sea

    So few words with so many implications. Pure genius.
    Thank you!!

  53. You never mind who’s right or wrong
    But soft and tender
    Make us surrender
    And show us how to get along,

    For me summer rain is a special song, it gives me that mellow feeling you sometimes have on special summer days ,the smell of rain after a dry period, thank You for this gift Ladies!!

  54. Jump ship, The big nice ship
    Sometimes we have to take the ice-cold dip
    Water, wind, the salt is burning
    I know
    That it won’t be an easy trip

    I love how it echoes the previous chorus but changes the line about water and wind. My favourite song on the album.

  55. Any other you, And none of these things would be true. When love came right out of the blue. Just in time to make everything rhyme, And to write our stories anew.

    Margaret and I have been married for 38 years. I have written many songs for her over the years. One was titled, If I Missed Out On You.

    A similar sentiment expressing we could have taken very different paths, but what would it profit me to gain the whole world if I missed out on you.

    Right now Any Other Day has become my favorite at this point in time. Thank you Mona and Lisa for sharing your talent and your music with us!


  56. Any other day
    I would have walked home right away
    But some lucky fluke made me stay
    And instead turned my whole world on its head
    It is funny how life works that way

  57. Hmmm – this is a tough one. There are lots of great lyrics on this album, so I’ll have to ponder this one for a while.

  58. “How often do you tend to wash your hair? And could you share The frequency with which You change your underwear? Do you believe in happenstance or fate? And can you state Why you think you’re an eligible candidate?”
    I believe this is the first video of the MLT’s I ever saw. It is certainly one of the most watched!!! Thanks ladies for the opportunity.

  59. For me it’s the first two verses of Politician. It’s a bit of a downer to post these, but corruption is all around unfortunately.

    I bought myself a politician
    Cause I have never said I’d play it fair
    They’re currently on sale
    Just picked them up from Yale
    They’re even cheaper if you take a pair
    And on a whim I also bought the opposition
    It’s better to be safe, you never know
    And then for even less
    I also bought the press
    To wrap it up and I was good to go

    1. I love that Lisa’s ‘to do’ list on the video lists some of the right stuff – healthcare, education etc. Mona & Lisa for PM! Although that wouldn’t leave much time for music…

  60. It was hard to pick; the songs all seem to have a lyric or two that just stands out. But this one hit me right between the eyes. From Make Show, “Puppet master, puppet master here to stage the next disaster.” It is so on point. Peace be.

  61. “Just a hole in the roof, soot on the ground.”

    Perhaps not terribly poetic, but it very efficiently describes the scene.

  62. Wow, what a cool giveaway. It is so good of you to offer that to us.
    I really like so many lyrics from the “Why?” album, but if I had to choose just one, it would probably be from Destination Sunrise –
    “As the sun is rising, Shadows disappear, Every day a brand-new chance”.

    Have a great weekend.
    Love & Peace,
    Bobby S.

  63. Hello Ladies,
    What a unique and wonderful giveaway!
    This is so cool and such a nice opportunity. The winners will have something very rare and special that doesn’t come along every day.

    Any Other Day
    I would have walked home right away
    But some lucky fluke made me stay
    And instead, turned my world on its head
    It is funny how life works that way

    Oh, how this mirrors how I found you all.
    I passed up God Only Knows several times in November 2016.
    But, for some reason, I kept coming back to it.
    I like the song a lot, so I decided to give it a listen. It blew me away! I couldn’t believe the tight harmonies! And your voices were incredible. I’ve been a fan ever since. I can’t get enough of your music.
    It is funny how life works that way.

    All the best to each of you,
    Rick Ross

  64. from the beautiful song questionable
    How often do you tend to wash your hair?
    And could you share
    The frequency with which you change your underwear?

    omg lol

  65. From Summer Rain.

    And when you make us feel alive again
    You never mind who’s right or wrong
    But soft and tender
    Make us surrender
    And show us how to get along

  66. From Questionable, How often do you tend to wash your hair? And could you share
    The frequency with which you change your underwear?

  67. From Songbird, “Go, break up the silence of night with your song, And you’ll find yourself where you belong” and “Hold on to what carries your wings, Through sunshine, the clouds, and the rain”
    From Destination Sunrise, “No protection, no guarantee But some things are worth it for you and me, Resurrection, it’s time to break free So we can become what we want to be”
    And from Make Show, “Puppet master, puppet master Here to stage the next disaster We create polarity For our own prosperity Know, you will stay replaceable While we remain untraceable”
    …and many others!!!!

  68. Love all the songs but this just seems so spot on right now…

    Why all that deception
    And why all the fuss
    It’s not us against them
    Why is it them against us?

    Thank you for all these great songs! 🙂

  69. It’s so hard to pick– it’s a great album.. maybe-
    And as the sun keeps rising
    Shadows disappear
    Every day a brand-new chance
    We’re on our way
    Here we go, let’s get out of here

  70. There are so many, but:

    You say you didn’t see that coming
    You say that you don’t understand
    You wonder why
    You couldn’t see
    With your head in the sand