“Yesterday” – New Beatles cover for 50 000 YouTube Subscribers

Yesterday Thumbnail

New Beatles cover for a fab reason! 

Hi Friends,

We recorded a new cover to celebrate 50 000 YouTube subscribers! To say THANK YOU we brought all other projects to a screeching halt for a couple of days and made a new video.

We didn’t pick just any old song but decided to have a go at what is believed to be the “best song of the 20th century” (BBC 2), the “Number 1 pop song of all time” (Rolling Stone) and “the world’s best song” (MTV). 

… No pressure 😉 Please enjoy our rendition of “Yesterday

We reached this milestone way quicker than we thought, due to a nice little surprise on the YouTube front. Over the last week our daily views multiplied and a whole lot of new people discovered our channel. If you’re one of them – HI THERE AND WELCOME!

We were sceptical at first. A glitch in the statistics? Fake bots? Bought views by a fan? Well, turns out it was none of that but YouTube rather decided to just feature a couple of our videos really heavily on the front page to a new audience!

Why? No idea, but we ain’t complaining!

We’re still working on a couple of new videos besides “Yesterday”, so keep your eyes peeled for more content in the near future.

In the meantime, why don’t you have a look at our online store to see if anything tickles your fancy. We need to prepare some empty room on the storage shelves … just saying … shhhh … 😉

Stay groovy,
Mona & Lisa


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  1. As a purist I am not usually a fan of covers. But I must concede that I found your cover of Yesterday to be quite refreshing. I do love the way your voices blend and harmonize. It is a refreshing relief from modern pablum!

  2. To take the worlds most recognized song and Make it better than it already is is no small accomplishment. The hours of practice and sweat poured into this cover are extraordinary. The setting is so very similar to Paul’s that it immediately blows your mind. The Beatles would be awe stricken. Your version is one of the finest covers Ever.
    A bit of trivia for you… In 1976 Guiness said that more than 1600 covers had been done. Also Paul composed the entire melonie in his dream. When he woke he rushed to the piano and played it so he would not forget.
    Yes ladies, your cover is one of the finest videos ever recorded for any song. Simply PHENOMENAL! Thanks again

  3. Ouch, I’m not a “Fake bot”, just a silly cat =(.
    And yes, I’m new here ( waves ).

    Usually I watch and listen to modern jazz on YouTube but last week YouTube had listed one of your video for me. After checking several cover songs , I have found your old albums on Spotify and…


    I HAD to buy the album “ORANGE” ASAP

    Just hope the next album won’t take like 5 years, I’m already hungry for your music.