2 Skype Video Chats – Giveaway

We want to meet two of you!

We’d love to do a video chat with two MLT Club members as prize for our next giveaway. We did something similar for the MLT Club Advent Calendar 2021 where we did daily giveaways. Two of you won a Skype chat with us and we absolutely loved them! We had such a good time meeting Isabell and Matt that we want to do it again.

Here is how you enter the giveaway:

Tell us your favourite “summer song” in the comments below, and we will draw two random winners in a video on August 26th.

We’ll then work out the details and date for the calls with whoever wins! 🙂

Good luck and stay groovy ♥
Mona & Lisa


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  1. I’m thinking of my high school years and being in choir, the song “Up On The Roof” the version was by The Nylons.

  2. What a great selection of music! Perfect time for a new playlist!

    My top choice would be: Summer Rain (MLT), I just love the song. 

    Of course June and I Don’t Know Birds That Well are perfect choices too. 
    So many from The Beach Boys, “California Girls” would be one iconic for the playlist. I didn’t see Kokomo mentioned which is perfect summer as well. 
    Also, MLT cover of Good Morning Starshine” is perfect for summer. 

    Plus these already mentioned make a great playlist: 
    In The Summertime – Mungo Jerry
    Summer in the City – The Lovin’ Spoonful
    Sunny Afternoon – The Kinks
    Summertime Blues – Eddie Cochran
    Summer Rain – Johnny Rivers
    Summer Nights – From “Grease”
    Summer Breeze – Seals & Crofts
    A Summer Song – Chad & Jeremy 
    Summertime – Gershwin 
    Under the Boardwalk – The Drifters
    Saturday in the Park – Chicago
    Here Comes the Sun – The Beatles
    Good Day Sunshine – The Beatles

    From my Highschool days: 
    Walking on Sunshine – Katrina and the Waves
    The Boys Of Summer – Don Henley
    Summer Of ’69 – Bryan Adams
    Cruel Summer – Bananarama 

    Not mentioned yet, but worthy of inclusion are:
    Margaritaville – Jimmy Buffett
    Sunshine Superman – Donovan 
    Lazy Sunday Afternoon – Small Faces
    Nights in White Satin – Moody Blues
    A Whiter Shade of Pale – Procol Harum
    Happy Together – The Turtles
    Light My Fire – The Doors
    MISIRLOU – Dick Dale & The Deltones
    Wipe Out – Surfaris
    San Francisco – Scott McKenzie
    Dear Prudence – The Beatles (feels so like summer to me) 
    Strawberry Fields Forever – The Beatles

    The odd inclusion to the list:
    Lost Weekend – Wall of Voodoo

    Classical music:
    Vivaldi’s Four Seasons: Summer

    Thank you for all the hard work you do. You feed the flowers in our hearts!

  3. I just watched your “patchwork” video and it seems like it’s a summer thing to do…why I don’t know ..but..it brought to mind a song from Brian Hyland from 1960… a great summer song “Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini” …and when I was playing in a band The Beach Boys “California Girls” was always in our set list……reading everybody’s comments bring back memories of songs that I have long forgotten about….see what you girls do to us … you make us think of our past and get those memories from us….you might have to take all these song titles and put them together into a song of your own….just an idea for original album #4……oh and don’t forget it’s been really really really hot inTexas….way too many days over 100 degrees…so we need The Cascades singing “Rhythm of the Rain”….#3 in America and #5 in UK in 1962 ????????☔️????

  4. Summer in the City, I was 14 when it came out (yes I’m older) but young at heart and loving your music!

    I lived in a small townoif 14 people in Canada and really dreamed what it would be like to spend a summer in the big city

    Keep writing and producing your original music! It’s great and everyone who hears it on my play list wants more!


  5. Without a doubt it’s “In the Summertime” by Mungo Jerry. A crazy silly song that was a favorite at the beach in Sunny Florida. It had a jug band kind of style to it that everyone who couldn’t play an instrument could play along to. Of course it was my early high school days when it came out which might also explain the appeal of the song to our gang.

  6. By now most of the popular choices have been suggested, so I’ll go with an Aussie song – Summer Love by Sherbet.
    Stay groovy!

  7. If I have to name a summer song the one that first pops in the old cranium is by Mungo Jerry. Then many others follow.
    Wow! A video chat would be awesome, the next best thing to meeting in person. However if it is allowed, if you pick my name, please give it to Maddie (and maybe include her Pappy Bill…lol). I think it would make her whole year!
    Thank you for bringing smiles every Friday! So looking forward to the new album.
    All the best, always. 🙂

  8. Wow. It’s been such a busy summer. First time being here in a while. Hmm. My favorite summer song? “Summer of ’69”, or “Surfin’ USA”.

  9. “Sealed With a Kiss” is the first song that comes to mind when I think of summer songs. A year of engagement and 40 years of marriage have followed that summer my girlfriend and I spent apart. The song doesn’t have much meaning today with cell phones and instant texting, but back then letters were very important.
    Maybe you could add this to your list of future covers.

  10. For me my best summer song is the Janis Joplin version of George Gershwins ‘Summertime’ .Then I would like to mention ‘Here Comes The Sun ‘ by George Harrison and last not least ‘Good Day Sunshine’ by the super super Beatles .

  11. For me, it would be Sly & The Family Stone’s “Hot Fun in the Summertime”. Great harmonies and I’m a sucker for a good horn line, which brings me to Chicago’s “Saturday in the Park” as a close second. Of course my favorite MLT summer tune is “Good Day Sunshine”. Stay cool (and groovy)!

  12. Hollywood nights by Bob Seger, she stood there bright as the sun…. too hot durning the day then watch out when night comes *L* send good vibes too you.

  13. Too many, but Don Henley’s fantastic “Boys of Summer” immediately comes to mind. Such a powerful song, perfect for turning up while on a summer drive!

  14. Probably the best summer song is “Summer Song” by Chad Stuart and Jeremy Clyde. Although many Beach Boys songs could make the list. Also, the song “Summertime, Summertime. by the Jamies. (It’s summertime summertime sum sum sumertime…)

  15. Well, I’m a gonna raise a fuss, I’m gonna raise a holler
    About workin’ all summer just to try an’ earn a dollar’

    Now that’s caught your attention Mona & Lisa, it’s the lyrics from the song Summertime Blues by Eddie Cochran. It’s also one of my fav summer themed songs, not only because it’s a classic rock n roll tune, but also that it was one of the first I learned to play on the guitar way over 45 years ago!

    I know it’s not your normal upbeat summer song, but paints a great picture of teenagers struggling to get by and take a day job or two to afford some fun in their lives.

  16. I can’t imagine anyone not wanting to talk to you two (as Lisa commented). All the songs I think of have been mentioned, and a lot I’ve never heard of and may need to be explored.
    Always enjoy the videos. We’ve had several 98 to 103 degree days this year so far in Superior, Colorado, USA.

  17. you’re right a good summer song would be something by the beach boys but for me it is ” the summer of 69″ by bryan adams. my wife and i were dating in 69 and i was in a garage band that didn’t go far. we got married 2 years later and it just seemed to be our summer song. plus it is a great song you should cover it.

  18. I don’t know if I have a favorite summer song, but Summer in the City is always the first one that comes to mind. That simple opening riff — two notes and a heavy drumbeat — somehow conveys the sense of frustratingly oppressive heat.

    Another nice but much lesser-known summer song by John Sebastian is 1993’s Tar Beach.

    I went for a walk this evening just before sunset. It was lightly raining but the horizon was clear, which led to one of the most brilliant rainbows I’ve ever seen. People were coming out of their houses to take pictures. It made me think of Summer Rain: both Johnny Rivers and MLT.

  19. I feel like such a traitor, because I love “June”, but since I did grow up with the Beach Boys, Ill have to say “Kokomo”. Maybe you two should cover this one day!! I can’t wait for our Skype chat 😉

  20. Hello Mona & Lisa,
    That is very difficult because there are so many summer hits.
    I am thinking about Kate Yanai “Summer dreaming” – but it would
    be not a problem to find 20 or more songs which are also very good.

  21. So nice of you to offer such a great prize to your fans!
    Favorite summer song is California Girls by The Beach Boys, narrowly edging out I Don’t Know Birds That Well.

  22. Mona, Lisa,
    I am thinking about Bryan Adams “Summer of 69”.
    Beside all the “real”songs you have the songs everybody knows because you hear them one summer every hour on the radio, and after that you never hear again from the “artist”e.g. Las Ketchup with “The Ketchup Song” or Los Del Rio with “Macarena” (maybe well known in their own country but in the Netherlands known for 1 song).

  23. Yeah, no way to pick just one, and so many great ones have been mentioned! But my short list includes:
    Sunny Afternoon – the Kinks
    Here Comes the Sun – the Beatles
    Summer Wind – Frank Sinatra
    Summer Nights (Grease) – ONJ and John Travolta
    Qué te pasa – Yuri

  24. I’ve always enjoyed “Summertime Blues”, originally released in 1958 by Eddie Cochran, but the version I remember hearing first was the cover by The Who off their Live at Leeds album (1970).

      1. Thanks for the heads up Roger. I hadn’t heard her version till you mentioned it. I think I have to go with Eddie Cochran’s rock-a-billy version for pure nostalgia sake!

  25. My choice is “Summerland” by King’s X. What a HEAVY band! Ty Tabor, their lead player, did a fine solo album, too (probably more than one), but I don’t know if the four of them ever still play together. I used to listen to King’s X a lot, but on cassette, inconveniently.????

    1. Glad to see the 3 of them are still together and touring in August. Tabor did have a 2nd solo CD. He is 60 now.

  26. Wow, so many great suggestions here! And yes, it is hard to name just one song. One that hasn’t been mentioned is Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves. It always gives me that euphoric summery feeling! One that leaves me with that sad sort of end-of-summer wistfulness is Our Last Summer by Abba.

  27. Hi Mona and Lisa! First two songs that came to my mind were Summer In The City and June. I really love that song. Thank you for doing the giveaways.

  28. James Crowe you and I are on the same wave length…immediately it was Johnny Rivers “Summer Rain” that jumped into my mind…I’m thinking that song came the same summer that Sgt Pepper came out….”All summer long we were grooving in the sand…Everybody just kept on playing SGT PEPPERS Lonely Hearts Club Band”……from the album titled “Realization” in 1967.

  29. Hi Mona and Lisa,

    I have to confess that my first thought was also Lisa’s ‘very low hanging fruit’ 🙂

    Here is Tasmania, it’s very far from summery, although today the sun is shining.

    So many great suggestions made by others in this thread, many of which I also like, but I think if pressed for a single song, it would have to be Here Comes the Sun. Not only is it a song that I’ve always loved, but it was the song that introduced me to the MLT. Double happiness!


  30. I will always connect the Beach Boys with the magical days of summer during my youth. In June of 1962 “Surfin’ Safari” with the flip side “409” started the whole thing off and it was nothing but “fun,fun, fun” from then on. But, if you make me pick just one song that I will always identify with the heat of the summer in California it would be “Summer in the City” by your good friend John S. and the Lovin Spoonful. It was playing non-stop while I was working washing windows in downtown Berkeley, CA trying to save up some moola for the summer – and man it was HOT!

  31. This is a hard one, so many summer songs for so many years. My favorite of late is “Summer Rain” by the Twins, but I thought that was not really the idea here, so looking back … how about “A Summer Song” by Chad & Jeremy · 1964. I think it would be a great song for a Twins cover.

  32. As others have said, there are a lot of great summer songs. ELO’s ‘One Summer Dream’, Beach Boys’ ‘All Summer Long’, and even the fun but corny ‘Summertime, Summertime’ by The Jamies. But my favorite has always been Johnny Rivers’ ‘Summer Rain’. It tells a wonderful love story, has a great melody, and the chorus references Sgt. Pepper! Definitely worth a listen if you don’t know it.

  33. I’m a little hesitant to take a chance on a Skype or Zoom call because I fear I’d be a bit like Lisa in “One More Time.” But I’m going for it all the same because I do have a few questions, such as what’s Mona and Lisa’s dream vacation, what they think about the roundabout that’s being built, whether they’re ticklish anywhere, and of course whether they have allergies to peanuts, cats, or sourdough.

    Oh, and as for summer tunes, Seals and Croft’s “Summer Breeze” comes to mind, as Does “Mother Nature’s Sun” by the Beatles, of course; but to be a lot more obscure, the “tune” that always gives me a feeling of summer, and in particular of being on the water on a nice, warm, sunny day is “Music in 12 Parts, Part One” by Philip Glass. But that’s just me.

  34. I would normally have mentioned “ Summer in the City “ from 1966 as I grew up in the Bronx, NY & the lyrics are spot on or I’d Really Love to See You Tonight ( 1976 ) by England Dan ( Dan Seals was from Texas) and John Ford Coley, which evokes driving down the coast of California for the first time as a 22 year old but Alone Again Naturally was a #1 hit in the U.S.for Gilbert O’Sullivan in 1972 and, despite being an incredibly sad song about the singer contemplating suicide after being left at the altar, as well as his losing faith in God and then enduring his father’s death followed by his mothers death, it will always remind me of that summer when I was 18 and, yes, I actually worked as a grass cutter and gravedigger in Calvary Cemetery in Queens, NY while listening to that song several times a day on transistor radios while on coffee, lunch or an afternoon beer break as the drinking age was still 18. Your cover of Vincent is so beautiful that I’m sure you could do an equally brilliant job with this heartbreaking yet still memorable song.

  35. You have really evoked some nice memories here. We are loving everyone’s responses. It’s so kool how we attach particular memories to particular songs.

    My first thought was a little known Pink Floyd song called “Summer ‘68”. It’s on their album “Atom Heart Mother”. (The one with the cow on the cover) It is one of the few songs keyboardist, Rick Wright wrote and sang on while in the band. If you haven’t listened to this album before, I recommend it for sure. It is great for a road trip.

    This year I found myself humming “June”, especially in April and May. “June”, “Summer Rain” and “Songbird” all belong on the Summer playlist.

    When I hear the first few notes of Christopher Cross’s “Sailing” I am a swept back to age 15 sailing with my Dad on Lake George, usually going nowhere fast. Often, we would just float on the water on a windless day talking about nothing and everything. Some of the best days of my life.

    Well it’s not far down to paradise, at least it’s not for me
    If the wind is right you can sail away and find tranquility

    ‘Thanks for sharing “Vincent”. Four minutes of pure bliss, nice.

    Marlo & JP

    Have a great weekend everybody!

  36. Hi Mona and Lisa. I couldn’t imagine anything more wonderful than to do a skype call with you both. It would be a dream, what an awesome giveaway!

    My favorite summer song is “Summer Rain”. I remember last summer when we had the historic “heat dome” and half the province burned, including my friends little town in the north that almost got wiped off the map, listening to your “Summer Rain” was incredibly meaningful, and craved the cool rain in the summer, as we sure needed it everywhere. That heat has returned as it’s been 35C every day this week so far, and I’ve been dreaming of “Summer Rain, come down to reign again”!

    Growing up, summer always meant the Beach Boys music, I’ll go with “Sloop John B” as well. A lot of summer traveling memories associated with that song.

    Wishing you both a wonderful and groovy summer! ???? ????‍♀️ ???? ???? ???? ???? ⛱

  37. I love me some “Summer in the City” by your buddy John and his spoonful gang but I gotta admit, like Lisa, the Mungo Jerry classic “In the Summertime” leapt to mind first. You yourselves have covered several classics that fit the bill as well, and I’d put your original “I Don’t Know Birds that Well” very high on the list. “June” too, even though it’s more about a relationship than a season, but it surely has a summery feel! HUGE kudos for releasing “Vincent” today! And thanks for the brief history lesson. I had no idea of the significance of this date to dear Mr. Van Gogh. This video is sheer perfection and draws out emotion like few others. It’s marvelous (but no surprise) to see it being so well-received on it’s first day in the public eye!

  38. Greetings from Australia

    Even though we are going through winter right now I can easily pick my favourite summer time song. Ok, not easily as there are A LOT of great songs. But my pick would be “Summer in the City” by The Lovin’ Spoonful.
    Such fun and clever lyrics. “All around people lookin’ half dead/Walkin’ on the side walk hotter than a match head”
    You don’t hear lyrics like that these days.


  39. 1934 written- Summertime, and the feeling is easy, fish are jumping, and the cotton is high, your daddy’s rich and your ma is good lookin’, so hush little baby, don’t you cry
    That was the first verse for Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong. A little bluesy, a little jazzy and a beautiful song. Stay groovy you crazy people!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. Hi Mona! Hi Lisa!

    I really enjoy your music and all of the content I’m discovering on your site. I’m so glad I joined! ????

    So many good songs to choose from, but you only asked for one so I would have to say Surfing USA by The Beach Boys.

    On another topic: I would love to hear you cover The Girl I Knew Somewhere by The Monkees. I love your cover of I’m A Believer. The Monkees music was the first music I ever heard, so their songs are always special to me. The Girl I Knew Somewhere has always been my favorite.


  41. There are so many songs that bring to life “Those Lazy Hazy-Crazy Days of Summer” -Nat King Cole and there is certainly no better summer group then The Beach Boys as you can find on Sirius XM. But for me the first song that came to mind was “Summer in the City” sung by The Lovin Spoonful.
    I would certainly love to have a chat with both of you as I enjoy your music a lot and especially am enjoying your new songs and videos.
    Unfortunately, Your Orange Album is the only one so far which does not play on my Sonus, Sound System but I do play the CD seperatley and quite often
    Thanks for all the muisc, i hope some day we can talk.
    Tony, Port Stanley, Ontario, Canada

  42. My choices are kind of off the board. Being a baseball nerd, I have attended professional games since my childhood. Exhibition Stadium in Toronto was my field of dreams and “Show Me” by The Pretenders and “Steppin’ Out” by Joe Jackson were songs that always played during batting practice. Whenever I hear those tunes today, a younger me is back in the North Grandstand at the Ex.

    I do not listen to much contemporary music, but when the Toronto Blue Jays played in Buffalo for a couple months last year due to Covid-19 restrictions, the sound system at the ballpark played “Levitating” by Dua Lipa over and over…or so it seemed. So whenever I hear it today, I am reminded of those two awesome months that we had Major League Baseball in my backyard.


    Have a great weekend, Mona and Lisa…I’m off to the ballpark!

  43. “Wonderful Summer” a 1963 song by Robin Ward. You should do a cover of it. Your voices would be AMAZING, as they always are.

  44. Well…the Insane Humidity Heatwave has hit my part of Canada..although , I’m a Summer person, I could do without Humidity aspect but it sure beats DeepFreeze Winter in Canada in my area….I’d prefer roasting ( minus Humidity factor ) over freezing anytime….my ideal Winter is a one day mild Winter on Xmas Day….then Summer can resume….
    Okay back on track with Summer Songs theme…lol….had to think of Winter momentarily to quickly cool off…..lol…
    So many Summer time songs I enjoy …like the one Lisa was singing…” In The Summertime ” , and I suppose Beach Boys, Jan & Dean ones come to mind too…. Summer of ’69’ by Bryan Adams I like , California Dreaming, Margaritaville, and so many more…..Sit outside….cruise in your car…camping… at a trailer, cottage, etc….whatever your Summer activities, vacation, destination, Summer tunes help the Summer Vibes stay Groovy and Alive….
    Thankyou for video chat, GiveAway Idea for 2 MLT Clubbers to be recipients of an awesome #MLTLuvBuzzGroovified Skype Chat whenever it is possible , once you’ve drawn the names on August 26th/2022 … Happy that both Isabell and Matt had the pleasure awhile back of the prize of a Skype Chat with you , it was enjoyed !! ????????

  45. I can name a whole bunch. I’ve always loved “A Summer Song” by Chad and Jeremy, though that’s more about the end of summer. “Summer Wind” by Frank Sinatra, “Summer in the City” by the Lovin’ Spoonful (with an honorable mention to Joe Cocker’s reggae-flavored version), “One Summer Dream” and “Summer and Lightning” by ELO, “Summer Rain” by Chris De Burgh, “Indian Summer” by Poco, and “Girls in Their Summer Clothes” by Bruce Springsteen, to name but a few.

  46. Good timing asking for summer songs with record high temperatures in the UK!
    I may be dating myself a bit but “Under the Boardwalk” by the drifters from 1964 is the perfect summertime song. Just lie back and relax!

  47. There are so many songs that remind me of summer, but I have to agree with Mona. The Beach Boys are always identified with summer. I would pick Surfer Girl. Good luck to everyone! This would be so cool to win! Thank you to Mona & Lisa for doing this!

    1. Hi Allen…Johnny Rivers “Summer Rain” immediately popped into my mind…..”June” is a great song from our Twins…one of my favorites especially when listening to it on the Live at the Cavern Club album

  48. Not really a favorite “Summer Song” but I still have so many fond memories of the summer music that was played in the summer of 1967 “the summer of love”. When I hear songs on the radio like Summer Rain (by Johhny Rivers) or All You Need is Love (by The Beatles) or The rain, the park and other things (by the Cowsills) or California Dreaming (by The Mama’s and The Papa’s) it just take me back in time to probably one of the coolest years in music history and certainly reminds me of enjoying the “Summer of Love”.

  49. Since I have already met you I don’t want to be a contestant. I just want to wish those who are the best of luck with winning the opportunity to meet two awesome individuals! Good luck everyone!! ????❤????????

  50. One of the Joplin songs I liked was “Summertime”. I’m not sure it qualifies as her song because it was a jazz standard for many years before she did a cover of it.

  51. There are so many Summer songs to choose, and love to meet you both. I guess one of my favorite’s during Summer is The Beatles “Penny Lane”. Phil O’Brien

  52. I want to win this more than the lottery!????
    There are so many to choose from for me so I will go with 3.
    Groovin by the Rascals
    Hot Fun in the Summertime by Sly and the Family Stone
    June by the MonaLisa Twins.
    The first 2 take me back to when I was a kid in the 60’s and hearing them blast out over the speakers while swimming at our local public pool.
    The last one is by my favorite artists who make me smile anytime I think of them or hear them.
    Great outfits for this video, and loving the longer locks on Mona.
    Stay cool and Groovy.????

  53. My favourite summer song would be “Hello Summertime” which was recorded by Bobby Goldsboro though I always feel the real credit for these great songs should go to the people who actually write them – in this case it was the well-known pairing of Roger Cook and Roger Greenaway who provided so many great hits for so many artists.

  54. “Love on a Farmboy’s Wages” by XTC tops my list. It’s also a song I would love to hear your version of. My favorite summer MLT song is a tossup between “June” and “I Don’t Know Birds That Well”. I am staying groovy in Chicago!

  55. My favorite song for the summer time is “In the summertime” from Mungo Jerry (1970). It´s a song that makes your body swinging by the rhythm. Servus Frank

  56. Hard to make up my mind about just one. Chicago’s “Saturday in the Park” or perhaps “Feeling Groovy”. Harpers Bizarre or Simon & Garfunkel are both great. Or perhaps “Summer Breeze” by Seals and Crofts. If it has to be just one. . . . “Saturday in the Park”.

  57. Great idea! My favorite summer song is Summertime (!) from Porgy and Bess. My father sang it to me a lot when I was tiny and it is one of my favorite memories.

  58. Mona and Lisa, wow this is a great give a way. Talking and chatting with you both will be amazing to me and so cool. Well one song that is my favorite summer song is Take It Easy by the Eagles. Reason being, my mother bought a new house in the summer of 1972 and that song was hitting the airwaves, she loved that song. Every time I go to a Karaoke Bar I choose that song in her memory. Another song that she loved was Listen to the Music by the Doobie Brothers another song from the summer of 1972. So thank you for another awesome Friday video and keeping my fingers crossed to Skype chat with you both. I will make sure I have Maddie next to my side she would love to chat with you both as well.

    Huge and love from Bill and Maddie Isenberg Huge Fans from Pittsburgh PA USA

  59. Since a few weeks I happen to have a new favourite summer song! It is summer rain. Whenever I hear this song I have memories of a nice warm summerday that ends with a nice summer rain. The smell of the air is really fantastic . Your song gives me that same vibe, so thank you ladies for this great song.

  60. Hello Ladies,
    Always great to see you all in a video. Never gets old.????
    Love this idea for Skype chats. Two very excited fans for sure will emerge.
    I’m with Mona, The Beach Boys are the Classic Summer Sound. For me it’s SURFIN USA! one of the world’s most recognizable songs from the first cord. If it’s a Summer Love you’re dreaming about then SURFER GIRL comes to mind. Brian Wilson’s genius and falsetto are never more evident.
    I do have a very special place in my heart for BARBARA ANN (JAN AND DEAN wrote it and gave it to The Beach Boys, sang Background, and recorded the song in one take. ) BARBARA ANN was my MOM’S NAME. It very fondly makes me think of her when I hear it.
    Thanks ladies for a wonderful idea!
    All the best to the entire MLT TEAM.

    1. I don’t want to come off as a know-it-all, Rick, but Barbara Ann was actually written by a guy named Fred Fassert for his group the Regents, who had a top 20 hit with it in 1961. Great song regardless of who’s performing it, though!

  61. I have a few favourite summer tunes including ‘Summer in the City’ by the Lovin’ Spoonful (feels like summer when I hear it), Don Henley’s ‘Boys of Summer’ (great song for playing loud in the car on a hot day) and even ‘Cruel Summer’ by Bananarama (such an 80’s vibe and you can almost feel the heat in the video – there is recent cover of this song by Amy from Evanescence on YouTube which is also wonderful). Keep up the summer groove, must be tough working indoors on an album in this hot summer!

  62. There are so many the real summery sound of the beach boys and many others but my favourite is Summer Breeze by the Isley Brothers. Mona loving the hair.

  63. I’ve always loved The Beatles’ “Rain,” which makes me think of warm summer storms where you can stand outside without freezing, watch the world darken, hear the wind rustling the leaves right before the first raindrops hit, and then look up at the sky as the downpour begins.

  64. Summer In The City by the Lovin’ Spoonful comes to mind. Very much a New York song before the Spoonful went west to California. The opening snare drum is reminiscent of other Columbia Records recordings of that time, Dylan’s Like A Rolling Stone for example, and some later work by Simon & Garfunkel.

    I know you have both worked with John Sebastian.

    I learned recently that the Spoonful were briefly considered to be the band in The Monkees, before the TV people went down another road which resulted in them picking Davy, Peter, Mike and Micky. I can’t believe John Sebastian would have been happy with the TV people’s wish to control the music and the music royalties either.