Day 1 – First Livestream!

Let the festivities begin!

We’re so excited to kick off the MLT Club Advent Calendar 2023 with a Livestream tonight! Here is a quick reference for the different time zones: 

London – 9 pm (GMT)
Los Angeles – 1 pm
New York – 4 pm
Berlin – 10 pm
Moscow – 12 midnight
Sydney – 8 am

If your city or time zone is not on that list, you can enter it in this time converter to find your corresponding time.

You will be able to tune in live by clicking the “play” symbol on the video above (the stream will appear there once we are live) but if you want to chat with us or watch the community chat, you will have to go directly to YouTube by clicking the orange button below. The chat window will only be visible there.

We LOVE this time of the year and can’t wait to spend the next 25 days with you! Maybe leave us a comment below already telling us whether you can make it tonight!

As a reminder, here is the timetable for the upcoming month so you always know when to catch us live.

See you soon, everyone!
Mona & Lisa


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  1. So glad that you recorded and posted this as I missed your live session: my son came across from the Netherlands for my birthday – yes, I received your birthday message – thank you both so much.

    To get in the Christmas mood I ordered your CD and eagerly await delivery – meanwhile I watch one or two of your Christmas songs on YouTube before bedtime.

    So pleased Mona didn’t cut herself weilding that knife around while coughing!

  2. Good to see you Mona, hope you will get better and better, I like the livestream. All the best to you Mona and Lisa in 2024 and also to Papa Rudi and Michaela. Hope you will receive my gift.

  3. I’m probably not going to be able to participate in the livestreams due to family issues. But I do enjoy watching what I can. I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a safe and blessed New Year! Much love from the states.

  4. First live stream we missed

    Had to work late, so we missed the live stream. Marlo and I can not stop smiling. It was so much fun watching you open our gift. Marlo was overjoyed with Mona’s reaction to the chime, but watch it with that knife. When I saw that guitar pick, I thought of you two right away. It reminded me of some fans confessing your voices can make us tear up. Glad you liked everything. The purple bag is espresso roast. It’s nice with steamed milk and a little chocolate, or just by itself. As you know, the dark roast is to die for.

    We totally agree with you about Christmas decorations. Also, if you have Christmas decorations up after New Years Day?

    This was a lot of fun just hanging out. Looking forward to more. Unfortunately, we may not be live during the week, but Sunday live streams are locked in our calendars.

    Remaster of WYWH. Nice. Shine on you crazy diamonds. Turn up the subwoofer a little? 

    Merry Christmas!

    Marlo & JP

  5. I had to miss the live stream due to work, but I will say this was very enjoyable! You two are so bright and happy together! (even with Monas coughing) I also have a sinus cough which drives my wife mad. I love the idea of a 60s music quiz. And when Mona was sick would have been a good time for a Lisa solo. 🙂

  6. I am so sorry I wasn’t able to catch this live! And I’m going to be more attentive if I can, but can’t promise. At the moment we have some serious illness problems with a family member so I will try and keep up. Stay groovy my friends.

  7. Unfortunately, I only have the opportunity to follow the calendar in a staggered manner. Just watched it. Simply love what you guys are doing. The mood is contagious. A thousand times thanks😃😃

  8. Great first day!
    You can add any content you’d like, but this format is my favorite. It seems more personal, we’re just friends getting together and hanging out, and I hope no pressure on you. I’d hate for you to do something that makes it seem like work.
    That being said, here is some work😉, I enjoyed the videos of you in the kitchen making things. How about a Wagner cooking/baking day? Michaela can jump in there too!
    Today was great, it was longer than I thought it would be, and that was all bonus, it was relaxed, and very laid back.
    I like that you are opening gifts on camera, I love to see the smiles.
    Bottom line is that we all love you and are grateful that you are some kind and generous with your time and talents for us. If you showed us you making up a grocery list or folding laundry it would be enjoyable for us, that is how much we love you.

  9. That was so much fun, had an awesome time. It’s so wonderful to be able to hang out with you both and the MLT community. Thank you.

  10. This is going to be a great month! Thank you, Mona and Lisa, for continuing the tradition of the Advent Livestream. Was at winter baseball practice during the live broadcast but enjoyed watching it after I returned home.

  11. Finally got home after an out of town business trip and missed watching the live stream LIVE but watched the recording. Here’s my question for the next live stream if I can’t do it in person. Months back you did a vlog of a trip you and some friends took to Scotland in a travel van. I was wondering if you just rented the van or if you have bought your own Magical Mystery Tour Bus for several adventures in the future?

    Rich in Sunny Florida

  12. Very fun first day of the advent calendar. If you are taking requests for songs I vote for Dreams and All About Falling In Love from your 1st album. I think they would work great as acoustic songs and I don’t think I have heard you play either live.

  13. Fun afternoon hour! Good questions and answers, as usual.

    Mona: My son had the same cough problem, so it’s probably part of something that’s going around all over. His went away after a week or so.

    Lisa: you mentioned that you and Mona would sing together rather than solo but your lives might take you in separate directions at some point. If that time comes, I hope it’s later rather than sooner, but “Que Sera, Sera” (Doris Day hit, 1956). Many of us will be here in the club until that time comes – you can count on us!

  14. Howdy,
    That livestream was so much fun. It is so enjoyable to be able to chat with Mona & Lisa and all the other Clubbers who are watching. Always brings a big smile to my face. Thank You!
    Bobby S.

  15. Hello Ladies,
    The most fun all year, and what fun it will be. Such a wonderful time seeing your, Beautiful Selves. Can’t wait for all the fun and interaction.
    Awesome Christmas wishes to all of you
    Rick Ross

    1. Hi Nima….Yes, they do…I sent some Red Rose Canaduan Tea a few yrs back in a Canadian Care parcel for Canada Ay, I think it was, they had posted a photo of themselves wearing the Canadian Tshirts, Mona holding Maple Leaf cookie ( I sent box of Maple Leaf Cookies and Red Rose Tea & other Special Canadian Tea Blends in that parcel, and last year someone sent them an Advent Tea Tree Box, so I know they like both Tea / Coffee….. another time I sent custom designed mugs ….🇨🇦🍁😁😉🫖☕️

  16. Hi Mona & Lisa, Hope your feeling better soon Mona. If you were offered a chance to do a movie soundtrack would you be interested or offered to have some of your songs used in a movie .

  17. I missed the beginning, so I’ll listen to the replay.
    . It’s dreary outside, and I feel dreary. I know you will lift my mood.

  18. I’m not getting audio on Youtube (on my iPad), so I’m glad to be able to watch and listen here.

      1. Hi Chris, turned out the iPad wasn’t displaying the Youtube chat, either! But I grabbed my laptop and got on and into Youtube with no problems. I’ll leave the iPad out of it for the future livestreams.

  19. I’ll be there tonight – 46 minutes and counting.

    I already have a big smile on my face.

    And I’ve got All I Want Christmas To Be looping…

  20. I am allready sitting behind my computer, waiting for 22:00 to arrive, Like most of the members the advent is to me the highlight of the year, thanks upfront Lisa, Mona Michaela and Papa Rudi

  21. As the song goes you can count on me I’m ready and there’s still over three hours to go everything else on hold cannot wait

  22. Ladies,

    I’m hoping I can make my first livestream with you! I’ve been busy lately, and not able to go on your site. Good news though; I ordered your Tote Bag on November 20, & it arrived here YESTERDAY! That’s just a week & 3 days to get to the Pacific Northwest in Washington State! I’m going to use it this morning to carry Music when I help out the trombone players at a local school today! Great job on the delivery time! (Now I just need to send off your X–Mass presents.)

    CHEERS! — Bud

  23. This is one of the coolest things about the MLT Club, chatting with you and all the other members. It’s nice to learn about all these different people by way of something we have in common! Livestream on!

  24. Wow another Advent, such an awesome and exciting feeling. You bring back the joy and excitement of Christmas I felt when I was a kid, it is so special. See you tonight!

  25. Wooooooweeeee Yippppeeee….YT Notificatio is Turned On, am so stoked to tune in at 4 PM my time …. It’s a crisp, mild-chilly-ish Friday morning here, been up for about an hour, am quite #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified stoked up for this, can 4 PM come Now … !? … Am going to do my Best to get to tune in live ….. This is going to be Fab…. JingleGroovy Chat Bells All The Way in December ….. Bring It On…..🦌🎅💚❤💯🤘🎅🤶🎄

  26. You think YOU are excited!
    I’ll be there today, wouldn’t miss it for anything other than power outage.
    Raining here today in Western Pennsylvania, it’s laundry day, I want to get it all finished before my wife gets home from work.
    The time of the livestream is perfect for me, it will be 4:00 here and we usually go out to eat around 5 on Fridays when she gets home.

  27. The schedule is pretty much perfect for me. I recently rolled back my work week to four days, with every Friday off, So, Fridays and Sundays are covered. I guess I’ll just have to take a late lunch on Wednesdays this month! 😃 See you soon!

  28. FYI I just tried a donation using PayPal and it didn’t go through. If problem persists, I’ll use a credit card, but thought you might want to know. Thanks!

    1. Hi Jeff! We’ll look into this, thanks a whole lot for wanting to make a donation!! Hopefully it will be an easy fix.
      Looking forward to seeing you at the Livestream later 🙂

  29. Can’t wait! What a grand undertaking for you four! Praying for good health, increased energy and divine stamina for all of Team MLT!

  30. I’ll be watching from my office. The timing works out great for me: by 4 PM Friday my building is pretty much deserted, so I can just put my feet up on my desk and enjoy!