Advent Calendar 2023 – Timetable & Introduction

It’s that magical time of the year again …

… and of course, we’re back with our annual Advent Calendar!

For those of you who are new to the MLT Club, let us explain:

Every December we post daily content leading up to Christmas in order to spend the holidays together with you all and bring this community together as much as possible. Last year, we reacted to your video submissions, the year before we did daily Giveaways and in 2020 we gamified the month where you could collect points and exchange them for freebies. Now this year we want to do Livestreams! 

Below you will find a detailed schedule in case you want to do some planning around the Livestreams. They will always be available to watch afterwards too, but of course we encourage you all to join us live so we can chat in real time 🙂


Wednesdays, Fridays, Sundays – Livestreams
On those days (three times a week) we will go live for about 30 minutes or so. It will be done through YouTube but the link will be accessible to MLT Club Members only. There will be a lot of chatting and live Q&As. We might get the guitars out every once in a while but the majority of live performing will happen on the big Christmas Livestream on the 23rd.

Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays – Written Posts
On those days there won’t be a Livestream but we’ll still post a little something! We might ask you questions, do a poll or ask you for input so we can then discuss or watch your submissions and comments/answers in a following Livestream. 

Mondays – Album Streams
On Monday there will be a Livestream but we won’t be in it. We will stream one of our albums live through YouTube (you will be able to access the stream the same way you do the other Livestreams) and everyone can listen to the whole album together and discuss the music in real time by talking on the live chat. This is the community’s day 🙂

23rd – Official YouTube Livestream
On the 23rd, there will be a bigger, longer Livestream on YouTube with lots of music. We will be performing live, and the stream will likely be available to the general public too but we will ask for your opinion on that in one of the earlier Livestreams and polls. A big, relaxed and musical Christmas celebration!


1 Dec

9pm GMT

Livestream with us


2 Dec

Written Post


3 Dec

9pm GMT

Livestream with us


4 Dec

9pm GMT

Album Stream – The Duo Sessions II


5 Dec

Written Post


6 Dec

9pm GMT

Livestream with us


7 Dec

Written Post


8 Dec

9pm GMT

Livestream with us


9 Dec

Written Post


10 Dec

9pm GMT

Livestream with us


11 Dec

9pm GMT

Album Stream – WHY?


12 Dec

Written Post


13 Dec

9pm GMT

Livestream with us


14 Dec

Written Post


15 Dec

9pm GMT

Livestream with us


16 Dec

Written Post


17 Dec

9pm GMT

Livestream with us


18 Dec

9pm GMT

Album Stream – CHRISTMAS


19 Dec

Written Post


20 Dec

9pm GMT

Livestream with us


21 Dec

Written Post


22 Dec

9pm GMT

Livestream with us


23 Dec

9pm GMT

Official Livestream on YouTube – everyone is invited!


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  1. Tomorrow is December 1st, here in the US. It’s already Friday in the UK lol.
    I am so looking forward to every day of December because of the Advent Calendar.
    Thank you Mona & Lisa and Michaela & Rudi for all the excitement and pleasure that we experience because of all of you.
    Best Wishes,
    Bobby S. 😎🎵🎵🎵🎵🧛‍♂️

  2. looking forward to catching as many as i can work permitting. you have a high bar set as last years were so much fun. so no pressure girls xx

  3. This Advent calendar season promises to be the best yet, but phew!, what an undertaking on your part! I’ll be praying for good health, increased energy and divine stamina for all of Team MLT!

  4. I’m actually arriving in Munich on the 1st from the states. What a great way to help chase away my day 1 jet lag. Looking forward to it!

  5. And December 20th is my niece’s Birthday, not sure what we’re doing but I may have to miss that livestream too and catchup watching the replay next day…. but am planning on tuning to as many livestreams as I can…..

  6. WoooooHooooo.. Advent Calendar 2023 Time soon approaching…thus year gonna be a #MLTBUZZLUVGROOVIFIED humdinfer Dandy… I have a Xmas Eve church early service at 5 pm my time so I may have to rewatch it that one and miss it live, but am hoping to be able to tune in live to the other ones, I just gotta remember that UK is 5-6 hrs ahead of me…. Looking forward to the format for this year’s ….. 🎄😁🤘🏻

  7. I’m so looking forward to the Advent calendar!
    Can’t wait to hang out with my favorites so many times. Thanks to the wunderbar Wagner for caring so much about their fans!

  8. 👱‍♀️ 👩‍🦰 FYI the 23rd is on Saturday but says Sunday. Christmas Eve is 24 December. I think Sunday is correct because above it states “Christmas Eve – Official YouTube Livestream”. I’m sure that everyone has already figured this out. I anxiously look forward to these Livestreams!
    Mona, my brother and his wife have been sick with the same stuff for a week and a half. I hope you are doing better and Please take care of that beautiful voice of yours.

    1. Thanks for noticing – I just fixed it!
      I’m sorry to hear that your brother and his wife have been feeling under the weather for this long too. I’m almost back to full health, just stuck with an annoying dry cough now but I’m sure that’s gone soon too. 🙂

      1. Hang in there and I hope that Lisa doesn’t come down with what you had. That would really be bad for the livestreams!
        Next Saturday, my football team, Alabama plays Georgia for the SEC Championship. Maybe that will be a night game so I won’t have to miss the livestream!

  9. I love the Advent Calendar’s, and with live streaming it will be the best yet.
    Each day in December, I go back to previous calendars and rewatch those daily posting too. Anymore, I shoot half a day doing this, but it is time well spent.
    I hope you open gifts on camera, whether as they arrive or all in one day. I enjoy seeing your smiles as you open them, I feel like I am there with you to share the moment.

  10. Wow the next few weeks will be great as if it was xmas every day. What a lovely ideas you have. I con’t wait for the first of december!!!

  11. I joined the Club last year during the advent calendar (and because of it). I’ve watched all of them in the Club archives. So much fun and I think this one is gonna be even better with all the daily livestreams. I’m going to plan my days around them. Can’t wait, only one week away, thank you all for this.

  12. These advent calendars help make December even more amazing. As always – a meeting point we look forward to. Thanks to you two again🤩🤩

  13. Holy smokes! This years Advent is going to be amazing with all those Livestreams. I’ve been on every Advent since the beginning, and I love how it changes each year to something completely different, new and creative and fun. You keep us on our toes, and challenge us to be creative and participate, I love it. Christmas is enhanced so wonderfully for me because of your Advent festivities. Thank you for all you do. I blocked the livestream times off in my calendar. Looking forward to this years Advent. Only 7 more sleeps! 😁 💕