Running 47k for 7 hours … – Out & About

Sticks and stones didn’t break our bones …

In January we decided to sign up for a trail marathon. We initially chose a comparatively easy one that was scheduled for the start of May 2021.

Well, with restrictions being extended here in the UK and races being cancelled, we ended up having to sign up for the Black Mountains Trail Running Marathon at the end of June instead – as fate would have it: “one of the hardest and most scenic trail running challenges” in the country. Oh boy!

Well, the scenic part sounded nice!

We embraced the challenge and extra elevation gain and got to training! So, for the past 6 months we have been running up and down every hill and through every wood in the area and actually discovered a lot of beautiful places, which was a lovely side effect of training. 

Two weeks ago, we finally did it (we already shared some photos last week) and accomplished something we didn’t quite know we could.

We brought along a camera and tried our best to capture the experience. Besides recording a new song, we managed to edit the vlog this week and we hope you’ll enjoy this little glimpse into our running journey. 

Stay groovy!
Mona & Lisa


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  1. I just came across this this morning…WOW! I haven’t done anything like that since I was an aspiring hockey player in my mid teens; I certainly couldn’t do it now.
    Even though it was a couple years ago, I give you both full marks for such an amazing accomplishment!
    Just for information/giggles, the distances you ran (not including the terrain adjustments and trail work) almost mirrors what was my daily commute to and from work. Em, in my vehicle, and on paved highway. I did for a time do that by bicycle, but that actually got old really quickly and I gave that up after only two weeks. I did have to work after all, and I was only 26 and in really great shape. But taking an hour each way to get to and from my job sort of nixed the whole deal.
    Again, kudos on a fantastic accomplishment!!!

  2. It seems like I learn something new about you two all the time! I know this is belated, but congrats on the run….. that was fantastic. What a great memory you have now…. and after all, isn’t that what life is all about?

  3. Before covid I ran in some 5k’s to benefit my old school, was definitely one of the older runners (I’m 77 now). Now not able to run – time has taken its toll on the body. I commend the girls for the discipline it took to accomplish this.

  4. W O W !!! Congratulations! I used to run, not like that, but an old knee injury wouldn’t holdup to that. I’m very impressed. And I’ve been wondering the whole time I watched this: how did you film it?

  5. I enjoyed watching you girls drain every bit of strength from your bodies. I believe there is some masochism in your psyche. You did travel through some beautiful country though. I got so involved while watching that I was beginning to stress out by the end. You both did a great job with all of the training then the marathon. I was impressed with the medals. They are very impressive. Use plenty of sports creme (or whatever is pain relieving cream in the UK) and stay groovy.

  6. Wow. Great job.
    My distance running is in the past, as my knees won’t take it anymore. About the only running I do now is on the ballfield (slow pitch softball, a recreational sport that isn’t played much outside of the U.S. and Canada). Recently transferred out of maintenance so I don’t have to run towards the fire anymore.

  7. Congratulations on completing an inspirational run. Glad I was watching but not actually having to participate myself. Need a rest from jus watching the VLOG.

    Once camped at the foot of Ben Nevis on a school trip. People were running up and down in the time it took us to have breakfast. So we went to a local disco instead. Eventually we did make it up to the top but it was clouded in mist so we might as well stayed in the tent.

  8. Cracking! What a brilliant achievement. You made it seem fun too! You both are wonderfully spirited and inspirational. Love and Prayers, rayxx

  9. Hi Mona and Lisa! I’ve just got to tell you that you guys are absolutely adorable and hilarious, too! I had so much fun watching this video and I smiled all the way thru it. So many of your comments and observations were priceless. You’re both so personable that you make me feel like you’re friends that I just haven’t met yet! Anyway, thanks for such a fun post. Can’t wait to see what you post next.

  10. Hi again, sorry, but something I forgot to say below, but which came through very clearly in the VLOG, was how much the fact that you are Sisters, with that special love and respect for each other, clearly helped get you through when times were a bit tough. I’m sure that if you were just 2 friends, even special friends, it wouldn’t have been quite the same. Would you agree? As you say, Stay Safe & Stay Groovy. Xx

  11. Many congratulations, Mona & Lisa, you really are an inspiration to all of us. As someone has said below, I’d get tired driving that far, let alone running it (!), although I did do what was laughingly called a ‘Fun Run’ through parts of Telford here in Shropshire many years ago, which included a climb up the Wrekin Hill, all for the Hope House Charity. I suppose it was ‘fun’ at the time but those days are definitely behind me now. Andy Xx

  12. 47 Km ??? A marathon (42,195 Km) is not enough ???

    The picture is the first woman who tried to run officially a marathon 1967 Boston.

    In the 70’s Dr Ludwig Prokop (medical committee of I.O.C) said “Sport makes a woman ugly, stiffens her body, makes her voice deeper and can cause her to grow whiskers or beard.”

  13. I have never run that far. 5 miles is enough for me but Congratulations! I’m sure the pain that followed was quite
    immense. YOU DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Very well done girls! Although it hurt my heart seeing you cry at the end even though they were tears of joy mostly. Thanks for sharing!

  15. To be able to actually see what you two went through with all the hills and valleys and woods and fields and animals and trying not to get lost and the incredible distance involved and actually making a video of it is just so awesome and unbelievable! Congratulations, you are true champions!!! This is so inspiring! I can’t thank you enough for sharing this incredible experience. You have literally exploded out of your comfort zone and proved once again that nothing is beyond your capabilities. What excitement your future holds!!! I feel so privileged to see it unfold!

  16. Like all the comments I’ve read, I can’t believe you added to the already incredible difficulty of this challenge by documenting it on video! So professionally produced, too. It was like watching a discovery channel documentary on trail marathons, but with the most admirable, charming, lovable and inspirational hosts on the planet! Nice to hear PapaRudi trained some alongside you, as well; I bet he had a hand in helping put the vid-doc together, too, not that you’re not fully capable on your own. It was nice of the cows to stand in during your training, doing their best to simulate the wild horses you ran across in the real marathon. You’re so much like family now, thanks largely to the generous way you share so much with us, that my eyes welled up as you approached the finish line. I’m so touched with the raw emotion you showed upon completion. I think that will stay with me more than anything else in the vid. You’ve even further strengthened my already eternal admiration. Love, Peace, and Hugs!

  17. First of all, I would like to thank both of you for keeping us in mind and having the determination, stamina and dedication to carry a camera along with you on such a grueling marathon. I can totally appreciate the tears of relief and joy for just completing such a challenging course!! Both of you can hold your heads high with pride for taking on a mountain course and not giving up. Im proud of you and Im sure many others feel the same. As much as I love and admire you for the musical joy you bring to us, I have a new found admiration for both of you after watching this. Simply put, both of you are very outstanding people that goes beyond the obvious musical success. Thank you for all you do and allowing us to travel your life’s journey with you.

  18. It was such a pleasure to watch you girls running up and down hills and sweating and believing you would be found past out on the side of a pathway. 🙂 The pleasure came, not from your being tortured, but seeing the drive and persistence that both of you display when it comes to accomplishing a goal. I know it was hard but you overcame and that shows character and strength. I’m very, very proud of you both.

  19. So impressive. What an awesome accomplishment. Thank you so much for taking the time to put that video together. I really enjoyed watching and, even though I never did a race as difficult as that one, it brought back a lot of fond memories of friends, accomplishments and scenic views from the races I did participate in during my years of running. But you left me hanging on a very important issue: did you get a t-shirt? I will be devastated if you did not get a shirt. I have containers full of shirts I got from races I ran. I’ve thought about having them made into a quilt, but decided I did not want to destroy them. I want to keep them in wearable condition. Maybe someone will some day want to wear one? Yeah, probably not. 😉

    CONGRATULATIONS to you BOTH for an amazing accomplishment!!!!

  20. “Running is healthy. You should try it”. This is wonderful, ladies. We are so fortunate to have you share the video of this adventure and to get a clear idea of the experience through which you went. This brought me back to my days of training for and running in long distance events – the effort, challenges, hurts, and joys all came flooding back. Watching this brought back my competitiveness, even though I kept hearing my doctor’s voice in my head telling me that my surgically-repaired ankle cannot handle something like this anymore. Much respect and many accolades to you both for completing that course, cold and rain and mud and all! Thank you for sharing it!

  21. Congratulation’s Mona and Lisa on this most exciting journey that you both shared with us. I have a ton of respect for you both doing this marathon. My son Billy does Marathons and I know how much training goes into doing this. We have a marathon here in Pittsburgh each year and it is in May and Billy starts his training in January so a lot of time and effort goes into this. I would love to do a half marathon one day, and when I retire in which I hope is at the end of this year or early 2022. That is one on my bucket list. But thank you so much it so heart felt to see how positive you both are and the pride of finishing something like this and this will be in your memory forever and look back and smile. So as I always say, it is a honor to be in this Club and to share these wonderful video’s on your journey weather it is running a marathon, or building a flower bed, or what’s on the table or watching you open your birthday presents or music. To me it feels like we all are family and watching you both grow and share is awesome to me. God bless you both as always and please stay groovy and keep the positive sprit coming.
    Bill and Maddie Isenberg Huge Fans from Pittsburgh Pa USA

  22. Congratulations!!! Is there anything you ladies can’t accomplish? Love this little video look into your Amazing achievement.Thanks for always for sharing your adventures with us.
    I am looking forward to the new album(love what I’ve heard so far).
    Whenever I need a little pick me up,it’s straight to the MLT Club website,and next thing I know,there’s a smile on my face,and all is right in the world again.

    Love and Hugs!!

    Congrats Again!!

  23. That was an amazing accomplishment. As a former competitive distance runner, I know how hard it is to run this distance on a more conventional course….let alone in this kind of terrain and conditions. In the future, when you are faced with some huge, difficult challenge, you can recall that time you persevered together for over seven straight hours to finish this run. The task at hand won’t seem nearly as hard. Congrats!

  24. This is the most impressive thing I’ve ever seen! Not just the drive and determination you girls showed (29 miles! Up and down hill!) but the vlog was so impressive too! There is so much talent in your family! Seeing the tears of joy and exhaustion at the end made me want to hug you so bad! Lucky for you I'[m across the sea! You are the grooviest ever!

  25. Hi Mona, Hi Lisa… You’ve already put tears in my eyes a few times. Wow what a wonderful adventure was this marathon you guys conquered.. very well done dear and precious ladies.. I want to show everything I felt when I watched this video.. so I say… I really wanted to be there, right near that finish line to applaud you a lot and a lot and then hugged and shout congratulations .. you are fantastic .. your tears made me cry too ., a cry of joy, imagining the emotion you felt at the end of this difficult marathon. I’m sure everyone here is very proud of you. “Through the power of the MonaLisa “…thank you for taking us on your adventure. (I loved hearing you talking “Yoghurt”) Stay groovy.

  26. Hats off to you, I feel tired after just watching this. Great account and kudos for not only running it but filming at the same time.

  27. hi Mona and Lisa, the film report of your race is fantastic. You are really fantastic. the fact that you can accomplish this illustrates your perseverance. it’s really a pleasure to see this. you guys are having fun together and you would almost think it’s easy! The film report is also very nicely made. thank you for sharing this.

  28. This is a very kool VLOG. I love it’s documentary style outlining how you decided which run to go on, training in some beautiful locations, and then off to do the most difficult physical challenge of your life. Congratulations again. Achieving personal goals can be one of the most rewarding parts of life.

    I like how you blocked out the selfie stick. A couple of shots looked as though you were holding an invisible balloon. It was funny when Lisa was out of breath and explains that you weren’t doing too bad, and that you had actually overtaken some runners. Then out of the blue,”Look at the nice flowers.”

    The soundtrack is kool. Excellent choice of music for the finish. The 3D maps look great. Along with your great selfie footage, they help to emphasize what 27 miles through the mountains really entails. This is awesome! You have been very busy lately. Running ????‍♀️????‍♀️a marathon, new song release for the club, double post on Tuesday, answering forum questions, creating this video. Are you getting enough rest? Thanks for sharing these moments in time with us.

    It’s fun seeing the se other parts of your life. Your extracurricular activities are amazing, and your support for each other is as inspirational as your achievements.

    Those medallions are really kool, but did Mona get a t-shirt? She deserves one after that.

    Carry on, stay groovy and have a great weekend,


  29. Wow Ladies! You preserved through all 47k!! Incredible job Ladies! Literally everything had to hurt! Its amazing to me that you didn’t get injured at all. One of the things that surprised me the most is you didn’t come upon any Snakes ???? You would have set a world speed record if you had.????
    Hats off to both of you for your astounding determination to push through all the physical pain. The tears were from pure exhilaration in your superb performance.
    Congratulations once again! Thanks so much for taking us along. I really enjoyed every bit of it. Big virtual hugs to you both! ????????‍♀️❤????‍????

  30. The previous picture post showed us quite a bit, but this video showed the pain on your faces, and the change in your stride as you approached the finish on sore, tired legs. The emotional crying at the end allowed us a look into a special moment in your lives.

    I’ve had some times when I felt that kind of exhilaration, made more special because of those times when I “hit the wall” or otherwise had to stop short. Now I’m getting a bit old and have to lower my challenges, but the fond memories of those times are always with me, as I’m sure this memory will always be with you.

    Wonderful video!

  31. Wow Ladies! My respect and admiration is off the charts for you. How you can do that and still be adorable and smiling is incredible. And you thought enough of your fans to “bring them along” via your video is why we go ga-ga for you. Congratulations on your achievement, I couldn’t do 29 miles if I got pushed off a cliff that high! I really enjoyed watching this video and I thank you for sharing it. A big hug for Mona and Lisa.????‍♀️????????????????

  32. My hat’s off to you both…that was amazing! You two are stronger then me. I have a hard enough time being on my feet walking around for ten hours a night at work…lol
    Kudos to you both!!!!

  33. I felt your pain Mona and Lisa but glad you finished. Seven hours running, wow, quite a run with beautiful scenery. Thanks for taking us along, really enjoyed the video. I’m glad you’re enjoying life to the fullest and sharing the experiences together. That means more than anything. I bike a lot for exercise and see some nice things along my journey. I’d be nice to share some pictures with you someday. It feels great to get outside. Well done, here’s a big hug!

  34. Wow Mona and Lisa, that was just so moving towards the end as you both approached the finish line, and can see the relief and utter satisfaction and pride and tears of joy! Seeing your months of preparation for the run and seeing you both on the marathon day walking to the start line, you both look like pro Olympic athletes, I mean it! A huge congratulations and hugs.  

    You are not only my music heroes, but my athletic heroes too, this is all so inspiring. Running for 7.5 hours for me seems unimaginable, when I think of 7.5 to 8 hours I spend at my desk at home working these days, trying to stay awake sometimes, but to see you both running that whole time through mountains! Wow!  

    Loved seeing all your video footage! I recognize that drone like camera on a stick you used from the Hamburg VLOG. That captured your run wonderfully!  This is one of the coolest VLOGs I’ve seen anywhere, from the beautiful countryside you trained at to the road trip, to camping in your van, to the run. That virtual trail map to show the route was awesome! And even some drama there with that horse biting and chasing the other horses. It must have been a little scary running around those horses on the trail. I bet if it weren’t for those couple of times getting lost, you would have finished even further up the pack! Thank you so much for this, thoroughly enjoyed it, truly inspiring and heartwarming! Love it.  

    I have to say whether it is your music, other creative projects, DIY projects, mud run, or this incredible marathon run, when Mona and Lisa do something, you truly do it magnificently, top notch, over the top! You are both truly remarkable people here to inspire and move us mortal souls! You show us what is possible! 🙂

  35. Okay, all is good now, I had a ” Eureka moment”… I tried clucking on where it said ” Watch on YouTube “, took me to the MLT Club YT channel which I didn’t realize was around so now I have subscribed to it and was able to watch the Vlog and Holy Cow, Kudos to you embarking upon that challenge, to actually see it , what/where all you had to go, I was in awe… I don’t think I could of lasted but an hour or 2 of that but I ‘m proud of your Perserverence and you both accomplished that challenge with an impressive finish each respectively, Thankyoubfor taking us along into a glimpse of this marathon journey quest, and I know more will be on your horizons/radars… Again, Kudos and Congrats , A mission accomplished and Worthy of Self Fulfillment in Condfidence, Endurance, etc, so proud of you both !!

  36. After seeing this, it strikes me that the photo post didn’t quite do justice to the feat you accomplished. I managed to get the yard work finished on Saturday, and I thought it felt like a seven-hour trail run. Of course, that’s a foolish notion after seeing this vlog. Sincere congratulations on achieving an extraordinary goal!  Quick question: how long was it until you ran again? And, FYI, my Dad’s 91 so I have a frame of reference:  your running didn’t look a day over 85…wishing you a speedy recovery!

  37. Congratulations to you Mona and Lisa! That was a great accomplishment. My legs were hurting just by seeing you run that 29 mile course. WOW! I enjoyed your video too! Your my heroes!????????????❤️❤️❤️

  38. I’m so in awe of your will to challenge yourselves and never give up! I love hearing and seeing you on your adventures, and we MLT club members are so grateful you are so willing to share with us. The scenery in training and the race was amazing, but that’s as close as I’ll ever get to a marathon. I’m actually exhausted watching you push yourselves, and I can understand the tears of elation and relief and accomplishment. You’re so awesome – thanks and God bless!

  39. You girls are awesome !!! To do all that training, run the race and give us a commentary (with smiles) despite how tired and achy you must have been, and finish mid field. Glad you are now back to normalcy. Thank you for sharing.

  40. Oh No, I got a notice when I clicked on that said, ” Your Browser Can’t Play Video.”.. Aww Crap…. hoping that I can eventually be able to see this… darn it, I was so looking forward to watching this.