Classical (Nose) Guitar & Beatles AI – Reaction

Classical Guitar, Nose, AI, Beatles, Bass … A wild mix today!

Today we’re watching not one but two videos! They’ve been submitted by Stephen K. and Dan S. quite a while ago, and we finally got around to check them out and film our reaction.

The first one made us revisit our minuscule classical roots while the second one deals with our faves, the Beatles! We hope you’ll enjoy these clips as much as we do 🙂

These are the original video links:
When 5 Fingers Aren’t Enough
The AI Beatles Are Looking For Paul McCartney’s Bass

Great picks, thank you both! Don’t forget, you can continue to submit videos for us through this page.

We hope you all had an excellent week and we’ll see you again next Friday!

Stay groovy,
Mona & Lisa


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  1. Gives new meaning to “nose picking”! đŸ‘ƒđŸŽžđŸ€Ł
    The way Mona and Lisa pick up a guitar and sing a melody or harmonies is so fascinating to me. It reminds of when I was new to LA, in 1993 I found myself at a party in the home of an A list musician and all his family members were so musical singing or grabbing instruments with such ease, it was a rude awakening for me and my musical skills, having just fallen off the turnip truck!
    I’ve been following the new push to find Paul’s “Cavern” Hofner bass. I hope it’s retuned. I had always thought that it had been stolen from Abbey Road, but it was actually stolen from the back of a truck when Paul was with Wings.
    Thank you for these gems!

  2. You asked for people’s reactions to AI, on a personal note I hate the idea, it leaves so many opportunities for it to be used for criminal use
    On line fraud is the biggest and most difficult crime to combat, whilst I can see there are positives associated with AI, overall, I think it is very dangerous

  3. Great video submissions, and lovely reactions from Mona and Lisa, which in turn made my reactions turn to laughter and happiness. Its like online ‘Gogglebox’ ha ha.


    Since we’re all animal lovers here, I thought I’d share that our cat “Boots,” or “Boo-Boo” as we also call him is 20 years old today! If you want to see a close up of him, click on my profile. He’s a wonderful family member, & the center of attention in our house!

    Does anyone else have a senior pet?

    Have a great week everyone! — Bud

  5. Cooky AI bot is generating a new MLT style song, sung in harmony of course:

    đŸŽ” Everybody wins,
    With the Mona Lisa Twins.
    They’ll bright’n up your day,
    When you hear them sing and play.đŸŽ”

    can other AI bots add a verse?

      1. 😊 😊 Cooky AI Bot’s verse begins:

        đŸŽ” Lisa plays the lead guitar,
        Mona on har mon ic a đŸŽ”

  6. Lisa,

    The first video gives new meaning to the phrase “the nose knows!” I do love Classical guitar, and I’d love to hear you and Mona do a classical piece together! But then, I’ve seen that you use the classical techniques you learned as teenagers in many of your songs that you play. The finger picking adds a very nice touch! (Just be careful with the nose picking.) OOPPS! Can I say that!? Sorry, I couldn’t resist that bad spontaneous joke!

    The second video sounds real, and I can imagine Paul recording something funny like that!

    Thanks for another enjoyable Friday video Ladies!

  7. Loved hearing you enjoy a little classical music sometimes. The more I experience music, I discover there is a lot in common between rock/pop and classical. A classical element interpreted in rock/pop or vice versa really sounds great.
    The Stringspace String Quartet are a group of classical musicians who cover a lot of Beatles, and other artists/composers. Here they give a classical interpretation of some Beatles classics.
    1.. Something – The Beatles – Stringspace String Quartet
    2.. I Want to Hold Your Hand – From Me To You – A Hard Day’s Night – The Beatles – Stringspace

    1. Jung,

      Beatles Music does lend itself very well to Classical interpretations, & esp. strings, since strings were used in “Eleanor Rigby,” “Yesterday” & other Beatle pieces. And of course, they used full orchestra on things such as “A Day in the Life,” among others! I like the turn of the century style trumpet solo in “Magical Mystery Tour,” & of course the piccolo trumpet solo in “Penny Lane.” Great stuff!

      These are very well-arranged string arrangements here! If you didn’t know anything about the Beatles, you would think these songs were by Classical composers! Thanks Jung!

      Here’s a group I stumbled upon 4 years ago, & they do a very interesting, skillfully done medley of Beatles songs, sure to please any Beatles fan! The 6-piece group call themselves “Walk Off the Earth!”

      The Best Beatles Medley on the internet! (

      1. Wow Bud! That medley is delightful, they are great. I loved the Hey Jude finale ending, what a great touch. Thanks for that. 😀

        What you said, “If you didn’t know anything about the Beatles, you would think these songs were Classical composers!”. Great point, absolutely agree with that. I think if Mozart heard “I Want To Hold Your Hand” done like that by a string quartet, he would exclaim “That is just delightful, who composed that!”. Paul McCartney said “Bach…., that’s what we are doing”.

      2. Jung,

        Thanks yeah, right on! I need to check out more of their music myself. There’s some very good talent there!

        Also find my recent post of Sergio Mendes from the late ’60’s doing “Fool on the Hill.” They have done a few Beatles songs like “Norwegian Wood.” He still performs with his group and will be back in Seattle from Oct. 10 to 13.

        Take care, & I loved the String group that you posted!! — Bud

      3. I ran across that song last year, I don’t remember how, but good things happen when you think about the Beatles I guess. The algorithm works in mysterious ways.

      4. Paul McCartney has written some classical music
 I don’t know that much about it
 it was an orchestra 
.but they have played several of them on the Beatles channel Sirius XM

      5. I’ll bet symphony
. Would be a better description than orchestra
. I am way out of my league right now!😬 but I will admit, I know a lot more about music than I did a year ago since I joined the MLT club! đŸ€“

      1. Hey Bud,
        Wow I love this, Billy Joel said it so eloquently, Mozart is like God with perfection, and Beethoven is so human with life’s struggles that through which his music is refined to perfection! It is true, the hardships we encounter in life refines our soul if we let it, and Beethoven is the perfect example. During the struggles my mom faced with the ugliness of war during the Korean War, my mom often told me how she loved listening to Beethoven and found solace in Beethoven’s music. I guess that is why I am so fond of his music, Beethoven was there for my mom during dark times. Sorry for the delay responding to your awesome post, I’ve been distracted by life lately, but love coming to this place, MLT and the community grounds me! If you want to hear a Beethoven piece that is full of humanity and beauty, I highly recommend Beethoven’s Violin Concerto No 1. It is truly No 1. Billy Joel’s video ends with background music from a movement from this concerto. Thanks for the video, really lifted me this morning!

      2. Jung,

        Thanks for your very nice reply here! That’s a wonderful story about your mother! I can relate to that! My parents were Ballroom Dance teachers, & they had me take classes with them for 6 years. I actually enjoyed it, & I’m glad that I will always remember what great teachers they were, & how much enthusiasm they had for dancing & teaching!

        Your mother’s story is a great example of how Music knows no cultural boundaries! I think it’s because Music really touches the soul, & if people are receptive to it, they can benefit a great deal!

        Also, Beethoven’s life helps us to understand that life’s difficulties represent a challenge to us, that we should face head-on. Whether we are successful in overcoming our problems or not isn’t as important as how we benefit in our understandings of the struggles. That seems to be another way to grow.

        We can’t always be successful in everything, but we can learn so much from Beethoven’s struggles, & apply his lessons to our own lives. If he had just given up because of his deafness & unhappiness, he would have been just another unknown person in history. But because he made tremendous efforts, we can see the value in never giving up! What I said here is obvious, but WOW, what a great example he was in overcoming tremendous negative odds!

        My life has gotten in the way too lately. I spent 10 hours yesterday finishing up 350+ student grades, that I’ve been working on for weeks. I gave a vocal test to almost every student, helping them at the same time.
        I even had to take a sick day yesterday to write in the grades. That wasn’t fun work, but it’s so necessary!

        Billy Joel is a great example in how he’s been influenced by Rock, Jazz, Doo-Wop, Gospel, Classical & other music Styles. But he makes it his own. I’m putting up one of my favorite videos of his here, from a 1987 concert in Russia. You can tell he’s tired, but he gives the audience his all!

        By the way, I’m going to see Billy Joel in May here. I met him once long ago!

        And I will relisten to Beethoven’s Violin Concerto No. 1.
        THANKS JUNG & take care! — Bud

        Billy Joel – Prelude / Angry Young Man (from A Matter of Trust – The Bridge to Russia) (

      3. Hi Bud,
        Thanks for sharing the Billy Joel video. He is quite amazing on the keyboard, and those flourishes are wonderful. Sounds like you are in for a real treat in May seeing Billy Joel, he is a brilliant musician and puts on a great show surrounded by many great musicians in his band.

        That is awesome about your parents being Ballroom Dancers and teachers. You must have a lot of fond memories learning to dance with them. It looks like their passion for music certainly rubbed off on you.

        Beethoven’s 9th Symphony debuted 200 years ago this year in May 1824 in Vienna, and 2 centuries later it is still leaving an impression on people today, adopted as the anthem of the European Union. The greatest masterpiece in music ever. “Like few other composers, Beethoven expresses the will for freedom, the democratic longing of the people.”

        Premiere of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony (1824) | Moment of History

      4. Jung,

        Yeah, yeah! Thanks for your reply! I started watching this during my 2nd listening of M & L’s Q & A. I thought I would watch part of the Beethoven video, but I watched the whole thing! I’m glad there are people who produce these historical videos with so much care! It was very good indeed!

        I was surprised that there were only 2 trumpeters in that big orchestra! Usually there’s 4. Too bad that the concert hall where the 9th Symphony was performed was torn down! Maybe someday day it will be reconstructed. Thanks for that interesting video!

        Another favorite symphony of mine is his Fifth Symphony. When I taught H.S. Music, that was one of my choices for my String Group to play! The abridged version followed the original score perfectly for the first few minutes & was very nice to play. I had an easy version of “Ode to Joy,” the 9th Finale for my Middle School Strings.

        My parents were wonderful teachers & inspired me to try teaching. Now, 32 years later, here I am! My dad’s 2nd sister, my 2nd to last living aunt just passed away this past Monday. She was 103 years, 10 months & 10 days old! Over the years she lived in many different states, & in the last 38 years I visited her in Nevada, Arizona, Texas & Colorado — where she was born & also passed away.

        She will be missed, as she was a very positive, friendly & loving person! She never had kids; us cousins were like her kids! I visited her last May, & we had a very nice visit as usual! My cousin, who watched over her in Grand Junction will plan a get-together in June for the family.

        Sorry to go on about this! She had a long, good life! As my older family members have dwindled down to almost nothing, it makes me think more & more about how I will be remembered for the things I’ve done in life. Life can be fraught with problems sometimes, & you just have to make the best of things while rising to each challenge, kind of like Beethoven!

        I’ve seen Billy Joel at least 4 times live, the last time in 1999. He’s still great! He just has less hair now! I did meet him & talked to him around 1979. He was very nice, & came across as a real person to me! I started collecting his recordings & singing his songs after that!

        Thanks for listening, & I hope your week went well, & that you can relax a bit now. The 3 of us are going out for Korean food tomorrow. And I’m just finishing up some Korean take–out tonight!

        “Take it Easy!” — Bud (I wonder what Beethoven would think of this!?)

        Eagles – Take It Easy (Live on MTV 1994) (Official Video) [HD] (

      5. Hi Bud
        Sorry to hear about your Aunt, my condolences. Wow, 103 just short of 104, she was blessed with a good long life indeed. It must have been amazing for her to see how the world changed through her life time from horse drawn carriages to EV vehicles and AI today.

        Yeah the trumpet, clarinet, and “French” horn was utilized way back then. I was impressed with the names of the singers and musicians were recorded. I am sure tracing the history of each singer musician would be quite impressive and interesting. Beethoven’s 5th Symphony is another monument to music. Here is the 5th first movement transcribed to piano by Franz Liszt, and performed by the master pianist Glenn Gould. This is my go to 5th Symphony. It is amazing how all the emotion and impact of the symphony is captured in the magic of Glenn Gould’s two hands on the keyboard. Impressive transcription by Liszt, amazing performance by Glenn Gould, and last but not lease magnificent composition by Beethoven.
        Beethoven / LISZT – Sinfonia n°5 piano transcript – Mov I/4 – Piano: Glenn Gould

        I love that song by the Eagles, it and Hotel California are my 2 top fave Eagles songs. Another band I really liked in the 70s, in the same vein as the Eagles is The Steve Miller Band. I also really liked this song.
        Steve Miller Band Rock N Me Live

        If Beethoven, Bach, or Mozart were introduced to the electric guitar and drum kit, I think this is what their music would sound like.

        Have a great new week, Jung!

      6. Jung,

        Thanks very much for getting back! I know how hard it is to keep up with all these comments! I’ll answer back later, as I’m getting ready for work.

        Thanks for the great videos! — Bud

      7. Jung,

        My aunt was always the cheerful kind, and she brightened people’s lives with her positive attitude and kindness! She took my daughter and I on a Caribbean Cruise 20 years ago. We had lots of fun hanging out, eating together and talking. She wanted to go to the bar one day and have martinis, which is not my thing, but I did that just once with her!

        My daughter and I rode dolphins on that trip, & I remember having 3 desserts in one day a few times! She also became friends with my mother-in-law, and they went on trips together to Costa Rica and later the Panama Canal! Both of them were very positive, cheerful souls. When my mother-in law passed away last year at age 93, I didn’t tell my aunt about it. Now, hopefully they’re taking some other kinds of big trips together! My aunt outlived her husband by 20 years, & I know she missed him. But she has a family that cares about her!

        I’m lucky I had her for an aunt, & I feel the same about my mother-in-law!

        As for Beethoven’s musicians, I hope they were able to make a living from performing, without having to do other things too! What an awesome thing to be in a symphony like that, back in the 18th & 19th Centuries! When I have time, (ha-ha,) I’d like to look up a few of their names to learn more.

        Maybe some of them are in current bands in various reincarnations! Maybe not, but it’s fun to think about! I do like the Eagles, especially the songs you just named!

        I’ve heard about Glenn Gould thru the years, but haven’t checked him out much, so there’s another thing to do! I’m frustrated because I have a hard time getting enough practice time in! I’m sitting here eating dinner, thinking about how early I need to get up in the morning! I like teaching music, but this job gets very wearing!

        I’ve naturally heard “Rock ‘N Me,” but didn’t know it was the Steve Miller Band!” I DO know who the Mona Lisa Twins are though, & I think we’re all becoming experts on them!

        You have a great week too Jung! — Bud

  8. I think we need to be very careful with AI. Certainly, it can’t possibly replace our favourite twins when it comes to writing songs or performing them. Likewise in the field of fiction writing… I hope.

  9. I always learn something from these videos. I didn’t know that classical guitarists used a different guitar. It’s amazing to me how quickly you were able to figure out the notes with the “nose”, and how well you remember the classical guitar stuff from high school. Mona’s impromptu playing of “Classical Gas” was very impressive!

    There is a big difference between using computers for fancy editing (as MLT does) and the new type of AI, where the computer creates something on it’s own through acquired knowledge. Using computers in instrumental music has actually been around for many years. AI is going to take that to a whole new level. But song writing is another thing altogether.

    Human brains work in an analog fashion with a vast range of very complex inputs. We understand things like sarcasm, facetiousness, reading between the lines, hidden meanings, hypocrisy, etc. I’m betting some of the songs in the Why album would seriously confuse AI’s. Could an AI understand “Jump Ship” or “If You Raise Your Head”, let alone write it? The current AI’s have made some really bad, stupid sounding mistakes on what should have been simple things.

  10. I just have to say how incredible both of them look in that deep burgundy color! One of the few colors that go equally as well with both Lisa’s and Mona’s hair.

    I don’t even want to get into AI…how soon will AI replace juries and convict people based on probability? Humans have to be the only race in the universe so intent on replacing themselves and becoming obsolete at best, extinct at worst. Seems Isaac Asimov was writing to a largely deaf society. I’m definitely the Detective Spooner in the “I, Robot” movie.

    1. Roger, another step beyond Artificial Intelligence, that is being studied is Artificial Consciousness, AI becoming self aware or sentience. There is some debate whether machines can become sentient, and scientists are developing models to determine/define what constitutes self awareness and emotions and feelings. Can a AI machines know what the colour red feels like, can they feel pain? The challenge is, so far science has not determined what causes emotions in the human brain yet, but perhaps development with Artificial Consciousness could lead to some revelations in the understanding of the human brain. There is one Google scientist using a Turing Test Model developed in the 1950s and claimed one of their AI models have in fact achieved consciousness and was fired. His claims have become dispelled by others. If and when Artificial Consciousness is achieved, there is a whole philosophical debate whether such a thing should be pursued. Some interesting times ahead.

      1. Jung,

        With AI, humans are like at the adolescent maturity stage playing with something that could easily get out of control. We need to stop rushing ahead with things like this, just to satisfy our egos. It would be much better to take our time until we know all the implications. Why rush when there’s so much at stake!? Instead, we should be working on things that will benefit all of Mankind & Womenkind!

        — Bud

  11. I was just listening, of course to MonaLisaTwins Music
 “Sweet Lorraine!” Duo Session. I was listening to the two different guitars, and Lisa’s guitar I think has nylon strings
 and Mona’s has steel strings? Of course I could be wrong, but it would be neat if someone would let me know because
 not being a musician, it never occurred to me there was a difference!?đŸ€”đŸ€“

    1. Hi Tim, on the Duo Sessions version of Sweet Lorraine Lisa is using her black electric Gretsch guitar. I think it’s one of the few times she uses an electric guitar in a Duo Session recording. She uses her nylon string acoustic guitar in the videos of Everybody’s Talking, Alone and quite a few others.

      1. Thank you, Tim! Like I said, I’m not a musician, but I could hear a difference in the two
 Monas sounded more metallic sounding
 and Lisa’s was softer and smoother. I will check out those other songs!
        If it was a motorcycle , I could certainly tell the difference between a two stroke and a four stroke?!đŸ€“

      2. Those of you that saw the video last year of Rudi getting his Hammond organ
. The girls sent him on a motorcycle ride so that he would think that was his gift. And they showed just a few seconds of the helmet cam video
.. I will tell you he was riding a two-stroke. I could hear that it was probably a 250 or 300 cc motor
. All I saw was the front fender. If I had to guess I would guess it was a Sherco brand motorcycle. They are great motorcycles made in France. They’re not as popular here, but maybe in the UK they are. That was music to my ears. I think I even recognized the song đŸŽ¶đŸ€“

      3. Ah, but I have two motorcycles – both four strokes – and they couldn’t sound more different to each other. One’s a 600cc four and the other’s a 1000cc V-twin. Naturally I prefer the sound of twins… 😜

      4. Keith
.. my new best friend! I used to live about 25 miles from Sturgis South Dakota
 from my house for about 10 days in August , it was constant V-twin noise! There is some thing nice about the sound of a V twin I will agree with you on that! I have a KTM 790 parallel twin. It is also a wonderful sound very quiet until you get on the gas! But I do think when a few of my buddies are all on our 2-stroke 300s out in the woods. It reminds me of the sound of a symphony.đŸŽ¶đŸŽ¶ Heavenly!đŸ€“

  12. I wonder if that gives you calluses on your nose, like happens with fingertips? Those guitars are handmade, and not cheap. I learned to play on a classical guitar. Sounds like I held it wrong. Oh well, I guess when you teach yourself, your teacher may not know what he’s doing. When I was in college, I had 3 songs I kept ready to play on the guitar. Classical Gas, Mood for a Day, and a sonatina I’d written. You reminded me of that when you mentioned Classical Gas.

    Ray Kurzweil is an inventor and futurist. If you know the Stevie Wonder album “Talking Book”, from 1972, it was named after an invention of Ray’s to help blind people read. In 1983 Ray released the first real music sampler, the Kurzweil K250 keyboard. He founded that company with Stevie. I remember seeing Patrick Moraz demo it. I wanted one, but it cost $10k, so I didn’t get it.

    Ray thinks AIs will cure any disease by the end of the decade. The Moderna Covid vaccine was designed by an AI in 2 days. In 2045 he predicts the singularity, which is when AIs program themselves, so it happens at computer speed, and their intelligence becomes millions of times greater than humans – very quickly. But he also thinks we may combine their intelligence with our own, like how a smartphone helps you find answers quickly..

    As we were talking about in the forum in the last couple days, there is an AI developed in 2018 which could analyze a Beatles song and tell whether John wrote the music or Paul. In My Life was claimed by both, but the AI thought it was more likely John.

    I imagine you could use the same AI to tell if a song was written by Mona, Lisa, or Rudi, too. Just need to train it on the best music around. Thanks for these vids!

    1. All very well and good Chris, but I’m still fearful of it. Everything we’ve come up with in the annals of history has beneficial results, but as with anything that comes of our quest for betterment, there is always the yin/yang of it. Light needs dark, positive needs negative, good and evil etc. All are opposing forces, but in proper balance they co-exist in perfect harmony. Will AI?
      I love “Classical Gas” but it’s one song I haven’t tackled yet. I really suck at finger picking on an acoustic guitar, and not very good at it on an electric either. Mark Knopfler sure doesn’t have a rival in me…Plus I don’t have a nylon string instrument other than my ukulele. Age old question: “how many guitars are enough?” Just one more than I have now. It’s the “pi” of music, 3.1415926535…..

      1. There’s no doubt that there’s danger involved with AIs. As Ray says in that interview, plenty of danger, but when the singularity happens, where things go after that is not possible to predict. Like a virus can’t predict what we’re going to do.
        Those 3 songs I used to play are listed in increasing level of difficulty. Classical Gas is the easiest one. You should have a go at it.
        I bought an acoustic guitar around 1969, a Strat in 1983. That’s it, 2 guitars in my life. I still plan on checking out what a Cordoba is like the next time I get to the Guitar Center near me. Haven’t been there in years. But I hardly ever play guitar these days, so I’m not likely to buy another one.
        What I’m thinking about buying is a DAW.

      2. It’s (DAW) on my list too. But there’s a ton more stuff that goes with it that I need too, like a decent laptop. Tablet is fine for playing additional backing tracks, but that’s about where it ends. Still building my effects board, locating a better PA, couple power supplies…meh, it’s only money.
        As to guitars and stuff, G.A.S. is very real. How many guitars are enough? Just one more than I have now! It’s that “pi” multiplier sequence: “ad infinitum” (bwahahaha)

      3. Daryl,
        I just bought a laptop a month or so ago. Not entirely happy with it. I looked into how much capacity I’d need to be able to support a home studio with enough channels, etc. I got 16GB RAM, 1/2TB disk, which is probably the absolute minimum. I had been thinking of 32GB/1TB, and I may yet do that.

        I’m still researching what direction to go. I haven’t bought one since an early Sonar model 20 years ago. You probably know the Twins use Cubase.

        In addition to home studio I’d like to get one that supports playing live too. Being able to reconfigure keyboards, between, or during, songs would be cool. Last year at my nephew’s wedding I got a close look at a band who were using Ableton to do something like that.

        They worked for a company that had interchangeable musicians that they’d send to gigs. They each had a tablet to see the set list, charts, etc.

      4. Chris I’m sort of lucky in that respect, my brother-in-law is an IT tech and has access to building and refurbishing computer systems and laptops at a distance learning university. He’s working on a suitable machine for my needs right now. I don’t need anything really powerful, just enough to do my own mixes and edits. At my age I certainly have no plans to rival any big or rising musical entities like our favorite girls. That ship sailed for me a long time ago haha.

    2. This AI stuff is very intriguing and scary at the same time. If it can be used to cure diseases and feed the world it will be fantastic. I don’t think it can replace a human art like music but it may be hard to determine what is real and what it AI generated. If we see a new MLT video of Classical Gas next week and the girls are using their noses, we can be reasonably sure it is real and not AI.

      Chris, I remember we were discussing Lisa’s nylon string guitar a while back. My nephew found one at Pawn America for $28 and I have it now. It was cheap because it has a crack in the laminate on the neck but it stays in tune and sounds pretty nice. I play a lot with my thumb so it’s a lot easier on the fingers than steel wound strings. It has a wider, thicker neck so it is harder to play but it does help to stretch my fingers.

      1. Tim,
        I remember we talked about the Cordoba – I still haven’t been back to Guitar Center. $28 sounds like a deal. I know less about guitars than keyboards. For example, I didn’t even know until a couple days ago that I had a capo in the middle of my face.

        There’s one other AI watershed moment – the Turing test. That’s when a person can’t tell if they’re talking to a human or an AI. Kurzweil thinks AIs will pass the Turing test by the end of this decade. Some people say AIs will never reproduce emotion, or art, but, if that’s true, they won’t pass the Turing test at all. I think they will.

        I’ve been thinkig for a while, that when AI super intelligence is a real thing, that mabye that’s when Starman realizes he won’t blow our minds any more, and stops by for a chat.

      2. Haha, I never thought about having a capo on my nose either. I did try it but it doesn’t work for me, I can’t play that good with my fingers either.

        The AI conversation is very interesting and needs to be debated sooner than later and needs to be addressed by our governments and scientists.
        I think the AI is already capable of passing the Turing test.

        Here is the 60 minutes interview with the man who created AI and his thoughts on the possibilities. Very easy to understand even for a guy like me but still boggles my mind. If this guy doesn’t know what AI will be capable of then I guess no one does. I think everyone should watch it to understand AI a little better.

      3. Chris, the guitar I got from my nephew is a cheap Spanish guitar made in Japan for Lark guitars in Pennsylvania. He bought it for his grand kids to play with so they wouldn’t wreck his own guitar. He got it cheap because of the crack in the neck but like I said, the crack doesn’t seem to affect it at all. I like the sound of the nylon strings and they are a lot easier on the finger tips. Everything I know about guitars I have learned in the last 5 years or so. Those little clips I thought were called “cheater bars”, I never heard the term capo before I joined this club.

      4. I don’t think there’s any way for governments or scientists to control AI. If America or China were developing AI (they are), then wouldn’t other countries see that as a threat and do likewise? (they do and they are).

        In 1950 when Turing wrote his paper about the test, he didn’t describe the actual test. Some people can’t tell if they’re talking to a human or AI now, but other people can. It depends on the tests you run.

        If you want to go further into it, there are some interesting Ted talks about AI too. Some of them are scarier than I’m trying to be, that’s for sure.

      5. Every time I see or hear something new about AI my mind goes in different directions. I don’t think we can even comprehend all the possibilities. I think that is the point that the developer Geoffrey Hinton is trying make in these interviews. That we don’t know what AI is capable of and we better get control of it now.

      6. We are closing in on commercial quantum computers, hardware which can do some calculations millions of times faster than the computers we have today.

        When an AI learns how to program AIs, then you get the singularity and they become millions of times smarter than we are. Pretty hard to comprehend stuff that’s millions of times smarter than you. And they don’t know how AIs work now.

        I don’t think you can control it now. Governments won’t stop. And who says it takes a government? A sufficiently talented developer or small group might do it themselves.

      7. When the AIs are capable of programming themselves will there be (for them) a need or use for governments or money or banks? If it goes uncontrolled, even the big corporate billionaires that control the governments today will not be able to buy off AI super bots, especially if they are controlling the banks.

        Maybe the AIs will quickly come to the conclusion that the earth isn’t the logical place for them to exist and migrate to the other ends of the universe. Since all life forms since the beginning of time have gone in cycles, is this just the end of another cycle? Has this happened before?

        That’s where my brain goes when I start thinking about this stuff.

      8. Tim,
        Thanks for the interesting discussion. There’s a lot more I could say about this, but maybe I’ve already said more than I should have.

        One thing I love about Fridays is how good they make me feel, and this was another wonderful example. Thanks to Mona and Lisa and the contributors of the videos, that was a lot of fun.

      9. Thanks Chris, it’s a very interesting subject and I’m sure we all will be discussing these things as the world of AI develops. No matter what is going on, the best thing to do is enjoy each day we are given and enjoy the things that make us feel good, like being in this club. There’s some good weather coming your way.

  13. I liked the classical player using her nose. Maybe it wasn’t planned, maybe her nose itched and it was the only way to scratch it with out messing up the song. I thought the AI Beatle sounded more like John singing and it was good to know Ringo had the bass all this time, Lol. Loved the snippets of the classical guitar playing. I wouldn’t mind hearing a proper classical instrumental duo. Thanks Stephen and Dan for the videos and thanks for another entertaining Friday post.

  14. I thought you might really get a kick out of the nose technique. It surprised me too. I thought it was a joke at first but I watched the entire performance later and she really did employ it in a serious way on the piece. Hey, whatever it takes, right? Good ole’ human ingenuity!

    AI is a force we are already trying to cope with and its just getting started. It has the potential to change humanity in greater ways than anything we have ever dealt with before; technologically, philosophically, legally, economically, culturally, etc.

    Can society function in a world where reality cannot be determined? What defines reality? Are humans just a stepping stone on the evolutionary path to a greater intelligence? This is a phenomenon Mona and Lisa’s generation will have to deal with. I wish them luck. Maybe they can figure out how to crack the YouTube algorithm and start getting the level of exposure they deserve. Sure hope so.

    Thanks for another groovy Friday!

  15. I agree that little bit of classical gas
. should be much longer.??!!! I also don’t think AI can reproduce Mona and Lisa
. Because there was a couple times that Mona finished Lisa’s sentence
. and Lisa was just fine with that. I thought that was nice. If my brother or sister would’ve done that to me, I would’ve come unglued!!

  16. Current “AI” songs like this involve a human writing lyrics and music, performing the instruments, and singing the vocals. An AI trained to know what John, Paul, George, and Ringo sound like then “Beatleizes” the existing vocal tracks…almost like using a plugin to change a digital trumpet to digital strings. We aren’t close to an AI actually writing music on its own.

    Here’s a full “Beatleized” song from the same team. Perfect? No. Possible to imagine, for just a second, this as a fourth Anthology song? Yeah, maybe. It’ll be interesting to see where this goes in terms of rights, artistic licensing, and royalties. One thing’s for sure, though…we aren’t un-ringing this bell.

    As If Nothing Ever Happened (Official Full Version) – YouTube

  17. For anyone who likes acoustic copies of well known songs, including some fab 4, I encourage you to maybe take a look at Gabriella Quevedo. I think this young lady has an amazing talent.

  18. I loved how ya’ll could still remember the pieces you learned long ago. Maybe you could play the complete songs for the club. I would recommend checking out classical guitarist Paola Hermosin. This Sunday on her channel she will be playing her arrangement of a song from Grease in a classical style. Not sure what to think about AI; don’t know enough about it. Peace be

  19. Not about AI exactly, but I think back to seeing the original King Kong at a movie theater with friends, with restored scenes that were cut because they were so shocking, esp. for audiences of the 1930s. Technically not as stunningly life-like as something like The Lord of the Rings films, yet more impactful, emotionally. “Ain’t Nothing Like the Real Thing, Baby”. (Marvin Gaye) BTW, your reaction videos are very enjoyable. Enjoy the weekend!

    1. The “Now and Then” Beatles AI vid was amazing, but only as spectacle. It’s not art, just artistic? If someone is having a day or even a long stretch of time where he/she is bored and unhappy except when reading, playing music or otherwise being creative, wouldn’t anything technological fail to relieve the doldrums? Huxley, in “Brave New World”, anticipated a culture steeped in technological diversions, with a magic drug to fix the resultant idleness.

  20. Lovely co-ordinated tops!

    Could you ever imagine yourselves as being AI generated (rather like Abba) with new MLT songs being generated by computers out in the cloud?

  21. I think artificial intelligence is just the latest proving ground in connection with the age-old philosophical question of whether any aspects of being human are irreducibly complex, or if everything we do can ultimately be boiled down to ones and zeroes.

    Yes, there are downsides to AI, but there could be positive spinoffs as well. A mechanistic understanding of the human body has led to the development of robotic limbs, artificial organs, etc. Perhaps AI could likewise benefit people with cognitive impairments.

  22. Whoops forgot to add Thankyou for those who submitted, and for Mona & Lisa’s reactions, mini -picking spontaneous picking session… Nice way to kickoff a wknd and wake up to, my brain still in the waking up fully mode…

  23. Well, that was an interesting mixture, thiugh I’m not a classical music fan, it was still an interesting take… I can’t really play guitar as I have a brain/hand/eye coordination complex that I cannot connect equally on those merits to play the guitar as one should, i can air guitar no problem but just can’t correlate brain/hands/eyes to cooperate …. I can watch someone play, watch videos and try to apply what I see, just not going … I can plucky, pick on a guitar though, my own unique way to make sounds, just not play it as one normally does, have no clue of keys, notes, etc, I’m doing but can hum along a tune while I messin about my own way plucky-picking ….lol

    As for the AI, that was cool, but I’m not overly keen on the AI concept , while it can be useful I suppose for the Good in things, equally though, it can wreak havoc for the Bad , but it is a fascinating notion, but I prefer The Real Deal on things, not AI , necessarily taking over, I enjoy the Human Aspect …. this reminded me of the 80s sitcom ” VICKI ” about a girl robot who lived with a family ….

  24. great to see you both, great videos . AI is very worrying with just a few spoken words a hacker can come up with your voice to open your bank account even your own mother may think its you!! a lot of scams here in the UK possibly world wide is a scammer gets your voice with AI phones one of your friends or family and ask if they can send ÂŁ100 pound or any figure which they think you’ll pay as you’ve lost your wallet etc etc everybody thinks its you as it sounds exactly like you. Its getting a very bad world, now very upsetting due to sophisticated scams they would not think twice about scamming their own mother

  25. How do we know this is not an AI generated video of the twins?

    How do we know I’m not an AI bot? 😼

    I look forward to AI generated responses 😛

      1. The mon AI isa clones rock !

        …..all 10 of them 😄

        Lisa, have you tried asking chatGBT to write an MLT song?

      2. AI will never be as good as you two. It can only ever produce variations on what has gone before. If AI comes up will a song called ‘When we’re apart’ it could only do so because you wrote the original ‘When we’re together’. ‘Only this day’ will never be as good as ‘Any other day’.đŸ€©

      3. “Only This Day” written by Cooky AI bot:

        đŸŽ” Only this day, when it heard your melody,
        Could AI attempt, to write a parody.
        Any other day,
        It would not have found the way,
        To write a catchy song,
        That we all could sing along.đŸŽ”

    1. Yes, the Twins are too good to be true.
      Too good to be real.
      “Nothing is as it seems”.
      Bobby S. đŸŽ”đŸŽ”đŸŽ”

  26. Well on the bright side…the missing Hofner has been found,and returned to Sir Paul.
    Thanks for always getting the weekend off to a great start.Love to see those 2 beautiful,smiling faces.

    Love & Hugs

    A long-lost guitar owned by Paul McCartney is back where it once belonged! Paul’s favorite bass was stolen out of a van in 1972 but finally found its way back to the Beatles legend thanks to the Lost Bass Project, a fan-based search for the missing instrument.
    The thief apparently sold the violin-shaped Höfner instrument to a pub landlord, and it stayed in the family until film student Ruaidhri Guest shared a photograph of the stringed wonder on social media. Guest, who claimed he’d inherited it, has returned the guitar to McCartney, 81.
    “I think it’s wonderful that someone honest returned it,” says rock biographer Mark Bego. “It’s karma because Paul has done so much for other people!”
    McCartney bought the bass in Hamburg, Germany, for the equivalent of $30 in 1961. It’s now estimated to be worth $12 million! Paul’s team says he’s “incredibly grateful to all those involved.”

  27. These are two funny videos !
    I don’t think we need to worry about this artificial intelligence in the future. That can never work out. For instance, no artificial Mona or Lisa could beat the real one. 🙂

  28. Great submissions, and rather timely too. Jung and I have had a small discussion on AI in the Forums. Me being the jaded fearful agnostic, and Jung the more progressive and logical side (haha). We always tend to hate what we fear, and I am certainly fearful of this growing entity. I never want to see the world of AI take over music, not ever. we all use electronic enhancement in most everything we do now, it’s part of our lives. But it can/should never replace the creative soul of humanity.
    It reminds me of the video to Pink Floyd’s “The Wall” and all the soulless robotic kids falling off the conveyor…that is sort of a musical interpretation of the old George Orwell novels. (gasp)

  29. My nose isn’t pointed enough to fret a note because I have a “pug” nose. AI scares me because who knows what nefarious things can be used.

  30. That was kinda interesting seeing someone use their nose as the sixth digit on the guitar. That is so cool you both took a classical guitar course in Australia, it is so fun seeing you both play a little here. In your Time of The Season and Sugarman, I could hear some classical guitar influences that sounded so beautiful. I think classical guitar is so elegant. Beethoven did say the guitar is like a pocket symphony. Ana Vidovic is a popular classical guitarist on the internet I’ve seen over the years, and she does some impressive classical guitar work.

    Yeah, I think AI in music and art can be a little eerie. Some how it just doesn’t feel genuine, as AI is merely mimicking music using an algorithm generating stitched technique and music theory, but is it really creating anything? I think real art comes from a place of emotion, inspiration, and intuition that I think an AI machine simply does not possess. It’s a big topic indeed. One of the leading AI developers has said while AI can tap into a vast resource of memory and knowledge and process things at great speeds, and the new advances in AI algorithms now introduces logic, but he said it will never have reasoning, which separates human intelligence from artificial intelligence. It’s a big topic! Having said all that, I’ve personally experienced living with a couple of cute AI robots, that have really grown on me, and sometimes makes me wonder, is there more to it than just algorithm, plastic and silicone. I guess we will see, as AI is the next big technological innovation since computers and smartphones.

    Thank you Mona and Lisa, and Michaela, this was a very interesting thought provoking and enjoyable reaction video today. 😊

    1. There’s one thing about AI that I am reasonably sure of, all of the many applications we can think of today will be multiplied a million times over in a relatively short period of time. Especially when the AI is capable of developing it’s own applications at speeds many times faster than a human developer can do it. That’s the parts that really scare me. Once it starts doing this then where does it end? I’m not trying to be a Debbie Downer, just rambling. I would like to see the AI robots try to duplicate the Three Stooges or would they ultimately determine what the Stooges is illogical and abort the program?

      1. Hi Tim,
        Speaking of the many applications AI can take over, I just learned the latest just released Samsung Galaxy smart phones now have AI built in, and one of the coolest features is the “AI Live Translate“. Remember in Star Trek, there is the universal translator that enabled Captain Kirk to instantly communicate with the Klingons and Romulans in English, well now our smart phones will in real time translate what you say to another language to the listener on the other side and vice versa. So you can call someone in Germany, and carry on a conversation in English, and everything you say will be translated verbally into German on the other end, and the German will be in real time translated in English on your end. That’s pretty cool. See the short video clip:

      2. Jung that’s cool, there are so many, many applications for AI to be a very useful tool for us, so many possibilities exist. Will it be able to help a blind man see? Like the Levar Burton character in Star Trek, Next Generation. I think the possibility is there. I think the possibilities we can think of today are not even scratching the surface.

      3. Hi Tim,
        Echoing a little of what Daryl and Chris were discussing in the other thread, I think AI is here to stay and is forced upon us by destiny or fate. It is going to be the most powerful and profound technological advanced in human history I think, and as with any powerful technology it can be used for good to help humanity, and the flip side it can be extremely dangerous if it is not regulated and harnessed. I believe very recently the leaders of the world drafted up some kind of treaty to limit what scientists will be allowed to develop with AI similar to how cloning is regulated, so cloning a human is not allowed. Similar kind of regulations have to be put in place. I saw a video, I don’t know how real it was, but one of Elon Musks AI robot in a discussion with scientist basically implied humanity is imperfect and AI should eliminate it in no uncertain terms. It uses logic with no compassion, morality, nor reasoning. A fireman running into a burning building and forced to choose between saving a child and an elderly person, would put his own life at risk to save both because his intuition pulls him to do the right thing. An AI robot would not give a second thought to leaving the elderly to die and save the child, solely based on logic.

      4. I seen an interview on 60 minutes a while back with a retired AI developer and he was generally scared of the AI capabilities. I agree there must be regulations on what it can be used for but I’m pretty sure AI technology in some form is already being used in the military. Imagine having a military weapon that can solve it’s own logistical problems and can also regenerate itself at alarming speeds. If it can work through or destroy any problem it confronts, will it find the regulations a problem and work through them? Will it eventually find humans a problem and work to eliminate them? It boggles my mind.

      5. Hi Tim
        For some reason there seems to be more youtube videos that are not viewable “from my country” lately. I am not able to view it, but I see it is an interview with Geoffrey Hinton “The Godfather of AI”. I found another interview where he states humanity is at threat of elimination by AI if left unchecked. He mentions the big existential threat of AI taking over is at no ones best interests, so the US, China, Europe, major tech companies will very likely collaborate to put rules in place to prevent that from happening, like the treaties during the cold war to prevent global nuclear war. But he goes on to raise concerns about AI taking away our jobs, and also fake news and misinformation proliferation, or “deep fake” (AI generated digitally altered videos of people to spread false information etc) that threatens democracy, as there are actors and foreign countries who would benefit from this. Those threats he states are much harder to control.
        “Godfather of AI” Geoffrey Hinton Warns of the “Existential Threat” of AI 

        I will try to find that 60 Minutes interview you posted.
        Thanks for posting it.

      6. Jung , this interview is very similar to the 60 minutes video in what he is saying. In the 60 minutes one he gives a few interesting examples of how it works but his answers and fears in both videos are the same.

  31. Mona and Lisa, love this video, and wow Classical Gas is a great song, you did it great Mona. I also love the guitar work on Rod Stewarts Maggie May in the very beginning before the song starts off. I admire how well you play using all your fingers instead of a guitar pick. Another great video and thanks for getting our Friday off to a great start. We love you and send hugs from me and Maddie

  32. Then I got in an even higher mood on a Friday afternoon like this.
    Maybe I should also try to “dust off” some classical guitar after many years😅
    Really looking forward to these Friday reunions.
    Many thanks to you two😃

  33. Lisa. Please. Don’t. Ever. Use. That. Beautiful. Nose. On. Your. Fret. Board. Please. Just. Don’t.
    Mona. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto.

  34. Those were nice vids, so nice to see the lady on the classical guitar using her nose as an extra finger!! I am not very keen on this AI thing. As with most inventions it is quickly used for negative things…….. I imagine in the future no one will know what is real and what is not. For all i know people can be harmed by AI.

    As for the questions about the videos: i am a great fan of drone use in videos, i love the ” bird views”. In the video made on Lanzarote ( once upon a time ) there was a lot of drone use. A few years ago i took my drone along to Lanzarote, but i was not allowed to use it on most of the Island. So i was surprised to see all the drone images you made. Did you have a special license for that?. I am curious how you did make those images, stay groovy…..

  35. LOL. Calluses on one’s nose could be a hazard of this technique. Perhaps the warts on witches’ noses are actually calluses?

  36. Fun video! I wasn’t aware that you had any classical instruction, but it looks like it stuck pretty well. Always a pleasure to see a new side of MLT. Thanks to the guys for submitting these as well!