Dream A Little Dream Of Me – Duo Session

Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you …

Isn’t this song just beautiful? Written in 1931 and still popular and beloved 93 years later. That’s the power of a good song!

Countless people have covered it over the decades (most famously Mama Cass) and we understand why – it’s so much fun to sing! You might have heard us play this tune during one of our Livestreams but we just knew that we wanted to record a proper Duo Session with it, too.

Which version comes to mind for you first when you hear this song?

We hope you all will sleep wonderfully tonight and will dream a little dream of your loved ones ♥

Stay groovy,
Mona & Lisa


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  1. What a beautiful rendition of this song. The uke really accents the music. Your soft tones make me feel like drifting off to sleep. I’ve mentioned before that you guys are so photogenic, but this is the first time I can remember the using tight closeups. Peace be

  2. I can’t say when I first heard this song or who sang it, but I’ve heard many versions through the years. This version has all the sweetness to make it my favorite. It brings me back to calmness and tranquility.

  3. That was beautiful Mona and Lisa ! It’s about my bedtime now and I’ll definitely sleep a little better after listening to that and perhaps dream a little dream of you two singing that lovely song ❤

  4. My favourite is always the duo sessions, Lisa has such a beautiful almost fragile quality the way she sings this song, Mona is consistently perfect with harmonies to match in my opinion a difficult task of Lisa’s superb lead vocals

  5. I have always love this beautiful song singing by Mama Cass and your cover with great harmionies is wonderful, your voices are splendid, This is a song to listen before going to bed. Listen to it and you will sleep like a baby. Merci Mona & Lisa.

  6. I love this Duo Sessions version but I also like the livestream versions too. Dream A Little Dream has been played on the last three livestreams and it sounds great every time.

    1. Ditto here Tim. It’s funny, but of the livestream versions of this song, my favorite is the one where Lisa is still a bit hoarse from her cold. A few more livestreams and they could put together a new “Twins Live” album.

      1. That was a great livestream Dennis. I believe that was the Anniversary livestream in October. Lisa also sang Cry For No One which I loved and Mona sang Summer Rain. I would love to hear them as Duo Sessions too.

  7. This is a gorgeous rendition. I don’t know if it’s the recording mix or just the spare instrumentation, but I’ve never heard Lisa’s lovely voice with such clarity and presence. It gives the song an intimate feel much more like a lullaby than Mama Cass’s belting. It’s very sweet and endearing.

  8. Such a beautiful rendition of such a lovely song! Seems like it was made for the ukulele 🙂
    Looking very much forward to another round of duo sessions! It’s one of my favourite segments.

  9. Wonderfully done, ladies. The harmonies, ukulele, and simple, sweet sentiment all remind me of “Tonight You Belong To Me” – another Duo Session favorite of mine.

  10. I had a tough Friday this week. When I finally broke free from things Friday evening, I sat and listened to the new Duo Session. It was just what I needed – a wonderful love song sung by the best duo on the planet. Like so many of your covers, it brought tears to my eyes.

    If this was 1931, I would swear that they wrote this song for Mona and Lisa. A lot of famous singers have covered it, including Kate Smith, Louis Armstrong, Barbara Carroll, Nat King Cole, Doris Day, Joni James, Dean Martin, and of course Mama Cass, but no one does it better than you two.

    BTW, those are lovely dresses.

  11. Hi Mona & Lisa. Thank you for another super duo session where you, as always, enhance rather than just cover the original. I’ve recently come across a haunting song written & performed by the English band Keane in 2004 – “Somewhere Only We Know”. I enjoy listening to it but I’m sure I’d love it even more if it had the talented MLT treatment. Any chance of a cover please?🙏

  12. I just read on Wikipedia how the Mamas and Papas came to record this song. One of the co-writers was a friend of Michelle Phillips’ father. Through that connection she learned it as a little girl and later shared it with the group.

  13. These are the harmonies that will send chills down your spine and bring grown men to tears. (tried to rhyme crying, but it sounded silly)

    MLT has raised the bar even more . A one hundred year old song sounds brand new.

    Ladies take a bow, you have “wow’d” us again. We can sense a roaring applause at both the beginning and end of this performance.

    Marlo & JP

  14. Mona and Lisa, you never let us down! You take a beautiful song from Ma Ma Cass and make it your own. Mona OMG the guitar work is splendid and Lisa you play with such ease and you both blend so beautiful together. I agree with Brian, I had tears in my eyes as well. The way you both approach these beautiful songs and make them Mona and Lisa style is off the charts. I said this before, Elvis could take songs and make them his own and you both are in the same category, such love and spirit and you never take away from the essence of the song. Thank you Thank you so much for this masterpiece. God bless you both and hugs and love from
    Bill and Maddie Isenberg Huge fans from Pittsburgh PA USA

  15. I previously knew only the Mama Cass version of this song, but now that I have this one for comparison, I think MLT’s “sweet” vocals are more appropriate to the sentiment of the song than Cass’ big booming voice. I love both versions, though.

    Question for guitar players: on both of these recordings there is a bit of a scratchy sound during some of the chord changes in the intro. Is that a style choice, or is it difficult to make those particular changes cleanly?

    1. Hi David,

      That’s a great question! I can answer the “scratchy guitar sound,” although I’m sure any guitar player can do that.
      Basically, it happens when a person is changing chords quickly. The finger slides along the strings & makes that “scratchy sound.” It is possible to avoid that sometimes, as two of my guitar teachers told me, by LIFTING UP your fingers while sliding from one chord to the next. But sometimes it’s impossible to avoid it.

      This Scratchy Sound happens especially when:

      1.) You’re playing “Barre Chords,” (or “Bar Chords,”) with your index finger pressing down on multiple strings while sliding up or down several frets.
      2.) When playing individual notes on “Steel Wound Strings.”

      On my Classical Guitar I have Steel Wound Strings on string #’s 4 thru 6. These are especially noisy! But the Nylon Strings on strings #’s 1 thru 3 make almost NO SOUND when you slide on them! Although you will hear slightly when you hit each Fret, even on Nylon Strings. But that’s GOOD, because you can hear distinctly when you change from one note to the next.

      3.) Many Guitarists like Mona for example, will strike the strings with the thumb, or palm of the hand to make a “Snare Drum” — like sound, usually on beats 2 & 4 in 4/4 time.
      4.) Sometimes a Guitarist will push down the strings w/the left hand, while strumming across the strings w/the right hand to make a Percussive Sound. (Tommy Emanuel is famous for making all kinds of Percussive Sounds in various ways, in-between playing Melodies & Chords!

      So there you have it! I’ll give you two Video Examples, but you can find many more!

      1.) Here’s one of the World’s Greatest Classical Guitarists, Andres Segovia (1893 — 1987.) Most of the time he lifts his fingers, avoiding the Scratch, but you can REALLY HEAR IT at Minute 1:48, and 2:01.

      Andres Segovia – Fandanguillo – Moreno-Torroba (youtube.com)

      2.) Lucas Brar — you can hear the “Sliding Scratch” a little bit at the beginning, & then the “Intentional Scratching” for a Percussive Effect starting at the :23 Second Mark.
      This is really a Jazz Version of the song, NOT a Classical version!

      when they say classical guitar ain’t cool… (pink panther) (youtube.com)

      I hope that makes sense! If you play guitar a bit, you’ll notice the sound whenever your fingers slide around on Steel Wound Strings.

      — Bud

      1. David,

        I might add that it’s NOT a bad thing to hear the scratch. I’ve even heard it on some of Paul McCartney’s Acoustic guitar playing! It kind of comes with the territory! — Bud

      2. Thanks, Bud! I suspected it was caused by finger sliding, but I had no idea why it was an issue with this particular song.

      3. David,

        It isn’t just an issue with this song. Every time you hear a Guitar recording start listening for it. You’ll hear it more often! A lot of times, we’re just not paying attention to it.

        CHEERS! — Bud

    2. Yep, as others have said, the sliding of fingers on strings, particularly on acoustic guitars, is what causes what I’d characterise as a ‘squeak’. Some chord changes demand a change in hand position. Have a listen to ‘Guitar Tango’, by The Shadows. If Hank Marvin does it… Also, it’s like a part of the ‘analogue’ nature of Mona and Lisa’s work. They may use modern technology to record the music, but it’s all played properly, on real instruments. All part of the magic!

  16. Up until now my favourite version has been Cass Elliott’s. Now, though, she has competition. This version’s sweetly gorgeous, Mona and Lisa. Why am I not surprised? 😁🥰

    1. …And while we’re talking about Cass Elliot, I have to say that a MLT cover of ‘It’s Getting Better’ would be absolutely, fantastically groovy!

      1. OMG, yes … actually of her solo stuff, I’d enjoy MLT doing, that’s a fab choice , love that song

  17. Changing the subject a little bit… I was at a little gift store in downtown Kona Hawaii a couple days ago…. And I heard the Beatles music playing! It was mostly a T-shirt shop and I said to her..that’s cool I love the Beatles! They were lots of customers in there and the store is right along the beach and the street so you couldn’t concentrate on the music! Something sounded slightly different and I asked , is this an original Beatles song? And they said no it’s a local band called Beet.lele?? They play Beatles music with ukuleles?? I went online and listen to them play Eleanor Rigby! Crazy good even the string section was done with a ukulele, and it sounds great! I was surprised!🤓🎶

    1. Thanks for that, Tim. I have just listened to a few of their covers (Here Comes The Sun, If I Fell and Penny Lane) and I can only echo your comments about how good they are. Impressive!

    2. Tim,

      I just watched 3 videos of theirs & yes, they’re very good! I’ve been wondering if there were any groups in Hawaii that played Beatles’ Music, so now I know! It’s BEAT-LELE!

      Thanks! — Bud

  18. Well, now that I’m out of my dream…. I have listened to it several times. I watched Mama Cass sing it. I remember Mona and Lisa doing it on their live stream. I would say the live stream gets first place….. this new one second place… I’m gonna have to give Mama Cass third. That’s still very respectable compared to Mona and Lisa. They are stunningly, talented and beautiful…. Sorry Mama!!😬 The first time they covered it on the live stream, It seemed a little more “personal” of course I always think the ladies are singing just to me! So I might’ve blushed a little the first time they performed it…..🤓🎶

  19. Wow, you women did a fantastic job. It was such a beautiful cover with such beautiful voices. You have to do more of these 1960’s love songs.

  20. Howdy, Very sweet song and Lisa & Mona sound great. I love listening to it (3 times so far). Thank you for bringing a smile to my face & for brightening up my day.
    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
    Bobby S. 😎🎵❤️🎵🧛‍♂️

  21. This is an enjoyable rendition and as always you are delightful to listen to. All the best.

  22. Mona & Lisa,

    I FINALLY got to see this, and you did such a fine job on this song; even better than on your first version from the January livestream! I wonder how long you practiced this piece? In how many hours, & over how long a time span? And how many “takes” did you do until you were satisfied with the final result?

    Whatever your practice routine is, it works, & you show so much confidence in everything you do! Also, the camera work & quality of the recording is excellent! I would rather see you two just singing & playing up close in your videos, than any other recent videos of super stars out there doing their thing!

    Both your personalities & radiant beauty adds so much to an already perfect performance!!

    My daughter’s 30th birthday is TODAY, & we had a little gift celebration this morning before I went to work! She & my wife are at a concert tonight while I hold down the fort with our cat Boots. He’s 20, & needs LOTS of Love & Care!

    Thank you SO much for all your effort, & for every wonderful video you put out for us!
    Now YOUR Birthdays are coming up soon! I hope this next one is special for you two also!

    — Bud

    1. Hey Bud, wow well said. Yeah MLT production, recordings/video are always top notch honed to perfection, no one else comes close these days. Congrats to your daughter’s 30th.

      1. Thanks Jung!

        Say, do you know how to contact someone privately? I have a few questions for you. Thanks! — Bud

      2. I did make a specific posting about contacting others on here a few wks back, guess my posting got list/overlooked upon … it makesit easier to further discuss stuff in more detail if you message each other, rather than replying back/forth on threads, especially if ifwanting to go into specifics….

      3. Jung,

        I’m not sure where to look for the message, & I don’t do Texting — at least YET! — B.

      4. Hi Bud, Jacki, at the top right hand corner next to your name and notification bell, there is a mail/envelope icon. Click into their and then in the drop down go to “view Inbox”. Then in new mailbox page, under Messages there is a search box, where you can type the name of the person you want to contact.

      5. Jung, we’re already Connected on here and did a Facebook Messenger Video Chat with you some yrs ago … 😎🤘😉🙃

      6. Hey Jacki, that was awesome,, such a warm welcome from a fellow member back then. I will make it out to Ottawa one of these days! Or if you’re ever out in Vancouver. 👍😎

      7. Thankyou Jung, I did enjoy our video chat, that time , and 6es, hoping we can meet face to face in human reality, at some point , it will be #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Awesome b🤘😊😎

      8. Jacki, no matter what the calendar says, the day that you and Jung meet in person will be proclaimed as Canada Day here in the club!

      9. Yes, and I had actually made a forum posting about contacting others privately on here, guess that posting got lost/ overlooked upon, you make a CONNECTION with a member on here to message privately….

  23. Such a beautiful song and a another beautiful rendition. This would make Mama Cass smile a little. Made me smile. I guess I will be in for another Duo’s CD sometime in the future just to have this gem. Thank you!

  24. You’re amazing! I love your version of this song. Whatever you are singing, you always find a way to make it your own! I can’t wait for your next video!

  25. This song reminds me of a fond memory…. The one and only time since probably when my Grandma Rea ( soft ginger cookie recipe fame….lol ) that Grandma’s early1920s wedding dress/shoes/veil left the house .. in my entrusted care for an oral history project in Gradex7 or 2nd round or Grade 8 …one of the 3 … she got married in early 1920s, whatever year it was , it was her age as well, she was born in 1900 … I chose to do my oral project on the 1920s as I love History and the Era of then… and knew with permission granted, she’d entrust me with some actual Keepsakes from that time as part of my oral presentation…. Her wedding dress/attire being the main attraction… students weren’t allowed to touch when I showed, the history teacher gobsmacked in awe that I even had such a precious Keepsake in reality to shiw…. if memory servescI either got an A++ or it was A+++ and the wedding dress though yellowed somewhat over the yrs stored carefully in a box with tissue paper, still in decent form as was veil/shoes …. I also had baby shoes which were worn well that my my mom’s oldest brother and perhaps oldest sister had worn around that Era as both were born a few yrs after my Grandparents were married…. Mom was the youngest, she had 2 older sisters, 3 older brothers, oldest brother/sister had outlived all until their passing… Grandma passed a few wks after her 89th in 1989…. Grandpa passed when I was around 4/5 , he passed same year my Grandpa Hopper did, Grandma Hopper died almost exactly a year later near the ray for Grandpa H. …..
    After Grandma Rea passed…. I’m not sure who got wedding dress, etc or if just thrown out…. I have my Late Mom’s 1962 Wedding Dress/veil as a Keepsake …🤘🏻

  26. You know how you have this dark, gloomy, cloudy day, and just at sunset there’s a little opening in the sky and this beautiful ray of color shines down? That’s this Duo, and it’s not the first time, either. I can’t decide whether you’re blessed with this talent and ability, or we are by being able to experience it. “Thank you” doesn’t cover, but it’s what we have. Can I preorder the disc now?

  27. Another favourite version of mine – Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong. Just listened to that and Mama Cass version. Can’t decide which one I prefer !!!
    Love your version too.

      1. Truly scrumptious
        You two are truly scrumptious
        Scrumptious as the breeze across the bay
        When you’re smiling
        It’s so delicious
        So beguiling
        You’re the answer to my wishes
        Truly scrumptious
        You two are truly scrumptious
        And I shan’t forget this lovely day
        My heart beats so unruly
        I also love you truly
        Honest truly, I do


  28. Ever time I watch this I Love it even more.
    How can you not have Sweet Dreams after viewing this.
    Very Very well performed, Mona & Lisa !!!

  29. That is a very beautiful song. Especially when you sing it.

    The version that came to mind this time, was you singing it from the Livestream.


  30. For the second time this week you gave me the shivers….. it is so perfect, the harmonies…,the fingerpicking, the ukelele, the clothing …. if i could i would order duo sessions 3 immediately. Thank you once more

  31. This is a beautiful song and I loved your version of it. My granddaughter is a singer and has also made a lovely version too.

  32. This is great, well done both. My memory of this song predates Mamma Cass, It is the version with Ella Fitzgerald with Louis Armstrong both great voices but in my mind spoiled by the jazz scatting.

  33. Excellent performance on a classic. I was surprised to see Mona doing the finger picking. That is usually Lisa’s job. Mona did a brilliant job though, very impressive.
    Somehow you girls bring a special element to the songs from the 20’s and 30’s. Clean crisp, vocals with just a touch of sparkle. Mona and Lisa display a level of class in their performance, dress and character that is missing from so many other artists of the day. A performance by MLT is excellent no matter what song it is.

  34. That was an absolutely beautiful rendition of this song!!!

    Mona 👱‍♀️ really impressed me with her finger picking and beautiful harmony with Lisa’s 👩‍🦰 lead vocal. You two are the absolute best! 🎸 🎤 👏 💖

  35. A delightful rendition of this sweet song, girls (as always!).

    There was a fairly recent recording of this song by Robbie Williams with Lily Allen and there is also a version of the song on YouTube by Caro Emerald, amongst others.

  36. That is beautiful ladies. Add it to the list of MLT songs I can not get through without a tear in my eye. Those harmonies are heavenly.
    Of course I love Cass Elliott’s version of this song but the one that comes to my mind first is the one from the movie Grumpier Old Men. The actor Burgess Merideth sings it to his great grand daughter (in his shaky 90 year old voice) when he tucks her into bed. His character dies shortly after this. It’s a sad part in a very funny movie.

    1. Hi Tim, those harmonies are heavenly indeed. I enjoyed those Gumpy Old Men movies too, perhaps that’s where I heard this song.

  37. Wow!! That’s so beautiful. It’s the kind of song that you can close your eyes to and let your mind drift away.
    I really liked Doris Day. I thought she was a sweet, beautiful lady with a great voice. But, after I heard Mama Cass I could not get her version of of my head. That is, until now.
    Lisa’s voice and Mona’s accompaniment and harmonies… wow!!
    That was such an amazing performance! I loved it. Fantastic job on such a classic song! 🎵 👏👏👏👏👏

  38. Absolutely fabulous version of one of my favourite classics you girls can do no wrong. Thank you for bringing back so many wonderful memories of my teenage years, love you both so much 💖 💗 ❤️ and thanks for my 5 year Anniversary pin which I received in the post a few weeks ago. Keep doing what you’re doing and keep taking me down memory lane. ❤️

  39. Love your version! I was just thinking, Mama Cass released her version of this “oldie” 37 years after it was written. The Beatles’ rooftop concert was 55 years ago. Time sure flies.

  40. Just so beautiful. Your rendition of this song ‘leaves your worries behind you’ as you are transported away with those incredible harmonies. Thank you for putting your touch to this timeless classic. It has to be MLT magic where you can create smiles and tears all within a single song… Thank you! 🙂

  41. Well, Both Cass’ version and this EQUALLY tied as being my Ultimate Go-To faves, why ?!, simply because both Cass and you both , were blessed vocal wise musically to pull it off so effectively, and to be honest , years ago, I always thought Cass’ version was the original, I hadn’t been aware that is was a standard oldie classic until then when I looked up history of it …. just like you with ” Tonight You Belong To Me “, another golden oldie bygone standard to which you both captured that old time essence like this here , bang on, ” old music souls ” are within you, truly, and eminate the essences, ambience , of that era of time musically, and visually now, coming into my head is your video visual for ” Maxwell Hammer ” , in that 1920s-30s style vibe, again, there you recapture bang on that vibe, it’s as though you both are reincarnations from that era …. thus letting those Harmonies come shining through effortlessly….. perfect instrumentation on this, complimentary to the song, quite a lovely rendition created, and an uplifting welcome on this rainy day Friday for me, and as well welcoming into the wknd, Thankyou, Kudos, I was listening to Cass’ version and singing along the other day, now I can alternate back and forth between both versions to equally enjoy….Again, I discovered you because of being a Mamas and Papas fan, and this just confirms 16 yrs later , why that was …😊🤘🌞

  42. What a lovely version. I’m sad to say the version I know best is the Robbie Williams one! However Mona and Lisa totally surpass that version! Great singling and some lovely guitar work all over the song. Another success. I think Duo II improved upon Duo I so big things are expected from Duo III – I’m pretty sure MLT will deliver!

  43. This is so beautiful, and I love the Duo Session version, I can hear and feel every beautiful nuance in your singing and strumming on the guitar and ukelele. The song sounded familiar when I first heard you play it at the Livestream but could not place it, but you evoked the beauty and sweetness of it at the Livestream and that is my version I first remember, and now your latest Duo Session in all it’s dreamy beautiful splendor is the ultimate version. Thank you for such a beautiful dreamy sublime experience like only you can do it! 🎶💛❤

  44. Great memory for a Friday morning! I still listen to the Cass version quite often, the Mommas and the Pappas are still one of my favorite groups form my younger days. But the combination of guitar, ukulele, and superb vocal harmonies make this one special in its own right. You two compliment each other so beautifully!

    1. Hey Daryl… me too… that’s how I discovered MLT… Thanks in part to Mamas and Papas their ” California Dreamin ” cover, it Equals Mamas & Papas version for me hands down, no question ….M&P are one of my fave groups too ….

  45. Lisa has such a beautiful voice and the perfect harmony with Mona makes this version of the song heavenly.
    I think I’m going to listen to this again before I go to sleep this evening. Maybe I’ll do that every night from now on. 🙂

  46. That is such a beautiful song sung by a beautiful pair excellently done once again lovely harmonies and just the right instruments

  47. Bravo! So glad you chose to cover this classic! The Thirties are my favorite decade of American music, and 1931 is Ground Zero, in my opinion: this song, “Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea”, and “As Time Goes By” are three that I perform regularly. Well done you! 👏🏼

    1. Thanks Scott! Such great, quirky songs from that era! We covered “Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea” for one of our Livestreams if I remember correctly 🙂

      1. Thanks so much, Lisa! That was absolutely delightful! I’m usually working during your live streams, but I can see now that I will need to do some catching up; I’m missing out on gems like these! Your harmonies are exquisite as always, and it’s obvious that the two of you enjoy this song as much as I do. I’m so happy to see you adding more tunes in preparation for Duo Sessions III…and I hope a “Best of MLT’s Livestreams” might make it to cd in the future! 🤗

  48. Hello Ladies,
    This is your best version yet. Like fine wine, your voices have aged perfectly, since hearing you sing this several years ago. The version I remember the most is by Burgess Meredith in the film Grumpy Old Men. So pure and captured the song and movie perfectly. Thanks Ladies for kicking off the weekend with this Beautiful Song.
    Best always
    Rick Ross

    1. Hey there Rick, I have both that movie and it’s sequel on VHS tapes , love both movies and I remember that scene that’s probably around or when I found out the song dated back further in time than Cass’ version …..😉🤘

    2. Rick, I was just thinking of that version too. I just watched that show a week ago. Such a sweet moment on an otherwise hilarious film.

  49. Always love the Duo Session! Beautiful version of a beautiful song. Had this song on a cassette tape by Dean Martin years ago, Well done Ladies and thank you for sharing!

  50. I absolutely adore this! It brought a tear to my eye when you played it during the livestream a few months back. I had a dear friend, Carolyn Droscoski, who was a popular cabaret singer/actress here in the New York area who left this world way too soon in 2018. This song was one of her mainstays, and I know that she would have loved this version as much as I do! Thank you as always, for bringing a smile to my face this Friday morning. Much love to you both!

    1. Yeppers, Cass’ version is the other vote I equally love, aside now from this…..tied Equally for me as being favesfrom now on here on in …

  51. BRAVO Wow what a lovely version of the song your voices harmonise so well I love it I really can’t say which is my favorite version at the moment