MLT Bobbleheads – Giveaway Draw

Congrats to …..?

We drew the winner for our last Giveaway. But in a way we’re all winners today having learnt all this new information about the world! 😉 Thank you so much for taking part, we had such a good time reading through your comments.

Of course, the biggest Thank You goes to Tomás C. for providing the Giveaway prize – you’re a star!

To the winner: Please keep an eye on your inbox, we will be in touch with you soon ♥

Stay groovy,
Mona & Lisa


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  1. As I child I always wondered why Sunday was the first day of the week. The county’s school superintendent didn’t know, either. I discovered later that it done because Saturday was the scriptural sabbath; it was the 7th day mentioned in Genesis. Emperor Constantine declared Sunday to be the day of worship, probably because the Romans were pagan who celebrated the Sun God Sol Invictus. Sunday was that god’s day. It appears to be one of the things they did to make Christianity palatable to the pagans.

  2. I always thought the “work week” started here in the U.S. on Monday.
    Congrats to all the winners! Those bobble heads are SWEET!

    1. Hi Thomas! I looked at your profile, and you have a DVD of 11 of their music videos! I’m jealous!! I don’t think I’ve seen that in their store?! Maybe I better look again!🤓

      1. I got that a few years ago actually. They may be either all out of them or no longer carry it. One of the girls or Michaela can let you know.

      2. That’s it!! I couldn’t find it in the store. Thank you so much I will get one ordered!!🤙🤓

      3. You’re welcome. It’s a great DVD. All those videos are awesome. It not only has the regular videos for each song, it has the Behind the Scenes vids too. You’ll love it. I don’t own a lot of DVDs, but that one is always in the player. Enjoy!

      4. I think we’re overdue for a follow-on dvd or two of original videos for Orange, Why?, and the Duo Sessions I and II.

  3. Hi Len,

    I saw your comment on Jazz. Thanks! I couldn’t find your comment in the discussion just now, & I’m getting ready for work, so later! Didn’t you win the MLT Bobbleheads?

    Have a good day! — Bud

  4. Wow 100 000 000 vieuws on Youtube! Congratulations !!!! Thanks for the fun facts in the latest post, thats really funny. Alltough most members don’t believe the square poo of wombats , it really is true. They can stack the poo as border to their territory.

    1. Hi Eric, I had heard that before about the wombat poo being square but I didn’t know why. Usually there is a reason for everything in nature. It seems like there are a lot of strange or unusual animals in Australia. I think it would be fun to visit there.

      1. You are right Tim, thats why i am going to visit Australia next october, trying to spot humpbacks, hope to see emu’s, wallaby’s, platypus?, wombats, kookaburra, noddy’s etc…. looking forward to it

      2. Eric, we had the most amazing whale watch while in Airlie Beach about 20 years ago. A bull, a cow and a juvenile stayed right with us (right by the boat) for almost two hours. I asked the captain what he rated it from one to ten and all he did was smile. But you can get days where you see nothing too…It was October when we were there. Our main focus was to go diving but we did and saw so much more during our stay. Lots of folks never liked him, but we did visit Steve Irwin’s zoo, and if you are into animals, it’s well worth the stop. Yep they have wombats…but they never spoke about the, em, “poo”. Rob Bredl (Barefoot Bushman) had his crocodile show/zoo in Airlie Beach then too, but I think that has moved away to another location in recent years, again, worth the view. And if the timing is right, just a short drive out of Bundaberg (yes the Rum capital of AU) there is a turtle sanctuary where the turtles come to lay their eggs right about that time of year. We missed it by about a week but that would have been amazing.
        We travelled mostly by caravan (camper van in our lingo) and that was really a great way to see the land. The caravan parks are really nice and the people in them are wonderful! one of our neighbors in Rainbow Beach took us in his 4×4 up the beach for miles to check out the lighthouse between their and Noosa Head. They also do tour bus runs there, right out on the sand!

      3. Hi Daryl, we will be travelling from sydney to brisbane and then to Maryborough and Hervey bay. In Hervey bay we will go whale watching! I allready took a dive in the great barrier reef in 2019 and visited Steve Irwins zoo too, thnx for the advise on Bundaberg, we will surely go there too now!!

  5. What a set of amazing facts about the moon and wombats! I knew about the murder of crows but not any of the others! Well done to all winners.

  6. Speaking of calendars.. and Mona and Lisa! Most of my adult life I have been self-employed and a workaholic! Friday certainly did not mean the end of my work week, but ever since I joined the MLT club… I can’t wait for Friday!!
    I just wonder what Mona and Lisa have in store for us!😳🤔🤓

  7. Congrats to the winners. And congrats to Mona and Lisa on 100 mil milestone. Also, I am impressed by your high tech focus gadget. lol. Peace be

  8. 100 million YouTube views!!!! That is 100 million times you’ve made someone’s day a little (or in some cases a lot) brighter. You bring such joy and beauty to the world and that is what I call true success in life. Congratulations!

    1. Words of Wisdom…” success is not about how much money you make… it’s about how many lives you add value to along the way!”🤓

  9. Congratulations to the winners, especially to Len for winning the bobbleheads. And of course congratulations to Team MLT on surpassing 100,000,000 Youtube views. A few of us in the Forum were watching closely in the last few days leading to the big moment, which happened mid-afternoon U.S. EST, Saturday the 17th.

    Mona and Lisa, I loved the video close today with the chords from “It’s Alright,” which I think will always be one of my most favorite MLT original.

  10. Congratulations to the winners. I feel like I won today too because Lisa was rocking the braids again. And Mona looked cute as can be too.
    I liked the facts you shared,I didn’t know that one about the pirates. But I think Lisa was pulling our legs with the square poo’s. I know she is a master at photoshop 😉.

  11. Regarding the days on the calendar. Being from Canada, our first day of the week is Sunday. So, I found it odd when I lived in Switzerland for a time, Montag was the first day. Then, even more odd Mittwoch (Wednesday), means mid- week, but is not actually in the middle of your calendar week, Donnerstag (Thursday) is as you look at the calendar. Of course, when I brought this to the attention of some local Swiss, after looking at me funny, pointed it out Mittwoch is in the middle of the “work” week. Hmmmm. “Mittwoch” works better in both cases with our Canadian calendar 😉

  12. Yes, of course congratulations to all the winners! And again to the Wagner family for 100 million views! 🎶🎉🍾🍻🤓🤙

  13. Congratulations Len!!!
    Mona, thanks to you I will never think of Pirates in the same way again!
    Lisa, come on, I am really struggling to believe your square poop story. Might this be another one of your mischievous pranks?

  14. My name wasn’t picked out of the owl…. But Lisa did read one of my tidbits of information! That makes me feel like a winner! Yippee!!🍾🤓🤙

      1. No, I’ll be there middle to the end of April… I go there every three months for a couple weeks! I need to be there when the temperature gets below 32° in Colorado! 😬🤓 🏝 I love Colorado in the summers! Perfect, Motorcycle weather!🤓

      2. Hi Tim,

        That sounds good! I wish I was there right now! But the temperature here currently at 10 pm is 48 degrees F, so not too bad. I was outside raking leaves for 3 hours today, but I’d rather be on a sunny beach with 80 F. water. It sounds like you planned for a while to build there.

        Well, enjoy your weekend! — Bud

  15. I almost forgot it was Friday. Looking at my MLT calendar I thought it was Saturday. The English calendar confuses me a little but I Don’t Mind, I Don’t Mind, I Don’t Mind. Congrats to Len, Peter and Dale. I would have loved to win a studio scribble, I have two more to go to complete my set but I’m happy to buy them, just got to fit them into my budget. I always feel like a winner every Friday just seeing your pretty smiling faces and today I also learned about the pirates eye patch, cool. I have heard about the wombat having square poo. Did you ever see wombat poo when you were in Australia? Maybe I will ask that in a Q&A, Lol. On the American 60’s TV show Green Acres the wife, also named Lisa, has a hen that lays square eggs and she can also order the number of eggs she needs for breakfast and the hen (named Alice) provides the right amount of eggs, haha, quite silly, I love it. Have a lovely weekend.

  16. Good Morning! Good Morning! It’s getting better all the time. I think my head is shaking! Thank you Voxy Ladies, and of course, thank you Tomas!

  17. I am glad👍 for the winners today but I’m sad😒 I didn’t win the bobble heads. I already have all of the scribbles that are listed in the store and I know the winners will enjoy theirs!

  18. Lol…Loved the BobbleHeads Intro…. Congrats to Ken, other winners, your wknd has now been #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified…. Thankyou to Tomas for having thought up these , for a Give-Away prize donation ,
    Thankyou to Mona & Lisa , Owl Drawing Names Mascot and the new stuff learnt this Friday Morning, that uplufted my morning, good Kickstart to my wknd …. 🤘😊🎊🎉

  19. I’m sooo happy! Thank you Mona and Lisa for such a lovely video! You are so generous, caring and FUNNY! All the back and forth to get the details right for the “Cavern” MonaLisa Twins Bobbleheads was satisfying in itself, but with the giveaway and the video and that everybody liked them, I am chuffed, as you say across the pond.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  20. Congrats Len! and the other two winners, and thanks to Tomas again. Being on this amazing MLT music journey, of course we’re all winners. 🎶 🎈 😎 💕

    And a huge congratulations Mona and Lisa on the 100M Youtube views. To touch so many people around the world like that with your music is amazing work. ✨💛❤

    In Canada it is like in the US, calendar week starts Sunday. I always thought that a little unintuitive since Monday is the start of all school and work week, and Saturday/Sunday is referred to as the weekend.

    Have a groovy weekend all! I have Friday On My Mind.

    1. HI Jung & Everyone,

      I agree Jung — Many Thanks to Tomas, & Congrats to the 3 winners! But we are ALL winners here! I also think that our calendar on this side of the pond would be better starting with Monday as the first day of the week.

      And I also believe that Monday is the “Weak–end” & Saturday & Sunday should be called the “Strong–end!” After all, “Rainy Days & Mondays Always Get Me Down.”

      1. Jung,

        Me too, and I love that video of Lisa & Mona’s! I always want Friday to go on & on! But then there’s “Saturday Night’s Alright,” followed by “Never on Sunday,” then we’re back to “Rainy Days & Mondays.” The weekend (or Strong–End,) goes so fast, doesn’t it? Where does time go?!

        Enjoy your last bit of freedom before Monday! THANKS! — Bud

      2. Hi Bud
        Yeah, always seem to have the Monday blues. Weekend goes by so fast. The weekend is like the FREE-END. I love the “Lazy Sunday Afternoon”.

      3. Jung,

        Yes, and I should have thought about that “Lazy Sunday Afternoon.”
        All the best on your Monday Jung! — Bud

  21. Huge congrats to the winners! Such detail on the bobbleheads, wow!!! And studio scribbles are always a cool thing to get!
    We get Pileated Woodpeckers in our yard regularly, they are large, almost like a grouse or ptarmigan. One decided to bore holes in the pressure treated timbers of one of our garden boxes.
    And yes Mona, it is a “murder” of crows…not sure who came up with that one. Maybe an Edgar Allen Poe fan (The Raven) or perhaps Alfred Hitchcock (reference Daphne du Maurier’s “The Birds”). Makes sense on the pirate’s eyepatch though!
    I won’t get into the wombat droppings…(eeeww). But we in the woodlands have a way to tell the difference between black bear and Grizzly bear scat…but that’s another story for another time. ;>) (we really need an emoji button for these comments haha…)

    1. Daryl, I kind of want to build a little model cabin out of wombat cubes, Lol. We get the pileated woodpeckers around here too, they are huge and you can hear them drilling into a tree or pole from a long way off. I also agree on the emoji button for a comment and also for individual pictures and videos in the archives.

      1. That would kind of make it a s*** house of sorts huh? We used that more slang term for the old day “backhouse” of my misbegotten youth. Dunno if I can actually say or infer that in these pages, but it’s just my lame attempt at humor. (insert various emoji’s here)

  22. Yay! Congratulations to the lucky winners! What a happy way to start your weekend! Your very own Mona and Lisa bobble heads! Now you can place them by your speakers, put on the Cavern Club CD and stage your own live concert! Again, congrats to all winners!

  23. Talking bobble-heads were funny. Congratulations to the winners! Lisa and Mona are so generous. And Tomas, too. Very groovy, man.

    From poop to pirates, you two are hilarious.
    Did you hear about the cheese factory that exploded in France?
    There was nothing left but de brie.


    Marlo & JP

  24. Congrats to the winners! These giveaways are always smile worthy, thanks to MLT for making membership such a fun time!

  25. AAARRR! Just kidding. Couldn’t resist after Mona’s enlightening tidbit about pirate eye patches. Big congrats to all three winners and another big thanks to Tomas for such a generous, inspired gift! Wombat 💩 is ⬛? Seems physically impossible, but if you hear it in the MLT Club, it must be true, right? Have a great weekend, everyone!