Day 6 – God Only Knows …

All the way back in 2013 we covered the song God Only Knows and then earlier this year we even filmed a whole “What’s On The Table” Episode about the “Pet Sounds” album.

Yet there is still so much we don’t know about the Beach Boys music and we loved this interview today that Jung submitted for us to watch. Here is the link to it:

A Musical Genius Tells the Story of an All Time Masterpiece | Professor of Rock:

What do you think of the song? Do you have a special memory connected to it?

We love the variety in the type of videos we’ve been watching so far and are excited to press play every single day! Can’t wait for tomorrow …

Stay groovy!
Mona & Lisa


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  1. Your version of God only knows is the video that I found you while digging through some YouTube Beach Boys videos showing the recording of Pet Sounds in the studio with the Wrecking Crew. Those videos really show how Brian did his magic while producing the album. So I checked out your other videos and especially loved your original music and have been a follower and supporter ever since. God Only knows how I’d be without you.

  2. I was very young when the Beach Boys were big but I do remember their songs about cars, girls and the California beaches always made you feel good. I also liked the great harmonies that with few exceptions only family members can accomplish. The early video of yours that I would like to see you review is “Two of Us” and comment on all the home movie clips.

  3. The Capitol Records 45RPM picture sleeve and purported (unverified) actual Brian Wilson written lyrics for the song God Only Knows

      1. These rare artifacts almost look like museum pieces these days, as if they’d not be out of place right next to the original copy of Sir Isaac Newton’s Opticks and Goethe’s Faust.

        That attached lyric sheet is not certified — it may or may not be authentic. Who knows?

        I’m also looking around for a certified copy of the original What I’d Say song lyrics. I’m curious how the words were actually spelled.

        Tell your ma.
        Tell your pa.
        Goanna send you back to Arkansas.

  4. About 8 years ago, George Martin sat down with Brian Wilson, asking him to describe where Brian’s song writing and arrangement technique comes from. Brian has a little difficulty articulating exactly what it is for him to come up with an original tune.

    It’s as if Brian can’t locate it precisely or seems it’s a little out of reach. This may be a second order effect from several influences converging, such as John Sebastian’s song that occurs to Brian during the songwriting. Brian doesn’t mention the transcendent in this interview, but it’s fair to say the exuberance felt to go to the trouble to write a new song comes from outside of himself, even though he says it’s from the heart, notice he many years later hinted at John Sebastian. Eventually George Martin completed his review and later remixed this soaring song God Only Knows at Abbey Road studios.

  5. we used to go to a beach boys concert almost every year during the 70’s and 80’s. one of the best concerts was the year they toured with chicago. they appeared on stage together and were great. i don’t remember the album name but the beach boys helped out with back ups on a chicago album.
    their concerts were like a big party. we used to take my daughter and her friends. the venue was a amphitheater and my wife and i would sit on the chairs and my daughter and her friends were out on the lawn singing along with fans of all ages and tossing around beach balls. great memories.

  6. I was 14 in 1962 when the Beach Boys came onto the scene. I was just getting interested in cars (hi performance, of course), and my brother who was 4 years my senior, had been into cars for a number of years. He had a friend named Howie, who had a ’61 Impala with Chevy’s big engine of the day, a 348 cubic inch motor, with 350 horsepower. Howie’s 348 Chevy was one of the quicker ones around, according to my brother. One day my brother said there was a new car that showed up at the pool hall the night before. A guy with a brand new ’62 Ford, with a new for ’62 engine, a 409, and the guy was looking to race Howie. Being that it was a Ford, my brother said he thought Howie would probably still beat it, even though it had a much bigger engine. Then the next day he told me, he was mistaken about that new car, it wasn’t a Ford, it was a Chevy, and the 409 was Chevy’s new engine. He said, “Howie doesn’t stand a chance.” I was also at the age where I was beginning to buy records (45s) on a regular basis. My brother would hear new songs on the jukebox at the pool hall, which was at one of the Village Greens in Levitown, and would try to get me to buy the records that HE liked. So he would tell me about new songs that I should buy. I got a couple of them, like Shout, by the Isley Brothers, and Do You Love Me by the Contours. After getting them, I really didn’t like them that much, so I decided to let him buy his own records from then on. Shortly after this, he came into my room to tell me about this new group, The Beach Boys, and that they have a pretty good song called Surfin’ Safari, that I should buy. I didn’t say anything to him, but already had my mind made up that I wasn’t going to buy this record. For the next couple of days, he would ask if I had gotten that record yet, and of course, I said no, not telling him that I had no intention of getting it. Then the next day he comes bursting into my room telling me the flip-side of the Beach Boys new record is 409, and they sing about it having dual-quads and positraction. So I said, drive me up to Times Square (the store where I would buy my records) so I can get it. He did, and I bought it. So in the end, he won, he got me to buy the record HE liked, but who cared… I loved 409. And with each new release by the Beach Boys, I would buy it, hoping that the flip side would be a car song. And the Beach Boys didn’t disappoint. Surfin’ USA was the next release, with Shut Down on the flip side. When I first saw the title, Shut Down, I was a little disappointed because I thought it was going to be about some factory shutting down. When I got home and listened to it on the hi-fi, the lyrics were “tach it up, tach it up, buddy gonna shut you down”, I was thinking that could be “tach” as in tachometer, not “tack” as in tacking something up on a bulletin board. And by the time I could think this, they were onto the lyrics “my fuel injected Sting Ray and a 413”, so I knew…. and was in seventh heaven. The 3rd release, Surfer Girl, had Little Deuce Coupe on the flip side, so there was no doubt about it being a car song. I know this has nothing to do with God Only Knows, but it was my introduction to the Beach Boys.

  7. I grew up in the 60s. I just listened to the radio and Ed Sullivan. Maybe American Bandstand. I didn’t pay attention to the music as music. Just did I like it. So Beach Boys, Beatles, Bee Gees, and so many others. I just like music.
    And you do great covers.

  8. Mona, saying that “God only knows what we would be without you” is about the sweetest thing an artist can tell her audience !
    Love every day of your advent calendar .
    Christmas greetings from me, the cowboys/cowgirls and all the cows and horses on my working cattle ranch on the plains of Colorado, Len

  9. In doing more research into the song, God Only Knows, it’s noteworthy that the decision came down that this particular tune would be placed on the 45RPM single’s B-side to the A-side song, Wouldn’t It Be Nice? Mass-media didn’t pan God Only Knows either when it came out for its referencing God in the main title and the refrain of the song’s lyrics.

    In his 1991 memoir, Brian Wilson hinted that the inspiration for God Only Knows came from a John Sebastian tune he had been listening to. Yes, you read that right: This is the same John Sebastian of the musical group The Lovin’ Spoonful that Mona, Lisa and Team MLT personally know.

    If that fact right there is not enough right there join the MLT Club, I don’t know what it would take.

    Never to be repeated again by the group, God Only Knows tracked separately on US music charts to number 39 as a B-side!

    That’s not all either. Incredibly, by 2021 this B-side single song has slowly climbed in rank to number 11 in Rolling Stone’s list of the greatest songs in history.

    Thank you, John Sebastian! Gosh, what a compliment and you know Mona and Lisa! WoW.

    Thank you Brian Wilson for writing this song and keeping the faith in what you do best and are known for. Your work under inspiration of a John Sebastian tune is now ranked the 11th most beautiful song ever written in human history.


      1. My pleasure, Nima. I was excited enough about finding this information to write about it and yes, it’s quite a MLT connection, to say the least! LOL

    1. Wow Mike, thanks for all the research, I didn’t know about that John Sebastien link with God Only Knows and Brian Wilson. I heard a radio interview a few years ago where John Sebastien talked about Brian Wilson and said when he first heard I Get Around, he could tell an immediate Bach influence there.

      1. Yes, isn’t this all surreal? When it comes to the MLTs, there’s a lot going on with this group.

        The other angle I’m exploring at the moment is John’s name, that it’s a derivative of Johann Sebastian Bach’s formal name.

        To me and a lot of other people, JS Bach is the ultimate musical creativity force in the universe, and who knows who all his work influenced?

        God Only Knows.


      2. Mike, great point about John Sebastien’s name similarity with Johann Sebastien Bach! 👍🙂I wonder if John’s parents knew that when they named their little boy, John.

        Other song’s that Brian Wilson attributes inspiration from Bach is California Girls. Apparently Brian Wilson is a big fan of Bach and at his personal website, you can find these quotes from Brian.

      3. Yes, John’s name is my research “hunch” at the moment. I’ll work on this question some more in order to try to find out ground truth.

        That’s incredible about Brian Wilson’s appreciation of JS Bach. Thank you, Jung. I’m definitely going to take a look at his website try to glean more Bach connections. JS Bach is the undisputed king of pipe organ, and Bach’s life story is colorful. What caused Johann to take a passion for music was his brother, who took some music Johann had written and Johann’s reaction was desperation. It caused him to spend every waking moment learning everything about music. He walked 20 miles in the snow to the nearest church that had an organ in it in order to listen to the organist play. He knew he was born to create music, and threw his soul into his life’s work. He lives on, yes, in Brian Wilson, and many, many others, as you know.

        It’s great to be your fellow MLT Club member.


  10. The sound track of my early life is the Beatles and the Beach Boys. I have seen the Beach Boys countless times throughout my life, with and without Brian on stage. I will say that the best shows were with Brian, and also saw him more recently on the Pet Sounds tour.

    The influence and competition that the Beatles and Beach Boys had was a healthy one that produced some of the best music of the time. I recommend that you look at the YouTube video of George Martin visiting Brian Wilson in LA, and breaking down the tracks on God Only Knows.

    Cheers to both of you and have a Happy Christmas!

  11. Everyone in the MLT Club knows everyone in the Wagner household works very hard to produce new original music and some if it comes after days of laborious work an dedication to perfect your creations. Lisa when Brian said he wrote the song in 45 minutes and it seemed almost hard to believe, remember that Paul McCartney stated that he and John often went in to a studio together and wrote some of their best hits in about 2 hours, which is still more than amazing. Sometimes Im baffled by a sudden rise of a singer songwriter that has amazing hits and then seems as if the creative juices just dry up. Billy Joel comes to mind, as well as James Taylor. I hope both of your are forever inspired be “something” to keep your music alive and well along with your covers for many many years to come.

  12. I love this short video clip of Brian at his piano in 1967 composing his post Pet Sounds masterpiece effort after hearing Sargent Peppers and getting further inspired by the Beatles. Apparently the song “She’s Leaving Home” from Sargent Peppers had a huge impression on Brian. It illustrates here how he was trying to get all this genius music swirling around in his head out, but unfortunately the stress and substance abuse and mental meltdown around this time forced Brian to abandon his Smile album project that was supposed to be his response to Sargent Peppers. This song he is composing, Surfs Up, was released on a later album, and is critically acclaimed as Brian’s follow up masterpiece to Pet Sounds and Good Vibrations, and one of his greatest works that went unnoticed and gives a glimpse into the kind of music Smile could have been.

  13. For me, growing up in California in the early 60’s and listening to the Beach Boys were inseparable. They defined my coming of age. I remember having school dances in 8th grade in the gym and waiting until “In My Room” would begin playing so I could hurry across the floor and ask the cutest girl to dance cause it was a slow dance and we could dance “close”. I loved the Beach Boys. I also loved the early Beatles but never really saw them as competitors. I do remember when “Good Vibrations” came out how amazing it sounded -like a totally new style and I loved them even more, Later “Kokomo” blew me away completely.

    I would love to see you two react to “That’s Life” and tell the story about how you picked the setting and old movie clip for the video. I would also love to hear you talk about coming up with the incredible lyrics (a handwritten copy I have hanging on my office wall).

    Really loving this year’s Advent Calendar. Thanks so much!

  14. I love “The Professor of Rock” channel. The professor’s name is Adam Reader and he does a great job of reviewing music from the 70-80’s, and he has some really awesome interviews with artists of the time on his channel.. As for the Beach Boys, I was lucky enough to get to see them in concert a couple of times years ago. A great band with many classic hit songs.

    1. I’ve been watching a few more of his videos, he does a great job in his interviews and is really thorough! Glad you got to see the Beach Boys, they have enough hits to easily fill set lists for several shows!

  15. One more random thought! I know “Back in the USSR” borrows from “California Girls,” but I Don’t Know Beach Boys That Well, so can anyone point me to a B.B. song that was clearly inspired by a Beatles tune or that makes an oblique or obvious reference to one?

    1. Hi David, the only one I know off the top of my head with a documented Beatles influence is their song “That’s Not Me” from Pet Sounds. The organ drone sound effect on the Beatles song “You Won’t See Me” from Rubber Soul influenced Brian to do something similar in “That’s Not Me”.

      “Wilson went into greater detail about “You Won’t See Me,” commenting on both the harmonies and even the instrumentation and certain “touches they were trying” that transformed the tunes into “almost art music.” He noted in particular of that song, “There’s an organ drone in there, a note that’s held down for the last third of the song or so.” That organ drone is something that only the keenest of ears would probably notice yet it’s this sort of layering that influenced Pet Sounds immensely — an LP that came out the following year.”

      1. Cool! Thanks Jung. I’ve never heard the drone, so I’ll have to listen for that and then give a listen to “That’s Not Me.”

      2. Never knew that, thanks. It’s funny because the backing vocals in “You Won’t See Me” were inspired by The Beach Boys’ “You’re So Good To Me”, from just a few months earlier.

      3. Hi Joe. Wow that is interesting the back and forth influence between the Beach Boys and the Beatles. From 1963 to 67, the only American band that were cranking out the hits despite the British Invasion were the Beach Boys, and there was a rivalry between them, who could top each other for a while. The Beatles usually came out on top, but it certainly was a healthy creative rivalry inspiring each other to push the envelope with much respect between the two groups The world of music certainly benefited from it for generations.

    2. I could probably come up with a bunch if I think about it, but a great one, “Girl Don’t Tell Me” from 1965 was written with the idea of giving it to the Beatles (pretty audacious) and another one that’s sometimes drawn Beatle comparisons is “Good to My Baby”, also from ’65. The Beach Boys covered the Beatles a few times, on the “Party” record and elsewhere. And a great Brian Wilson masterpiece, ” ‘Til I Die”, from 1971- few Beach Boys fans even know this- has recently been discovered to have evolved from Brian noodling at the piano on “You Never Give Me Your Money”. The first few notes are the same.

      There’s a ton more. Conversely, the “La-las” on “You Won’t See Me” come from The Beach Boys’ “You’re So Good To Me”. And it’s often been cited that “Here, There, and Everywhere” was the first songwriting response to “Pet Sounds”, which also changed Paul’s approach to bass, as he’s often cited. His bass playing in “A Little Help From My Friends” particularly evokes Brian’s work (and The Beach Boys immediately covered it, with Dennis singing, but left it in the vaults). John and Paul requested and got a special in-person preview listen (actually two listens) of PS from BB Bruce Johnston in Spring of ’66.

      Brian’s favorite Beatles song is “Let It Be”.

      1. Hi Joe,
        Thanks for sharing all that, just learned a lot. I didn’t know “Let It Be” was Brian’s favourite Beatles song, it is my fave of the Beatles too. You mention songs I really like, in fact I had their Surfs Up album, and song’s like Til I Die and Surfs Up are masterpieces indeed, the lyrics and melodies and complexity of these songs are incredible. Some music critics feel Surfs Up is one of Brian’s greatest masterpieces, and I’ve been mesmerized by it since I first heard in in my teens. Brian’s singing is awesome too. If Brian didn’t have his nervous breakdown and downfall due to drugs, I can only imagine how much more amazing music he could have created, there was so much more brilliance bottled up inside of him to get out. The album Surfs Up, and the song Surfs Up give a glimpse into the amazing brilliance that could have been. Here is a really interesting analysis of Pet Sounds and Surfs Up.

      2. Thanks, Jung, I enjoyed that. I had probably been listening to “Surf’s Up” for twenty years before it finally dawned on me that “Are you sleeping, Brother John?” was not only a lyrical translation of “Frere Jacques”, but quotes the melody for those seven notes. What an amazing song.

  16. As a little kid growing up in the 60s, what I heard was limited to what my parents (and later my older siblings) played. Beach Boys was not in the mix, so the Beatles absolutely reigned supreme. “God Only Knows” is my favorite of the ones I know, though truth be told I prefer the MLT version. All credit to Brian Wilson for creating it, but the original now sounds cluttered. The Twins version is cleaner, simpler, and more eloquent for it.

    Lisa and Mona, I like the idea of you two reacting to one of your own videos. I’d love to see a reaction to “Alone,” since it’s an early example of your songwriting. But, alas, there’s no video. In lieu of that, maybe you could do a reaction to “Time of the Season,” so we can learn what happened to the video, but also because the performance is magnificent and the interplay of the guitars rather than the original keyboards is genius.

    Thanks again for the Advent Calendar. Every day is an unadulterated joy. Your comments and the contributions from fellow club members makes me delighted to have found the grooviest place on the internet.

  17. Most people might not know that ” God Only Knows ” song, the Beach Boys didn’t use their drummer Dennis Wilson.
    Hal Blaine played drums on “God Only Knows .
    Hal Blaine is one of the most famous drummers of all time.
    He was a session’s drummer.

    He played drums on several number one songs.

      1. OMG! Mona, is it possible that I get to be the one to tell you about the Wrecking Crew of LA session players, led by Hal Blaine, who played on thousands of records and hundreds of hits for the Beach Boys, the Mama’s and the Papa’s, the Byrds, Frank Sinatra, Nancy Sinatra (with Carol Kaye inventing the bass part that made “These Boots Are Made for Walkin'” a hit), Petula Clark, Neil Diamond, the Ronettes and ever so many more? Wrecking Crew members included Glen Campbell and Leon Russell. The Crew played with the Beach Boys on early records and instead of the Beach Boys on mid-60s records, when the band was on tour and Brian Wilson was home writing and fine tuning with the Crew. That’s how “Help Me, Rhonda,” “Good Vibrations,” “California Girls,” and the bulk of Pet Sounds, including “God Only Knows,” were made. Brian would perfect the backing tracks with the Crew, and the band would add the vocals when they got home. There’s a wonderful documentary about the Crew and of course lots of writing. (

      2. From what I’ve read the Beach Boys and Hal were friends. And Dennis liked to party a little ha ha.
        So it would be cool to have your friend play on your album
        Dennis was doing other things and of course some writing.
        Hal Blaine’s drumming on the Mama s and Papa’s. ,I saw Her Again last Night, runs chills down my spine !

      3. Hal Blaine was always asked if it bothered Dennis that he played on so many Beach Boys records, and he always responded that Dennis hired him to play on his (incredibly great) 1977 solo album. Jim Gordon played some percussion for the BB, too.

  18. God Only Knows where the world would be without the joy and genuine love you share each day with us MLT club members but even more forever in your amazing songs and videos.
    I think your version of GOK is even better than The Beach Boys’ – I think the ukulele and your angelic voices give the song a much more heavenly feel. It was the second video I found of yours – after Please Please Me.
    I believe Paul wrote Here There and Everywhere (yet another phenomenal MLT cover) after hearing GOK – interesting that Paul has said his favorite song of all time is God Only Knows and his favorite Beatles song is Here There and Everywhere.
    I was so lucky to see Brian play The PetSounds album and have seen The Beach Boys multiple times. They are a fantasy live band, and they have some great original Christmas songs, like Little Saint Nick but my favorite is Santa’sBeard fantastic surf- style harmonies.
    Check it out here :

    Interesting moment in Beatles’ GetBack when Paul complains Beatles only have four tracks to record on but he says he “knows for a fact The Beach Boys had eight tracks”. Another fun fact is only song recorded by both Beatles and Beach Boys is Chuck Berry’s “Rock and Roll Music”. Have Mona and Lisa ever covered that? That would be incredible…

    1. Hi Frank, I never heard that Beach Boys “Santa’s Beard” before or even knew they had that Christmas album, nice. I love the Beach Boys version of Rock and Roll Music, which became a hit for them in the late 70s. I bought their 15 Big Ones album back then, and it was the feature song on there. One of their big favourite songs they play at all their shows.

  19. Excellent video. The first 2 songs that I really liked when I first heard the MonaLisa Twins were Please Please Me and God only Knows .I thought you ladies did a beautiful version of God Only Knows and with Mona belting out Please Please Me, I was hooked ,There was no looking back after that I was a fan ever since. Brian Wilson is a Musical Genius. God Only Knows is one of the most Beautiful songs ever written. I have only watched one of the Rock Professors shows it was about George Harrison’s song My Sweet Lord . I ‘ll have to to watch the Brian Wilson video . Thank you for sharing . Good choice Jung.

  20. You two reacting to some of your vintage videos is a great idea! I suggest something from the Ayers Rock sessions, such as your cover of Jason Mraz’s “I’m Yours”. Another option would be your garage rendition of “Mrs. Robinson” by Simon and Garfunkel. They are both entertaining and have classic Mona-Lisa smiles at the end.

  21. Lots of musicians were expanding the horizons of their art in the 60’s, but Brian Wilson was one of the very few focused on the upper boundary, elevating pop music to blissful ethereal new heights. God Only Knows is a perfect example. Thanks for contributing that fascinating interview, Jung!

    1. Thanks David. I posted this heartwarming video before where Paul McCartney inducts Brian Wilson into the Song Writers Hall Of Fame. Paul’s appreciation for Brian is so genuine and warm, really goes to show the mutual appreciation these two genius’s had for each other throughout their creative and friendly rivalry in the 60s that inspired each other.

  22. Something just happened for the 2nd time … I was writing a comment..somewhat lengthy and poof..GONE…where did it go to I have no idea…it happened a few weeks ago as I was doing a comment on the WHY .? album… I couldn’t find it anywhere…and now again just poof..gone… there anybody reading this that has had this happen..anyone know how to recover what is lost…very frustrating !

    1. Rick, occasionally the site logs me off immediately after I try to post a comment, and the comment is lost. I don’t know if that’s exactly the problem you’re having.

    2. Hi Rick, that hasn’t happened to me here, but it’s certainly happened on other sites. I think if I spend too long composing, the form times out. Maybe it’s something to do with blocking nefarious bot activity. At any rate, I have on occasion resorted to composing off-site and pasting into the comment form. It’s kind of awkward, but it’s better than seeing your thoughts vanish just as you’re about to share them.

      Seems to me have had had the experience here of seemingly losing my partial comment when inadvertently clicking on something else, but when I went back and hit the “reply” button again it revealed my draft comments still intact.

      1. Hi David….thanks for responding…I’ll give your ideas a try next time it happens…hope it doesn’t happen again but I know it will….I sure do enjoy these Advent Calendar videos……thanks again and have a great day.

  23. Great song and wonderful insight into it’s origin. Thanks, Jung! Ladies, your cover of it is sublime! So beautifully soothing!
    I’d love to see you review “Der Commissar” and “Stand by Me” from your 2007 live concert! Actually, it would be awesome if you would make available all the videos from that concert so we could watch them all in order the way we can the Cavern Club videos. I know you made “Der Commissar” available to clubbers but I’ve never found “Stand by Me” or some of the other songs anywhere. I play “Ain’t No Sunshine” often on YouTube. It’s one of Mom’s favorites and we both agree we love it anytime PapaRudi joins you and wish you could implement Michaela’s sensational sax again! The keyboard and drum solos are joyous and my smile is even bigger than Mona’s when she wraps her solo up!

    1. Hi Jeff, yeah I would love to see the videos to all the songs from that 2007 concert if that is possible. I would add “Aufstehn” to “Der Commissar”, and “Stand By Me” these are awesome, and would love to see an MLT reaction to any of these too.

      1. Yes, Jung, I agree! I nearly added “Aufstehn” to my initial post, too. I guess minds of lovers of great music think alike 😂!

  24. Very interesting video.
    Pet Sounds , one of my favorite albums.
    God Only knows, tremendous song !
    Mona & Lisa your version of this amazing song absolutely breath taking !

  25. The Beach Boys’ music reflected the surf culture of California in the 60’s, and I think anyone who listened to those songs created an idea of just what the culture was. Music, television and film conspired to feed those ideas, which were probably unique to each individual.

    I first walked on a southern California beach in 1979, but the vibe was so close to what I had in mind that it drove home the effect this band had on its audience, at least in my case.

    Really digging these videos; a nice, relaxed (for us anyway) Avent this year. Many thanks to MLT and all my fellow members!

  26. I can believe Brian and that other guy (didn’t catch his name) could knock that song out in record time ( no pun intended). Brian was/is a musical genius. I heard (maybe in an interview on 60 Minute or 20/20) that he had a lot of the songs he wrote and they recorded in is head beforehand. It shows in the Beach Boys catalog.
    I agree with you guys the BBs-Beatles rivalry to themselves was a mutual admiration/inspirational one. I think the fans have more of a rivalry.
    I was coming of age at that time, and I loved them both. My sister had most of their LPs, and we would play them and dance to them. Among others, I like Surfin Safari and Little Deuce Coupe.
    Yes, I would love to hear your reactions to your earlier covers. My picks would be Ain’t No Sunshine When She’s Gone, and Wonderful Tonight. It would be interesting to see how different they would be (if any) if you re-did them today. Peace be

  27. Hello again,
    I just came back from the kitchen, where I grabbed a bite to eat. Whenever I go into my kitchen, I flip on my radio (it’s a Panasonic AM, FM and even has a cassette player. It’s over 50 years old but still looks & works great). “Stand By Me” was playing and of course you know who that reminded me of (M & L). When I’m in the kitchen or the car I listen to a local radio station which plays songs for the 50s, 60s and 70s. And I constantly hear many of the tunes that the Twins covered, so I’m always thinking of them. I do listen to the Twins CDs using my players in my bedroom.
    Years ago I had a car with a cassette player and then a car with a cd player. Now they seemed to have eliminated CD players from cars. I am told that CDs are not popular anymore. They want you to connect your phone with a USB cable?

    When I was looking at vinyl records on Ebay earlier, I noticed that someone was selling a Meet the Beatles Album (1st album in the US). It is Mono and 1st pressing. They are asking $520.
    I have that album also in Mono (but my copy was opened & played a million times. As a matter of fact, it drove my mother batty cause I played it over and over while enjoying it and trying to learn all the words. She said she was considering throwing the records out of our 4th floor window lol).
    I went into my local record shop to buy the Beatles first two albums – Meet the Beatles and The Beatles’ Second Album (that was the title). They offered the albums in either Mono or Stereo. I opted to buy the Mono LPs cause they were a little less in price.
    Years later, I thought maybe I should have purchased the Stereo ones???

    The group Three Dog Night was mentioned today. They had some good hit records.
    I am wondering if all of you know the meaning of that name and where it is said to have originated.
    In some parts of the world where it gets extremely cold, especially at night, some folks opt to allow one or more dogs sleep next to them. It is said to help keep people warm.
    The colder the night, the more dogs that are needed. Well a really cold temperature may require a “three dog night”.

    So long for now.
    Take Good Care,
    Bobby S.

  28. I forgot to mention my choice for a reaction session for a video of yours. I would love to see a session done on your live performance of Johnny B. Goode and Revolution (the earlier version). I love both videos. The two of you were really on that night and you had a great audience, which you appeared to just blow away. I also enjoy watching what Mona’s time-keeping feet did to the mike – those legs have some serious muscles.

  29. Hello Everyone,
    I truly enjoyed today’s Advent Calendar. You know, as much as we know about music and musicians, we can always learn more and we do.
    I can’t say that I was ever a big fan of the Beach Boys, but I do like many of their songs and have several of them on vinyl. G-d Only Knows is a classic, but my favorite (if I had to pick one) is In My Room.

    In reading that some of the fans here are talking about the Beatles vs the Beach Boys, it got me thinking of the Media rivalry between the Four Seasons and the Beatles. There were Teen Magazines comparing them and even a Vinyl LP put out titled “The Beatles vs The Four Seasons”. “The International Battle of the Century”. “You Be The Judge”.
    I looked on Ebay and there are a few pre-owned copies on sale for $300 – $2,000.
    It’s a two record set with 12 tracks from each of the groups. Do any of the MLT members own one?
    In Feb of 1964, The Beatles were the top record sellers in the U.S. and the 4 Seasons were second. On the charts, the Beatles were a big thorn in the 4 Seasons side. One example is “Dawn (Go Away)” reached #3 and “I Want to Hold Your Hand” and “She Loves You” were denying the Seasons the top spot. The Beatles proceeded to hold the top 5 spots on the charts.
    It is coincidental or by design that there are so many songs with girls’ names in the title or included in the song. I bet you can think of many. The 4 Seasons had a huge share, such as, Sherry, Dawn (Go Away), Ronnie, C’mon Marianne, & Connie-O. They also sang – Candy Girl, Big Girls Don’t Cry, and my favorite Rag Doll.
    I’m sure you can name the girl titles that the Beatles sang and also Mona & Lisa have a couple.
    Why aren’t there that many songs with names of boys? LOL There are some, but not nearly as many. Not to brag, but there are at least 3 Bobby songs (haha) – Bobby’s Girl, Wait Till My Bobby Gets Home and Bobby Is the One.

    I have a little more to say, but this is getting rather long – sorry.
    So I may add more with another post in the comments.
    Thanks for a fun day,
    All My Best to All,
    Bobby S.

  30. A very interesting and inspiring interview – thanks for sharing, Jung!
    I don’t know a lot of songs by the Beach Boys. My first memory of their music is “Surfin’ USA” which was on a tape my family always listened to in the car when we went for our summer holiday when I was a kid. I didn’t know much English at that time and simply asked my parents to play the “Bushy, bushy” song again… 🙂

  31. I remember “meeting” Den online back in my earliest year on the MLT bus. I think I found you though “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” but I was really knocked out by “God Only Knows.” That sealed the deal.

  32. Warmth of the Sun and In My room are my favorite Beach Boys songs. God Only Knows is right behind them. Brian Wilson was and is a genius when it comes to his compositions. I was 15 when this song came out and very much in love (I thought!) and remember trying to sing this softly to her (her was an actually named Lisa!) I found the Twins when I was looking through Spoonful and John Sebastian clips on YouTube. Did You Ever Have To Make Up Your Mind…I really enjoyed their backing of him so I checked them out and now they are one of my favorite groups. Your version of the song is heavenly!!

    Great choice for todays Reaction so thank you Jung and the MLT gang! I truly believe that great songwriters have a gift most of us other earthlings don’t have. I tried writing music when I was younger but was never happy with the outcomes. I’d get a melody and chords where I wanted them but never came up with satisfactory lyrics.

    Please do a Advent Day where you react to your own videos. That would be really fun. And for the streaming on the 23rd I’d love to hear All I want Christmas to Be!

    1. Hi Dave, I remember when I was in high school and I had a huge crush on a girl, and the song that filled my heart at the time that I wanted to sing to her was Beach Boys “And Then I Kissed Her’. Wow what emotions Brian Wilson could express in a song that captured my feelings so perfectly.

  33. not a big beach boy fan, I do enjoy a few songs but that’s what I love about the Advent season here at MLT you get to learn and share everything, have a great day ladies and to everybody else too

  34. Like Craig and others, I watch all Adam’s stuff too (I just finished watching 2 hours of him before watching this video!), and have seen this as well. Good submission! OMG, which old MLT video to react to? How could I pick just one?

  35. Great submission by Jung and thank you Mona and Lisa for sharing it with us!
    The Beach Boys were a very big part of my growing up years and provided a much needed distraction from some of the changing music world of the 60’s. I never saw them live until I was in high school, but it was just so memorable. I remember a narrative insert on one of the Beach Boys live albums that dealt with how the Beach Boys wrote their songs and made them in the recording studio (I assume it was Brian doing the narrative) and I had completely forgotten that Carl did the lead on God Only Knows! It was funny how the year of my graduation when harder rock groups were the norm (Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, the Who etc) and the advent of Alternative rock was in its beginnings that the Beach Boys always managed to get some play on the stereos wherever we congregated and partied. The Surf Sound (Jan and Dean, The Ventures, etc), left a mark on rock & roll, but the Beach Boys were the real deal and will forever be a big part of music history.
    The clip of Danny Hutton in the video was super cool, Three Dog Night was the first big group I ever saw live, still listen to their albums and I’m sorry to know that Danny and Cory are both no longer with us. Floyd Snead (their drummer) although from Calgary originally, was raised for a while (Amber Valley AB) not far from where I live, but he hasn’t been back here for many years.
    Interesting on the short time that it took for Brian to write God Only Knows. The only one I know of that could write a song that quickly was Elton John. He spoke in an interview once that after Bernie Taupin gave him a set of lyrics (their usual method: Bernie wrote Elton the lyrics and then Elton composed the music) and from the time Elton drove from Bernie’s to his home, he had the song in his head and immediately called Bernie and said: I’ve got it.” He then sat down at his piano and put it together…even Bernie was shocked. Doggone if I can remember what the song was but it turned out to be a big one. It’s probably taken me longer to compose this reply than that.
    I can’t write music or songs worth sour apples; shoot, I have enough trouble just learning to play what others have written!
    Keep ’em coming girls!

  36. Half awake, forgot to add the fact that I thoroughly enjoy MLT’s spin on ” God Only Knows” and I actually prefer listening to that version over BB’s version…lol…now that’s saying alot …lol

  37. Ah, Den, he was a real Groovy guy, happy I had the chance the chance to interact with over time with chats, etc before he had sadly passed, and Thankyou Mona & Lisa and to Jung , for today’s submission. Though I’m not a real hard-core BeachBoys fan, I still like their music somewhat, and do enjoy this song, abd I think we had some K-Tel compilation albums that had BB songs on it, and I think my 2nd oldest brother has a few actual BB albums in his vast collection, ( I can’t recall the actual album name of the BB album but the cover art has like a Beach -like painting kinda artwork on it, I can see it in my mind’s eye…lol…just not album title, I’d recognize it straight away if I see the cover in a photo )
    This was fascinating to watch and got a glimpse into the world of Brian Wilson ‘s mind, BB history .
    Thankyou again for today’s edition , fun, informative, learned something new abd a trip down memory lane in honour of Den ‘s memory .

  38. I’ve been watching Adams show for several years now, always very interesting.
    I had seen this interview already, Adam seems to get tidbits of info that haven’t been heard in other interviews.
    God only knows is probably my favorite beach boys song.
    It is also one of my favorite MonaLisa Twins songs.
    I can’t remember if it’s how I found You, but it was certainly one of the first songs that made me realize just how awesome You are.
    Music has been a big part of what has gotten me through the last few years.
    Thank my friends!

  39. The Beach Boys! America’s Beatles! When I think of The Beach Boys, I think of surfing and cars, cuz after all, they were the “beach” boys. Then their music and talent grew to being rock and roll icons. Hearing their music brings back many childhood memories, even before the Beatles music came to America. And, yes, I would love to see some early MonaLisa videos!! Great interview.

  40. I was in high school when “God Only Knows” came out. I loved the Beach Boys, and I’m pretty sure this song was one of my favorites. I found the discussion about having the words “God only knows” in the song very interesting. The phase didn’t signify anything religious to anyone I knew.

    I also liked the discussion about Brian Wilson just being an ordinary guy. I’ve met rock starts twice in my life, and felt the same about them both times.

    The first encounter was with Mick Box of Uriah Heep. He was in the US visiting his son, who played on our soccer team. We understood he was a musician in an English band, but had not idea it was a top band. In fact, at the time we more interested that, being from England, he likely knew much more about soccer than we did. So we talked him into giving us a short soccer symposium and learned more about soccer in an hour that we had from our reading. We had failed to realize that we had a famous rocker in our midst. We didn’t ask him for an autograph, ask him out for a beer, or anything. He had just been a guy from England who knew way more about soccer than we did.

    The second encounter was with ZZ Top. My wife’s sister was their road manager at the time, and we were able to get back stage passes. I didn’t know what to expect. I was amazed to find out backstage that they were just regular people who just chatted with us about things. In fact, I don’t think we even talked about music or the show.

    And of course I have to add the two Austrian women from England who I haven’t met in person, but feel I know well. They could be the ladies next door except for the fact that they sing like angels.

    Your cover of “God Only Knows” is on my Twin’s favorites playlist, and I noticed that it is still the 11th most watched Twin’s video on YouTube.

    On your question of what song caused me to be a Twin’s fan, it was “When I’m Sixty-Four”. We were setting up a birthday luncheon for a friend’s 64th birthday and I thought of playing the song. I searched the web and downloaded three versions of the song, including the original Beatles version. I liked your version the best, and after watching it and a few more of your videos on YouTube, I was hooked!

  41. Wow, there’s so much to this one. Kudos to Jung for a killer submission. My thoughts:

    1) Listening to the music of the Beach Boys in the 60s had a huge influence on my musical development, particularly in how I hear and sing harmonies. Second only to the Beatle to me back then.

    2) The MLT cover of “God Only Knows” was among the first videos I saw that got me into the Club. I still watch it pretty often. However, I was drawn in by one of the Beatles covers first (not sure which). Then, my love of old movies made “That’s Life” the first video I watched repeatedly in amazement of the level of talent I was seeing. I joined immediately.

    3) My pick for you looking back at early videos is “Blackbird”. I enjoy the overall look of the video and the B&W-Color transitions. And I laugh every time at Lisa mocking Mona in the introduction. 😂

    4) The Professor of Rock is an excellent YouTube channel. Highly recommended.

  42. Hello Ladies,
    What an interesting concept for today’s reaction
    God Only Knows hold a very special memory for me as it was the Video I Found the Dynamic MonaLisa Twins with.
    I have seen the Beach Boys many times. Both with Dennis and Carl and sadly without them.
    God Only Knows was Dennis Wilson’s favorite song of all time.
    I used to have a copy of their concert in London during the 60s but played it so many times that I wore it out.
    Great reaction today.
    Rick Ross

    1. Hi Rick

      I saw the Beach Boys live a few times throughout my life, and the first time I saw them was when I was in high school, the first time I’ve ever gone to a live music event. Seeing my music heroes with my own eyes in person, like hey they are real, was the most amazing experience I will never forget. The whole original band, Brian, Dennis, and Carl Wilson, Mike Love, Alan Jardine, and Bruce Johnson were there. Dennis died a few years later in a boating accident. I am glad I was able to catch the whole band together live like that before they lost Dennis Wilson.

      1. Hi Jung,

        I know exactly how you feel. I have been fortunate enough to see the Beach Boys since the Mid 70s.
        To me they just are not the same without Dennis and Carl Wilson. Even the shows now seem to have lost some of there appeal.
        The Beach Boys now even do covers of other artists in their shows.

  43. God only knows where I be without Mona and Lisa! I found you two back in 2017 watching Revolution and The Last Time, such energy on those video’s and a time in my life I needed a fresh air of beauty and love for music. That would be cool to revisit those video’s. But this question of Beatles and Beach Boys is a tuff one for me becasue I love them both and hard to pick one over the other. One song from the Beach Boys that I love it Darlin in 1968. But Pet Sounds is a true master piece and truly love your cover of God Only Knows, so true to the original and blend of voices is perfect to me, and Pa Rudi’s bass is awesome . I always turn this one up in my car. I always love to hear how songs come together and at one time I asked you both of song’s that are on the shelf and not completed for what ever reason, and then you go back and see that hey maybe if we do this or that and then a song comes together, so would you have any stories in that subject? Thanks for sharing and hugs and love from me and Maddie
    Bill and Maddie Huge Fans from Pittsburgh PA USA

  44. Yeah, in southwestern Ohio in the 1970s it was all about the hard rock groups, and the blues for those of us who wanted to dig deeper maybe? So I wasn’t aware of the Beach Boys range. What a song that is!

  45. I really enjoyed todays’ video. Thank you Jung for sending it. God only knows was probably the third or fourth song I heard from the MonaLisa twins when I discovered them 2 years ago. I wish I had known about them earlier than that, but I have been catching up the last 2 years. They have brought so much joy into my life. Their music is so much better than anything out there today. It’s all I listen to these days. When I was first listening to the twins, it was unreal because the first dozen songs I heard were all songs I loved growing up. Then I found out your love for the Beatles & 60’s music. So I was hooked. Thank you Mona & Lisa for all you do, and I am looking forward to tomorrow! Stay groovy!!!

  46. Awww. To me, that is the absolute coolest MLT video ever, thank you Jung for submitting such a fascinating video for review.

    I had never seen it before and it’s a spectacular series of interviews for this timeless song, God Only Knows. There’s lots of insight into writing present in the interviews.

    Yes, I’m not the only one who feels that MLT’s cover of this song is the best ever version. I’m not just saying that to be polite. It really is the best cover of that song since it was recorded in 1966.

    Today’s MLT video review is the kind of thing that’s the main reason I persist as one of this group’s fans. November next year makes 10 years for me since incidentally running across a video of the song, I Don’t Know Birds that Well on YouTube. That’s so strange.

    I just want to say that each year that goes by, I grow in liking MLT even more, Mona and Lisa, and the members of the MLT Club. They are all really good people.

    For me, MLT Club is “The bee’s knees”, as producer George Martin used to like to say.

    1. It’s been 15 years for me since I became officially #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified because I had stopped dead in my tracks gobsmacked when I saw their version cover of ” California Dreamin ” as I was curious if anyone out there could remotely come close ore at least equal/better M & P’s take and , I did ….Thankyou MLT

    2. Hi Mike, for me it was MLTs San Francisco that kind of found me when I needed it, then California Dreaming, Hotel California, and then The Wide, Wide, Land and their little interview by the Danube where they talked about their Grand Mother they lost to Alzheimers that had a great personal connection to me, and then God Only Knows, Morning Has Broken…the more I dug the more golden nuggets and precious gems I uncovered, an incredible treasure trove of absolute beauty and joy that will keep me forever. 🎶 ✨ 💛 ❤

      1. I know exactly this interview on the Danube that you’re talking about, and if I recall there’s an interview about this in Österricher Deutsch with English subtitles.

        It’s timeless.

        They write original songs. That’s incredible. These kinds of things about MLT give me a kind of joyfulness about the group that I can relate to strongly. This is because it’s in a way I remember how things used to be growing up. Thank you for tracking the history of MLT in these moments to reinforce it with Club members from time to time. It’s a very special musical group.

  47. This album is a real rabbit hole for me, but I won’t jump in. It is my all time favorite album but it wasn’t always that way. I loved The Beach Boys but I preferred the Beatles. But about 25 years ago, I began to appreciate the genius of Brian Wilson. And God Only Knows is the first song where I found MLT. I still watch that video often it is one of my favorites. You look so cute in it. Btw you both look adorable today. Anyway, I began to appreciate that Paul, John and George wrote for the Beatles but all the stuff for The Beach Boys came from Brian. And he had all these layers in his music, something I heard in WHY too which reminds me of him when I listen to your album.
    I would enjoy you reviewing your early videos, getting some of the back stories to them. That should be a long video. Everyone hates how they looked young or awkward but trust me we loved how you looked them so don’t dwell on that. Happy Saint Nicholas Day!
    Now that you mention Krampus, I had a nightmare last night. I am going to try and recall it and jot it down, I think it is the beginnings of a great story or movie.

  48. What a great idea to talk about your early videos. From your first concert, “Wonderful Tonight” would be a great choice. That song shows Lisa’s growth from the beginning of the song (maybe a little nervous) to its end (totally at ease and becoming a star)!

    Another choice from the first concert would be, of course, “Ain’t No Sunshine”, featuring Mona’s epic drum solo with her huge smile at the end!

    Other great early stuff: “In My Life”, “All I Have To Do Is Dream”, “I’m Yours” and “Please Please Me”. What do you remember about the recording of these songs? Which were your favorites to play?

    I am certain that you have some great memories and insights about these songs!

  49. Good morning everyone, another excellent selection from today’s video. I had never heard it before God Only Knows, but I love how you interpret it

  50. Hello everyone! It’s almost 0500( I woke up at 0230) and getting ready to take off to the Greyhound station to get back to my truck in Caldwell Idaho. God Only Knows has always been my favorite Beach Boys song. I found Mona and Lisa hearing the Toto live performance. I saw the recommendation and my soul told me to watch it. I then proceeded to deep dive in everything Mona and Lisa. Music hits me personally. I had my brother, Highly Combustible, react to an Amy Grant song I heard on my Walkman radio in the desert preparing for deployment for Desert Shield/ Desert Storm. A voice crying out from the desert. Then, there’s a reactor that I had clicked on a few times and he’s a believer of sorts. He was reacting to my second band and early on and was saying is this Christian Metal? I replied no. This is a Metal Band that are Christian’s. No mater what your faith is in life, we take music and lyrics and either use them to heal, or to just get through a very stressful situation. Like when I was deployed for a wartime footing. I know, I’m a crazy Oldman. Lol Everyone stay safe. God Speed. Stay Groovy!❤️🌹🤘

  51. Thanks Mona, Lisa and Jung I always like it when a great musician like Brian Wilson talks about his own music, it sounds so simple to write good music.
    If you want to look back on your own music take some of the older cover nummers e.g. “Bus stop” or “Blackbird”, your own albums have already be discussed in Q&A.

  52. What an interesting video! Thanks Jung! I’ve been a Beach Boys fan since I was about 10 years old. For me, there was no competition between the Beatles and the Beach Boys because I loved them both! God Only Knows is a song I’ve known for a very long time, but it was never one of my favourites… until I heard the MLT cover of it. That cover took my breath away on first hearing and, in my opinion is one of your very best, Mona and Lisa. I turn to it more often than any other cover. It makes me cry but comforts me at the same time and touches me in a very spiritual way. You were so young when you recorded it! I don’t know how, at such a young age, you were able to capture and convey the feeling and the meaning of the song so beautifully and effectively. It may be a masterpiece for Brian Wilson, but it is also a masterpiece for you!

    1. Hi Jeannette! Thanks for expressing exactly how I feel too about God Only Knows and MLTs version so eloquently and beautifully! Mona and Lisa’s harmonies just bring that song alive, their vocal counterpoint and the way Mona and Lisa’s vocals weave in and out with each other is perfection and delight to the ears, and the Ukelele adds the perfect sweet feel to it too. Amazing singing, amazing arrangement and musicianship.

      1. I agree with you completely that the ukulele is a perfect addition and that the harmonies add a whole new dimension to the song. What floors me is how such young artists channel such profound feelings! It is as though their performance is the true voice of the song, expressing what it aims to communicate. I don’t know if that makes sense – I’m not expressing it well – but their performance opened my heart, and the song came alive for me.

  53. Hello Mona and Lisa, it’s allways nice to hear or see the background of certain music, especially when its a great song like God only knows….. I really think thats one of the best songs ever written and when you find out it has this background it even makes the song more special. I really love your version of it. As allready said, one can feel your feeling with the song. Thank you so much for that. Its so good to be part of your travel through the music world.


  54. Excellent choice! Thanks, Jung for suggesting it. One of the things that makes MLT so great is their respect and appreciation for the musical giants that paved the way, Thank you, MLT, for bringing us so much joy and fun with your music and videos!

    1. Michael, just FYI, if you move your cursor to the lower right corner of your comment block, a symbol will appear (for the first few hours, at least) that you can click on to edit your comment.

  55. Listening to the Beach Boys always brings back memories from long ago. Driving along in me car with windows down, playing their music on my Eight Track.

  56. Great choice of video, God Only Knows is a real classic, even highly rated by Paul McCartney no less. I think it would be really interesting to see your reaction to the early MLT videos! Even the early US videos are fun to watch so hopefully you will also enjoy them but will have interesting memories of them being made. I don’t listen to the Beach Boys that much but have Pet Sounds and a greatest hits album in my collection so those cover many of their songs. I wonder what we’ll be watching tomorrow!

  57. God Only Knows was the song playing during the father-daughter dance at my oldest daughter’s wedding in 2016. There may have been a few seconds during the dance when my eyes were dry. Even after that whenever I hear your cover or the original from the Beach Boys I have a lump in my throat. Dads are like that. Mike.

  58. Groovy greetings Mona and Lisa, thanks so much for posting my video. It’s funny, as I watched this, I just realized my three greatest music heroes of all time are on the screen at the same time. Mona and Lisa, and Brian! Wow. Absolutely loved seeing your reaction to Brian talking about God Only Knows and Pet Sounds. Your thoughts and perspective to the song writing and process talked about in the interview are just priceless for me. The thing that really stood out for me about this video when I first watched it is what Brian said is music to him, the spiritual aspect of God Only Know, that music is God to him. And what Bono said, the music is like proof of angels when so much beauty can be expressed in his music. Exactly how I feel about your music, the absolute beauty you create through your music is so moving. Although I always liked God Only Knows, it wasn’t until I heard your cover, that it really spoke to me and moved me, and I could feel it’s true beauty.

    Coincidentally I was watching an old Beach Boys live performance on youtube today from 1964, and to know our legends are still with us creating music, performing into their 80s is all so inspiring. Paul McCartney, Ringo Star, the Rolling Stones, Pete Townsend, Brian Wilson, Mike Love etc…they are all getting close or in their 80s, and in their twilight, and it’s sad that they won’t be with us for too much longer. The inspired rock music started by these legends live in you both Mona and Lisa, you are the future! And your amazing new music, and genius of album WHY? is proof the future of rock music is in good hands! Love being a part of your music journey.

    I think it would be so much fun and interesting to see your reaction to any of your earlier videos. Perhaps from your performances from the 2007 concert. Ones that come to mind are Samba Pa Ti and Twist and Shout. San Francisco would be great as well.

    Thanks so much for doing the Advent Calendar again this year and these daily videos despite how busy everything around the new album and new music video creations must be for you. Loving them.

    Big hugs from across the pond.

  59. God Only Knows is my favorite Beach Boys song, and I’m so glad you covered it, because you put so much heart and made it so delicate that it shines. I honestly prefer it to the Beach Boys version. Jung, please don’t think that’s sacrilege! 🙂
    I would LOVE to see you react to your early videos. I’m not sure I would brave that myself though.
    The background is filling up nicely and the lighting and colors you have are no nice.
    Another great day! Thank you!

    1. Tomas, not at all. 🙂 Mona and Lisa’s interpretation of God Only Knows I think express the beauty and magnificence of this song Brian Wilson intended to express better than anyone else, including the Beach Boys!