Subway Guitarist (SNL) – Reaction

Thanks for the good laugh, David! He submitted this video through the Reactions Form.

We had seen maybe a dozen SNL sketches over the years but the show is not really something we’re very familiar with. It didn’t air in Austria growing up, but we know it plays a big part in North American television history.

We loved this “Subway Guitarist” sketch and are glad it was submitted!

Please share your favourite SNL skits in the comments!

This is the link to the original video: Subway Guitarist – SNL

Big hugs to you all and stay groovy,
Mona & Lisa


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  1. That was a hoot. I hadn’t seen the sketch. I used to watch Saturday Night Live in the early days but got away from it probably in the 80s. Amazing that it’s been on so long.

  2. We had our first visit from our 11 month old grandson during the holidays, but I did get time to see this video – great one David!

  3. Can the MLT Club be described as online busking? with a bunch of regulars throwing money into their virtual hat πŸ™‚

    Sing us a song girls πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    ….. “…. life I love you, always groovy …..”

    1. Jeannette, the more cowbell skit is still referred to on tv or radio or just everyday life. When my family band plays at the local clubs they always have a cowbell available and encourage people to join them on stage and play cowbell. I’ve played it on occasion.

  4. From the thumbnail, I thought they were going to do a Simon & Garfunkel impression. There are many funny moments in SNL, and they’ve had many great comedians. I do prefer the older stuff, I never rally watched it, just bits here and there. Mike Myers and Dana Carvey were really funny to me. Wayne’s World was really funny. Adam Sandler too. Interesting how many comedians are good musicians too.
    Dana Carvey now has a very funny bit where he does impressions of Paul talking to John on the other side trying to explain what is going on now and it’s very funny.
    Like mentioned earlier, the cowbell skit is funny, though George and Paul Simon together is a great moment.
    Of the newer ones there’s a hot tub skit with Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore where Jimmy can’t keep a straight face and makes everyone laugh and break character. The scene in itself wasn’t great, the funny part was all of them trying to keep a straight face and failing miserably.
    Thank you, it’s always great to see you laughing, and glad Mona is back on track!

  5. Thanks David, Mona and Lisa,

    I always give something to buskers. But never did it myself.

    I haven’t watched much SNL, but that was funny.

  6. I remember SNL in the late 70s. It was the big thing to stay up until 11 or midnight to watch it, and then it was the topic of discussion at school on Monday – if you didn’t watch you weren’t cool. I most remember Gilda Radner (Roseanne Rosannadanna, Edith Ann), Father Guido Sarducci (Dan Novello), Dan Akroyd and John Belushi (The Blues Brothers), Cheeburger Cheeburger, Bill Murray, and Jane Curtain. Some of the greatest comedy of all time.

  7. Great selection David. The nineties casts were the last good ones. When the fly showed up Lisa and Mona reminded us of when our cats are following a fly. All eyes are focused on the same point, similar to watching a tennis match. My takeaway: busking is about location, location, location.


    Marlo & JP

  8. You need to go back to the origins for the best SNL skits. Thanksgiving with Dan Aykroyd as Julia Child where he β€œcuts the dickens out of my finger,” Dan again as spokesman for Colon Blow digestive supplement, and the 60 Minutes left/right debates with Dan and Jane Curtin which are a bit saucy, but do look them up!

    1. Colon Blow was actually Phil Hartman. One of SNL’s very best commercial parodies, based on a series of commercials for Total cereal.

  9. The SNL skit I remember best is when Chris Farley interviewed Paul McCartney. Easy to see on YouTube.
    My favorite SNL part was when George Harrison and Paul Simon played Here Comes the Sun on acoustic guitar – heavenly!

  10. Hi Mona & Lisa,
    Saturday Night Live began airing on TV in 1975. It was much funnier back in the early years, but not so much now. Yet it remains popular enough to remain on the air. There have been very many celebrities who got their big break from being on SNL and have had successful careers on television and/or movies.
    Some are: Chevy Chase, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Eddie Murphy, Jane Curtain, Billy Crystal, Adam Sandler, Jimmy Fallon, Dennis Miller, Chris Rock, Molly Shannon, Kenan Thompson, & Robert Downey Jr. to name a few.
    Many times, they have musical guests on the program who I have never heard of. I stopped watching SNL many moons ago.
    Take care and enjoy the weekend,
    Bobby S.
    P.S. Thanks for the birthday email today, being my BD.

  11. Thank you, Mona and Lisa, for reacting to this sketch! I think of it whenever you mention busking, and I knew you’d have some choice words about it.

    I thought I did include a summary comment with my submission; something like “a busker who plays mind games”. But no matter.

    I started watching SNL regularly at the beginning of its second “golden era” in the early 90’s. I still believe this cold open from 1991 is the most satisfying in the show’s history:

  12. I couldn’t resist this video! Like the SNL Subway “Guitar Busking” sketch, & the Chris Farley “Coaching” sketch, this next one had me laughing out loud, & in tears from laughing!

    It’s a Thanksgiving video about Native Americans, so I was a bit hesitant about it at first, as I am very Pro Native American. But this was funny in a very unexpected way! I hope you get some laughs from this… but it’s NOT at the expense of our Native brothers & sisters! (Here’s another Will Ferrell classic!) — Bud

    First Thanksgiving – SNL – YouTube

  13. Very funny sketch, thank you! I haven’t seen that one ’til now. When I lived in NYC in the ’70’s & visited back again in the 80’s, I saw all kinds of crazy things. There was a guy with big painted–on sideburns who played a snare drum, either on the street or in the subway. He’d announce to everyone “Here’s a little song from 1945,” then play rat-a-tat-tat on the drum!

    Another guy was blind & walked thru the moving subway cars with an alto sax & a tin can for tips. I usually give buskers something, but I remember being startled by him, my mouth hanging open! I never heard him play. I wondered if he was really blind!?

    Another sad scene was of a man with very dirty hands who played his two snare drumsticks in the middle of the street, with traffic going by. I saw him frequently & wondered how he survived!

    The crazy thing about comedy is how close it is to tragedy. I say this, yet I believe that comedy, along with music can be wonderful ways to heal ourselves & others! I just wish our society as a whole would really take care of people who are down & out. We would all be better for it!

    Sorry, I don’t mean to bring anyone down! I love to see Musicians on the street performing! It is a great way as Mona & Lisa said, to hone skills, make some extra money, & liven up our city streets!

    Thanks for lightening our day, & I look forward to next week’s video, & the Advent Calendar from Lisa & Mona! — Bud

    1. Hi Bud,
      I’m wondering if you or any club members have ever seen the Naked Cowboy.
      He stands on a street corner in Times Square in NYC (Manhattan), holding his guitar and wearing only a white cowboy hat, white cowboy boots, and tighty-whities. Some people passing by put dollars into the hole of his guitar. He is a big attraction and sometimes people hire him for various affairs, including weddings, lol
      Bobby S.

      1. Robert,

        That doesn’t surprise me at all, considering what I’ve seen in NYC! It is a great place though, & I miss it! Haven’t been back since 1985, & I don’t think that particular “cowboy” (Midnight Cowboy?”) was around back then.

        When I was living in Manhattan in ’75, I was over at a friend’s place in Brooklyn & we were watching SNL. I looked into getting tickets for the show, & there was a One Year Wait! So I didn’t get a ticket, but I SHOULD HAVE, because I was still there over a year later! (Woulda, coulda, shoulda!)

        I remember once while standing outside in line for show tickets at Times Square. I got into a conversation with some guy & told him I was from Seattle.
        I’m not sure if he was serious or not, but he said — “Are there still Indians running around out there? Do people live in houses?” For some people, their whole world is Manhattan & they’ve never left. Maybe he was one of those people, or just a “funny guy!”

        Anyway, THANKS EVERYBODY for all the SNL skit suggestions! They are very funny, & it was a way different era than today! I didn’t make much money back then, but I sure had a lot of fun and unique experiences!

        — Bud

  14. I love classic SNL skits (especially back in the day, with Schneider, Spade, Sandler), but I do not remember ever seeing this one. So glad this was chosen – with the music theme and busking lol Seeing your reactions and discussing is always fun and entertaining!

  15. That was a great Reaction video. Once again I was smiling ear to ear. So many SNL skits that were fantastic but of recent note the ones of Melissa McCarthy playing Sean Spicer as the Press Secretary for the previous president of the US). They are hilarious! The runaway podium and the box of visual examples used to illustrate a point are genius.

  16. What we need is a grass-roots campaign with 50,000 signatures to convince SNL to bring in Mona & Lisa to be the musical guests on an episode. How can that be accomplished? Anyone with experience in such matters??

  17. That was very funny! I don’t remember seeing that. Saturday night live in the 70s with Dan Aykroyd, John Belushi ,Gilda Radner ,Phil Hartman. Was real humor. Some of the skits they did back then were so funny…. The sad part is some of them have come true lately… and now that it’s part of our reality, it’s not funny at all. I would love to mention some of the skits, but I better not. I do love watching your reactions… it was just as funny hearing Lisa talk about maybe you should be milking cows with that background… and the braids. I always look forward to Fridays because of you two ladies!πŸ€“

  18. The Cavern Club really helped your profile THANKFULLY bringing you to the front for all to enjoy your talent thank you lots of love and stay groovy

  19. That was fun! Nice to see you looking healthy again, Mona! A very funny SNL skit I remember is called More Cowbell. I couldn’t find the full skit on YouTube but I think it is available on It features a spoof of a band making a recording and the producer requesting more cowbell. Christopher Walken, Will Ferrell, and Jimmy Fallon are in it, among others.

  20. Videos like this need retitled β€œLisa in Heidi BraidsπŸ˜β€.
    That is all I see, that is where all my attention is.

  21. That was a funny video, thanks David. Altough i’ve heard about SNL, it never was very famous over here. It was nice to see that de guy with the newspaper was an actor, but also a musician, Jeff Goldblum.i once saw a video off him with Haley Rheinhart a nice video to watch. Thank you for another friday highlight and its good to see Mona has recovered!!

  22. Haha, that was great David. SNL was great over the years and launched the careers of many comedic actors. One of my favorites was fellow Wisconsin native Chris Farley. This is an SNL clip of Chris as a motivational speaker.
    I love watching these reaction videos and find myself laughing along with you two. I also must say I always love the way you dress, so classy. I’m sick of watching celebrities prance around half naked showing off their plastic surgery, it’s sad what mainstream entertainment has become. When I think of European ladies I often think of milk maids, so natural and beautiful. Thanks for the video and the laughs.

    1. Another one of the best. “Live in a car down by the river”!! Hitching his pants up! He is another great comedian that left us way too early.

  23. I totally forgot about the Subway skit. The best SNL skits that I remember were when Dan Aykroyd and Jane Curtain did the SNL Weekend News Update skit. When he said “Jane you ignorant slut” or with Father Guido Sarducci, Roseanne Roseannadanna (Guilda Radner) skit on smoking etc. Back then there were too many skits to really say one was better than others.

    1. Phil, I love those early days of SNL the best. Chevy Chase, Dan Akroyd and John Belushi. I love Gilda Radner doing Barbara Wawa as well, classic stuff.

  24. Thank you David and Mona and Lisa for the hilarious laugh. That was a really funny SNL sketch, love that kind of humour. I’m not very familiar with SNL, but it falls into the humorous groove of sitcoms like Taxi and movies like Inspector Clouseau in Pink Panther movies that I really like.

    Really enjoyed hearing about your busking experiences too. I’ve experienced some really great buskers over the years that stays in my memory forever. They take a mundane city scene and suddenly transforms the moment with the magic of music.

    1. Whoops, wrong Canadian Lorne….lol…the correct one who is /was a writer in past/present for SNL and is a Canadian…. Lorne Michaels πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸ

      1. Hi Jacki, John Candy was another funny Canadian from SCTV, Rick Moranis too. I think they both ended up on SNL and some great movies too.

      2. Yeppers Canucker cast ruled somewhat Supreme on SNL in its heyday…. Loved John Candy …. Catherine O’Hara spoke at his funeral, and he did a small cameo in Home Alone movie…The Polja Band ….lol… yeah, Bob n Doug McKenzie…. and let me also further correct myself from this morning’s pitting I did as I was half asleep… Mike Myers character was Wayne Campbell and his sidekick Garth….. Wayne’s World ruled …. πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€˜πŸ»πŸ˜ŽπŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸ

      3. I just watched The Great Outdoors a couple nights ago, that was John Candy and Dan Akroyd, very funny. John had a bit part in the first Vacation movie too, he was a security guard at Wally World. Yeah, Bob and Doug McKenzie too, heh.
        What about Red Green? Was he Canadian or maybe a Yooper (U.P. of Michigan). He was very funny too.

      4. Lol…Iove all movies John Candy was ever in …. Great Outdoors, a hilarious one…gotta love that jumbo steak scene …. I forgot about him being a guard at Wally World …haven’t seen that Vacation movie in eons… I think Steve Smith ( Red Green) is Canadian-American, he and his wife Morag, had a comedy show where Red Green originated from … Love Red Green too πŸ’

  25. SNL…. definitely a tv staple for me growing up and featured some Canadian celebs…. in particular , Dan Aykroyd, born in Ottawa πŸ˜ŠπŸ€˜πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸ for his Conehead Alien family sketches with Jane Curtain, etc…. and with John Beltsville for Tge Bkyes Brothers, etc… Martin Shirt , another Canadian for the Nerdy Dude Peewee Style, and another famous Canadian, Mike Myers – Wayne Campbell character , also one of tge creatirs/writers of show is Canadian — Lorne ( last name escapes just now …. I gave many cgaracter faves , Church Lady, Gilda Radner played some good characters, Hanz and Franz body builders characters, Chris Farley was another good one that did many funny characters on the show , in the past…. I rarely watch it now….just not the same vibe as it used to be in it’s heyday in the 70s-80s ….
    Good choice David, glad Mona and Lisa , that you enjoyed this sketch …..after the shooting incident that ovccured in my neighborhood yesterday, close-by to me, this was a welcomed vibe needed ….πŸ˜ŽπŸ€˜πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸŽΌπŸŽ΅πŸŽΆπŸŽΈπŸ”Š