Teach Your Children – Duo Session (ft. Papa Rudi)

And Know They Love You …

We might be biased but this Duo Session is the one that’s most precious to us. It has been 15 years since we last performed music together with our Dad like that. We do jam in the studio from time to time, and obviously we work in the studio together all the time but this was something different.

We used to play this song as just the two of us many, many years ago when we were teenagers, but we don’t think we ever grasped its full meaning until many years later. It’s one of those songs that hit different once you grow up!

A poignant masterpiece by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, and to be able to do the 3-part harmonies together with Dad means a lot to us.

We couldn’t wish for a better father and if there’s one thing he has done for us it’s to instill the bravery to dream and to go for it. To say he’s been supportive is an understatement.

We love you Dad, thanks for doing this song with us. And also, Happy Birthday for Monday! ♥

Mona & Lisa


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  1. Was soll man da noch sagen? Einfach nur schön. Welch ein Geschenk, wenn ein Vater mit seinen Töchtern so wundervoll musizieren kann. Ich höre und sehe euch so gerne zu.

  2. That was beautiful!

    Hearing your rendition made my heart full. My parents taught us well as children and they continued to set a fine example their entire lives. It’s tough to let them go….
    I miss my own father. Cheers to Rudi on his birthday 💖

  3. Fabulous rendition of this song by 3 members of the Wagner family. It may have already been mentioned in the comments, so I’m sorry if I’m repeating it, but I smiled at the end when the girls raised and lowered their eyebrows at each other!

  4. What an amazing video, thank you so much for sharing your family love with us, it has added so much to an already perfect track. Now that I have seen the video, it will be impossible to listen to the track and not see your smiling faces and love you share
    You really are an amazing family and I am so proud to be allowed to share

  5. Absolutely superb! Also, this performance was so heartwarming to see the smiles brought to all from this truly talented and loving family!

    As always, “Thanks For The Memories!”

  6. That was a unique and lovely performance, great singing by Rudi and with all three voices just makes it a beautiful version. Hope Rudi had a great birthday!

  7. I do have a question for Mona. I’ve been having a conversation on FB Messenger with Mona Wagner and wondering if that really you or an imposter?? I figured here I know it’s really you.

    1. Hi Ronald, that wasn’t me! If you could please block and report the account on Facebook that would be great, it’s some kind of spam and I’m sure they will soon start asking for money or something similar. We’re looking into it right now, you’re not the only one that has been contacted by this fake me!
      Thanks for letting us know about this and I’m glad you like the song! 🙂

  8. I still think the most impressive part of that song was the smiles from Mona and Lisa to each other because of their dad!
    The other thing that impresses me is Mona and Lisa’s understanding of the English language! In 15 short years, I think they have gone beyond most people their age! One of the paragraphs right above this was written by Mona and Lisa…“poignant masterpiece” I hate to admit that I’ve never used “poignant” in a sentence. Yes I had to Google what it meant!! I actually was close!😬🤓

  9. You three sound great – a wonderful rendition and a great video! I loved Rudi’s somewhat suspicious side-glances at the very end.

  10. Hallo Rudi, herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag! Alles Gute für das neue Lebensjahr und an dieser Stelle auch einmal ein Dankeschön für alles, was Du für Mona und Lisa und damit auch für alle ihre Fans getan hast!
    Stay groovy

  11. Happy Birthday Papa Rudi, thanks for all your hard work producing the great music and amazing videos. Hope you have a beautiful day.

  12. I’d just like to pile on and wish Papa Rudi a very happy birthday today. It’s his love of, and investment of time in, his daughters over nearly three decades now that laid the groundwork for the joyful musical oasis that is the MLT Club.

  13. I love this Graham Nash´s song and your version is excellent and so is the whole “Duo Sessions II” album. Happy birthday, Papa Rudi

  14. Good Morning, HAPPY BIRTHDAY RUDI, Papa Rudi and the MonaLisa Twins, wow!!!! I was wondering if you were going to make this song a triple Duo Set. I still love playing this song and you all brought it home. It sounded great and the 3 part harmony was super. Lisa and Mona you never fail to amaze me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! Stay Groovy and have a wonderful Birthday Rudi!!!!

  15. Happy birthday Rudi, I think you have taught the girls well, I have two boys probably 10 years older than Mona and Lisa as a father I know the joy your children give you.

  16. Mona and Lisa and Rudi, I know I posted something yesterday but listening to this again It is awesome, how good you all sound. And the reason is you sing from your heart, and it is not just singing and moving on it is filled with love and spirit and I got goose bumps just listening to you all sing. The harmony and blends are heaven sent to me. This is a gift to me from God and to listen to this and all your songs fills my heart and body with good vibes of what music is supposed to sound like, you have perfected your craft, and the bar is raised each and every song you sing and perform. I know I said this before but in this for a better word “crazy” time we live in today, hearing your music takes me back to a time that the world was not this nuts, and you make any cover your own. Plus, your original music is off the charts to me, my favorite song from Orange is Count on Me and i always count on Mona and Lisa and you never let me down. Keep those groovy vibes coming and hugs and love from me and Maddie.

  17. That was so wonderful to watch. Perfect music and vocal harmonies. Thank you for sharing this. … and Happy Birthday Rudi

  18. Hearing, and now seeing you and your dad cover this classic song together makes me so happy! I love your music, and I love supporting who you are & what you do! Music has changed so much in my lifetime, and so much fine music never gets heard, now that Spotify and other streaming services are essentially giving it away for free and passing along crumbs to the artists. Happy birthday Rudi, and thanks as always, Wagner family, for creating this wonderful haven of music, video & fun for us! 🧡🧡🧡🧡

  19. This has always been a special song to me as well. It’s great to see it performed so well by such a fantastic family. Happy Birthday Papa Rudi!

  20. Wonderful! I’m crying tears of happiness, that was so beautiful. It also brought back memories from my youth. Thank you Papa Rudi for indeed teaching your children well. The world is a better place for having you all in it. Have a super birthday!

  21. What a beautiful rendition of a beautiful song! I have been listening to it frequently since Duo Sessions II came out – it will stay a favorite of mine for sure.

    The three part Wagner family harmony is a good as it gets. Rudy’s voice fits in perfectly with the twins. I love the arrangement; Lisa’s guitar work is beautiful. I hope we get to see and hear this three-part harmony (or four-part?) more in the future.

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen Mona and Lisa smile so much during a video – you make us smile with you. The love in the Wagner family certainly shows.

    Happy birthday Rudy, although it looks like we got the present — this video.

  22. That is so very special, absolutely love it! Such a wonderful thing for the three of you to be able to share a song like that. You have no idea how much I needed that uplift this morning.
    Happy Birthday Monday Papa Rudi!

  23. Saturday morning enjoying my favorite coffee with my new favorite Duo Session3.0

    Life is good. The “wait for it” ending is classic. I immediately thought of “Stuck In The Middle”.


  24. Once again, I am absolutely blown away by the two of you(and Papa Rudi).This has been one of my favorite songs for as long as I can remember.The love you ladies have for Papa Rudi,just bursts thru the screen.As is usual,this has quickly become my favorite version of this classic.Papa Rudi is a truly lucky man,to have such wonderful,talented,beautiful,and loving daughters(and Michaela). Thanks once again,for getting the weekend off to a Groovy start.Can’t wait to see what you have in works for us all.

    Happy Birthday!! Papa Rudi!!🎉🎂🎁🍾🥂

    Sending Love and Hugs💛💓

      1. Hi Rudi!

        Your professionalism shows in everything you do! Also, I haven’t heard Emerson Lake & Palmer in a long time, but they were truly great! I recognized some of the sites in Rome in the video, like the Spanish Steps, & the Colosseum, from my first European trip in ’82!

        We would like to see more videos with the MLT Trio, and MLT Quartet too! It’s not only for the Love & the Music, but also for Posterity!

        Keep up the great work! You & your family members are ALL sensational!

        THANK YOU!!!! — Bud J.

  25. A wonderful version of this great song! One can see that you both were happy and proud to sing with your Dad. Hope for the future that Papa Rudi appears again on the screen. By the way I want to give my congratulations to Papa Rudi for his birthday!

  26. Was für eine schöne Version dieses Klassikers. Ich hat-

    Te Tränen in den Augen. Mit viel Gefühl so wie wir Fische

    ja sind.

    Glückwunsch zum

    Geburtstag Papa Rudi

  27. It was perfect and Mona and Lisa, I loved the smiles on your faces that I know come from singing with Papa Rudy! Thanks so much for posting this. It makes me happy to watch it!

  28. I just watched it again for the “nth time” I love their smiles! And I think right at the end, when Rudi shifted his eyes back-and-forth… his beautiful daughters should’ve just kissed him on each cheek! Awww….. I know they wanted to!🤓

  29. This is one of the most amazing videos I’ve ever seen on many levels. There’s the always amazing harmonies, Mona’s impeccable rhythm guitar playing and Lisa’s phenomenally melodic fills. And somehow Mona and Lisa get more beautiful daily…
    But even more so in this video – the joyous glow of family love and creating amazing music together makes it so fun and heartwarming and almost addicting to watch. Papa Rudi adds a wonderful dimension, just as he did in the first early show. Mona and Lisa’s shared eyebrow raises at the end were super adorable!
    Seems like this could be the first of Trio Sessions, and add Michaela and reunite the original MonaLisa band for Quattro Sessions…
    Thanks for sharing this wonderful video…and I’m so grateful you share your family and talents!

  30. I can only echo all the superlatives that have been stated so far about this performance.

    Although this song was on a CSN&Y album, it appears that Neil Young was not involved with it in any way, probably because (according to Wikipedia) an earlier version was written and recorded before he joined the group.

    “To instill the bravery to dream and to go for it”: that should be on a Father’s Day card!

  31. You guys were absolutely glowing as you performed that song. And Rudi shifting his eyes from one to you to the other was priceless. Excellent harmonies and guitars. Please drop this in your YouTube channel. It’s a made for the world to hear and see. Y’all be groovy. Peace be.

  32. Such a great video and I loved the way you looked at Papa Rudi, with huge smiles on your faces.

  33. How about some Beatles 3 part harmony songs – This Boy – Because – Yes it is – etc

    I saw Graham Nash sing Teach Your Children last year with his two touring band mates. They were fantastic, but dare I say – the Wagner version is even better 🙂

    1. Mona and Lisa have mentioned before that they’d like to take a crack at Because sometime. And This Boy is already on their YouTube channel.

  34. This is a fantastic cover. You actually sound very close to Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young singing it. This takes me back to the 1970s. It was not a great decade but they did have some great songs, this was one of them. Happy Birthday Pap Rudi!

  35. Best…Duo (Trio) …Session…Ever!

    Been looking forward to this video for a long time and it was well worth the wait!

    Make sure that you hold on to this forever, ladies. It just doesn’t get any better than this!

    The love among all of you is so evident!

    Thank you to Team Wagner!

    Happy Birthday to Papa Rudi!

  36. First of all, Happy Birthday Rudi! I could feel how special this recording was when I first heard it from the Duo Sessions II album. I could recognize the sincerity of the message within this iconic song as the three of you performed it just through the audio track. Now, with this video, the ability to share this emotional experience with you is complete and unmistakable. Of course, being a father myself helps. A father could not be prouder and happier to have two such loving, talented, and finer human beings as daughters as you Rudi. Congratulations and Thank You!!!

  37. OMG, THAT was just incredible! You all sounded terrific together and the guitars and harmonies were beautiful. But what I enjoyed the most was the abundant love that was shared among the three of you. It is rare to see such profound love, respect and mutual appreciation as you all presented here. Thank you for sharing this wonderful moment with us. Bri

  38. How about that…Papa Rudi so good to see you singing in a video…great song and what a trio !!! You don’t have to wait for your next birthday to do it again….is there a Trio Session in the future👍😂Happy Birthday Papa Rudi🎂🙌

  39. Aww that was so beatiful. I always wondered (after hearing the album) whether you would make a video version too. And now you have and it is wonderful too!

  40. Oh my gosh that is so good! You have the coolest dad ever! Such a talented family and so glad that you share it all with us! Happy Birthday Papa Rudi…

  41. I finally made time to watch the video! Great song…great video! I always love to see Mona and Lisa smile at each other during and after a song! But there was something different about the smiles on their faces as they looked at their dad! Proud ladies!! that’s probably an understatement!? And a very proud papa! That is certainly an understatement! I have a bucket list of things I’m gonna do in the next few years! One of them is to meet Mona and Lisa!! Whether I have to go there or if they come to the United States! The other thing in my bucket is to meet Rudi and Michaela…. And to ride dirt bikes with Rudi! It will happen… I make things happen!
    Happy birthday Rudi!🎶🎁🎉🎂🤓

    1. Rudi, I’m an old two-stroke man! 300 KTM‘s are my favorite! But if you come to Colorado, I’ll get you any bike you want to ride! (within reason!!) 🤙🏍️🤓

  42. I just got home from work and the first thing I did was put this vid on the big screen TV to enjoy with Mom! Pure MAGIC! 😍 You four are AMAZING! As much as I love this video, I can’t match Mom’s huge grin that has yet to fade! The whole video is perfectly heartwarming, but I gotta give special mention to Rudi’s sly side glances to each daughter and their resulting, adorable eyebrow jumps back at him! 🎶👩‍🎤💕🎸👨‍🎤💕🎸👩‍🎤💕🎸🎶 SERENDIPITY!

  43. Happy Birthday ,Papa Rudi !
    Very well done !

    The Cowsills were a family band here in the States in the 60 ‘s. And very popular.
    Alot of similarities in both of your bands in my opinion.
    The Cowsills still tour with the Happy Together Tour here
    I’ve seen them twice. Very enjoyable !
    Very cool video again !

  44. A tear came into my eyes because of the emotion and love that you 3 share.
    It is so wonderful that you girls can associate with your dad the way you do.
    Rudi and Michaela have done a phenomenal job raising two girls that have become so beautiful and talented. This song sounded so good with the three of you together. I’ve already played it several times. This video gives me such a peaceful feeling. My late wife loved this song and would have loved your performance.
    Rudi, please have a marvelous birthday and best wishes for many more!

  45. Fab version of this classic. You three should do more together 🙂

    Happy birthday Rudi.

    It was my birthday yesterday, 29th Feb – I’m now 16, and legal 🤩

      1. ‘Sweet 16’ and ‘When I’m 64’ all in one birthday 🙂

        Everyone I know remembers as it is such an unusual birthday, so I’m made to feel very special on the day 🙂

  46. Terrific! This is a wonderful rendition. Your voices blend together so well. It’s a pleasure listening to this song.
    Happy birthday Herr Wagner.

  47. Can’t say more than what everyone else has already expressed…. Just perfect, poignant, uplifting, so beautiful – just like everything else this wonderful family produces, but a touch more special for including Papa Rudi and releasing for his birthday! 🙂

  48. Happy Birthday to everybody’s Papa here in the MLT Club, always loved this song and now it’s even better, have a great Birthday and I hope the girls will spoil you on Monday.

  49. Awww man, this was GREAT!! The song does need a male voice – this was the perfect showcase for Papa Rudi with of course the best harmonies as backup. MLT – you’ve knocked it out of the ball-park, once again!!!

  50. So guess what tune we’re all going to be singing both silently, and out loud, as we go about our daily affairs today? Except I can’t quite get those three-part harmonies all by myself!

    1. Hi Len,

      You commented somewhere on your being a Jazz fan, & that you liked the Grace Kelly video that I posted. If you like Dixieland jazz, now more appropriately called “New Orleans Music,” I’m sure you’ll enjoy this group called “Tuba Skinny.” They play a lot in New Orleans, but they’ve also performed in places such as France, other European countries, Mexico & Australia I believe.

      They use a washboard instead of drums, like the Skiffle groups & early Quarry Men Band. Take a listen!

      Tuba Skinny – Jubilee Stomp – Royal Street I (youtube.com)

      1. I love that Dixieland stuff! I’ll have to check out more from this group; they’re fantastic!

        I’m sure that as a band director, Bud, you’ll appreciate that my fandom for this genre began in my junior high band, when we played this song that was a favorite of everyone. (That’s NOT us in the video, though!)


      2. David,

        I hadn’t heard that one before, nice tune! I used to play “Lassus Trombone” with my middle school students, & we loved that one too! We have a harder arrangement of that in the adult band I’m in.

        My favorite early Jazz trombonist is Jack Teagarden. He had his own band but played w/Louis Armstrong from about 1947 — 1961. You should enjoy this one too!

        (OK, now I seriously need to get back to work!) Thanks so much for your comment and video! — Bud

        Jack Teagarden mit Louis Armstrongs All Stars / Basin Street Blues / 1951 (youtube.com)

      3. Thanks Bud, that was fun. Right out of Louis Armstrong’s Hot Seven. And I see there is more to be had.

      4. Yeah, thanks Len,

        If you’re referring to “Tuba Skinny,” when I hear Shaye Cohn play her cornet, she reminds me of Louis’ tone & clean attack in his “Hot 5,” and “Hot 7” recordings from the ’20’s, which I love! Yes, they’re definitely worth checking out, as is more Tuba Skinny videos, which are all “fan produced.” AND, here’s another Female Band leader! She’s actually the Co-Leader with the Tuba player, Todd Burdick.

        Happy listening! — Bud

  51. Yes a lovely song excellent on the Duo II CD loved the video version and lovely vocals from all three of you blended in well. Happy Birthday to Papa Rudi!!!

  52. Fantastic Duo Trio session! 👱‍♀️ 👨 👩‍🦰 Sounds as good as the version on the CD! 🎸 🎤
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Papa Rudi!🎁🎈🎂

  53. WOW!!! Absolutely perfect. Talk about Deja Vu……..the music is timeless.
    Happy Birthday Rudi !!!

  54. I’ve been looking forward to.seeing this video after getting duo sessions 2 I just love this song your harmonies ate spot on
    Happy birthday papa Rudi

  55. It’s fantastic to have Papa Rudi join you, Mona and Lisa, in this classic song. Such great harmony between you. Happy birthday to Papa Rudi!

  56. I loved the song when I first heard it on the cd but the video is even more beautiful. I love the glow in Mona and Lisa’s faces singing with Papa Rudi. Happy Birthday to Rudi but he’s not going to get a better gift than the one he got 29 years ago.

    1. Hi Tim
      Yeah, I couldn’t help but notice the glow in Mona and Lisa’s face. So much love and affection for Papa Rudi. Just so heartwarming. The luckiest father on the planet indeed from 29 years ago.

  57. What a great start for the day to begin on. Grins from ear to ear and some tears welling up. Thx for all the wonderful music you make. Happy Birthday Papa Rudi!! You really are a special blessing to all of us that have come to know your music and your family.

  58. Okay, listening to this song on your Duo Sessions 2 always brings tears to my eyes – seeing the video opened the floodgates today. I’m not ashamed to say that I wept! The love for your dad and the pride you take in performing with him shines in your eyes and leaps right off the screen and into my heart. Papa Rudi is a very special man and I wish him the happiest of birthdays on Monday. I wish all children could be so fortunate – our world would be a very different place. A huge thanks also to Michaela for her important role in your beautiful family!

  59. Forgot to add, it brought tears to my eyes, Thankyou also going to Michaela for perfectly capturing the Trio Essences on camera while behind it …. The whole thing just reverberates, eminates vivid true ….. 🤩😎🤘

  60. OM frikkin God … What a most #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified WakeUp To See/Hear to start off a Wknd, new month, etc… I knew this would eventually come to occur, it was inevitable, and to now visually see … well, beyond words… That harmonial trio vocal magic , wow, superb…. This is the ultimate Duo Session Gift bestowed upon for/to all of us, and so very much poignant and profound moreso now …

    And an Early #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Happy Birthday going out to Papa Rudi on Monday, enjoy however you are celebrating your day of … Kudos & Thankyou for this uplifting rendition …. Yes, Teach Children Well, but on a more abroad scope, everyone should be taught, no matter, age, background, etc. 🤘😊☮💜

  61. very nice ,Duo Session is always a Favorite ! Now Trio Session makes it extra Special!
    Can’t wait to see the Quartet Session. Thank you very much! and an early Happy Birthday to Rudy! You taught them well!

  62. Wow ! This is a fantastic version of the C,S,N & Y song ! The harmonies are just perfect.
    This “brand-new” trio Mona, Lisa & Dad is phenomenal.
    Congratulations on your birthday Papa Rudi !

  63. What a lovely video!!!! Beautiful and Bravo Bravo!!!! Pa Rudi you’re amazing and you all blend so well together. Lisa looks like open tuning on your guitar. G? Pa Rudi love the bass runs and Mona is solid on the rhythm….Yes this song is a great song for all the things associated with from Guitar work to Bass Lines to vocals, what a great Friday gift to us. Thank you and hugs and love from me and Maddie.

    1. Thank you and much love to you and Maddie! I didn’t use an open tuning on this one. Maybe the full sound of having two acoustic guitars strumming gave that illusion?

      1. Lisa,
        Thanks, I always try and watch you and Mona with your guitar playing and try and pick up cords you both play, got to say I cannot master my thumb over the top string like you both do…LOL…But I do try….LOL…As always hugs and love from me and Maddie!!

  64. What a treasure for us and for you also! You sure created warm feels and a big smiles with this one. Great job!
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Rudi for Monday. You have a great family! Wishing you the best. 🙂
    And thank you Michaela for the extra work I have no doubt came to you with the three of them in front of the camera. You nailed it! 🙂

  65. I(and Mom!)have been eagerly anticipating this release ever since Duos2 came out! Such a beautiful family dynamic is on display always at Club MLT, and this video is the latest and also the penultimate example! We all adore seeing the love you obviously feel for each other, and it makes all our worlds at least a little lovelier! This is truly special in so many ways! Please don’t make the general public wait long for this one. I appreciate your desire to provide exclusive content here in the club, but I think it’d be awesome if you released this to YouTube on Rudi’s birthday! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! 💓💕💓💕💓

      1. If they choose not to release it on his birthday, then definitely on Father’s Day, but I feel the sooner the better!

  66. Wow, that is so absolutely heart warming to see the three of you together singing like that. I couldn’t help but overflow inside with a warm joy. There is so much heart felt love in your vocals that come across, the 3 way harmonies magical. The bond between the 3 of you is so very, very special, it shines so strong here. You played this song so beautifully together, your love is contagious. Loved your expressions at the end as Papa Rudi’s eyes glanced at you both, priceless.

    Happy Birthday Papa Rudi! Us cool dudes 😎 celebrate birthdays in March! 🎉🎂🥰💕🦝

      1. Thank you Lisa. Hope you all have a most precious and wonderful time together celebrating Papa Rudi’s birthday! 💕✨😊

  67. That was absolutely terrific! It actually brought tears to my eyes. What a lovely talented family you have. Thank you for sharing with us. Happy Birthday to Rudi.

  68. Wow. I am a big CSNY fan and I don’t usually like covers of their songs that much. Mona and Lisa do a good version but wow the third vocal by Papa Rudi has just topped it off. Wow fantastic.👌👏👏👏

  69. Hello Ladies
    Wow! Completely at a loss for words today! Such a delightful core memory today for 3 very special and unique individuals. As good as Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young are, they haven’t got anything on Wagner, Wagner, and Wagner. This cover gives the overcast, rainy skies over Atlanta,Georgia, a ray of shining light it hasn’t seen before. Thank you, Mona, Lisa, and Papa Rudi, for a beautiful song! It was so nice to see Rudi playing his Vintage Hofner again. It’s been far too long. A very happy birthday, Papa Rudi! You have got some very special “little girls.” Thank you for sharing them with the world.
    Continued Best Always.
    Rick Ross

      1. Awww, thank you Ms. Lisa, and thank you and Mona, for your wonderful gift of music. The apples didn’t fall far from the tree. Easy to see where it came from.

  70. Wow, I got a sense of Deja Vu then! ha ha. Love the ‘trio’ session. I can’t stop playing the Duo II Album, so its great to see Papa Rudi teaching his children.

  71. Great video. Great sound.
    Maybe some more with the three of you in the future.
    Especially once the Hammond is ready.
    And a Happy Birthday for monday to Papa Rudi

  72. I was hoping that we could all see a video of all 3 of you playing this song! This song has been on repeat in my car for weeks now. This video brought tears to my eyes! You have a beautiful family! Papa Rudi did a masterful job raising his daughters!!! Kudos to Michaela also! My new favorite video! Thank you for making me very happy today!!!

  73. Papa Rudi, Lisa & Mona,

    We’ve been waiting for this one, and you didn’t let us down! I saw CSN & Y back in 2000, and you really do their song justice with your wonderful version of their great piece!

    Thank you! Now I’m ready to get to work and lead our students in a little performance for their parents this morning! Thanks to Michaela too and have a wonderful day!

    I’m off! — Bud

      1. Lisa,

        You’re welcome! And my day went pretty well. The parents enjoyed the 4th graders’ singing, & later we had fun with songs & percussion in classes. After our teacher meeting, we sang karaoke, and my piece went over very well! We all had fun!

        Happy Birthday Papa Rudi, on the 4th of March! You & your daughters did a beautiful job on “Teach the Children!” We need MORE of your great Trio!!!

        And I’m so glad that you & Mona got your Christmas presents, however late from being stuck in the “snail mail!” — Bud

      2. Hi Bud
        It sounds like you had a great day with your kids at school. I wish we had a music teacher like you in my school in the day. 😉

      3. Hi Jung!

        Thanks, you’re just too kind! I’m just trying to do my best job for the kids, and also have some fun myself!

        — Bud

      4. Lisa & Mona,

        Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to us fans, we really appreciate it! Also, with your very busy schedules, I know that it would be impossible for you to read every comment! I have trouble keeping up with it myself, with all the teacher planning & practice that I need to do.

        (Don’t bother replying to this — you have ENOUGH to do!) It’s obvious from all the comments here that you & your parents are creating a lot of Happiness & Positive Energy for our Planet! We NEED IT today, so THANK YOU and BLESS YOU for all your Wonderful Music!!

        — Bud

  74. Wow!!! Was a wonderful way to start my day.
    Beautifully done. You three make a great trio.
    MonaLisa Twins plus One.
    Thank you for filming that and sharing it with us. You are so special.
    Happy almost Birthday to Papa Rudi. May you have a happy & healthy one & many, many more. From a big fan,
    Bobby S. 😎🎵🎵🎵🧛‍♂️

  75. Bravo! What an amazing gift for us the listeners. It’s also so heartwarming to see all the joyful smiles and glances. Thanks

  76. Wow!!!!!!!!!!! this was fantastic, great harmonies on a beautyfull song, I don’t know who did the camera work ( maybe Michaela???) that was great to Love to see nthose expressions of Love for eachother on Your faces. All and all a magnificent videoclip, Thank You Wagner family for making me smile and happy every time I hear and see You.

  77. That was just beautiful and heartwarming. It made me cry. How blessed are you to share your dad’s love of music and for him to support your dreams, taking this journey together..

    1. Very nice words Claire, I had tears by the second verse and not because of the song, because of the glow in the girls faces.

      1. Thanks, Tim. The genuine love, respect, and friendship shared between Mona, Lisa, Papa Rudi, and Michaela is evident in this and other videos. It’s a beautiful thing to watch (along with listening to a great arrangement of an epic song). This song and Leader of the Band (Dan Fogelberg) always make me a bit wistful and nostalgic. My own dad passed when I was 24, just as we were hitting the groove of that parent / adult child relationship. He never got to see me living out my dreams and, although I don’t think about it often (its been a long time), that thought sometimes makes me sad.

      2. Hi Claire, so sorry about you Dad, we have that in common, my Dad passed when I was 21. I would have loved to have him to talk to when I was trying to figure out adulthood. The only thing I really figured out was love is the most important thing there is. The love Mona, Lisa and Papa Rudi have for each other is very heart warming and easy to see in this video.