Visiting Liverpool For The 1st Time – Photos

This will be the last photo post from the archives of 2009. That year was marked by two very memorable trips: Our 6-month student exchange to Australia (which we shared lots of photos from) followed by our first ever visit to Liverpool, long before we ever knew we would move here one day.

Dad and Michaela had surprised us with the plane tickets for our birthdays, and we absolutely lost it. Ever since we had become obsessed with the Beatles a few years prior we wanted to see Liverpool and experience the city ourselves.

So for ‘International Beatleweek’ in August 2009 we went to see Liverpool for the first time – as “Beatles” tourists but also to shoot a few videos for YouTube. 

We filmed our covers for ‘In My Life’ and ‘Blackbird’ there, visited all the relevant Beatles sights, the Beatles Museum at the Docks, saw loads of bands in all the Beatleweek venues, talked to many Beatle people and just soaked in the atmosphere of this city that we immediately fell in love with. We even busked outside the Cavern Club dreaming about perhaps playing there one day – little did we know! 😉

To end this post in Gerry Marsden’s words (from Gerry & the Pacemakers):

So ferry, cross the Mersey
‘Cause this land’s the place I love
And here I’ll stay (MLT addition: at least for now ;-))

Stay groovy,
Mona & Lisa

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  1. Hi girls, great photos, you were clearly ‘living the dream’ in Liverpool. Liverpool is a great city, with so much to see – I’ve been there a few times, and have still barely scratched the surface. I really hope you manage to re-launch your live shows again, unfortunately I only discovered you both last year, and so haven’t had the pleasure of seeing you live – To see you on stage in the Cavern would be fantastic. Still, never say never! I’m off to my bed now, so look after yourselves – and each other! – and I’ll catch up with you both – virtually – again soon.

  2. Quite wonderful photographs. Memories I’m sure you both will treasure. It is pretty cool to see you at your beginnings you could say. I do not fly…a bad air flight home on my way from the service, and since there will be no bridge built across the pond…well I guess I’ll stay out here in the country….but I WAS in the Navy, so perhaps a boat across the pond someday. Great photos of your parents who, as I can see from the photos, love you both very much. Lisa , you always have that playful side in your photos, making different faces, quite fun and Mona, take a tip from Lisa, ….lol….but I like your side too. That’s what makes you both such a great duo. You play off each other very well. Ahhh youth. Great photos and I especially like the last one with the rainbow. Very beautiful, just like Mona and Lisa. As always….Peace, Love and Happiness

  3. Fabulous pictures! What fantastic parents you have! But then, what fantastic twins they have! Y’all are an awesome team. Liverpool is a very historic city in its own right. It mirrored Charleston, South Carolina (here in the United States) in so many ways. The history, the cobblestone streets, waterfront and docks, and the friendly people. Then add the Beatle’s history, and the icing on the cake: the MonaLisa Twins!! What’s not to Love?!!!

    1. Hi Jerry
      you forgot to mention that Liverpool has 2 great football teams – Liverpool FC & …er…. er … some other club whose name I’ve forgotten, play in blue I think!! YNWA.,

  4. Wow!! What great pics,can’t wait to visit Liverpool myself.I will be taking both The Beatles and MonaLisa Twins Tours.Thanks for letting us all be a part of your amazing journey so far.
    And I agree with everyone else,you have all become extended family(you are both now my surrogate nieces).
    Love to Mona,Lisa,Papa Rudi,Michaela,and a special shout out to Lampi Bampi too!

  5. These photos are so precious. What joy in your faces and excitement in your hearts. Rudi and Michaela obviously knew just how much this pilgrimage meant to you both. But little could anyone know at that point how far your love affair with the Beatles and the music of the sixty’s would pave the way for the MonaLisa Twins to create and add so much more to this genre. These pictures and all the others you have generously shared so far tell the beginning of another epic story, one that is only beginning to fully blossom. I feel so privileged to be able to see it unfold!

  6. I love seeing these photos. It’s kool how you have documented so many parts of your Rock&Roll journey. I bet that plane ride to the UK was full of anticipation and wonder. “Where do we go first?”

    The family photos are great, and I really like the one of Rudi and Michaela.

    Mona’s pink hat is perfect. My guess is she saw it in a shop, and just had to have it. Love it.


  7. I love seeing you at all your different stages. And some of my favorite covers are your “DuoSessions” performances of Penny Lane and Strawberry Fields Forever – your harmonies are so perfect and almost heavenly, and even then your acoustic guitar work was fabulous.
    I will definitely take a trip to Liverpool someday and my first order of business will be to see Mona snd Lisa play live – then do the Beatles stuff…

  8. Wow, lots of beautiful shots of you both, in such wonderful colourful fashion, and great seeing many familiar settings from the different videos of In My Life, Black Bird, Penny Lane recording. That must have been so cool to walk in front of John or Paul’s old home I presume, famous Strawberry Field gate, Penny Lane neighbourhood, and Eleanor Rigby’s tombstone. Liverpool looks like a fascinating place to visit and walk around in the city all day indulging in all the cool Beatles and music famous landmarks. It looked like one incredible and memorable time in your lives. Thanks for showing us these photos, really enjoyed them. 🙂

  9. When looking through all these pictures from back then, and knowing what I know now, it feels like the “beginning of the beginning”. Seeing you standing by all the historical landmarks that inspired the Lads from Liverpool, makes me think of how they were also paving a path for the Twins from Austria. Mona and Lisa, I look forward to seeing just how high your careers will fly, starting with your next album.

  10. Such great photos! You are SO lucky! I’d LOVE to visit Liverpool. Alas it will probably never come to pass. Thank you for those awesome pictures!

  11. Thank you so much for sharing such personal moments from your life! You truly know how to make your fans feel like part of your family! You two, along with your Papa Rudi and Michaela, are very special people, and we all appreciate you more than we say! As we listened to one of your cds while baking in the kitchen, my Mom remarked “they’re part of our family now, they just don’t realize it.” That touched me, and I couldn’t agree more!

  12. wonderful trip down memory lane (right next to Penny Lane) Love the family picture. Was that your grandmother that you wrote about in the song “The Wide Land”?

  13. I always wanted to go to Liverpool,I had a chance to go at one time but was short on finances. Thank you for sharing the pictures. I really love your video and version of the song In My Life. Beautiful city. Ferry Cross The Mersey is one of my favorite songs. I did get to see Gerry and he Pacemakers at a British Invasion show in Minneapolis in the early 80s.