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  • Random song request

    Posted by Chris Flegg on 27/08/2020 at 16:47

    At the beginning of lock down I got fed up with the free version of YouTube and went pro, then used it even more to get my moneys worth. Dr Brian May of Queen was doing a “play along with me” nightly song and did one with an amazing young lady called Shuba of “love of my life “. I love it that much it is downloaded and with750k views in a couple of months I guess I am not alone. Several times now when I have had my phone playing random songs I get several of yours followed by Shuba & Brians’ “love of my life” and its just done it again but this time I had the thought that it would sound amazing sung by Mona; it’s a lower pitch ballad and a beautiful song in its own right (yep, but I am a huge Queen fan). You have said somewhere that Mona prefers lower pitched songs and I think that song could be even better with a touch of MonaLisa magic. Is this a song you would consider covering one day?

    Jacki Hopper replied 3 years, 10 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Lisa Wagner

    27/08/2020 at 16:48

    Queen, oh Queen … They have written some of our favourite songs while at the same time released songs we’d rather never hear again 😉 It’s a love/hate relationship for us (though mainly love).
    We’ve yet to cover one of their songs … maybe that’s because our favourite songs by them are all so heavily dependent on their arrangements and Freddie’s voice that we haven’t really focused on giving them a go. Maybe in the future 🙂

    “Love Of My Life” is beautiful but it probably wouldn’t be our first choice of Queen songs. ♥

  • Jung Roe

    28/08/2020 at 08:20

    Over the years Queen certainly has had their share of iconic songs.  Bohemian Rhapsody was completely revolutionary and awesome I think like no song ever made before.  A one of a kind.   A kind of heavy rock meets classical opera.   For me that is their signature sound.   I think it helped launch that Wayne’s World movie with that car scene with Bohemian Rhapsody.  Was famous.   At hockey games “We Will Rock You” was used a lot as many teams fight song in the day, followed by We Are the Champions at almost every major professional sports championship game series.  The biggest one for me with the kids was “Another One Bites The Dust” that came out in 1980.  I remember in school the kids use to sing it often during final exam times to bug each other!  Or demoralize the batter when he goes up to bat!   Kids can be mean sometimes.

  • Jacki Hopper

    28/08/2020 at 17:10

    I echo Jung’s sntiments, I have both Wayne’s  World movies ( original and it’s sequel on VHS/DVD, yes, that car scene that Jung refers to, is one of my fave all time scenes from the movie… I was introduced to Queen’s music compliments of my 2nd oldest brother. One of a kind sums them up definitely.

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