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  • Language and Song Suggestions

    Posted by Christopher on 02/03/2022 at 17:31

    Hi Mona, Lisa, and everybody in the MLT Club:

    Just joined the MLT Club this week after discovering you during the recent “Get Back” revolution. The two of you are outstanding! Just wanted to add a little bit to your growth in the music industry. People here in the USA need to hear about you.

    As a start, I will be wearing my MLT shirt to our Christmas festivities!

    A couple of questions regarding language: The two of you are so fluent in English. Much respect! Since you have been living in England for so long, is English the main language that you now utilize? If not, is it the main language that you use in the song writing and video making process?

    Finally, a few future Beatles song suggestions. The two of you would do an outstanding job (hate to call it a job…it is a labor of love) doing Oh Darling (Lisa); Sexy Sadie (Mona); I’m So Tired (Lisa); and I Want You (See So’s Heavy) (Mona).

    You two are the best. Merry Christmas to all and of course, stay groovy!

    Tom replied 2 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Hi Christopher,

    A big (and slightly belated) welcome to our music and this groovy community 🙂 First of all, we love the Beatles song suggestions and agree – any of them would be a fun challenge and a good fit. We’ll try to get to at least one of them eventually!

    And regarding the language questions – actually, no, we still speak mainly German on a day-to-day basis. We live together so unless we go out to meet friends or talk to local people we don’t talk that much English.

    That being said, the rest of our “world” is pretty much exclusively English. The people we meet, the entertainment we consume, things we read, videos we watch, music we listen to, programmes we use to record and edit our music/videos,… And of course anything we do on the internet is in English.

    So our German has kind of morphed into a strange mixture of the two languages where we often mix English grammar or phrases with German words. At this point I often wonder if I can speak either language properly anymore! ????

    Groovy wishes to you and thanks for being here!


  • Christopher

    03/03/2022 at 01:03

    Thank you Mona! No worries about your greeting being slightly belated. You and Lisa, and, of course, Papa Rudi and Michaela, have been very busy.

    As I have mentioned earlier, “Questionable” was written and recorded at a perfect point in your lives.

    Thank you for your answers to my questions. Language-wise, you are staying true to your heritage while spreading your wings at the same time. That is what makes the Wagner’s groovy!

  • Christopher

    03/03/2022 at 03:06

    Mona, have to add…I am glad that you like my suggestions pertaining to Beatles songs. White Album and Abbey Road material. Each song has an edge and it would be cool to see your interpretations.

    I would be flattered if you would do any of the abovementioned songs!

    I am a high school Business teacher, and I plan to sign yearbooks this year with your traditional “stay groovy”. It just seems so appropriate.

  • Tom

    04/03/2022 at 15:35


    I have always hoped to hear you do a cover of Cry Baby Cry.I remember you saying how much you loved it.I think you would do John Lennon proud with a Duo Sessions cover version.Hears hoping you and Lisa give it consideration in the future.


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