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  • Big Love for the “When We’re Together” cd

    Posted by Kenny Daniels on 02/12/2020 at 05:03

    Hi Mona and Lisa!

    I don’t have a question, I just wanted to share something with you and maybe give you a laugh for the day. I have a room at my home that is a combination music room, workout room and art studio. I have a CD/DVD player in there so that I can listen to music when I work out or as I am working on a song. I always listen to MLT cds when I’m working out. Today when I was working out, I put on the When We’re Together cd.  I was only about 10 seconds into the first song (the title track) when I started dancing and playing the “air guitar” while singing along with your music.  I’m really good on the air guitar!   LOL!  It’s such in infectious song that it makes me want to dance and sing!  LOL!  The whole CD is just great! I love every song!  Between singing and playing air guitar, my work out took long enough that I got to listen to the cd twice.  I’m looking forward to your next cd of original music. Anyway, I just wanted to give the cd a shout out and maybe give you a laugh.

    Jung Roe replied 3 years, 7 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Lisa Wagner

    02/12/2020 at 05:03

    Haha, gosh that makes us happy!
    And we also do that!! Not so much to our own music but we often put on some music and go crazy … beats any other form of cardio ????. Nothing gets you more pumped for a workout than doing the mashed potatoes to some Kinks as a warm-up!

    Thanks for sharing this story! Keep dancing!

  • Jung Roe

    02/12/2020 at 06:46

    The debut album is awesome, and I’ve come to really love this song too, “When We’re Together”.  The lyrics really stand out for me.  It’s so pure and innocent, about how to love.  That unconditional love.

    “When we’re together
    I’m gonna take you by the hand
    And make you understand
    That I would never
    No, I would never make you cry
    I’d never say goodbye

    And when we stand, hand in hand
    We’re just feeling fine
    All my tears disappear
    And that’s because you’re mine”

    How much more pure and to the heart can you get than that about how to be with the one you love.

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