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  • Forthcoming album and requests

    Posted by Chris Flegg on 23/10/2020 at 13:40

    Hi, I hope you are all well and not included in the escalating covid numbers.

    I’m sure I have read somewhere that you are working on your next original album, I can’t wait to hear it. I’m slowly buying all your merchandise and would love to be able to put it in my order soon.

    For a change I have spent the evening listening to mlt on YouTube, and as it tends to do, slotted a random non-mlt song in which got me thinking. I am a lover of all kinds of music and one of my favourite songs is “I know him so well”, made famous years ago by (Dame) Elaine Paige and Barbara Dickson. Immediately I envisioned a MLT version of it, especially with your amazing harmonies. So finally I get to my questions : – I have been in many bands over the years, as a guitarist or bassist and sometimes lead or backing vocalist. Typically we did covers so backing vocals were straight copies, but with original tracks I always tended to end up singing a third up unless I really concentrated, I don’t recall ever sitting down and writing the harmonies as we did with the lead on our own material. How do you decide on your harmonies, specifically the melodies; they sound crafted but in a relaxed way if that makes sense. When I envisage them on a musical staff they don’t seem to conform to the normal music theory ways but sound right.

    My second question, have you ever thought of doing a set of musical songs, Like “I know him so well”, or any of the Lloyd-Webber catalogue, Les Mis. Etc. There are lots of songs I think would suit you, although you may have to persuade Papa Rudi to tickle the ivories on some of them. I would be first in the queue to buy that album ?

    Stay safe all of you and carry on spreading the MLT groovy kind of love.



    Chris Flegg replied 3 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Hi Chris!

    We are fit as a fiddle, thank you! We hope you are too! About your first question …. When we write harmonies it mostly starts out from an intuitive place. We sit around with our guitars and hum melodies, try different intervals, play around a bit.

    Once we have a rough idea dad usually gets out the keyboard and we have a look at what notes we’re actually singing, how they fit in the chords, what other options there are, etc.
    That part of writing is by far much easier on keys than a guitar because you see everything clearly in front of you. A guitar is too messy for that 😉
    A third up is a safe and often beautiful place to start, but there is much more room in both directions so we usually just play around until we find something that fits the mood of the song. We just rely on our ears.

    About your second question … From time to time we play around with the idea of getting involved with film music one day and we’ve always had an interest in rock operas (we love Tommy, S.F. Sorrow, etc. …) and, to some extent, musicals.

    If we ever dabble in it I don’t think we would necessarily be drawn to orchestra oriented Loyd-Webber-esque tracks first, but then again, even that sounds pretty fun. We are not ruling anything out and we can definitely see ourselves exploring that world a little down the line. Great question!

  • Chris Flegg

    23/10/2020 at 15:05

    Hi Ladies, thanks for the reply. Still waiting for the next original album but I have got my order in for the new album and all the related stuff, figured I’d get it all in one go this time!




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