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  • Walter Music

    14/12/2021 at 12:13

    Wow, now that is the guitar to get!!!! David Grissom and PRS, what a way to go. One of the finer guitars on the market. The easiest guitar to play. Way to go Don. Once you have played one, you will never go back. You are a lucky man. The neck is made for shredding, the mids are so smooth. I am envious. I do have a PRS S 2 but you hit the mother lode! Thanks Don. Enjoy it!!!

  • Walter Music

    14/12/2021 at 12:26

    Hi Jackie, I think your drumming or air playing the guitar and the tambourine and singing on mic night is so cool! You know it is never too late to start learning the guitar. There are so many people in this club that put the guitar down for years and once they joined MLT thought you know what, it’s time to start again. There are so many You Tube Teachers out there, it wouldn’t take you that long to start to enjoy playing and you will love it! If your air playing you need to pick it up and go for it!!!!!!!

  • Jacki Hopper

    14/12/2021 at 16:38

    Hi Walter , as I’ve previously mentioned on herein different postings, ( it’s hard for one to grasp /understand my issue when onedoesn’t have to deal with it )a few times, my ability to actually be able to learn/ play the guitar or any stringed instrument is a definite no-go, I have hand/eye/brain coordination control issues that I simply cannot play these as much as I would love to, must stick with air guitarist…lol… I’m more better with singing, percussion type instruments, harmonica, tambourine, type instruments, as I can do those without the issues I do with guitars, banjos . My hands are tiny, like that of a child, but I have brain/hand/eye issues that I’ve had all my life as I was born not premature but full term at 3 pounds , 3 ounces and nearly died after birth so I have a bit of a disability you could say with certain things physically that I just cannot master, ever …. though I have tried learning from videos, visual photo references, etc , but what I see, though I see how it’s done, I just can’t connect my brain to function my hands/eyes at same time to allow to do those functions required. I hope my explanation clarifies my reason as to why I cannot simply learn to play guitar like everyone, not even the way Jeff Healey could play , would help me …. ????

  • Walter Music

    17/12/2021 at 11:39

    Hi Jacki, I loved Jeff Healy, a tragedy for him to die at such a young age. I am so sorry you have had to go through all that, however, on the bright side you are still able to get into the Music through using other methods. Don said it right, having someone who just sings and plays the tambourine helps the entire band, it is a positive instrument as I call it because it brings the mood up. Like Mona and Lisa when the play their Meinl on the end of their feet. It helps make the song, and I have used that on certain songs if I am playing solo or with maybe one or two people. I just love the sound of the tambourine. Keep it up playing whatever you can, and your voice is an instrument too. Thanks for your comments. Stay Groovy!!!!

  • Michael

    18/12/2021 at 11:12

    John Lennon took up for tambourine players when asked in a 1980 interview about the imminent Beatles breakup apparent in the “Let It Be” movie/recording sessions on the silver screen.

    John remarked about it, “It was like, ‘It’s because you got the tambourine wrong that my whole life is a misery.’ You know, it became petty.”

  • Don Tracy

    18/12/2021 at 16:00

    Michael: well said! Thank you so much for standing up for tambourine players, who are super cool people who (hopefully) keep us guitar players playing in rhythm. Merry Christmas!

  • Michael Thompson

    18/12/2021 at 18:08

    Let’s not forget that Mona played a mean chair in I’ll Follow the Sun! Not an easy thing to do!

  • Jacki Hopper

    19/12/2021 at 13:35

    Or getting a rhythm out on books, using oecils/markers/pens/papers to beat out a rhythm , pits and pans, put plates, cake pans, and whatever else one can use to get that poetical rhythm going musicwise, I know I have innate rhythmic sense … Tambourine and Sing away, also live to tinker on basic harmonica, have no clue what key, just whatever sounds good to me and feels right ????????

  • James Crowe

    22/12/2021 at 22:31

    Jacki: Funny you should mention using seemingly random objects as drums. I worked at a restaurant with a guy who practiced his drumming on a kit made from soup pots, bowls, plates, glasses, whatever. (It was a 24/7 diner type restaurant, so he could get away with it at 3am!) It sounded great but he was really working on his rhythm and techniques. He went on to drum for a local group in Sacramento, and eventually ended up in the band “Smash Mouth” for a while. What you use to practice does matter as much as having a passion for it and putting in the work.

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