• Gigs

    Posted by Chris Flegg on 08/10/2020 at 23:30

    Forgot my third question, another band I follow, well artist, Reina del Cid (find her on YouTube) did a live online gig last weekend, an hour of songs followed by a 30 minutes Q&A, on ‘crowdcast’ for what I thought was a very reasonable £10. The other 700 odd viewers also seem to have enjoyed it too. Since it’s highly unlikely we’ll get the chance to see you live in the flesh this year, is this something you might do to please us disappointed MLT fans?

    Chris Flegg replied 3 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Reina is wonderful, we’ve been following her channel for a while. We love the idea of doing streamed live shows and it’s something we are definitely considering.

    At the moment we don’t see a way of fitting in the time to prepare, set up and rehearse for a show like that amidst working on a new original album, another big project (to be announced very soon!), and keeping up with everything else. But it is something we are quite certain we will make the time for eventually!

  • Chris Flegg

    09/10/2020 at 02:22

    Hi Ladies, thanks for the reply and giving us something positive to look forwards to in these current gloomy days.



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