MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Possible Album Titles?

  • Possible Album Titles?

    Posted by Christopher on 13/06/2022 at 17:19

    Over the past couple months I have been thinking about some potential titles for the upcoming MonaLisa Twins album.

    The first possible title could be “Many Faces” from I Bought Myself a Politician and from the wide range of compositions that we have heard.

    A second possible title could be “Save Your Neck” from Jump Ship and from the self-awareness for change and/or for the self-preservation paradigm that exists.

    Any thoughts?

    David replied 1 year, 9 months ago 8 Members · 19 Replies
  • 19 Replies
  • Jürgen

    13/06/2022 at 19:35

    I’m just very uncreative right now. The last album title was very short and catchy (short&crispy ????). That’s why I’m guessing something like “Questionable” or “Songbird”.

    • Christopher

      13/06/2022 at 20:33

      So true, Orange was a short and sweet name. But it did have the meaning, “less Clockwork, more Orange”. So it was deep in thought.

      With additional songs, it will be interesting so see if my titles are both proper and relevant. (Mona and Lisa stated that the times that we are living in today has played a role in the album’s paradigm).

      Hopefully the ladies will see my suggestions and maybe I am on the right path. That would be groovy to say the least!

  • Jung Roe

    14/06/2022 at 00:43

    I’m thinking “Songbird”, or “Three Little Songbirds” thinking of that cute photo of Mona, Lisa and little Neve. We all heard Neve sing as she tweeted good bye at the end of the recent “Ask the MLT” video.

    Whatever they title the album, it’s going to be absolutely magnificent, even with just the 6 songs so far on the Jukebox, I love it.

  • Diana Geertsen

    16/06/2022 at 03:22

    One common theme seems to be reaching for the stars (Janitor Joe), spreading your wings to fly (Songbird) and going outside of your comfort zone (Jump Ship). It sends a message of hope (Summer Rain) during these chaotic times (I Bought Myself a Politician). I’m going to guess “Jump Ship”

    • Christopher

      16/06/2022 at 04:13

      That’s good, Diana. That’s real good. I think that you are on to something!

  • David Herrick

    16/06/2022 at 06:00

    I have no idea what the title will be, but I’m hoping MLT will do as they did with Songbird: drop a little hint and run a guess-the-title contest.

    • Diana Geertsen

      16/06/2022 at 07:55

      Hi David,

      This is totally unrelated. I wanted to ask how you liked the drive down Parley’s Canyon (I-80) once you got into Utah?

    • David Herrick

      16/06/2022 at 12:45

      Hi, Diana.

      Parley’s Canyon was amazing, and took me completely by surprise, although I should have realized that going from a high plateau to an expansive lake would involve an ear-popping descent.

      I thought about you, and the Osmonds, as I drove through the city. The panoramic view of the mountains was really inspiring.

  • Jacki Hopper

    16/06/2022 at 13:19

    Awesome topic…gets One’s brain going….I’m enjoying the replies and perhaps what was listed here in replies could potentially possibly become the Title …Let me put in my 2 cents worth here

    “When One Takes Flight “

    “Winged Odyssey “

    “Songbird’s Return “


    “Unleashings Of “

    “Unravelling “

    “The Odyssey Quest “


    I’m sure more ideas will arrive in my mind as this topic has unfurled my imagination to take a journey ….but in the meantime, this all what’s coming to my mind for now and keep all your interesting and insightful title ideas flowing, I’m enjoying the concepts given for the title notions … ????

  • Christopher

    08/08/2022 at 22:56

    My wife, Deborah, came up with a very interesting album title today. We were talking about the upcoming MonaLisa Twins production and she came up with “Out of the Dark” as a possible title. Deb’s rationale is that it would fully encompass the recognition/reboot/risk theme as well as the escape (hopefully) of the Covid-19 pandemic.

    What do you think?

  • Jung Roe

    09/08/2022 at 04:47

    Hi Christopher, yeah that would be a great title, aligns with songs like Jump Ship, Summer Rain and others on the album.

  • Christopher

    09/08/2022 at 04:54

    Have to give the props to Deborah. First, she becomes a big Toronto Blue Jays fan and now she comes up with a great album title. She’s a keeper!

  • David

    16/08/2022 at 05:18

    I just thought of a possible title: “No Cover.” On the one hand, it speaks to a certain vulnerability in challenging times. On the other, it refers to the fact that it’s an album of all original music, literally with no covers.

  • Jung Roe

    17/08/2022 at 07:01

    Inspired by the recent “Life as Twins” Q and A video where Mona and Lisa talked about how they were this chaotic energy when they were little, maybe an album title “MonaLisa Twins, Double Trouble” album might be charming, not that they are trouble now, but rather trouble in a good way, like being bad is good. The album title would be more about Mona and Lisa, and their amazing energy or spark they create when they are together, and they also both wrote all the songs in the album with Papa Rudi, instead of relating it to a particular song title.

    I am envisioning when Mona and Lisa were in their “terrible two’s” age or “crazy 8” times, or in their early teens, perhaps Papa Rudi and Michaela were thinking these two are double trouble.

  • Christopher

    18/08/2022 at 04:04

    Jung…”MonaLisa Twins, Double Trouble”.

    That’s good, that’s awesome good!

    Lisa can re-create her carving Mona’s name on the stair bannister as per the “Life With Twins” video.

    Mona can re-create her pushing Lisa in the “California Dreaming” video.

  • Christopher

    10/09/2022 at 04:33

    Since it still is Friday, September 9 for about another half-hour here; the countdown has begun. We will know the title of the new album, along with the cover art, in two weeks. Two weeks, fourteen days, twenty-eight half days…etc.

    Well, you get the picture. Hope that the time goes by fast.

    And wouldn’t it be great if one of our choices were in the ballpark?

    Now we play “the waiting game” lol.

  • Jung Roe

    10/09/2022 at 06:08

    Hi Christopher, yes I can feel the anticipation and excitement building for the new album, the big days will be upon us soon. It will be so great when they reveal the album name and art cover finally, and I’m also dying to know what the new songs are, I mean with the 6 amazing songs they released we have an incredible EP already. Jump Ship is a glimpse into the rest of the songs, and what a masterpiece Jump Ship is! I love their style and direction they are going with their new music.

  • Tim Johnston

    12/09/2022 at 21:45

    I think It will be Songbird. Or Taking Flight. In either case , Neve is on the cover.

  • David

    13/09/2022 at 02:15

    I think the title should be “Wings Across Europe.” It’ll get Paul McCartney’s attention and can be explained as a reference to Neve, a migratory goose. ????

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