• What gives???

    Posted by Tim Johnston on 19/10/2021 at 00:55

    Since you ladies have a lot of class you never acknowledge these facts:

    1. Both of you are strikingly attractive. You are unique in your own ways but your good looks cannot be denied. And this is after we have seen you run thru rain and mud and sweating on stage. Your Beauty holds up especially since it is also from within.

    2. You are very talented and work very hard at what you do. While you have fun at it, you don’t take things for granted and are always reaching for the next level.

    3. You seem to be very personable and have lively personalities. Your smiles are infectious and people are happy just to see you or hear you even though they haven’t met you.

    When I look at all this, why aren’t you doing modeling, television, or movies? Have you had offers? I know you said you’ve been approached for the talent shows, but I think either of you should be in movies or comedy/drama tv. If you modeled I would buy the magazine just for the ad. No offer to do commercials? People like you don’t come around too often. That’s why WE adore you.

    Christopher replied 2 years, 4 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • That is very flattering, thanks Tim!

    We don’t really choose our projects/profession based on what we think we would be necessarily “good” at though, if that makes any sense.

    So, if we felt a desire to act or model we would follow that whether we thought we had “the looks” for it or not. If we ever wanted to get into film/movie work we would do it because we felt passionate about the specific film project or script, and it’s something we might still explore in the future.

    Luckily, we have lots of opportunity to play around with visual ideas in our own music videos and vlog-type content, and we would much rather focus on that than use our time to work for other people or products that we don’t feel connected to.
    That’s how we see it, anyway 🙂

    We LOVE what we do and spend most hours of the day building our own vision and music. To do something else just so we get the most out of our physical appearance while we are still young would feel silly to us.

    Thanks for the question though!

  • Tim Johnston

    19/10/2021 at 14:55

    Thank you for your response Mona. It makes sense to me now. I just assumed that you ladies would be getting approached by agents looking to use you in other areas. But you are following your passions which after reading your response, shows a level headed and well thought out approach to your dreams. This is consistent with how you project yourselves to your fans. Both of you are remarkable. And I think Mona & Lisa are breathtaking, inside and outside. I wasn’t sure if you would answer this question but I am grateful that you did, it says a lot about you two. Peace and Love…

  • Bill Isenberg

    20/10/2021 at 01:49

    Tim wow great topic! Mona very well put. I see it as you both know how the business works and to stick to what your doing speaks volumes to all of us and at such a young age? So cool and thanks to Pa Rudi and Michella for the guidance. I read and seen such horrible deals with people wanting to make it big and then the person ends up broke etc. But I can see you point Tim, These two ladies are simply beautiful inside and out and in my book, that is very very rare in today’s world. Oh yea I also agree their smiles can light up the world. And for me? Maddie who is 8 can see how ladies are and role models for Maddie.

  • Christopher

    27/02/2022 at 23:24

    Been exploring the website and found Mona’s answer to this simply perfect and, in a few words, simply states what the MonaLisa Twins are all about!

    It is just so impressive that Mona and Lisa follow the caveat, “to thyself be true”. Mona and Lisa do what they love and it shows in all their endeavors.

    Thank you ladies, for following your own path. It is a path that has produced wonderful music!

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