• Lisa Wagner

    28/09/2021 at 14:56

    The Food! There really is a big difference (to us anyway) in simple things like bread, salads, cakes, the way they cook vegetables etc. Not that we think that there aren’t any tasty dishes here (after all, I am hooked on sticky toffee pudding ;-)) but we really don’t think it’s the most flavoursome or … should we say “refined” way of cooking 😉

  • Tim Johnston

    28/09/2021 at 15:40

    Lisa, I agree totally with you. I have had the chance to visit the UK a couple of times. While I live the architecture and history and the natural areas, the local cuisine was not up to task. Don’t get me wrong, we found some delicious food there, but it was nothing like we have here in the US or what I found when I visited Germany.

  • Jung Roe

    01/10/2021 at 06:23

    I don’t think anything can be as spartan when it comes to cuisine as Canadian cuisine? Lived here all my life and I still haven’t figured out what exactly is Canadian cuisine, or if such a thing exists. Pancakes with Canadian Maple Syrup? But we have pancakes everywhere. Alright “Poutine” comes to mind which are fries covered in gravy and melted cheese. And when it comes to Pizza, we have one called “The Canadian” that I like which comes with ground Canadian back bacon pepperoni and mushrooms.

    • Christopher

      03/02/2022 at 17:05

      My favorite Canadian cuisine: HARVEYS

      My wife’s favorite Canadian cuisine: SWISS CHALET

      Don’t laugh, we live about 20 minutes from the border and often (before the pandemic) would drive to Canada for our favorites. We especially love those combination Harveys/Swiss Chalet outlets. Been to Canada only once since the pandemic started to spend the weekend in Toronto to see the Blue Jays. I think we ate at each place three times each in two days!

      Canada is not without its’ charms.

    • Jung Roe

      04/02/2022 at 18:28

      Hi Christopher. In Western Canada we don’t have any Harvey’s, but we do have Swiss Chalet. Haven’t been to one for a few years, but I remember being fond of their cheese perogies and ribs. Harvey’s is popular in Ontario and eastern Canada mostly, but when I lived in Toronto in the 80s I’ve been Harvey’s a few times for their nice burgers. I live about 45 minutes from the US border, use to go across quite a bit. I always make it a habit to stop at a Taco place (Taco Time in Washington State). Once the borders open up more freely, I need to go down to satisfy my cravings for tacos at a Taco Time.

  • Jacki Hopper

    01/10/2021 at 16:28

    Jung, the Beavertail…lol… Though, I can no longer enjoy those because of my nut allergies, as tgey use nuts/Nutella spread on the premises of the Beavertail kiosks, when I previously could enjoy them (pre nut allergy), my fave was cinbamon/lemon juice/brown sugar… A Beavertail for those that aren’t familiar with, is a flat, deep fried doughnut like pastry to which you can add your fave toppings to enjoy, and it does resemble a Beavertail…lol… Um, Tourtiere Pie in Quebec, tgere are some Canucker cuisine out there, it’s just mixed in with all other cultural cuisine out there that’s available…????????????

  • Jung Roe

    02/10/2021 at 05:24

    Jacki, I never heard of or tried Beavertails, but it looks like it’s quite the Canadian traditional dessert. I will seek it out! There is a very sweet Brownie like dessert called Nanaimo Bars that is all Canadian, I think originating from the small city of Nanaimo British Columbia. Wikipedia describes it as: “It consists of three layers: a wafer, nut (walnuts, almonds, or pecans), and coconut crumb base; custard icing in the middle; and a layer of chocolate ganache on top”. After one of these, you are guaranteed a sugar high.

    As for UK foods, Sticky Toffee Pudding, ever since Lisa mentioned it has to be tops for tasty desserts for me too. The only British dish that I am familiar with that I can recommend is Old England Traditional Roast Beef and Gravy in Yorkshire Pudding. There is this old pub in a small town a couple hours from where I live that I discovered Roast Beef in Yorkshire Pudding. It’s in a small town of 2000 where my friend lives that almost all burned down this summer. Went to that place a few times to have it whenever I visited my friend.

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