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  • get back on disney

    Posted by John Leonard on 02/03/2022 at 18:04

    lisa or mona

    did either of you get a chance to see get back on the disney channel. having been a beatles fan for about 56 years i found it fascinating. to see how they work together and create music was very interesting.

    i also enjoyed seeing the dynamics between each of them and how each seemed to have a different take on a common issue. getting anything done with 4 different personalities had challenges.

    i could go on forever but my question beside did you see it is did any of it surprise you and do you see of any of yourselves in how you approach the way you record any album of original songs.

    thanks in advance

    john l

    Lisa Wagner replied 2 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
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  • Lisa Wagner

    02/03/2022 at 18:04

    Hi John,

    Yes, we watched “Get Back” and thought it was incredible. It’s a Beatles fan’s but also a musician’s dream, seeing how they worked, interacted, performed, joked, wrote, communicated and overcame challenges together.

    It added so much to their story and legacy, and we can already see ourselves re-watching it in the future.

    And to answer your question about whether we can see ourselves in any of them, I would guess that most songwriters can probably relate to their process in one way or another. They were just simply the best at it. They never took themselves too seriously despite taking the craft itself seriously, something we always strive for, too.

    There were so many moments we could relate to, especially since their friendship just seemed so much like a family dynamic. There was so much mutual love and respect, even when they were arguing or feeling hurt.

    Glad to hear that you enjoyed it too!


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