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  • MLT Club vs Patreon Comparison

    Posted by Phil Whitley on 31/01/2024 at 20:16

    Most of you probably know how Patreon works and that there are “tiers” that give you different levels of access. I am a current Patreon member of two other music groups and a past Patreon member of an individual musician. The Patreon sites for all three of the one’s I am familiar with are somewhat confusing and they are totally different from each other. They all have different tier levels and the monthly charges for them greatly differ from the lower tier 1 to the upper tier, usually tier 5. With each tier, you get better “perks” the higher the tier. The monthly membership costs for the one’s I am a member of are tier 1- $5, tier 2 – $10, tier 3 – $25, tier 4 $50 and tier 5 – $100 per month (outrageous).

    I praise the MonaLisa twins👱‍♀️👩‍🦰 for creating the MLT Club and giving all of it’s members the same low monthly or yearly price for becoming a member!👍 The MLT Club, in my opinion, has 100 times the perks as tier 5 Patreon members for a monthly price that is just above the price of Patreon’s tier 2.
    I could rant on but my point is that Patreon is NO comparison to the quality of the MLT Club. And the best “perk” of the MLT Club is by far Mona 👱‍♀️ and Lisa 👩‍🦰! The best musicians, vocally🎤 and musically🎸🥁🎶 you can find anywhere and that’s a fact!

    Daryl Jones replied 3 months ago 10 Members · 19 Replies
  • 19 Replies
  • Dave Johnston

    31/01/2024 at 20:23

    Thanks for the breakdown and I couldn’t agree with you more!

  • Mike Dresen

    31/01/2024 at 21:13

    I agree!

  • Jung Roe

    01/02/2024 at 04:27

    Hi Phil

    I never knew how a patreon works, thanks for filling me in. I agree, the MLT Club is a much better value by far. It’s the best thing I’ve ever been a part of.

    • Phil Whitley

      02/02/2024 at 15:23

      Yeah, I would never pay $100 per month to anyone on Pateron even if I could afford paying that much. If it was me, I would rather have 10 patrons at $10 per month than 1 patron at $100 per month.

  • Dan

    05/02/2024 at 02:26

    I kick in a little extra every month…while the price of membership has stayed the same, the value of the pound/dollar certainly hasn’t.

    • Phil Whitley

      05/02/2024 at 23:45

      I do the same because they👱‍♀️👩‍🦰 deserve every penny!

  • Thomas Randall

    12/02/2024 at 01:37

    I don’t contribute to anyone on Patreon (or anywhere else) but gladly contribute to the Twins here.

    To me it’s well worth it. We get SO MUCH from the Wagners here. Exceptional value to be sure! And they are so personable! I really appreciate that aspect of it as well.

  • Daryl Jones

    12/02/2024 at 16:13

    Thanks for the breakdown Phil. I have often wondered about Patreon and it’s workings. Several of the musicians and online instructors I follow have Patreon listings but I’ve never jumped on it to learn more about their covers and instruction. Knowing what you just explained I might not now!
    I totally understand why they would do it, music teachers do need to make a living. When I had a guitar teacher he charged $100 a month for his services which I though was more than fair, he was an actual university of music professor and a doggone fine musician and exceptional player. He also had a solid background of stage work with some highly notable bands in the 80’s throughout Florida, Texas and Georgia. But it doesn’t take too long and you can easily spend a ton of money online, super easy to pile up a monthly credit card total if you’re not mindful of what you click on! I had so far managed to build a reasonable song list with tabs and covers from various sources and backing tracks. I only have a paid subscription to YouTube to download backing tracks for when I don’t have live web access when I’m in a remote location to play. That’s what most solo players/artists do around here for small time gigs. A smartphone or a tablet plugged into your board and away you go.

    • Phil Whitley

      13/02/2024 at 23:50

      Hi Daryl,
      I download music and videos of various people teaching how to play songs from YouTube. I usually take the mp3 of a song and separate the vocals, bass, drums and other instruments and import them into my DAW. That way I can mute tracks that I may not want to hear, such as the lead guitar so I can play the lead myself or play along with the lead. I also import the YouTube videos into my DAW because it’s easier to follow along with the person teaching the song or I import actual music videos so I can play along with them. I recently did that for “Landslide” so I could play along with Lindsey Buckingham and improve my Travis picking. Sometimes I record what ever I’m playing just to see if it sounds right.

    • Daryl Jones

      14/02/2024 at 15:44

      I don’t have a DAW (yet anyway), and I do need a laptop for my practice room to do more track downloads. I never thought I’d need or want that but it’s becoming more and more of a necessity for me.

    • Phil Whitley

      16/02/2024 at 23:41

      If you get a laptop, get a good one! I use a gaming computer for my music workstation. I had a HP laptop but it made a noise like a jet taking off which interfered with recording when using a microphone. Also, I have a 32′ monitor that is a must for me because the tracks are hard for me to really see on a small screen.

    • Daryl Jones

      17/02/2024 at 14:23

      I totally get that. I’ve been looking for a while now. My biggest problem is I’m not a Mac user (never will be) and while I get the deal that Mac offers some things that PC/Windows based machines don’t… I’m a tad stubborn that way. But I have a B-in-law that is in the field so he’s looking for a decent refurb unit for me. I don’t have the space for a full size PC/workstation so a laptop is a necessity. And I’m not knocking out a wall in the basement!🤣

    • Phil Whitley

      17/02/2024 at 18:11

      I only use windows based software. I have been happy with the results I get, but I’m not doing anything professionally.

    • Daryl Jones

      18/02/2024 at 01:34

      Hehe, I likely never will…🤣

  • David

    13/02/2024 at 06:22

    I’m a Patreon member for a Youtuber who posts physics videos. I very rarely log on, but I don’t think there’s all that much going on there. Still, it’s for a good cause. The MLT Club is way more exciting and engaging, even if I don’t get over here as much as I’d like. I always look forward to the Friday post and the discussions there and here in the forum. Honestly, I’d be a member to help support MLT regardless, but it makes the whole thing more fun.

    • David Herrick

      13/02/2024 at 16:30

      Okay, David, I gotta ask: who is the physics YouTuber?

    • David

      13/02/2024 at 17:07

      Hi David,

      Here’s the channel: or just search “Tibees.” She’s a New Zealander who sounds like she should be teaching kids the alphabet but likes exploring topics like black holes, fractals, and higher level dimensions. She’s definitely worth watching especially if you’re more of an interested lay person than a PhD in the field.

      On another topic, we’re just days away (maybe Saturday) from the 100 million views milestone for the MLT YT channel. I figured I’d post to the forum later today so folks could be on the lookout. Maybe someone will be lucky enough to refresh their screen and see the counter go over the mark. I looked back at my spreadsheet and the first number I recorded was August 9, 2022, a total views count of 80,523,146.

      Incidentally, over that time, the daily views average has been just under 35,000. At some point I’ll break it into smaller segments to see which time of year gets the most views and the extent to which the rate of new views has picked up over time.

    • David Herrick

      13/02/2024 at 18:45

      Thanks, I’ll check out that channel. The titles of the videos certainly look interesting and diverse.

      I was trying to think of a way to mark the 100M milestone that would be fun, unique, and not terribly time-consuming. All I can think of is a discussion thread where we re-post some of the most entertaining comments we can find about various MLT YouTube videos.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    14/02/2024 at 12:39

    Thanks for the outline, Phil. I agree the content value here is remarkable. They have documented so much of their lives here, there’s always something new to see or hear. I envy the new comers here that have so much to see and hear with endless entertainment.

    Well Friday is almost here!

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