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  • Mother Nature needs hormone therapy

    Posted by Mike Dresen on 28/02/2024 at 17:58

    Yesterday 27/02/24 here in west central Michigan, we broke temp records never before seen in Feb, 71 F (21.7 C). Today 28/02/24 we have 21 F (-6 C), 45mph winds (75.5k/h) and snow.

    Sunday they are calling for 65 F (18.3 C), and temps in 40’s and 50’s the next two weeks.

    I would not want to be a Michigan fruit farmer I can tell you that!!!πŸ‘¨β€πŸŒΎ

    Bud Jackson replied 2 months, 2 weeks ago 8 Members · 29 Replies
  • 29 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    28/02/2024 at 18:06

    Lol…Yepoers…Ottawa is about to, if not already today, set Ivthink, an all time new record of wanest February and singkr day warmest … insane and yes, MN needs to adjust her NaturePausal meds ….πŸ˜‰πŸ™ƒ

  • Roger Penn

    28/02/2024 at 22:16

    Been doing the same here in the Portland, OR area. Saturday it was a sunny 65 degrees (F) and Monday it was 36 and snowing.

    • Mike Dresen

      29/02/2024 at 02:24

      Hey Roger

      I can say for a fact, we have never experienced weather changes like this in our area before. Makes you wonder what’s going on!

  • Chris Weber

    29/02/2024 at 23:11

    It’s just not my favourite month yet.

    • Mike Dresen

      01/03/2024 at 01:22

      I hear ya Chris, I hear ya!!!

    • Bud Jackson

      01/03/2024 at 04:08


      I’m with you on that. I’m pretty sick of winter and cold by now; even though it’s not that bad here, it’s still unpleasant. Getting up early doesn’t help either.

      The only good thing is that “All Things Must Pass!” — Bud

    • Bud Jackson

      01/03/2024 at 04:24


      That is a lovely video of our Twins singing “June!” No matter how many times I see any of the MLT videos, I never get tired of them! I keep half expecting to see a Crop Circle out in Mona’s field! I wonder if they’ve ever looked for any, considering the number of Crop Circles that appear every summer in the southwest of England.

      We visited Stonehenge and Avebury years ago & didn’t see any, but we were on a tight schedule, and I didn’t search for any. Anyway, Mona & Lisa’s song makes me yearn for summer! — Bud

    • Chris Weber

      01/03/2024 at 06:54

      That’s always been one of my favorite videos.

  • Tim Arnold

    01/03/2024 at 22:32

    We have a saying here in Wisconsin, If you don’t like the weather, wait a few minutes and it will change. Been crazy here too, 70 degrees and sunny on Monday, then snow and wind after midnight and temp dropped to a low of 9 degrees early Tuesday morning. That’s crazy, 60 degree drop in less than 24 hours. The geese here just fly in circles because they don’t know which way to go. I’m not complaining, we had one week of sub zero temps and heavy snow since Christmas. Most of January and February has been 30-40 degrees and sunshine. I’m not putting away my coat or snow shovel yet, we still have March and April to get through. I love Spring in Wisconsin, last year it was on a Tuesday!!

    • Mike Dresen

      02/03/2024 at 00:25

      We get our weather a day after you Tim.

      Last year our spring was on Wednesday.🀣 Summer will be here before we know it, and we will be complaining about the heat and humidity!

    • Chris Weber

      02/03/2024 at 20:25

      Long ago I learned that putting the snow shovel away causes blizzards.

      In like a lion, out like a lamb.

      And usually including a blizzard along the way.

    • Mike Dresen

      03/03/2024 at 00:37

      I learned that years ago also, Chris. Take the plow off the truck and you will be putting it on in the dark, in a blizzard with 60 mph winds. Mother Nature’s not done with us yet😬

    • Chris Weber

      03/03/2024 at 03:11

      Yeah. If I didn’t know already, I’d suspect we both live in Michigan.

  • Tom Fones

    02/03/2024 at 16:04

    I am afraid to comment because it would be a downer.

    But everyone fill the pantry.

    • Mike Dresen

      02/03/2024 at 19:17

      Comment away Tom, that’s what this is all about.😁

    • Tom Fones

      03/03/2024 at 15:39

      I believe that we are in runaway greenhouse effect.

      How long before there is no habitat left is uncertain.

      I also believe that there is a techno-fix for very few survivors.

      Time will tell.

    • Mike Dresen

      03/03/2024 at 16:48

      Tom, I agree 100%. If we don’t pull our head out of the sand and start correcting our wrongs, there will be very few survivor’s walking this earth! Many of our answers have created more problems.

    • Mike Dresen

      03/03/2024 at 03:27

      I just checked, your up in Gods country, I think you get more snow and colder temps than us. Beautiful country all around you. I did a lot of snowmobiling all around that area, many years ago.

      Then again, not that many places in Michigan that are not beautiful!

  • Tim Arnold

    03/03/2024 at 20:30

    70 degrees and sunny today, you guys in Michigan should have a beautiful day tomorrow. Get your kites ready, it is plenty windy.

    • Mike Dresen

      03/03/2024 at 21:13

      Today (sat.) 4:00pm, 73 F (23 C) , Sunny, 8-10 mph )13-16 kph) breeze Beautiful March day. Warmer tomorrow. WARNING!!! I don’t think Mother Nature is done with us just yet, I could be wrong, but I don’t think so!😈

      California’s Donner Pass area got hit hard over the weekend. I haven’t heard final numbers for sure , I did hear some areas got 10 feet of snow, so far have not heard of any death’s. Praying for none.

    • Bud Jackson

      04/03/2024 at 01:44

      Mike, Tim, Chris, Tom, in no special order,

      It was in the low 40’s here today, dry & a bit windy. But we haven’t dipped much into the ’30’s here. We had a little snow a few days ago, but nothing stuck. In fact, we’ve had NO snow on the ground in the Seattle area this winter. In the mountains, there has been a lot of snow, which is good for our water supply.

      As for a runaway greenhouse effect — yeah! I agree w/what’s been said here. I try to have some hope, but we do need to make BIG changes to avert disasters, which are already happening with floods, fires, sea level rise, storm surges, stronger hurricanes & tornados & melting poles & glaciers. Then there’s a huge amount of plastic in oceans, in our bodies & everywhere, chemical runoff from farms & chemical plants. And then denial that humans are causing all these problems! How much evidence do people need to see that we’re in big trouble here?!?!

      The polar vortex has been altered due to climate change, & so the colder air from the arctic dips down farther into the US & Europe. The poles are warming twice as fast as the rest of the Earth, & this pushes the cold weather south. You can look it up for a more thorough explanation.

      We have allowed the media & politicians to lie to us, & a section of the population believes the lies, & votes against their own interests every time! We have to STOP arguing about politics & do what’s right to protect our planet & ALL peoples’ lives. “We the People” means everyone!

      I have been hesitant to say any of this, so as to not start arguments on our website. But I’m hoping that if everyone really likes “I Bought Myself a Politician,” then we’re probably all well informed!
      The biggest problem is huge money interests buying their agenda, even though their ideas are bad for everyone. Don’t these rich buggers realize that their kids, grandkids & all future people, animals, plants & all life are already being threatened? That old saying, “money is the root of all evil” has gotten new meaning in today’s times!

      Well, I got that off my chest! I truly believe that ALL LIFE is important, and that we need to make wise global decisions to turn things around for the better!

      And now everybody — “have a nice day!”

    • Mike Dresen

      04/03/2024 at 03:43

      Bud, I agree 100%, and if it starts augments so be it. When you have elected officials go into office blue collar works and leave millionaires, and yet nothing gets accomplished then there are true problems in our government. There are also games being played, you give me this I’ll give you that, and in the end the true problem is never addressed, and most likely forgotten about. We all need to make sacrifices, and stop the use of plastics, limit landfill waste, drive less.

      Then we have problems like wind generators, clean, yes, efficient, for the most part, but we have found no way recycle the blades ( a big problem ), let’s face it, their ugly.

      Electric vehicles are not a great choice at this time, here again we have no good way to recycle the battery’s and replacements are 1/4 or more the price of the car so the car gets scrapped a true waste.

      Hydrogen looks promising, yet expensive, plus we have no infrastructure in place for refueling.

      We have to do something soon or none of us will have to worry about anything!

      Sorry for the rant, but I am tired of ALL TALK AND NO ACTION!!!

      I have said my piece, I will now shut-up.

    • Bud Jackson

      04/03/2024 at 04:48

      Thanks Mike,

      It took something like 40 years to change from burning wood to using coal, and then about 60 years to change over from coal to oil. (I may have the number of years mixed up, but that’s pretty close.) So we need to keep making the effort, & the changes will eventually happen. The problem is that the big money interests keep lying, & blocking the changes, which only makes the problems worse.

      I recently read that new wind turbines are being developed that have no blades. Personally, I don’t care what they look like, as long as the energy is clean! Also, back in the ’90’s a water powered car was developed that worked. It involved hydrogen energy, but it was clean. The inventor was murdered, and his plans were confiscated, but they have reappeared.

      The worst thing is to do nothing. We owe it to ourselves & future generations to demand changes NOW! We can’t keep waiting. And I am sick of breathing polluted air! Some people may deny climate change, & they are misinformed. But they can’t deny that we are polluting the Earth, & that about 7 million people die from pollution each year.

      We need PEACEFUL change, & we need it NOW! No more excuses. The efforts we make now may not be perfect, but they will lead to better solutions. And we need politicians who will WORK TOGETHER for the people of this country, & for all countries. Every country & every person & living thing is important. No more of this selfish “America First,” or “Russia First,” or “China First.”

      Also, Cooperation is much more important than Competition! We should all strive to improve ourselves, & then COOPERATE to create a better future for everyone. Ban billionaires. We deserve much better than we’re getting. And WE are the change that we’re waiting for!
      People need to know the truth, & then demand changes for the betterment of everyone! Every little bit we can EACH do will help to move things forward!

      And I DO have hope for the Future! I’m not so much against anyone, but I am FOR EVRYONE!

      PEACE OUT!

    • Bud Jackson

      04/03/2024 at 06:05

      Hello to All MLT Fans!

      PLEASE READ THIS, EVEN IF YOU HAVEN’T READ MY OTHER POSTS. (I’m not trying to yell, with ALL CAPS, I’m just making it stand out.

      1.) I have no desire to get into political arguments, which are futile. I just want things to be fair & equal for everyone. If someone in society hurts others, or commits crimes, then they need to face the consequences in a court of law. But everyone deserves to be treated fairly.

      2.) This is the MLT CLUB, so I think we should not get too far off track from the reason we’re here in the first place! The Beatles created wonderful Music that brought a lot of people together. They also promoted Peace and Equality. They still have fans from many countries & all walks of life!

      3.) The MLTs are continuing in the Beatles’ tradition, but doing it their own way, while being very creative! I strive to be as positive as they are, & it’s difficult with all the problems in the world, but I appreciate their personalities, style & outlook on life!

      4.) I think it’s valuable for us all to share so many ideas as we do, & we can reach fans around the world! And we can look for the truth without creating any divisiveness.

      5.) I DON’T PRTEND TO HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS! I’m not perfect by any means! But I’m suggesting that we mostly stay on track with our Love & Appreciation for what the MLT Family Team is doing! They are so AWESOME, & we love to support their work!

      6.) I know that I have posted things myself that have nothing to do with Mona & Lisa. I may sound like I’m contradicting myself, but as all things in life are related, it’s fine to have discussions about various topics. But I admit that I joined the MLT Club mainly to support them & to follow their career more closely. I also have a daughter of my own, & I believe that women deserve equal treatment as much as men do in our world. I’m not trying to criticize anyone, so please forgive me if I sound that way!

      OK, it’s late, and I’ve had my final say for now. Thanks for the back & forth from everyone! I have trouble timewise keeping up with all the comments myself. But I do appreciate what everyone has to say! THANK YOU!

  • Claire

    04/03/2024 at 03:17

    70 and sunny here in NJ today. Never fear, we will get snow end of March / beginning of April!

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