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  • Timothy Connelly

    29/10/2018 at 01:00

    I hear what you’re saying and for me, it would be advantageous. But with new members joining all the time and catching up on some of the older posts, it’s probably better if it starts with the first post. One of the things they’ve done for posts with a new response is add an arrow and if we click on that, it goes to the bottom.

  • Howard

    29/10/2018 at 02:34

    I’m with you on this one Tim. At least with ‘General Discussion’ and ‘Ask The MonaLisa Twins’ Topics. It would help if new members were aware of the original Post before responding.

  • Hi Daniel,

    Good point! We were thinking about this, too. But then decided against it, at least for now, for the very reasons Tim and Howard mentioned.

    In popular threads with many replies discussions sometimes diverge quite a lot from the subject of the original post. And while we could pin the original posts to the top, a new person would still need to go all the way back to get to the more relevant replies to that first post.

    We’ve instead implemented some tools that should make it easier for you to find your latest posts and replies and skip everything you have read already, and very soon we will have even more features in place for you to do that.

    I hope this helps.

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