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  • Some Recent Statistics

    Posted by Dennis Grover on 24/01/2024 at 14:23

    Here are some statistics that some of you might be interested in:

    Views on the Twins public youtube videos by my last count: 97,874,776. (That doesn’t count the 50K+ livestream views, the “Shorts”, MLT Club only videos, and other restricted views.) That means 100,000,000 public Twins YouTube views will come very soon.

    Livesteam stats (as close as I could determine):

    Max number of People logged on at the same time: 2000+ (as per Jung’s YouTube log).
    Total number of people who entered comments: 1026
    Number of different countries: 35 (from Tim’s log)
    Number of different US states: 36 (from Tim’s log)
    Total number of people who “tipped” for the livestream performance: 93
    Number of people gave to the YouTube “busking basket”: 55
    Number of people who gave through the MLT site: 38

    Amount contributed on YouTube: about $1380(£1087) (Note that currency conversions change constantly).
    MLT’s take from above = $1380 * 70% = $966 (£763.14) assuming YouTube’s take of 30%.

    The amount contributed through the MLT site included Diana’s big 5 membership gift ($143 * 5 = $715 – thank you again Diana). Almost all the other the direct MLT donations have an undisclosed value, but we can probably assume that MLT took in a total of over $2000 from the 93 donations.

    Daryl Jones replied 3 months, 3 weeks ago 5 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • David Herrick

    24/01/2024 at 15:05

    Great work, Dennis! $2000 is a pretty impressive haul.

    By the way, you can get a current total number of YouTube views by clicking on “more about this channel”. That number has just passed 99 million, so yes, a major milestone is coming up soon!

    • Dennis Grover

      24/01/2024 at 15:32

      Thanks for the info David. From that I can also see that there are 3 videos that I can’t access and don’t have the individual counts for.

    • David Herrick

      24/01/2024 at 15:45

      That might include the Hotel California video, which isn’t available in the U.S. I’ve also noticed that two videos have been removed since I started keeping track. I think they were I Wish I Was a Punk Rocker (from the 2007 concert) and one of the early TV interviews.

    • Tim Arnold

      24/01/2024 at 18:25

      David, Just for everyone’s info, the MonaLisa Twins video of Hotel California is currently available in the U.S. on YouTube but not on the MonaLisa Twins channel. It is on a channel called Hotel California Vault so I don’t think MLT is getting credit for it. Doesn’t seem fair that the creators of the video (MLT) cannot post it even without royalties but someone else can post the MLT version. I don’t think that channel belongs to Henley or the Eagles either as there are only two videos on the channel and both are covers of Hotel California. Here is the link for the MonaLisa Twins version.

    • Daryl Jones

      28/01/2024 at 14:19

      I was able to see the Hotel California video (in Canada) a while back, haven’t tried lately but I’m going to haha.
      Sadly Don Henley has a bit of an ego thing or something going on that most of the Eagles tunes are under strict copyright protection, including videos of solos, covers, and even instruction on their songs. Given Don’s personal net worth along with the Walden Woods and other holdings I think it’s fair to say he’s well healed enough that he could relax the grip a bit. Love the man’s music and respect his talent immensely but let the world enjoy the Eagles legacy even more please.

  • Tim Arnold

    24/01/2024 at 18:44

    Dennis, great work on those stats. I wonder if the Cavern Club paid that much for a night’s work, I kind of doubt it. Hopefully the turnout and payoff will inspire the girls to do them more often. I think it also satisfies some of the fans desire to see and hear them live, it does for me. I know it’s not exactly the same as seeing them in an auditorium but in some ways I like it better. The sound is probably better, we get the fun banter in between songs as well as the interaction via the chat that you would never get at a concert. You get them right in your living room where you have easy access to food, beverages and the bathroom. You don’t have to fight traffic and spend money for gas or a hotel room, heck, you don’t even have to wear pants, Lol, but I usually do.

  • David

    25/01/2024 at 02:40

    Hi Dennis, thanks for those stats. I tried to track the contributions through YT, but got bogged down by the currency conversions. Thanks for powering through on that.

    One more tidbit about the Livestream. YT reports channel subscriptions as they tick up in 1,000 subscription intervals. Over the last year, MLT channel subscribers have increased at about 1,000 every three weeks. The subscription count hit 230,000 on January 15 and 231,000 just nine days later, on the strength of the Livestream. It was the shortest interval between 1,000 subscription bumps since before August 2022, when I started tracking channel views.

    One last bit, not Livestream-related. On January 18, total channel views dropped by more than 120,000. Aside from the Youtube channel hacking of August 8, it was the only time total views had dropped since August 2022. No one can un-view a video, but if a video is removed from a channel, its views and likes go with it. Maybe David H. Can tell us if a video was recently removed and, if so, which one.

    Thanks again for the Livestream stats!

    • David Herrick

      25/01/2024 at 03:25

      Hey, David.

      Yes, it appears that a couple of very early videos have been removed: Ain’t No Sunshine (from the 2007 concert) and the one where they do the table percussion at their school. Together those account for nearly 200,000 views.

    • David

      25/01/2024 at 04:13

      Ahh, thanks, David, for solving that mystery. I thought I had seen the video count on their channel at 176, but it’s not a number I’ve been tracking. I don’t know why YT would subtract views when a video is removed, since, like I said, you can’t un-view a video. At any rate, it won’t be long now, with views at 99,029,797 as I write, before the channel hits the big 100M views mark. Socialblade: is predicting Feb. 18, but I think a few days later is more likely. That site’s algorithm tends to be a bit optimistic.

    • David Herrick

      25/01/2024 at 05:20

      I guess YouTube just keeps adding up the total number of views of everything that is on the site, rather than checking for new views and adding them to the total.

      That social blade thing has a tremendous amount of data! I’ll have to spend a couple of hours perusing it.

      We need to figure out how we’re going to celebrate 100M views!

    • Dennis Grover

      25/01/2024 at 14:37

      Thanks to both Davids for clearing this up! I double checked and those two videos were listed when I started tracking video counts last November. Interestingly the videos have not been removed and are not private, they are just not listed.

      Here are the links:
      Ain’t No Sunshine:
      Eine kleine Tischmusik/Manfred Menke von den 4 Haubenköchen:
      There are 3 others not listed here in the US: Hotel California, It’s the Time of the Season, and ??????????.

      I’m with you guys on the 100,000,000 view celebration. Perhaps the Wagners are already planning something?

    • David Herrick

      25/01/2024 at 15:15

      Very curious, Dennis. I also noticed a few months ago that a video of With a Little Help From My Friends suddenly reappeared after apparently having become unlisted several years earlier.

  • Daryl Jones

    28/01/2024 at 14:20

    Dennis, I was remiss in thanking you for your hard work on this. Hats off man!

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