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  • Tim from North Carolina

    Posted by Timothy Connelly on 14/10/2018 at 04:09

    Hi, I’m Tim from Wilmington, NC. I came across the twins while searching for a variant version of While My Guitar Gently Weeps featuring George on lead guitar. Didn’t find it but found them- I think I more than came out ahead! I love their music and their incredible presentation of that music. I’m enjoying this website and look forward to supporting it for many years to come.
    I play tournament table tennis and was ranked as high as #4 in North Carolina. I once got dunked on by Michael Jordan in basketball (he’s from Wilmington, NC- I played him when he was a rising high school senior. I’m a retired minister and a cancer survivor.

  • 1 Reply
  • Hi Tim!

    So great to find you here, thanks a lot for joining and for saying hi! #4 at table tennis? That’s amazing! We used to have a table back at our house in Austria but we were never any good at it.
    That Michael Jordan story is one for the grandchildren’s grandchildren to tell their kids, how cool is that.

    We’re so sorry you had to deal with cancer but relieved to hear that you fought it successfully!! Groovy greetings from all of us in Liverpool and thank you for all the amazing support in the past ♥

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