Day 25 – Christmas Greetings!

Christmas is here!

This is going to be the last post for this year’s Advent Calendar. Ladies and Gentlemen, it was an absolute pleasure. Thank you for making this month so magical!

The whole Wagner family sends love and thanks! This community enriches all our lives in ways we didn’t think possible. πŸ™‚

Most of you will be celebrating Christmas today, so we want to wish you a Merry Christmas and since we’ll take next Friday off from posting here in the Club, we also already want to wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR! We probably won’t be able to restrain ourselves from sending out a little email at the end of the year but the regular MLT Club content will resume in 2 weeks, on the 5th of January.

We hope today will be wonderful for every single one of you!

Peace & love and MERRY CHRISTMAS,
Mona & Lisa


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  1. Beautiful picture. I took the same screenshot, Lol. I think all the club members had the same smile on their faces, I know I did.

    1. I also took a screenshot …lol…I’m guessing there were others who did as well, lol… why not, tis a beautiful groovy #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified #KodakKeeperGem of the Wagner Clan πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜ŠπŸ’œπŸ€˜

      1. Yep, I took several screenshots but the microphone was always partially blocking Rudi and Lisa. Then when Lisa moved the microphone and they all looked at the camera and smiled, that was the perfect picture. A real Kodak moment.

  2. Thank you for a great advent calendar.This pic would make a great cover for next years Calendar. Can I take this opportunity to wish Mona, Lisa ,Michaela and Rudi and indeed all Mlt club members a very happy, prosperous and peaceful New Year.

  3. Thank you so much for a GREAT advent calander! Sad to see it end. Love the family photo. I wish a wonderful New Year for the Wagner family.

  4. What a wonderful Advent calendar. It was amazing.

    Thank you so much. I hope you had a Merry Christmas, and all the best to you in the New Year.

  5. Once again thank you for the wonderful Advent Calendar, and the fabulous gift of your visit’s “live” with us.
    Such a wonderful photo memory, it’s absolutely beautiful!
    I played “All I Want Christmas To Be” for Cindy’s sister yesterday (before the whole house went bananas with wall to wall bodies) and she was stunned by it. She had never heard of MLT before so I just may have found you gals another fan!
    Now life will return to some semblance of normal, or at least a bit less hustle and bustle.

  6. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to the Wagner family and to everyone in the MLT Club. I’m so glad i joined the MLT club but sad i didn’t find you all earlier and join then having lots of fun catching up in old advent calendars from the MLT club site. looking forward to 2024

  7. What a wonderful and happy picture, just love it! Had a great Christmas dinner with my relatives and now need to go for some walking exercise as it’s nice and sunny here today. Happy New Year to everyone, even while still enjoying Christmas.

  8. Mona, Lisa, Rudy and Michaela, I didn’t know I needed your music in my life until I heard the Twins’ singing, their wonderful harmonies and the insightful original lyrics and found that I indeed needed them in my life! Thank you all for those livestreams, for letting me share some time with such gifted and talented people. Much love, Pete White

  9. To Mona, Lisa, Michaela & Papa Rudi,

    Thank you SO MUCH again for your Advent Calendar videos this month, they were all so wonderful! I loved all your song selections & performances; they were first rate!!
    And it was so nice to see & hear from your parents; that was an extra bonus!

    I wish the Wagner Family & ALL MLT Club Members a HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON, and a splendid NEW YEAR! I’m anxious to see what the MLT Fab 4 have in store for us in the new year!

    I’m sending a picture of myself holding a few of my Christmas presents today.

    Thanks, Love you all, YOU ROCK!!!! — Bud Jackson

  10. Thank you Wagner Family, this was a wonderfull advent, loved the livestreams and seeing the whole family. What I enjoyed also was the chats with the other members it is nice to meet so many people from all over the world, and whilst we probably are all different and have different backgrounds, we have at least one thing in common that is the love for the things you do, the music, your creativity and certainly your honesty and the way you approach the world.
    Have a healthy and artistic 2024, hope to hear and see a lot of You.

  11. #MLTBUZZLUVGROOVIFIED Merry Xmas Back Atcha to Mona, Lisa, Michaela, Rudi and To My #MLTBUZZLUVGROOVIFIED Kinship Friends here in the MLT Club, and Thankyou for this Being By Far, The Best MLT CLUB ADVENT CALENDAR to date, Immensely enjoyed every minute, the chatting amongst others, every nook and cranny of the whole thing, worthy indeed…. May I Wish 4 All A POSTIVITY-fied Happy Infused #MLTBUZZLUVGROOVIFIED New Year 2024 , Filled /Blessed Upon U All with Goodness, Love, Peace, Inspiration, etc ….

    I spent Xmas Eve with my immediate family this year and a fab time had by all we had, am enjoying a relaxing solo Xmas Day with Xmas Turkey dinner leftovers….
    My fudge and the shortbread-sugar cookies I made & brought for dessert , were a hit again this year with my family….

    Again Wholeheartedly With Thankfulness & Gratitude Beyond what You Do, having met /created friendships kindredness with others on here and through the music over the 16 yrs of being a fan…That’s Truly a Gift Given Forever Grateful For/Of ….πŸ€˜πŸ»πŸ«ΆπŸ˜πŸ€—πŸŽ„πŸ’œπŸ•ŠπŸ’šβ€οΈπŸ«–β˜•οΈβ›„οΈβ„οΈβ˜ƒοΈπŸ¦Œβ˜•οΈπŸ”ŠπŸ‘±β€β™€οΈπŸ‘©β€πŸ¦°πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸ

  12. Thank you so much Mona, Lisa, Michaela, and Rudi! Hope you all had a magical Christmas Eve, and that magic continues all through the holidays and into the new year. The Advent Calendar this year has been an absolute joy. Your music, the MLT Club, and your friendship is one of the most special things in my life that enriches my life in ways I never thought possible. You’ve brought back the magic of Christmas for me each year for the past 6 years with your Advents, and created so many fond memories I will cherish forever.

    Sending much love to the Wagner family, the FAB4.   ❀
    Frohe Weihnachten und alles Gute fΓΌr das neue Jahr. ✨ πŸ•Š
    Merry Christmas to the MLT Community. 🎈

  13. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to the Wagner family and to everyone in the MLT Club. This was a great MLT year. Looking forward to MLT 2024.

  14. Merry Christmas to the whole Wagner family! Thank you for making December so special! The Advent calendar is always a lot of fun. I hope that you enjoy your time off, & have a Happy New Year! Much love from across the pond!!!

  15. Thank you for the countless smiles and wonderful feelings of joy you have made. Enjoy your well earned time off! Looking forward with anticipation to the wonders you will create next year. Until then, Stay Groovy!
    Wishing you only the best, always!
    -Dana πŸ™‚

  16. Thank you for a wonderful year. I’m so glad I joined this club. Wishing you all a nice relaxing, refreshing break and looking forward to 2024.

  17. A very Merry Christmas to the Wagner family and all of the MLTClub! Wishing you all a peaceful and prosperous 2024.

  18. Merry Christmas Mona,Lisa,Papa Rudi,Michaela and everyone in our extended MLT Family.Thanks for an Amazing Advent Calendar Adventure this year.I send Love and Hugs to the 4 of you,and Warmest Wishes for a Happy,Healthy,Joyous New Year to All in the Club.God Bless,and keep us all in his Loving care.

    Happy Holidays to All!!

  19. (To the tune of the refrain from All I Want Christmas to Be:)

    Merry Chriiiiistmaaaaas to team MLT!
    I hope it is joyful and bright as can be,
    And the neeeeew yeeeeear fills you with glee.
    Best holiday wishes from me!

  20. MERRY CHRISTMAS, dear Wagners! Magical is an apt description of what you and the club members have made December! My family and I are truly blessed since discovering you and your music in 2020! You all set a sterling example of how to treat our fellow man, and we clubbers are better people for it! Relax, refresh and cherish each other during this brief time off.
    Blessings always, Jeff