
MLT Club – Photo Archive 2019

Travels, MLT Club & Christmas Album

We started this year off the way you should start off every year … by taking a nice long creative vacation. 😉 The first one in three years to be exact, and boy, did it feel great! After having moved to England, sunshine has become a bit of a rarity, and to be able to soak up some much needed vitamin D again felt heavenly.

Lanzarote was our home for three weeks but for a much bigger reason than to simply relax. We wanted to use the time to the best of our abilities and …

Sounds like the same text as for Year 2016? That’s not because we’re lazy copy-pasters. It’s because we actually did start 2019 the same way as we did 2016. Back then, we had fallen in love with Lanzarote as a songwriting retreat. Luckily so, as it was one of the few places that would allow us to stay within budget while still providing lots of sunshine for another mid-January getaway. (We did have a few days of rain but nothing that would shock us after living in the UK for 5 years ;-))

Unlike last time however, after two album releases and lots of website work in 2018, we started completely from scratch – blank mind, blank paper, 0KB sound file. Also, this time songwriting wasn’t our only mission to accomplish in those three weeks.

Our 2019 photo galleries will begin with a little peek into what we’ve been up to during our “workation” and subsequently take you through the various other projects we have lined up for 2019 that will actually make our main goal – to release a new original album this fall – a very ambitious one.