MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Favorite love songs on Valentine’s Day

  • Jung Roe

    15/02/2024 at 06:13

    This list wouldn’t be complete without Any Other Day. Still Valentines where I am, and this is perfection. The most beautiful love song, it’s amazing the rich diversity in the album WHY? Reminds me of the magic that will always exist in the world.

  • Jürgen

    15/02/2024 at 10:38

    There were also some good german-language love songs in the 80s that reached our charts (for those who are interested…😀)

    Yours Is My Heart Alone
    We made love like hell
    Then he came and we didn't know what to do
    You didn't do well as a dying swan
    I failed as a dark rider
    Instead of pitch and brimstone, suddenly just glaciers and rubble
    We have so much luck on our conscience
    I need your night smell every morning
    And no false eyelashes on the pillows
    Yours Is My Heart Alone
    You're my rhyme for pain
    We'll be like giants, the world will be too small for us
    What kind of people are this
    who have relationships as if they were states?
    They don't seduce each other they only kidnap each other
    They end up like diplomats
    I can't be where you are not
    I don't want to try anything else
    We're like everyone else because we want to go home
    It's almost never too late to realize
  • Jürgen

    15/02/2024 at 10:45

    And Nena’s first big hit that made her famous overnight.

    (Verse 1)
    I am so alone
    I want to be with you
    I see your hand
    I recognized it straight away
    My head is aching, closing my eyes
    I lie in the green grass and I'm telling myself something
    I didn't miss anything today
    Because I only dreamed about you
    We haven't seen each other for a long time
    I'll go over to you
    Everything I like about you
    I mean it the way I say it
    I am completely confused
    I'll go crazy if it happens today
    (Verse 2)
    I'm already on fire
    I'm walking towards you
    Your looks annoy me
    Always think only of me

    PS: sorry, both translations aren’t really nice, but I’m too lazy to worry about linguistic details now.

    • Jung Roe

      16/02/2024 at 04:36

      That’s a catchy song Jurgen, captures the 80s feel really nicely. Nena and Falco made a big splash in the 80s in North America I remember.

    • Jürgen

      16/02/2024 at 06:49

      Thanks Jung and Tim. Nena may not have the prettiest voice, but she always exuded a lot of joy of life and energy. I think that was her secret. Later she also appeared together with Kim Wilde. The song lyrics were then presented half in English and half in German. That was a nice idea. It’s interesting to see how much the music world revolves around this one theme that moves us all: love.

      I know that the Norwegian band a-ha also had success in the US. I really like the following song. Actually more of a song about farewell, but that’s also part of love sometimes.

    • Tim Arnold

      16/02/2024 at 05:54


      I’ve never heard these before, thanks for posting them. I knew that I remembered Nena from somewhere and it was her song 99 Luftbalons. I remember that song and video was played many times on MTV back in the 80’s when they actually played music on that channel.

  • Jürgen

    16/02/2024 at 06:54

    Tim, I know that I sometimes seem a bit exotic here with my choice of music. Personally, I always find it interesting to get to know music that I didn’t know before. That’s my idea to post such pieces of music here in the forum. And you’re right that the topic of love shouldn’t just be important one day a year, but actually 365 days a year. „After Valentine’s Day is before Valentine’s Day“ 😀 (quoted loosely from Sepp Herberger, a german soccer legend. The original quote is: „After the game is before the game“)

    The following beautiful love song classic from the 80s should not be missing here. I know, well known, but always very nice.

    • David Herrick

      16/02/2024 at 15:15

      Eternal Flame is one of my favorite songs from the 80’s, Juergen, although granted that’s a very low bar to clear.

    • Jürgen

      16/02/2024 at 16:18

      It’s a pity that the band broke up, David. They have produced some very nice songs like „Manic Monday“ and cover songs like „If she knew what she wants“ and „A hazy shade of winter“. As far as I know, they had a complete falling out during the production of the song „Walk like an Egyptian“ and they later separated. That was probably the mummy’s curse…

    • David Herrick

      16/02/2024 at 16:30

      I didn’t know that If She Knew What She Wants was a cover, Juergen. Among the Bangles songs that I’m familiar with, that’s my second favorite.

    • Tim Arnold

      16/02/2024 at 17:52

      That’s a great one David. I never paid much attention to the Bangles when they were popular, I was into heavier rock music but I like listening to them now. They were a talented band and recorded some really great tunes. They did a lot of cover songs but were mostly songs that weren’t hits by the original artists like Hazy Shade of Winter. Manic Monday was a song Prince wrote for them.

      Susanna Hoffs is the real, not just a pretty face but a great artist. I do believe she/they are still making music. I’m not sure if all the originals are still playing though but I think they healed their wounds.

    • David Herrick

      16/02/2024 at 18:15

      Tim, apparently three of the four are back together. The bassist has been replaced by her own pre-fame predecessor, so it’s now technically the original lineup.

      I didn’t know before MLT played it recently that Hazy Shade of Winter wasn’t considered a hit for Simon and Garfunkel. It was before my time, but it reached #13 on Billboard and was in the regular rotation on the oldies station I listened to in the 80’s before the Bangles’ version came out.

    • Tim Arnold

      16/02/2024 at 19:08

      Thanks David for the info. I’m glad they are still playing music together. I’m surprised that Hazy Shade reached #13 on the charts for S&G. I didn’t even know it was a single. I’ve heard their version of course but not a lot. I have Bridge Over Troubled Water cd and I think I still have their greatest hits cd but that’s about it. I listened to them a lot when I was a kid mainly because my older brothers and sisters loved them but I did like a lot of their music.

      Another of the girl groups I liked even though I wasn’t a big fan of that genre was the Pointer Sisters. They could sing everything from soul to rock and when they sang about love they could make it hot and steamy. I didn’t seek out their music but I always enjoyed it when I heard it. Here’s a live video of them doing the song Fire written by Bruce Springsteen. They have they audience in the palm of their hands, really cool.

    • David Herrick

      16/02/2024 at 20:35

      Apparently Hazy Shade was surprisingly obscure. Here’s a revealing quote from Susanna Hoffs that I just found on Wikipedia:

      I’m listening to K-EARTH 101, an oldies station. I’m alone in this dark room and all I had was the radio. “Hazy Shade of Winter” came on one day. I thought I was a Simon & Garfunkel aficionado but I, somehow, had missed that badass folk-rock song of theirs. I ran to our band rehearsal that night and was like, “We have to cover this song”.

    • Jürgen

      16/02/2024 at 19:09

      David, what always irritated me about the song “If she knew want she wants” was that the lyrics were sung by a woman. It sounded more like a man and woman relationship thing. And indeed: the song was first composed and sung by musician Jules Shear and The Bangles then varied the text a bit to make it fit again. But I like the bangles version better. Also one of my favorite Bangles hits. Jules Shear has also composed songs for other musicians. For example, the following song for Cyndi Lauper. Cyndi Lauper was always a bit weird, but I liked her style and many of her songs.

  • Thomas Randall

    16/02/2024 at 15:57

    One that immediately pops into my head from the late, great Jim Croce:

    • Tim Arnold

      16/02/2024 at 17:40

      Thanks Thomas, Jim Croce had so many great songs. I love this one, it’s so true, sometimes we men can never find the words to express our feelings but you can always find the right words in a song.

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