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  • Liverpool Travel Tips?

    Posted by James Crowe on 07/05/2023 at 20:42

    I am looking forward to a trip to Ireland, England and France in mid-June. I’ll be in England on a Beatles Pilgrimage tour, 3 day in London and 4 days in Liverpool. The tour will of course cover all of the Beatles sites. However, we will have free time in the evenings to roam the cities on our own. We have our itinerary for London pretty well laid out. However, I could use some input on non-Beatles must-see places in Liverpool. Any suggestions from those of you living nearby, or that have been there a few times?

    James Crowe replied 1 year, 1 month ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Steve Kirk

    08/05/2023 at 14:49

    Hi James. As you can imagine Liverpool is all things Beatle and almost done to overkill these days. Albert Dock is a good place to go with Art galleries and interesting museums as well as plenty of shopping. You might enjoy a ferry trip over the Mersey and a walk in the Wirral. There’s the Radio City Tower, if it’s still open which sits high above the city. You used to be able to have a meal up there while the restaurant rotates. Don’t worry it doesn’t go quick! A bit further afield is Port Sunlight Village which is lovely. A few years ago I took my son to a stadium tour of the home of Liverpool FC, Anfield. This was very interesting seeing behind the scenes of one of the best football teams in the world. There is much much more, I’m just touching the surface. Best wishes, Steve

    • James Crowe

      12/05/2023 at 01:56

      Thanks for the tips! I’m particularly interested in visiting the tower (seems like a great place to see the city!), and need to look into the stadium tour.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by  James Crowe.

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