All Video Clips on our Website & YouTube – New Videos!

We finally finished cutting ALL video clips from the MonaLisa Concert in October 07.

We uploaded them on Youtube and you can watch them on our website as well. It really was a lot of work (mainly for our Dad) to cut the music videos for 24 songs but we are really pleased with the result and hope you are too.
You can find us on Youtube under “MonaLisaTwins”. Write comments and subscribe if you want. Let us know what you think about the clips and show them to your friends if you like them.

All the best,
Mona & Lisa


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  1. Yes, Mona and Lisa; for a matter of fact, I was pleased with the results and I am especially happy that you were. I would guess that other young people, such as the Gibbs brothers (aka the Bee Gees), performed live in front of many family and friends. Nonetheless, I highly doubt if any of them played any full concerts of 24 songs, and did them with both their parents. I would lay odds of ten million to one that your early concerts are the very best documented. By the way; all four of you put on an awesome show!